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1、 he rejected all conventions and advocated self-sufficient and extreme simplicity in life. He proclaimed his brotherhood, not only with the whole human race, but also with animals. And he has no patient with the rich and powerful.The first and most direct Cynic influence is upon the founding of Stoi

2、cism. Within political philosophy, the Cynics can be seen as originators of anarchism. The impact of Cynicism is also felt in Christian, Medieval, and Renaissance though. Finally, the mark of the Cynic is found throughout the texts of literature and philosophy.2. The Sceptics: the Sceptics followed

3、Pyrrhon, who held that not all knowledge was attainable. He and his followers doubted the truth of what others accepted as true.The spirit of doubt influence many later philosophers and sictists, which encourage them to be creativity, and pushes the flourish of the diversity 3. The Epicureans: the E

4、picureans were dispels of Epicurus. He was a materialist who believed pleasure to be the highest goal in life. But by pleasure, he meant, not sensual enjoyment, but freedom from pain and emotional upheaval. This he thought could be attained by the practice of virtue.His teaching was misunderstood by

5、 later people and the word” Epicurean” has come to mean indulgence in luxurious living.4. The Stoics: the most important thing for the Stoics was not “pleasure”, but “duty”. This developed into the theory that one should endure hardship and misfortune with courage. The representative was Zeno. He wa

6、s a materialist, asserting the existence of the real world. He believed no such thing as chance, and that the course of nature is rigidly determined by natural law. In the life of an individual man, virtue is the sole good and it resides in the will.The Stoic philosophy had its biggest impact on law

7、, ethics and political science throughout the world and history. It also contributed many significant theories on knowledge, logic and natural philosophy.2 ChristianityIt originated in the 1st century, and firmed its roots in the second century, was widespread in the third century, and became the of

8、ficial religion of Roman Empire in the 392AD. In the fifth century, Christianity was quite popular and Christian church was widespread in the late middle ages. The middle age is called “the Age of Faith”. Until now, Christianity is still popular in the west world.It was founded by Jesus. He taught t

9、hat man should believe in god and love each other as gods children. After he died, st peter and st Paul began to preach in the Mediterranean region. Saint Paul transformed a Jewish sect into a new religion built on the personalism and universalism implicit into teachings of Jesus for humanity.Its te

10、aching is that Christians should believe that every man is sin. They are all Gods children and should share brotherly love. God have become human and the savior of humanity and Jesus is the Son of God. He was sent to the earth to suffer to save all the people. He will send information to people whic

11、h are called the Gospel. People can communicate with god through Jesus or reading bible. Christianity has its own appeal. 1The Christian message of a divine savior, a concerned father, and brotherly love attracts many people.2 Christianity offers people what the Roman Empire could not: an intensely

12、personal relationship with god, an intimate connection with a higher world, and membership in a community of the faithful, 3 It stresses the intellect and self-reliance. The poor, the oppressed, and the slaves were attracted to the personality, death, and resurrection of Jesus, his love for all, and

13、 his concern for the suffering humanity.It has 5 main impacts:1. Christianity established the basic value of the west world. 2.1t lay the foundation of the western system of education and politic, especially the democracy politics. 3it transmit the traditional culture and helped cultivated new civil

14、ization 4it helps each of the western regions communicate and interact with each other.5. Christianity has a great effect on Western culture in literature, music, architecture, painting and scripture, which contributes to the development of western cultural revival and lays the foundation of Renaiss

15、ance in Europe.3. FeudalismFeudalism in Europe was mainly a system of land holding-a system of holding land in exchange for military service. The word “feudalism” was derived from the Latin “feudum”, a grant of land. It flourished between the ninth and fifteenth centuries and Crusades helped to brea

16、k down it. It was also a system of government- a form of local and decentralized government.Feudalism was a complicated system of government. The King granted the right to govern large sections of land as fiefs to great lords, these lords known as vessels in turn promised to fight for the King. And

17、they themselves further granted parts of their fiefs to lesser vassals.The centre of medieval life under feudalism was the manor. They were founded on the fiefs of lords. Everything needed to live was supplied on the manors. It was self-sufficient. By the 12th century, they came to be called castles

18、. At the centre of the manor stood the church, which was very popular and had a great and powerful influence on the feudal society.Almost all nobles were knights in the medieval days. But no one was born a knight-knighthood had to be earned and the training was long and hard. As a knight, he was ple

19、dged to protect the week, to fight for the church, to be loyal to his lord and to respect women of noble birth, this was known as code of chivalry.Charlegne was the most important figure in this period. He kept order throughout his realm and encouraged interest in the Christian religion and ancient

20、learning. The result of his efforts was called “Carolingian Renaissance”.Alfred the Great, ruler of Wessex, contributed greatly to the medieval European culture. He introduced teachers and scholars, found new monasteries, promoted translations into the vernacular from Latin works and inspired the co

21、mpilation of Anglo- Saxon Chronicles.and Raphael Santi with his the Alba Madonna. Shakespeare was the most famous figure of English renaissance. He has many famous works such as 4 tragedies.The Renaissance created a culture which freed man to discover and enjoy the world in a way not possible under

22、the medieval churchs control. The renaissance marks the birth of modernity. And it brings a new view of human nature. It also boosts the flourish of the literature, art architecture, which has left many precious cultural heritages to us.5. ReformationIt was a 16th century religious movement as well

23、as a social-political movement. It swept over the whole Europe and was aimed at opposing the absolute authority of the Roman Catholic Church and replacing it with the authority of the Bible. Martin Luther was the important leader of the reformation. The starting point was Luthers attack in 1517 on t

24、he churchs practice of selling indulgences. The followers were called Protestants. He translated the Bible that he thought was the supreme authority and man was the only bound to the Gods words not the clergys. He was also a fighter for democracy and nationalism, a humanist who helped build an educa

25、tional system and his German translation of bible helped fixed the standard of the modern German. Another influential figure was the English king, Henry 8, who established the Church of England with the king rather than the Pope as the head.The reformation has great influences. It challenged the med

26、ieval church and shattered its control over man. It contributed to the shaping of modernity by fighting against political authority, which promoted political liberty and the idea of equality. Thus it contributed to pave the way for capitalism.It has challenged the medieval culture education. They ga

27、ve way to imagination, creation and free thinking. Scientific discoveries and inventions paved the way for scientific revolution and provided the chances for the communication between different countries.The Protestantism came into being. Their thoughts of individualism: self assurance, individual e

28、thics have great impact on the later modern politics and business.Calvinism stressed on hard work and thrift, which accelerated the production and trade. 6. Enlightenment It was an intellectual movement started from France, which attracted widespread support among the ruling and intellectual classes

29、 of Europe and North America in the second half of the 18th century.Its characters are that the European writers used critical reasons to free minds from prejudice, authority and oppression from church or state. It is called the age of reason. The enlightenment involved in many fields: 1 In the poli

30、tical area, the thinkers regarded government as the political expression of law and the law originated from nature.2 As regard to religion, the enlightenment was secular. They advocated the deism which illustrated everything worked according to natural laws.3 In art and literature, the neo-classicis

31、m is the outcome of it. It stressed on harmony, proportion, balance, and restraint.4 in economic thought, the rationalists favored laissez-faire policy.Through the enlightenment, there were many outstanding English literatures such as Jonathan swift with his Gullivers Travels, Daniel Defoe with his Robinson Crusoe.Enlightenment has great effect on peoples thinking of reason, and philosophers sought to analyze nature, government, religion, and economy through reasons alone, which promoted the later development of philosoph

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