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1、”以及相应的回答:I think its boring ( personal, helpful, unusual, popular, special, creative, original, fashionable, beautiful and so on. )的掌握与运用,针对课型特点,我设计了一个“Guessing game”来导入新课,一上课我提着一大包东西,高高兴兴地进教室,面带笑容地对学生说:T: Good morning, class! Nice to meet you again! Are you happy today? Oh, you are happy. Im very h

2、appy, too. Do you know why Im so happy?Can you guess the reasons? Im sure you can.学生们被老师这突入奇来的问题所吸引,因此,注意力一下子被吸引到课堂教学中来,大家情绪高涨, 踊跃举手发言,一口气猜出了使老师高兴的种种原因及礼物的名称.S1: Did you buy a new skirt?S2: Did you make a new net pal?S3: Did you make much money in your spare time ?S4: Did you take part in your frien

3、ds birthday party?S5: Did you buy a beautiful car ?S6: Did you move into a new house?S7: Did you meet your old friends?S 8: Will you have a good chance to go abroad during May Day?S9: Did your son get good grades?S10:Did your son、your husband、your friends or your students give you nice gifts?S11: Di

4、d you go back to your hometown?S12: Did you travel to some interesting places?S13: Did your son come back to see you from Wuhan University?S14: Did your son have a girl friend?S15: Did you get a million dollars in the lottery? . Im very glad you gave me so many reasons. All of them sound very excell

5、ent. Thank you very much. What on earth made me so happy? So Id like to tell you the real reason. Because I received some nice gifts from my husband、my son and my good friends yesterday for my birthday.接着我问大家:T:What presents did I get? ( Ss were very interested in taking part in this guessing game s

6、o they gave me so many different answers.) An English book? Sorry, no English book here. Some sweet? Yes.(Showing a box of sweet to the class) A photo album? Yeah, a wonderful, beautiful photo album.(Showing a real photo album to the class) Did you get a scarf? Yes. A very beautiful scarf.(Taking it

7、 from the box and showing it to the class) S5:A pair of sunglasses? Yes. You are very clever. They are very useful.(Showing them to the class)S6:Some delicious food? No delicious food。 A dress? Oh, Im sorry I didnt get this gift.S8: Maybe a beautiful necklace? Yeah. A beautiful necklace.(Showing the

8、 necklace to the class) Do you think so?S9:Maybe a small CD? Yes. Its the scenery about Jiuzaigou.(九寨沟) Some flowers? Yes, of course. ( Showing a red rose to the class) What do you think of the flower?Ss: Its very beautiful.Very good. Go on, please!S11;Some chocolate? Chocolate? No chocolate. Now bo

9、ys and girls, look here, please. Whats this in English? Did you get a hair band? Sorry, what a pity! A skirt? Yes, its a nice skirt. Do you think its very popular? Of course. I think its very beautiful and its very fashionable. Its very cool and its in style这时,我抓住机会,将教学引向深入,带领大家讨论对礼物的评价和理由等。 Nowaday

10、s young women like wearing this kind of skirts. They want to look younger and much more beautiful. Boys and girls, if we want to describe something, what words can we use to describe it? Beautiful, One by one, please. Wonderful, creative, interesting, colorful, useful, meaningful, comfortable, be in

11、 style, popular, exciting, personal, expensive,personal, original, beautiful and so on 该活动费时不到20分钟,但在这20分钟内,学生完成了口语练习,重点词汇及关键句型的掌握,在轻松愉快的学习氛围中掌握了知识,激活了课堂,使学生满怀兴趣和期待地投入到以后教学活动的各个环节。接下来,教学活动围绕gift giving深入进行, 我采取pair work、group work讨论、交流、互动、协作、表演等形式,让学生两人一组、三五成群地编对话。使学生在交际中学会运用Target language:”“Youd b


13、识,深入理解教学内容。我通过实物导入,将枯燥的课本内容生动化,情景化。如在教学Go for it!八年级上第七单元Lets make a milk shake时,我选择实物导入法。该单元教学目标为:Get the Ss to learn to describe a process and follow instructions.语言目标为:To get the information from pictures and actions and enable Ss to describe the process themselves correctly.通过教学教会学生How to make a

14、 milk shake(fruit salad 、sandwiches and so on) all by themselves, by cooperative ways. 为了使教学过程生动呈现在学生面前,我采用实物引入,通过让学生亲眼感知、亲自动手做奶西、水果沙拉等,使学生身临其境。课前我准备了blender, plate, knife, milk, yogurt, honey, spoon, apples, oranges, pears, bananas and so on.上课时,我把他们全放在讲台上,根据学生的知识和经验提问。 Good morning, class. There a

15、re some fruits, some drinks and some other things on the teachers desk. Do you know their manes? Whats this in English? Its a banana.接着快速复习其他水果名称: an apple、 an orange so on You are quite right。 And whats this?( 出示Target language 中生词所表示的食物,并帮助学生回答Its yogurt.用同样的方法教学milk, blender, honey and so on.然后快速

16、对学生进行brainstorming, 巩固所学的词汇。) OK. Today we are going to learn how to make a milk shake .Do you know what a milk shake is? Its a drink. What should we do if we want to make it, boys and girls?然后,老师在讲台上表演剥香蕉皮、切碎香蕉等动作,用动作引入生词及短语,抓住了学生的兴奋点,使学生学得轻松,记得牢固。这样边做边说,直观生动,形象具体,接着我选几名学生上台协助老师,让其他学生仔细观察如何做奶西。这次是老

17、师做动作,学生说英语,形成积极互动的课堂氛围。同学们边听、边看、边说、边学、掌握教学重点,学会具体操作方法和步骤。老师边示范、边口述、边带读、边板书。如:First peel some pears、 bananas、oranges and so on and cut them into pieces.Next put them into the blender.Then pour some sweet、 milk and honey into the blender and mix it.After that, turn on the blender. A few minutes later

18、turn it off. In the end pour the milk shake into the glass and taste it.我依次发给每一个学生一汤匙奶西,让学生仔细品尝。也许学生们是第一次亲自动手做并亲口尝到了洋味的奶西,个个喜形于色,争着多要,课堂气氛达到高潮。整个教学活动费时不到25分钟,黑板上新词、重点语句一目了然,讲台上实物、用具琳琅满目,教室里学生们喝着、说着、闹着,享受着积极参与的乐趣和劳动带来的成果。通过积极参与,学生在不知不觉中学会了表示时间循序的词汇和重点动词的用法,掌握了如何做奶西的基本步骤。由于教学内容通过实物呈现和展示,活化了教学过程,学生记忆轻松


20、务拴住学生的注意力,让学生在任务的驱动下学习语言知识,进行技能训练,增强学习动力。采用任务导入,用一系列连珠炮似的小问题,环环紧扣,步步紧逼,强化教学,让学生在边听,边思,边说中不断深入学习。我在教Go for it九年级第四单元 What would you do?时,一上课我就单刀直入,进入主题,手拿壹佰元人民币问同学们: Whats this? Its money. Its one hundred yuan. Do you like money? Yes, of course. Why do people like money? Because we can use it to do m

21、any different kinks of things. Without money maybe we cant do anything. We can buy a lot of things with it. For example: We can use it to buy cars、houses ,build bridges、roads and so on. We can buy computers、clothes food and so on Maybe different people have different opinions about money. So people

22、like money and really need it. Money is very important in our daily life. Do you think so? Yes.Do you have money? Are you able to make money now? No. Why not? We are too busy to have time to make money.We are so young that we cant have abilities to make money. Our parents dont want us to go out to m

23、ake money. They encourage us to study hard in order to make more money in the future. Teenagers arent allowed to have part time jobs. Young adults under 16 arent allowed to find jobs in our country. Ss duty is to work hard and study well. What would you do if you had a million dollars or you were a

24、millionaire? Please think it over and say out your opinions. Id give it to charity to help others. Id put it in the bank and watch it grow.Id give it to the Hope Project to afford the poor childrens education. Id send it to medical research to do research work. Id build a library for our school. Id

25、give it to the old peoples homes. Id use it to buy stocks to make more money. Id buy a beautiful house with a big garden for my parents. Let them live a happy and comfortable life. Id travel all over the world. Id give it to the country in order to make deserts into farmland and cover the bold mount

26、ains into green trees. Id use it to make our motherland become richer, stronger and more beautiful. Id use it to help the persons who are in danger or who need it very much. Id send it to the homeless children in wars. Id give it to hospitals to save peoples lives. So boys and girls, money is very i

27、mportant and we really need it in our everyday life. We can use money to do many useful, helpful, meaningful things. But money isnt everything. Do you agree with me? Yes. I think so. Why do you think so? Because we cant buy true love、friendship、 time、life、happiness、joy and trust、deep feeling and tre

28、asure things with money. So we should have right attitude toward money from young children. We should save money .Never waste money. Dont use a lot of pocket money every day because we cant make money by ourselves. We should learn to make money with our hands and hard work. We never depend on our parents in our life在轻松、平等、互动、交流式的谈话过程中,我将自己的观点渗透进去,潜移默化地对学生进行听说训练,语言熏陶,思想教育。既能使学生全神贯注地进行听力和口语训练,又能达到复习、巩固、拓展、延伸课堂教学的目的,还能对学生

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