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1、 唐山皮影 唐山皮影为河北省主要地方剧种,是乐亭人民按照自己的语言音调、生活习俗、文化传统改造培育而成。皮影戏以历史故事、神话传说、寓言故事题材为主,唱腔为板腔体,唱词多为七字句或十字句,伴奏音乐主要采用四弦、二胡、扬琴、大阮、唢呐。 武强木版年画 国家级非物质文化遗产武强年画,源于宋元,盛于明清。绘、刻、裱全部为手工艺,线条粗犷,挺拔有力,色彩鲜艳,形象生动,生活气息浓厚。 衡水内画 国家级非物质文化遗产以衡水内画艺术为代表的“冀派”内画,位列京、冀、鲁、粤四大流派之首。鼻烟壶选用水晶等透明或半透明的材料,以特制的勾型毛笔在经过磨砂的烟壶内壁上反画。用工笔或写意画法画上山水人物、花鸟鱼虫。书

2、画并茂,意境兼备。 芦苇画 安新芦苇工艺画选择皮薄、节长、韧性好的白洋淀芦苇为材料,经手工整料、雕刻、着色、粘贴、装裱而成,尽显白洋淀婀娜多姿的水乡风情。 曲阳石雕 国家级非物质文化遗产曲阳石雕,始于西汉,成熟于魏晋,盛于唐,是中国汉白玉大理石雕刻的代表。造型逼真考究,手法圆润细腻,纹式流畅洒脱。我国云冈石窟、五台山佛寺、故宫、圆明园等地都留下了曲阳雕刻印迹。 曲阳泥塑 泥塑是一种年代悠远的民间艺术。以泥土为原料,手工捏制成形,再经彩绘或烧制而成。题材以人、兽为主。曲阳泥塑造型纯朴,风格独特,创意新颖,内涵丰富,乡土气息浓厚。 藁城宫灯 藁城宫灯始于东汉,由古人纱罩灯演变而来,品种众多,尤以红

3、纱灯最为著名。藁城宫灯造型优美,书画皆宜,撑合自如,易于保存。 铁板浮雕 铁板浮雕是我国民间传统工艺中的金属雕刻艺术与西方绘画、雕刻艺术融会贯通后形成的一种新的雕刻流派。由石家庄郭海博、郭海龙兄弟所独创。 大名草编 国家级非物质文化遗产大名草编,是利用普通麦秸秆编织生活用品和装饰品的传统工艺。 乐亭皮影雕刻 乐亭皮影雕刻以驴皮为片基进行雕刻,讲究刀纹的疏密,纹络的虚实,结构的严谨。乐亭皮影各行当脸谱脱胎于庙宇神像,生、旦、净、末、丑行当齐全,造型各异,栩栩如生,堪称我国皮影雕刻的典范。 刻瓷 沧州刻瓷又称为“瓷器上的刺绣”,是在上釉烧成的素色瓷器上,用钨钢刀或金钢石刀雕刻书画的一种工艺,既保持

4、了传统的书画风格,又凸现了晶莹光洁的瓷面特色。 景泰蓝水晶画 沧州景泰蓝水晶画工艺起源于元朝,盛行于明朝。每道工艺皆为手工,画面均为天然彩石自身的颜色。图案线条精细,画面浑厚庄重,豪华典雅,传统韵致与现代气息交融一处。 沧州蛋雕 蛋雕工艺品有不同名目。一种是用雕刀在表面颜色较深的鸡蛋壳上雕刻图案;另一种是选用质地较厚的鹅蛋、鸵鸟蛋等禽蛋壳作为材料,以浅浮雕或镂空的手法进行雕刻。 拼雕 沧州拼雕是一种集绘画、雕刻、泥塑、面塑、布糊、剪纸、编织等为一体的立体画。以各种植物秸秆、种子、叶片为媒材,题材多为人物、花鸟、风景,富有地方特色和环保特色。 书法绣字 沧州书绣艺术从苏绣、湘绣繁衍而来,以书法为

5、根底,采用绣品中的运针方法和刺绣技艺,活泼奔放,虚实得体。 定瓷 国家级非物质文化遗产定瓷创烧于唐,盛于北宋及金,是中国宋代五大名瓷之一。其胎质坚密细腻,釉色透明,柔润媲玉,有“白如玉、薄如纸、声如罄”之说。装饰技法以白釉印花、刻花和划花为主,还有白釉剔花和金彩描花。 易水砚 国家级非物质文化遗产易水砚始于战国,盛于唐宋。砚石取自易水河畔一种色彩柔和的紫灰色水成岩,妙用石上天然纹理,运用平雕、浮雕、阳雕、阴刻等各种技法,塑造各种图案造型。易水砚与广东端砚、安徽歙砚并称中国三大高档名砚。 磁州窑 国家级非物质文化遗产磁州窑在今邯郸磁县的观台镇与彭城镇一带,是我国古代北方最大的一个民窑体系,素有“

6、南有景德,北有彭城”之说。创烧于北宋中期,明代达到鼎盛,千年间窑火不断。以生产白釉黑彩瓷器著称于世,刻、划、剔、填彩兼用,并将中国绘画的构图技法化用于瓷器,艺术魅力无穷。 Besides many splendid material culture forms in Hebei, there are also countless Intangible cultural heritages, which reflect the Yanzhao peoples unique spiritual, cultural and imagination, zing and creativity, etc.

7、 Those cultural genes have been passed on generals upon generals in Hebei. Some of the national and provincial level Intangible cultural heritages, folk arts and craftsmanship will be performed and presented on site during the Hebei Week at Expo 20XX Shanghai China. Yu County Paper-cutting Originate

8、d in Ming Dynasty, Yu County Paper-cutting works are produced through “negative cutting” and “dot dyeing”. Cutting is the basic, and, dyeing weighs the most of the whole process. The contents of the paper-cutting works mainly cover figures from dramas, flowers, grass, fish, insects, birds and animal

9、, etc. The works are usually fully painted with visit and colorfully patterns. The technique has been listed onto the first set of the National Intangible Cultural Heritages. Tangshan Donkey-shin Carving Shadow Play Tanghshan Donkey-skin Shadow Play, a reflection of the local language and folk custo

10、ms, is a main local play in Hebei Province. The contents cover a wide range of topics such as historical stories, legends and myths and fables, etc. And the aria of the plays is in alt, with lyrics of 7 or 10 words, accompanied by music mainly Sixian (four strings), Erhu, Chinese dulcimer, Daruan an

11、d Suona (Chinese althorn). Wuqiang Wood-board-printed Lunar New Year Paintings Originated in Song Dynasty and flourished in Ming and Qing Dynasties, Wuqiang Wood-board-printed New Year Paintings are uniquely of the north China style. Painting, carving, printing and backing-up require high craftsmans

12、hip. The works look boorish, powerful, bright, vivid and lifelike. The technique has been listed onto the first set of the National Intangible Cultural Heritages. Hengshui Inside-painted Snuff Bottles Hebei genre inside-pained art represented by artists and craftsmen from Hengshui is leading the tre

13、nd ahead of other three genres, namely, Beijing, Shandong and Guangdong Groups. The transparent and semi-transparent crystal snuff bottles are painted from inside with a tiny “J”-shape ink brush. The patterns like mountains and hills, people, flowers, birds, fish and insects or even poems or essays

14、are vividly brushed and painted. The technique has been listed onto the first set of the National Intangible Cultural Heritages. Reed “Paintings” Reed “paintings” from Baiyang Lake of Xinan, Baoding are made of thin and tough reed pieces with the techniques like material processing, carving, paintin

15、g, affixing, and backing-up, etc. The descriptions of north China water scenery are of the natural color of the reeds. Quyang Stone Carvings Originated in West Han Dynasty and flourished in Three States Period, Jin Dynasty and Tang Dynasty, Quyang Stone Carvings represents the highest marble carving

16、 level of China. The sculptures are vividly carved with fine and smooth lines and surfaces. There are the clues of Quyang stone-carving styles left in Yungang Grotto, Buddha Temple at Wutai Mountains, the Imperial Palace and Yuanmingyuan Imperial Garden, etc.The technique has been listed onto the fi

17、rst set of the National Intangible Cultural Heritages. Quyang Mud Moldings A kind of folk art, mud molding is made of mud, which is kneaded into shapes of humans or animals by hand, then painted or fired. Quyang Mud/Pottery Moldings are of simple sculpts, unique styles, creative designs, rich conten

18、ts and strong local characteristics. Gaocheng Palace Lanterns Initiated in East Han Dynasty, Gaocheng Palace Lanterns have been evolved from the ancient gauze-covered lamps. Among the many varieties, the red gauze-covered lanterns are the most loved ones. Gaocheng Palace Lanterns are beautifully des

19、igned, painted with Chinese calligraphy or paintings, easy to be folded or opened and preserved. Iron Plank Reliefs Iron Plank Relief is of a vanguard sculpture art, a perfect combination of traditional Chinese folk craftsmanship, metal engraving, relief and western painting techniques. The brothers

20、, Guo Haibo and Guo Hailong invented the creative technique. Daming Straw Knitted Wares Daming Straw Knitted Wares are made of the ordinary wheat straws in the shapes of everyday utensils and decorations. Laoting Donkey-Skin Drama Carvings Laoting Donkey-skin Drama Carvings are rationally carved wit

21、h different density levels and preciseness. As played for local dramas, the donkey-skin carvings are born out of temple josses, and with different roles to play, young and old men, young and old women, middle-aged men, villains and clowns. Those made in Laoting are the best of the best. Carved Porce

22、lain Wares Called “Embroidery on Porcelain Wares”, Cangzhou Carved Porcelain Wares are carved on the glazed plain surfaces of porcelain wares by tungsten steel or diamond gravers. The Chinese handwritings or paintings uniquely carved on such surfaces will last forever. Cloisonne Crystal Paintings Ca

23、ngzhou Cloisonne Crystal Paintings were initiated in Yuan Dynasty and flourished in Ming Dynasty. Every process is done by hand, and the paintings are the original natural colors and patterns of the stones. The patterns and “paintings”, carved with very fine lines, are elegant and clear, traditional

24、 and modern. Cangzhou Egg Carvings There are various kinds of egg carvings actually. One method is to carve the surfaces of the dark colored eggs with the figures of people, mountains or rivers, just like sketches or outlines; the other method is to carve goose eggs or ostrich eggs with base-reliefs

25、 or through carvings. Mosaic Carvings Cangzhou Mosaic Carvings are 3-D paintings of human figures, flowers, birds and scenery, using the techniques such as painting, carving, mud-molding, dough-molding, paper-cutting and knitting. The materials include straws, seeds and leaves of certain plants. The

26、y are environmental friendly local folk arts and crafts. Chinese Calligraphy Embroidery Cangzhou Chinese Calligraphy Embroidery has been evolved from those made in Suzhou and Hunan Embroideries. The embroidery is all about the Chinese calligraphy, which is knitted and broidered vividly. Dingzhou Por

27、celains Originated in tang Dynasty and flourished in North Song Dynasty and Jin State, Dingzhou Kilns, is one the top five kilns in Song Dynasty. The fine glaze and texture has been described as “white as jade, thin as paper, tuned as bell”. The decoration techniques include printed/carved/nicked pa

28、tterns on white glaze, and, gouged patterns on white glaze, or, drawn patterns with golden colors. The technique has been listed onto the second set of the National Intangible Cultural Heritages. Yishui Inkstones One of Chinas most celebrated inkstones, Yishui Inkstones were originated in the Warrin

29、g States Period and flourished Yi State (Yi County, Hebei Province currently) in Tang Dynasty. The materials are collected from tenderly colored grayish purple sedimentary stones on the banks of Yi River. The stones are dotted with green and yellow streaks, offering a delicate, mild and fresh feel.

30、Yishui Inkstones are carved with flat-carving, relief, positive and negative carving, etc. Yishui Inkstones, Duan Inkstone of Guangdong, Xi Inkstone of Anhui are the top three inkstones of China. The technique has been listed onto the second set of the National Intangible Cultural Heritages. Cizhou Porcelain Kilns As the largest folk kiln systems in north China, Cizhou Porcelain Kilns are located around todays Guantai Town and Pengcheng Town, Ci County of Handa

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