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This is IN THE NEWS in VOA Special EnglishWord文档下载推荐.docx

1、vi:ikl n. 车辆;交通工具;) are washed away in Kesennuma BARACK OBAMA: First and foremost, our thoughts and our prayers are with the people of Japan. This is a potentially catastrophic(,ktstrfik adj. 灾难的;悲惨的) disaster and the images of destruction and flooding coming out of Japan are simply heartbreaking. J

2、apan is, of course, one of our strongest and closest allies(laiz n同盟国)and this morning I spoke with Prime Minister Naoto Kan. On behalf of the American people, I conveyed our deepest condolences(kndulns n. 哀悼;慰问), especially to the victims and their families. And I offered our Japanese friends whate

3、ver assistance is needed. We currently have an aircraft carrier in Japan and another is on its way.Japanese media said the tsunami carried away a ship carrying one hundred people. Television images showed a whole community on fire.The quake has produced powerful aftershocks. It also raised concerns

4、about possible effects on the worlds third-largest economy. The economy was the second largest until China recently moved into that position. Japan has invested(invest vt. 投资;耗费;) a lot of resources in preparing for earthquakes. Still, the nineteen ninety-five earthquake in Kobe caused an estimated

5、one hundred billion dollars in damage.The value of the yen dropped Friday but then recovered.Japan is the worlds third-largest importer of oil. World prices for oil fell after the quake. This followed weeks of increases because of unrest(,nrest n. 不安) in the Middle East and North Africa. Oil traders

6、 said prices fell because of a belief that quake damage will hurt growth in Japan and reduce demand for energy.AP Train passengers wait at Tokyos Shinagawa station after service was halted(h:lt vi. 停止;踌躇,犹豫;)The quake happened about three hundred seventy kilometers northeast of Tokyo. It shook build

7、ings in the capital, halting all train and subway traffic and leaving many people unable to get home. Joruji Shinozaki wrote on the VOA Learning English page on Facebook: Fridays earthquake was a nightmare(naitm n. 恶梦;). Suddenly the building where I live in Tokyo shook violently and objects began t

8、o fall. I was so scared because Ive never experienced such a strong quake before in my life.Another Facebook user in Japan, Mitsutoshi Sato, wrote: It was a frightening experience. The blackout lasted for more than 10 hours around me. Thank each and every one of you in the world praying for Japan.翻译

9、:这里是VOA特别英语时事新闻。周五,历史罕见的强震袭击了日本,并引发海啸,海浪高达十米。海啸卷走了东京以北海岸地区的船只,汽车和房屋,还导致太平洋地区的海啸预警。科学家测定这次地震的强度为8.9级。美国地质调查局(U.S. Geological Survey)表示,这是自1900年以来的第五大地震。最大的地震为9.5级,于1960年袭击智利。地震袭击了日本本州岛东部海岸附近,震中位于仙台东部130千米处的海底。海啸卷走了仙台的整个社区。奥巴马总统承诺提供日本需要的一切援助。他已经计划在周五会见记者,对这次灾难进行讨论。奥巴马:“首先,我们要表达对日本民主的牵挂和祈祷。这可能是一次悲剧性的灾难


11、发生的地震造成了大约1000亿美元的损失。周五,日元的汇率出现短暂下降,但是很快恢复。日本是世界上第三大石油进口国。地震过后,世界石油价格下降。之前,由于中东和北非地区的动荡,石油价格连续几周上涨。石油贸易商表示,石油价格下降是由于人们相信,地震造成的破坏会危害日本的经济增长,降低对能源的需求。地震发生在东京东北部370千米处。地震造成首都的房屋摇晃,火车和地铁停止运营,许多人不能回家。Joruji Shinozaki在VOA英语学习的Facebook网页上留言:周五的地震就是一场噩梦。我在东京居住的房屋突然剧烈摇晃起来,许多物品开始掉落下来。我非常害怕,因为在我的生命中,我从来没有经历过这么

12、强烈的地震。日本另外一名Facebook用户Mitsutoshi Sato写道:这是令人非常害怕的经历。停电持续了十多个小时。感谢全世界所有为日本祈祷的人。词汇学习:1.magnitude n.巨大,重大,重要,大小,数量,光度 【地】震级2.potentially adv.潜在地;可能地 例句:a potentially volatile situation 有可能动荡的局势 burning potentially hazardous medical waste 焚烧有潜在危害的医疗垃圾3.catastrophic kstrfik adj.灾难性的 potentially catastrop

13、hic for the environment 可能对环境造成灾难性后果 It has been predicted that the Earth will tilt on its axis,causing catastrophic famine and disease. 有人曾预言地球会导致大荒灾和疾病。4.convey knvei v.表达, 转达,传递 I cant convey my feelings in words. 我无法用言语来表达我的情感。5aftershock n.余震内容解析:1.The water washed away boats, cars and houses i

14、n coastal areas north of Tokyo.wash away冲走, 清洗 She washed away the stains. 她洗去了污迹。 A ship got stranded along the shore, but last night sea waves washed it away again. 有条船在岸边搁浅了, 可昨天晚上海浪又把它冲走了。2.This is a potentially catastrophic disaster and the images of destruction and flooding coming out of Japan are simply e out of由产生,从出来What come out of the meeting? 会议结果如何?

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