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1、2炉子级别及装置类型:1). 高温炉:级别:5级;装置类型:淬火:D类;回火:D类2). 中温炉:Class and Instrumentation type of the Heat treatment Furnaces:High-temperature furnace: Class: 5, Instrumentation type: Quenching: Type D;Tempering: Type D.Middle-temperature furnace: Tempering:2.1 符合炉子级别、装置类型的热处理设备引用该规程进行鉴定时,应明确设备编号、炉膛尺寸、TUE及SAT检测热电偶

2、的分布。3. TUS鉴定程序3.1热电偶 Thermocouplea. 检测热电偶可以是贱金属或B、R、S贵金属。b. 检测热电偶精度要求+/-4(+/-2.2)或+/-0.75%(以大者为准)。系统精度检测精度要求:贱金属+/-2(+/-1.1)或+/-0.4%;贵金属+/-1.0(+/-0.6)或+/-0.10%(R、S型),+/-0.25%(B型)。c. 校验周期为B、R、S型6个月,J、N型3个月。a. TUS and SAT thermocouples may be base metal or B、R、S precious metal. b. Permitted error for

3、TUS is 4 F (2.2 C) or 0.75%, whichever is greater.Permitted error for SAT is: base metal +/-2(+/-1.1)or +/-0.4%; precious metal +/-1.0(+/-0.6)or +/-0.10% (Type R, S), +/-0.25% (Type B)c. Calibration shall be performed every 6 months for Type B, R, & S and 3 months - Type J & N.3.2 仪表 Instrument检测仪表为

4、便携式测试仪。精度为+/-1(+/-0.6)或读数在的+/-0.1%。校验周期为3个月。Portable instrument shall be used for the test.The accuracy is +/-1(+/-0.6)or +/-0.1% of reading in .Calibration shall be carried out every 3 months.3.3 检测电偶的数量和放置 Number and location of TUS thermocouplesa) 检测电偶的数量 最少有15个TUS传感器。Number of TUS thermocouple:A

5、t least 15 TUS sensors;b) 检测电偶的位置在检测指导书中明确。3.4 测试环境 Test environment 检测时炉子的状态应与热处理生产时的状态一致。The test to the furnace shall be carried out in the condition consistent with that during heat treatment process.3.5 测试方法 Test method3.5.1 TUS传感器插入的时间在炉子未经加热或者在炉温低于检测温度时插入TUS传感器。Time of TUS sensor insertionTUS

6、 Sensors can be inserted into the furnace when the furnace is not heated or at a temperature below the survey temperature.3.5.2装载情况TUS检测时炉子内以最大设计装载量放置产品或报废钢铁部件。在TUS初始阶段确定的检测方法应该持续到检测结束。如果改变方法,应重新进行初始的TUS以证实修订的方法。Load Condition: TUS test shall be carried out with a maximum planned load with parts or

7、scrapped steel material. Survey method established at initial stage of the test shall continue till the end of the test. In case any change is made to the established method, an initial TUS shall be performed to validate the revised method.炉子在进行炉温均匀性检查时的装载量见附录1,Refer Appendix 1for the furnace load a

8、t TUS test.3.5.3 检测温度及精度要求检测温度应是批准的操作温度范围的最低和最高点, 精度符合要求。Test shall be performed at the highest and lowest operation temperatures and accuracy requirements shall be satisfied.炉子在进行炉温均匀性检测时的检测温度及精度要求见附录1。Refer Appendix 1,for temperature and accuracy requirements for TUS test.3.5.4数据的收集: TUS data coll

9、ection:数据的收集应在第一个TUS传感器到达每个设定温度的下限公差之前开始,以便能清楚地发现任何超过温度均匀性公差上限TUS传感器。如果炉子先处于稳定状态,数据的收集应从测试装载或支架装入炉子时开始。Data collection shall begin before the first TUS sensor reaches the lower tolerance limit of each test temperature so that any TUS sensor exceeding the upper temperature uniformity tolerance is cle

10、arly detected. If the furnace is pre-stabilized, data collection shall begin as soon as the test load or rack is loaded in the furnace.一旦开始数据收集,来自于TUS传感器的温度数据应在检测期间至少以每两分钟一次的频次进行读取。来自于炉子的传感器的数据,根据适当的装置类型确定,应按如下记录(作为超温报警的传感器,可以不记录):Once data collection begins, temperature data shall be recorded from

11、all TUS sensors at a frequency of at least one set of all readings every two minutes for the duration of the survey. Data from furnace sensors required by the applicable instrumentation type shall be recorded as follows: (Sensors whose function is only over temperature protection do not need to be r

12、ecorded.)在任何情况下,用于测试、控制或记录的传感器都不应该超过温度均匀性公差上限。炉温达到检测温度后要保温直到所有检测传感器都进入稳定状态。稳定之后,数据收集应至少再持续30分钟,温度数据应至少以每两分钟一次的频次进行读取。所有的检测热电偶都必须在预期的温度范围之内,不能超出最高或最低温度限止。At no time shall any test, control or recording sensor exceed the upper temperature uniformity tolerance. The furnace shall be held at the test tem

13、perature until all test sensors have stabilized. After stabilization, data collection shall continue for a minimum of 30 additional minutes, temperature data shall be read out at a frequency of at least every two minutes. All survey thermocouples must be within the desired temperature range and must

14、 not be changing such that they may drift above or below the maximum or minimum temperature.3.6 温度均匀性检测传感器故障Temperature Uniformity Survey Sensor Failures在工作区的角落位置的TUS传感器不允许出现故障。连接短路或松弛而后又恢复了正常的温度数据输出,类似这样的暂时状况不应看作是失效的检测热电偶。在TUS检测过程中,除了2个相邻的TUS传感器故障或TUS传感器出现故障的数目超过了如下所述,TUS传感器的失效(除了在角落位置)不应看作是检测失败的原因

15、:No TUS sensor failures at the corner locations of the work zone are permitted. A temporary condition such as a short or loose connection where normal temperature readout is restored shall not be considered a failed survey thermocouple. Catastrophic failure of a TUS sensor (except at a corner locati

16、on) during a TUS need not be cause for survey failure unless 2 adjacent TUS sensors fail or the number of TUS sensor failures exceeds the following:3到9个传感器的检测 不允许故障 Survey with 3 to 9 sensors No failures10到16个传感器的检测 1个故障Survey with 10 to 16 sensors 1 failure对测试温度在2000(1093)及以上的:For test temperatures

17、 of 2000 F (1093 C) and above:3到5个传感器的检测 不允许故障Survey with 3 to 5 sensors No failures6到9个传感器的检测 1个故障Survey with 6 to 9 sensors 1 failure10到16个传感器的检测 2个故障Survey with 10 to 16 sensors: 2 failures3.7 计算及报告 Calculation and report3.7.1在每只热电偶显示的温度上加上或减去热电偶及仪表的校正值,得到实际温度。如果结果满足规范要求的温度公差,则检测合格;否则,应找出原因重新测试。T

18、he actual temperature values will be obtained by plus or minus correction of thermocouple and instrument. It is acceptable if result meets temperature tolerance requirement of specification. Otherwise, the reason of failure must be found out, and re- test must be done. 3.7.2 均匀性报告应包括的内容: TUS Report

19、should include:a. 炉子识别名称或编号b. 检测温度及精度c. TUS传感器和位置标识,包括使用的载荷或支架的图示、描述或照片d. 在每个测试温度的所有TUS传感器的校正值、经校正或未经校正的读数。读数应注明经校正或未经校正。e. 测试的人员的名字f. 检测开始的日期和时间g. 检测结束的日期和时间h. 测试仪器的识别号i. 测试通过或失败的说明j. 传感器严重失效的记录k. 显示所有测试区TUS传感器和控制或监控传感器的温度和时间变化的图形数据。l. TUS传感器的温度和时间数据应按附录2的表格汇总供质量部门审查。m. 每个测试温度段经过加减的最终读数汇总。n. 质量部门的批

20、准。a. Furnace identification name or numberb. Survey temperatures and accuracyc. TUS sensor and location identification including a detailed diagram, description or photograph(s) of any load or rack usedd. Correction factors as well as corrected or uncorrected readings of all TUS sensors at each surv

21、ey temperature. Readings shall be identified as corrected or uncorrected.e. Name of technician performing surveyf. Survey start date and timeg. Survey end date and timeh. Survey test instrument identification numberi. Indication of test pass or test failj. Documentation of furnace survey sensor cata

22、strophic failuresk. Time and temperature profile data showing TUS sensors and control or monitoring sensors for all zones testedl. Temperature and time dada of TUS sensor shall be recorded in a form as per Appendix 2 for the review of quality assurance department.m. Summary of final plus and minus r

23、eadings at each test temperaturen. Quality organization approval.3.8炉子使用前必须进行检测,投入使用后的定期测试频率如下表:Test must be done before the use of furnace and subsequent tests shall be carried out with frequency below:炉子类型Furnace Type.最初的TUS频率Initial TUS frequency后来成功的TUS次数(1)Number of successful consecutive TUS(他

24、)减少后的TUS频次Reduced TUS FrequencyD每季度Quarterly4每半年Semiannually(1) 在减少TUS频次以前要求的成功测试数量。Number of consecutive successful tests required before going to reduced TUS frequency.3.8.1允许的检测日期的延长 Allowable extension beyond the due date:校验/测试周期Calibration/test interval在预定日期后允许延长的天数Allowable extension beyond th

25、e due date (Days)每月monthly3每季度quarterly每半年semi annually6每年annually123.9炉子改造与调整:炉子在经过改造或经过可能改变炉子温度均匀性特点的调整之后,都要重新进行初始的TUS检测。改造或修理包括:a. 改变已经批准的最高或最低工作温度;b. 改变加热体尺寸、数量、类型或位置;c. 改变加热元件数量、类型或位置;d. 改变气流方式/速度(风扇速度、风扇数量等);e. 改变耐火材料厚度;f. 使用不同热性能的新的耐火材料;g. 改变控制传感器位置;h. 改变温度控制方案(成比例的与高-低/关-开相对)i. 增大以前未经测试的工作区范

26、围j. 改变以前未经测试的工作区位置Furnace ModificationsAn initial TUS shall be performed after any furnace modification or adjustment that could have altered the temperature uniformity characteristics of the furnace, they include:a. Increase in the maximum qualified operating temperature or decrease in the minimum

27、qualified operating temperatureb. Burner size, number, type, or location changec. Heating element number, type, or location changed. Changes to airflow pattern /velocity (baffle positions, fan speed, fan quantity, etc.)e. Change of refractory thicknessf. New refractory with different thermal propert

28、iesg. Change of control sensor locationh. Temperature control scheme change (proportional versus high-low/off-on)i. Work zone volume increase covering area not previously testedj. Work zone location change covering area not previously tested.炉子的一切修改都要记录在案,质量保证部门要根据改造和炉子的详细结构决定是否需要做初始的TUS 检测。 All fur

29、naces modifications shall be documented and the responsible quality assurance department shall make the determination whether an initial TUS is required based on the modification made and the particular furnace configuration.3.10炉子修理:为了使炉子恢复到正常状态,而又不影响炉子温度均匀性特征的小修小补,替换损坏或有故障的零部件,或是例行的维护保养,不要求重新TUS。包括:a. 同样的加热体/贴砖的替换; b. 用热性能相同的耐火材料进行的修理; c. 控制器或监控传感器在原来位置的替换;d. 系统精度测试失败e. 炉门密封的修理f. 替换加热系统零部件(例如:气体调节器、阀门、计量装置、加热元件等)Furnace RepairsMinor repairs or replace

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