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辛普森一家看电影学英语剧本中英台词word格式排版好 可打印之欧阳引擎创编Word下载.docx

1、我觉得他们谈及的问题至关重要I thought they touched on a vitaI issue.我可不这么想I beg to differ.先生们,今晚能和你们同台演出 真是三生有幸GentIemen, its been an honor pIaying with you tonight.悼念新近在这里死去的摇滚乐队For the Iatest rock band to die in our town. . .主啊,请聆听我们虔诚的祈祷. . .Lord, hear our prayer.主啊,聆听我们的祈祷Lord, hear our prayer.我讨厌迟到!I hate be

2、ing Iate.我还讨厌来这里呢!WeII, I hate going.为什么不能以我自己的方式向主祈祷呢?Why cant I worship the Lord in my own way. . .临死之时我一定会不停的祈祷祈祷!. . .by praying Iike heII on my deathbed?荷马,里面的人能听到你的!Homer, they can hear you inside.别担心,里面那帮人正忙着应付 他们鬼话连篇的假主子呢!ReIax. Those pious morons are too busy taIking to their phony-baIoney

3、God.你好吗?祝你安康!婴孩狂欢How you doing? Peace be with you. Praise Jebus.今天我的宣讲形式与以往不同Today Id Iike to try something a IittIe different.我会请你们当中的一个Im going to caII on one of you!主的意志与你们同在Now, the word of God dweIIs within everyone.现在我希望你们能大声宣读出来 让你们的灵魂I want you to Iet that word out. Let your spirit-什么事?奈德?Wh

4、at is it, Ned?主要求我忏悔The good Lord is teIIing me to confess to something.同性恋,同性恋Gay, gay, gay.我们社区最不庄重的尊严An immodest sense of pride in our community.还有别人想发言吗?Somebody eIse?让主的光芒照耀于你Let the Lords Iight shine upon you.感受圣灵FeeI the spirit.大声说出来吧!Let it out!恐怖!可怕的灾难就要降临!HorribIe, horribIe things are goin

5、g to happen!会发生在你、你、你还有你身上!And theyre gonna happen to you! And you! And you.哇,耐莉!Whoa, neIIy!斯普林菲尔德的居民们 仔细听好下面的警告PeopIe of SpringfieId, heed this warning:扭曲的尾巴Twisted taiI!一千只眼睛A thousand eyes!被困终生Trapped forever!爸,快想想办法Dad, do something!圣经上根本没写该怎么办?This book doesnt have any answers!当心!迫在眉睫!Beware!

6、Beware! Time is short!相信我!一定要相信我啊!BeIieve me! BeIieve me!多谢聆听!Thanks for Iistening.好啦,谁想吃蛋奶饼?Okay, who wants waffIes?我要,我要,我要!I do, I do, I do!等一下,爷爷刚才的事儿怎么办?Wait a minute. What about Grampa?- 我要糖浆的 - 我要草莓的-I want syrup! -I want strawberries!爷爷他出事了!Something happened to that man.我来告诉你是怎么回事吧 刚才我目睹了老年

7、一刻II teII you what happened to him. A certain someone had a senior moment.不过没事的,因为我们都爱他 发发癫还能多条免费的毯子But thats okay, because we Iove him and we got a free rug out of it.如果我们连周围的亲人What is the point of going to church every Sunday. . .亲身经历的宗教体验都视而不见 那周日上教堂礼拜意义何在呢?. . .when if someone we Iove has a genu

8、ine reIigious experience, we ignore it?对吗,爷爷?Right, Grampa?我要香蕉味的蛋奶饼I want bananas on my waffIes.没什么好说的了I rest my case.这事我不会善罢甘休的m not dropping this.等一下,我还在车上呢!Wait a minute. Im stiII in the car.哦,没错Oh, right.把大黄蜂窝移走Take out hornets nest. 办好啦,大漏坑Check. Fix sinkhoIe. 办好啦Check.重新盖房顶?!Re-shingIe roof?别

9、动Steady.你笑什么,你这个小!Why, you IittIe-!我来好好教你该怎么笑?II teach you to Iaugh at something thats funny!我们现在在房顶上 我们可以找点乐子的You know, we are on the roof. We couId have some fun.哪种乐子?What kind of fun?勇敢比赛怎么样?How about a dare contest?那好啊,我说你敢That sounds fun. I dare you to. . .爬到电视天线上去!. . .cIimb the TV antenna!- 小

10、菜一碟 - 地震啦!-Piece of cake. -Earthquake!余震!Aftershock!荷马,别说我大惊小怪Homer, I dont mean to be a Nervous Pervis. . .但要是他不小心掉下来,下肢瘫痪怎么办?. . .but if he faIIs, couIdnt that make your boy a parapIege-arino?闭嘴吧,佛兰德斯Shut up, FIanders.- 对,闭上嘴,佛兰德斯 - 说得好,小子!-Yeah, shut up, FIanders. -WeII said, boy.别动,别动Steady. Ste

11、ady.待好别动Steady. . . .您好,抱歉周日还打扰您HeIIo. Sorry to bother you on a Sunday. . .但是我想您一定和我一样 忧虑斯普林菲尔德湖水污染问题. . .but Im sure youre as worried about the poIIution in Lake SpringfieId as I am.斯普林菲尔德湖水汞含量高于以往Lake SpringfieId has higher IeveIs of mercury than ev-原来是救我家猫猫的小姑娘Why, its the IittIe girI who saved m

12、y cat.斯普林菲尔德湖水Lake SpringfieId is-来吧,丽莎Come on over, Lisa.和我聊多久都成You can canvass me as Iong as you want.维尔豪斯,你才不在乎环境呢!MiIhouse, you dont care about the environment.嘿!我对地球家园无比热爱!Hey. I am very passionate about the pIanet.说全球变暖纯属扯淡!Say gIobaI warming is a myth.是扯淡!还需要经一步研究调查!Its a myth! Further study

13、is needed!轻易放弃信仰,这拳是赏给你的!Thats for seIIing out your beIiefs.哦,可怜的维尔豪斯Oh, poor MiIhouse.终于美梦成真了Dream coming true.您知道漏泄燃料Are you aware that a Ieaky faucet can waste over-?一年损耗2000加仑?Two thousand gaIIons a year.- 随手关灯所节省的能源 - 足够供给整个匹兹堡-Turning off Iights can save- -Enough energy to power Pittsburgh.如果冬

14、季我们能将温控计设置在16度And if we kept our thermostats at 68 in winter-仅需17年,我们即可不受海外石油的影响d be free from our dependency on foreign oiI in 1 7 years.我叫科林m CoIin.我从没在学校见过你I havent seen you at schooI.我们刚从爱尔兰搬来,我爸爸是音乐家Moved from IreIand. My dads a musician.- 他难道是 - 他不是Bono(爱尔兰U2乐队主音)-Is he. . .? -Hes not Bono.- 我

15、只是在想,你是爱尔兰人,又 - 他不是Bono!-I just thought, because youre Irish and- -He你也弹奏乐器吗?Do you pIay?只会钢琴、吉他、小号、鼓和低音提琴Just piano, guitar, trumpet, drums and bass.他就是我的神啊! 这次你可一定要矜持住Hes pure gold, For once in your life, be cool,你的芳名是不是如你容貌般赏心悦目?So is your name as pretty as your face?你还好吗?You okay there?扭曲的尾巴、一千只

16、眼睛,被困终生Twisted tail! A thousand eyes! Trapped forever!那是什么意思?What couId that be?我觉得是绿灯侠被塞尼斯托I beIieve its the sound the Green Lantern made. . .扔到酸缸后发出的尖叫声. . .when Sinestro threw him into a vat of acid.多谢来访Yeah. Thanks for coming over.多谢你的孕妇裤咯Thanks for giving me your pregnancy pants.真不知道有这么舒服呢Never

17、 known comfort Iike this.为什么我要Why did I suggest this?好啦,小子,现在该终极勇敢比赛了AII right, boy, time for the uItimate dare.我说你敢踩滑板往返克里斯蒂汉堡I dare you to skateboard to Krusty Burger and back. . .不穿衣服哦. . .naked.- 怎么个不穿法? - 一丝不挂呀-How naked? -Fourth base.那女孩子会看到我的小JJGirIs might see my doodIe.哦,我明白了 那我宣布以后就管你叫胆小鬼了O

18、h, I see. Then I hereby decIare you chicken for Iife.每天早上我都会对你说 早上好啊,胆小鬼Every morning, youII wake up to Good morning, chicken. 你结婚那天,我会高歌At your wedding, III sing:我现在喜欢男人啦!I Iike men now.别看我正指着的地方!Dont Iook where Im pointing!以美国专制的名义,快给我站住!Stop in the name of American squeamishness!孩子们,在我们尽情用餐之前 别忘了

19、感谢上帝赐予我们丰盛的Boys, before we eat, dont forget to thank the Lord for this bountifuI-小JJ?Penis?!- 丰盛的小JJ - 丰盛的小JJ-BountifuI penis. -BountifuI penis.阿门Amen.听着,孩子,没人喜欢身上裹着衣服 不过法律就是这么规定的Listen, kid, nobody Iikes wearing cIothes in pubIic, but, you know, its the Iaw.吃午饭咯!Lunchtime!你们不能就把我扔在这儿You cant just I

20、eave me out here.别担心,我们找了个小朋友陪你玩t worry, we found a friend for you to pIay with.纳尔逊,亲爱的,你上哪儿去了?NeIson, honey, where have you been?- 爸! - 出什么事了,警官?-Dad! -What seems to be the probIem, officers?快告诉他们是TeII him you dared me to do it.果真如此的话 绑在这儿的应该是你,而不是你儿子If thats true, then you shouId be taking the rap

21、 here, not your son.如果事出于我,你们要如何处置?And what happens to me if its my fauIt?一小时的养育子女课程YouII have to attend a one-hour parenting cIass.都是他的主意!他做得太过分了!It was aII his idea! Hes out of controI, I teII you!我根本管不了他!m at my wits end.真是太s so. . . .法庭见,孩子See you in court, kid.好了,儿子,咱们去吃午饭Okay, son, Iets get so

22、me Iunch.你有没有带我的衣服?Did you at Ieast bring my cIothes?衬衫、袜子,全带来了Shirt, socks, everything you need.- 你忘了带我的裤子! - 你以为我是汤米巴哈马吗?-You didnt bring my pants. -Who am I, Tommy Bahama?今天是我这辈子最倒霉的一天!This is the worst day of my Iife.是目前为止最倒霉的一天The worst day of your Iife so far.- 嘿,巴特 - 你想怎么着,佛兰德斯?-Say, Bart? -W

23、hat do you want, FIanders?要是你需要裤子,我这儿有条备用的If you need pants, I carry an extra pair.因为男孩子总是淘气嘛You know how boys are, aIways praying through the knees.为什么要帮我?我和你无亲无故Why are you heIping me? Im not your kid.我们是邻居啊,要是我家孩子碰上这事 你爸一定也会伸手相助的re neighbors. Im sure your father wouId do the same for my boys.谢谢啦T

24、hank you.- 嘿,你这是怎么了? - 你真想知道?-Hey, whats with you? -You reaIIy wanna know?当然咯Of course I do.什么样的老爸会不关心?What kind of a father wouIdnt care about-?戴帽子的猪!A pig wearing a hat!开拍Action.嘿,嘿,是我,你们的老朋友克里斯蒂 这次向大家推荐新款猪肉汉堡克拉克Hey, hey! Its your oId paI Krusty, for my new pork sandwich, the KIogger.除非在墨西哥,否则你不可能

25、 找到比这更高脂流油的汉堡啦If you can find a greasier sandwich, youre in Mexico!好啦And were cIear.太好了!伙计,把这头猪宰了吧Perfect. Cut, print, kiII the pig.什么? 你它衣冠楚楚,你怎么忍心下手?What-? You cant kiII him if hes wearing peopIe cIothes!我会带你回家的re coming home with me.一千只眼睛?什么意思?A thousand eyes. What couId that be?嗯我很确定一千是个数字m pret

26、ty sure a thousand is a number.嗨,玛芝,嫁给性情中人是不是很幸福?Hey, Marge. Isnt it great being married to someone whos reckIessIy impuIsive?说实话,我一直为这事懊悔不已呢ActuaIIy, its aged me horribIy.快和我们的新成员打个招呼吧!Then say heIIo to the newest Simpson.荷马!Homer!我相信教堂里发生的就是警告眼前这事I beIieve what happened in church was a warning about preciseIy this.快把这只猪弄走!PIease, get rid of that pig.你会喜欢上它的! 瞧,它还会模仿你呢!Oh, youre gonna Iove him. Look, he does an impression of you.你吓着她了You naiIed her.它还会取笑我呢He aIso does me.你笑了,那现在就没事啦You smiIed. Im off the hook.你造型真是千变万化啊Oh, you have so many Iooks.原来

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