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1、可数名词和不可数名词1. 可数名词:是表示可以用数目来计算的人、事物和概念的普通名词,一般有单数和复数两种形式。分类专有名词Mary,Beijing普通名词可数个体名词book, pen, man集体名词family, police不可数物质名词water, sand抽象名词happiness, sadness一、 可数名词复数的构成:(1)规则名词一般在词尾加s或es.(2)不规则:改变元音字母或词尾加en等方式 man-men goose-geese woman-women ox-oxen foot-feet phenomenon-phenomena (3)合成名词的复数A、 通常只将其中

2、的主体名词变成复数。如:lookersonsons-in-law grandchildren B. 如果没有主体名词,在最后一个上加复数。go-betweens 中间人 grown-upsC. 由-man(-woman)构成的派生词,应把它们变成复数形式-men(-women);但若是由man(woman)作前置定语,则常把定语和修饰词都变复数。countrymen firewomen men doctors women teachers注意:由girl 和boy构成的词只变修饰词,如;girl students boy studentsD. 一些名词单复数形式相同,如:means serie

3、s fish sheep deer Chinese以及其它以-ese结尾的表国人的词。E. 有些名词通常只有复数形式,如:scissors clothes trousers shortsF. 有些名词的复数有两个意思,如:arms 手臂;武器colors 颜色;旗帜G 有些名词是单数形式,却用作复数。police cattle等H. 缩写、数字、字母的复数常用加 s的方法来构成,如;Ph.D.s- 哲学博士们 three As - 三个A 1990s-二十世纪九十年代上列复数也可不加。二、 不可数名词:是表示无法用数目来计算的事物和概念的普通名词,一般只有单数形式,且不能用a,an或one 来

4、修饰。(1)不可数名词的量的概念常用量词短语来表示。 如a piece of newsa glass of water (2) 有些不可数名词加s后 意思就发生了变化,如: air 空气airs 神气 good 好事 goods 货物 time 时间times 时代 (3)有些名词即是可数名词也是不可数名词,但其意思有所不同,如: a room 一个房间room 空间 a chicken 一只小鸡chicken 鸡肉 a glass 一个玻璃杯glass 玻璃名词的s属格 名词在句子中表示所有关系、所属关系、动作执行者、动作承受者等意义时,常需所有格。1.s属格的构成:1)通常是在名词后加“s

5、”(读音同复数词尾): 单数名词:the nurses shoes 那护士的鞋无词尾s的复数名词: the childrens palace 少年宫复合名词:the woman cooks coat 那女厨师的外衣短语:half an hours walk 半小时的步行2)有时是在名词后加“”(不读音): 有词尾s的复数名词: the boys toys 男孩们的玩具 以z音结尾的人名:Charles house2.s属格的使用:1)主要用于表示有生命者的名词,如:her familys pride 她家庭的骄傲下面两种结构语义不同:Jim and Henrys bike 吉姆和亨利的自行车(

6、两人共同的自行车)Jims and Henrys bikes 吉姆的自行车和亨利的自行车(两人各自的自行车)2)也可用于表示无生命者的名词: 表示地点意义的名词: the citys history 那城市的历史 表示时间意义的名词:two days work 两天的工作 有关人的活动的名词:the books author 那本书的作者 在一些习惯用语中:at the deaths door 病危3. s属格后名词的省略:1)前面已出现过,为避免重复: This watch is Smiths 这表是史密斯的。2)其后的名词表示某人的家时:I stayed at Helens (house)

7、. 我待在海伦家3)其后的名词表示某家店铺时: He went to the barbers. 他去理发店了。4)其后的名词表示公共建筑时: St.Pauls is grand. 圣保罗教堂很宏伟。of属格1.of属格的使用:1)主要用于表示无生命者的名词和表示低等动物的名词:the history of the city 那城市的历史the wings of the bird 那鸟的翅膀2)也用于表示人和高等动物的名词:the pride of her family 家庭的骄傲2.s属格和of属格的关系: 两者大都可通用(对照上面各例),但有时只能用s属格,有时则只能用of属格。1)只能用s

8、属格不能用of属格的情况表示类别和属性时: womens clothing女服(不用clothing of women)在习惯用语中: at the deaths door(不用at the door of death)所修饰的名词后有修饰语等时: the mans book (that is) about war 人关于战争的书表示人的所属关系时: Mikes mother 麦克的母亲(不用the mother of Mike)更多强调属格名词时可用of属格: the papers of Professor Black布莱克教授的论文为了用词的平衡时也可用of属格: the death of

9、 Charlie the Second查理二世的死2)只能用of属格不能用s属格的情况:属格的名词后有修饰语等时: the book of the man, (who is) a worker 那人(他是一个工人)的书由the加形容词或分词构成名词时: the tombs of the killed 死者的坟墓双重属格双重属格是s属格和of属格的结合格式,通常表示“许多中的一个(或一部分)”之意,带有感情色彩,其中用语属格的名词或代词表示某个确定的人。a friend of Toms(=Toms friends)汤姆的一个朋友第二章 冠词冠词(article)是对名词起限定作用的词,共有两个:

10、定冠词the和不定冠词a(n);此外,不用冠词的情况通常又称为零冠词。第一节 不定冠词不定冠词有两种形式:a和an a用于辅音(不一定是辅音字母)开头的名词前,如a boy / union / European / hotel / youth an用于元音(不一定是元音字母)开头的名词前,如 an arm / uncle / egg / honor 不定冠词多用于单数可数名词,不定指,常表类指意义和量指意义,也可用于其他情况。1. 指不确定的某个人或物(某指)。 There is a car over there. Is that yours?2. 泛指某一类人或物中的一个或任意一个(类指)。

11、A teacher is a person who teaches , esp. in school.Have an apple please, will you?3. 表示“一(个)”的意义,相当于one(量指)。The street is about a thousand meters long.4. 表示“每一”的意思,用于of或at后。Take the pills two at a time.每次服两片。第二节 定冠词定冠词(definite article)the可以用于各种名词前,其基本意义是特指,也可表示类指意义和其他意义。指确定的每个人或物(特指)1. 指上文已提过的人或物。H

12、e came across an old friend in a shop. The friend was now a general manager.2. 特指说话双方都知道的人或物。Did you park the car at the corner ?3. 特指限定性后置定语所明确的人或物。The car in front of our house is not ours.4. 特指形容词最高级,比较级所修饰的每个确定的人或物。He chose the bigger orange ,but she chose the smallest one.5. 特指独一无二的事物(包括方位等)。Tu

13、rn to the right and face the sun.指某一类人或物(泛指)1. 用于单数可数名词前泛指一类人或物。The leaves help the plant to breathe.叶子使植物得以进行呼吸。2. 用于形容词前泛指一类人或一抽象概念。The right and the wrong are the opposites.正确的东西和错误的东西是对立的事物。3. 用于表民族或国籍的形容词前泛指整个民族(国家)的人。The English have a wonderful sense of humor.英国人非常具有幽默感。但加于以an和ese等结尾的形容词前时,有时

14、还可特指该民族中的某一部分人。The Japanese over there are all university students.那边的那些日本人都是大学生。其他用法1. 用于一些指一类人的集合名词(如:public, party, class等)前。They belong to the English middle class.他们属于英国的中产阶级。2. 用于演奏的乐器名称前。She could play the violin when she was only a little girl.她还是小姑娘时就会拉提琴了。3. 用于除球类,棋类活动以外的文娱活动名称前。They often

15、 go to the cinema on weekends.他们周末常去看电影。4. 用于表示设计身体或物体的某一部分的介词短语中。The little girl pulled me by the sleeve.那个小姑娘拽住我的衣袖。定冠词与不定冠词的区别其根本区别在于:定冠词的基本意义为“定指”,而不定冠词的基本意义为“不定指”,因此首次提到某人(事物)时要用不定冠词,再次提到该人时(事物)时则要用定冠词。A farmer met a soldier. The soldier asked the farmer if he had seen an officer. The farmer an

16、swered “yes” and said the officer had left his farm long before.第三节 零冠词用于复数名词前1. 泛指一类人的事物。I like oranges more than apples.用于不可数名词(物质名词和多数抽象名词)前1. 泛指一类物质或一般概念。I love music, art and coffee very much.我非常喜欢音乐、艺术和咖啡。2. 表示不定量的物质。He had coffee and bread for breakfast today.他今天早饭吃的是咖啡和面包。用于某些单数可数名词前1. 用于man

17、和woman前(man指人类,或与women相对而言;woman指所有妇女)。Woman, like man, must strive for political freedom.女人应该和男人一样为政治自由而战。2. 用于季节名称前(若指某个该季节可带the,表示“某一个”之意可带a)。In spring and winter it is wet in this state.这个州春季和冬季气候潮湿。(但:The story took place in the winter of 1918. It was a very cold winter.这个故事发生在1918年的冬天。那是一个寒冷的冬

18、天。)3. 用于三餐的名称前(若指具体的某餐可带the,表示“某一个”之意可带a)。If dinner is at midday, the evening meal is called tea or supper如果正餐在中午,晚餐就叫茶点或晚饭。(但They had a late supper yesterday, but the supper was well cooked。他们昨天晚饭吃得很晚,但那顿饭做得很不错。4. 用于球类运动、棋类游戏名称前。I prefer football to basketball and chess to bridge, too.我喜欢足球胜过篮球,喜欢象

19、棋胜过桥牌。5. 用于某些结构中表示仅有一个人担任的职务或头衔前(也可用the)。They elected his father (the)chairman of the committee.他们选他父亲为委员会主席。用于一些与介词习惯搭配的名词前1. 在一些表示时间的名词前:at sunrise/noon/ midday/ sunset/ sundown/ nightfall/ night/ midnight在日出/中午/正午/日落/黄昏/夜晚/半夜by night/ day 夜间/昼间after nightfall/dark 黄昏后/拂晓后2. 在一些平行结构中:arm in arm/ha

20、nd in hand 臂挽着臂/手拉着手day by day / inch by inch / little by little /side by side一天天/逐渐/一点点/肩并肩day after day / night after night /time after time一天又一天/一夜又一夜/重复地face to face / end to end /hand to hand / back to back面对面/头尾相接/逼近/背对背from morning / beginning /head / top /right / north to night /end foot bot

21、tom /left /south从早晨/开始/头/顶/又/北到晚上/结尾/脚/底/左/南3.其他如:at ease / hand / heart /last /peace /present 安逸/即将发生/内心里/终于/和平相处/目前by accident / chance /heart /surprise 无意中/偶然/记住/出其不意in advance / danger /debt /fact /reply 预先/在危险中/负债/事实上/作为答复in half / love /order /peace/public (成)两半/陷入情网/井井有条/平平安安/公然in secret/surp

22、rise/silence/time/wonder 秘密地/惊讶地/默默地/及时/惊奇on duty/ earth/foot/hand/sale/time 值班/究竟|步行/在手头上/出售/准时out of breath/condition/control/danger 喘不过气来/健康不佳/失去控制/脱离危险out of debt/reach/sight/time/use 还清债务/够不着/看不见/不合时宜/已不用词汇讲解:1. abandon vt. (1)离弃,丢弃 (2)遗弃,抛弃 (3)放弃Ex: The car was abandoned in the woods off the h

23、ighway. The kids hurled pieces of wood on the fire with abandon. Dont abandon yourself to despair.Ph. abandon oneself to 沉溺于 with abandon 放任地,放纵地,纵情地考点:The plan was _ when it was discovered just how much the scheme would lost.A. released B. desert C. resigned D. abandoned2. aboard adv./prep 在船(车)上,上

24、船 Ex: We must not take dangerous goods aboard.3. abroad adv. 往国外,海外 Many students who study abroad without scholarships have to work to earn money.Ph: go abroad 出国4. absence n. 不在,缺席 absent adj. 缺席的,缺乏的 How many students are absent from class today? The manager needs an assistant to take care of the

25、 business in his absence. in the absence of 在(人)不在时在(物)缺乏或没有时5. absolute adj. 完全的,绝对的,十足的Ex. How did you do that? Youre an absolute genius.5. absorb vt. 吸收,吸引Ph. be absorbed in 专心致志于. absorb ones attention 吸引某人注意考点: The writer was so _ in her work that she didnt notice him enter the room.A. absorbed

26、 B. abandonedC. focused D. centered7. abuse n./vt. 滥用,虐待,辱骂Ex. He was arrested on charges of corruption and abuse of power.They abused each other.It has been revealed that some government leaders _ their authority and position to get illegal profits for themselves.A. employ B. takeC. abuse D. overlo

27、ok8. academic adj. 学院的,理论的Ex. History, economics and German are academic.9. accelerate vt. 加速,增快Ex. The policy accelerates the speed of the economic reform.The political action _ the fall of the government.A. promoted B. acceleratedC. hastened D. advanced10. accent n. 口音,重音 vt. 重读Ex. Broadcasters tr

28、ied to abandon their native regional accents. Please accent the word on the first syllable.11. accept vt.接受,认可 vi. 承认 The police accepted his story as true.I can not accept my defeat.区别:receive , acceptEx. Yesterday I received a present, but I didnt accept it.12. acceptable adj. 可接受的,合意的 His proposa

29、l is quite acceptable. acceptance n. 接受,赞同 She won/gained acceptance by the King family only through extraordinary diligence.It took years for Einsteins theory to gain _.A. reception B. admissionC. ownership D. acceptance13. access n. 通道,入口,接近(to)的机会 vt. 接近 The only access to the building is along a muddy track. Students must have access to a good library. have / gain / get access to 有使用/进入/使用.的机会或权利

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