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1、4 我们在泉水旁搭帐篷,而他们在橡树下搭帐篷。We pitched a tent by a spring and they under an oak tree.5. The whole process required much money, skill and luck. 整个过程花了很多钱,需要很高的技巧,还得碰运气。6. Authorship had become a profession, and literary production a commodity. 著书立说已成为一种职业,文学作品已成为一种商品。7. They talked of things they longed f

2、orof meat and of hot soup and of the richness of butter. 他们谈到了他们所渴望的东西,谈到了肉类,谈到了热汤,谈到了黄油的丰富营养。8. Rich men have their cares while poor men have their happiness. 富人有富人的苦恼,穷人也有穷人的快乐。9. He no longer dreamed of storms, nor of great occurrences, nor of great fish, nor of fights. 他不再梦见风涛,不再梦见惊人的遭遇,也不再梦见大鱼、

3、搏斗和角力。(增译省略的动词)10. But his wife kept dinning in his ears about his idleness, his carelessness, and the ruin he was bringing on his family.可是他老婆不断地在他耳朵边唠叨个没完,说他懒惰,说他粗心,并且说他的一家人都要毁在他的身上。11. Happy family also had their own troubles.幸福家庭也有幸福家庭的苦恼12. Big powers have their strategies while small countries

4、 also have their own lines.强国有强国的策略,小国也有小国的路线3增词法conductivity lagging accumulation measurement darkness madness complacency backwardness emergency tension 1. Histories make men wise; poets witty; the mathematics subtle; natural philosophy deep; moral grave; logic and rhetoric able to contend.历史使人睿智,

5、诗歌使人智慧,数学使人细致,自然哲学使人深邃,道德使人严肃2. We dont regret, we never have and never will.我们不会后悔,我们从来没有后悔 后悔过,我们将来也不会 后悔3. Sino-British links have multiplied political, commercial, educational, cultural, defense, science and technology.中英两国在政治、商务、教育、文化、国防和科技方面的联系成倍地增加4. The frequency, wave length and speed of so

6、und are closely related. 声音的频率,波长和速度三者是密切相关的5. I saw bubbles rising from under the water. 我看到一个个水泡从水下升起 6. The crowds melted away 人群渐渐散开了 7. Every action has an equal and opposite reaction. 每一个作用力都有一个大小相等、方向相反的反作用力8. 他将双手放进衣袋,然后耸了耸肩。 He put his hands into his pockets and then shrugged his shoulders1

7、. Reading makes a full man; conference a ready man; and writing an exact man. 读书使人充实,讨论使人机敏,摘记使人严谨。2.We wont retreat, we never have and never will.我们不后退,我们从来没有后退过,我们将来也决不后退3. In the evening, after the banquets, the concerts and movies, he would work on the novel. 晚上在参加宴会、出席音乐会,他还写小说4. With what enth

8、usiasm the Chinese people are building socialism!中国人民正在以多么高的热情建设社会主义啊5. As he sat down and began talking, words poured out.他一坐下来就讲开了,滔滔不绝地讲个没完。6. She lingered long over his letter. 她反反复复地回味着他的来信7. He ate and drank, for he was exhausted. 他吃了 点东西,喝了点酒,因为他疲惫不堪了8. His arrogance made everyone dislike him

9、. 他的傲慢态度使谁也不喜欢他9. 别把手搁在口袋里。 Dont put your hands in your pockets10. Dont get angry. Im just making fun of you.不要生气嘛!我不过开开玩笑罢了4减词法1.Through an advertisement, you can learn what product is available. 通过广告可以获悉市面上能买到什么产品2. If you boil away some sea water, you would find over forty different materials. 如果

10、将一些海水烧干,就会得到四十多种的不同物质3. He who makes no investigation and study has no right to speak. 子曰:“学而不思则罔, 思而不学则殆4.The government has put the new coins into circulation, but only a small number of people have ever seen them. 政府已经发行了新的硬币,但只有少数人见到过5. No man can be brave who considers pain the greatest evil of

11、 life; or temperate, who regards pleasure as the highest good. 把痛苦视为生活最大不幸的人不可能勇敢;把欢乐当作生活最高追求的人不会节制6.You cannot build a ship, a bridge or a house if you dont know how to make a design or how to read it. 不会制图或看不懂图纸,就不可能造船、架桥或盖房子7. 每条河都有上游、中游、下游。Every river has its upper, middle, and lower reaches.8.

12、中国人民历来是勇于探索,勇于创造,勇于革命的。The Chinese people has always been couraging to explore, to create bold, to make revolutions9. China is a country of people with a passionate love of flowers and trees and an intense dedication to the welfare of children and to the work ethic. 中国人还热爱鲜花和树木,专心致志地献身于造福于儿童的事业,并恪守工

13、作道德10. The price of the products should be fixed by the two parties at a level that will bring profit to both. 产品价格应该由双方共同商定,需照顾到双方的利益,5 词性转换1. An acquaintance of world history is helpful to the study of translation.读一点世界史,对学习翻译是有帮助的。2. The sight and sound of the jet planes filled me with special lo

14、nging.看到喷气式飞机,听到它的声音,令我特别神往。3. 他倒是不抽烟,但他的爸爸却一支接一支地抽。 He is no smoker, but his father is a chain-smoker 4. 他经常来。 He was a regular visitor.5. Londoners are great readers. 伦敦人喜欢读书6.The image must be dimensionally correct. 图像的尺寸必须正确。7. The new type of machine is shown schematically in Figure 1.图一所示是这种新型

15、机器的简图。8.The sun affects tremendously both the mind and the body of a man. 太阳对人的身体和精神都有极大的影响9.Spacemen have to be specially trained for traveling in space. 宇航员为了在太空旅行,必须进行专门的训练10.如果报纸想得以大量发行,必须具有知识性、思想性和趣味性。If the newspapers want to have a large circulation number, they must be informative, instructi

16、ve and entertaining11.Everyday experience shows us that heavy objects are more stable than light ones. 根据日常经验,重的东西比轻的东西稳定性好12. “来啦!” 她转身蹦着跳着地跑了, 越过草地, 跑上小径,跨上台阶, 穿过凉台,进了门廊(porch)。Coming!” Away she skimmed over the lawn, up the path, up the steps, across the veranda, and into the porch.13. In those y

17、ears the Republicans are in. 在那些年是共和党执政14. He was motivated by a desire to reach a compromise. 他的动机是达成某种协议15.我可以看到她优雅的举止(gesture)。 I can note the grace of her gesture16. That day she was up before sunrise.那天她在日出前就起来了17. 一个衣着讲究的人上了车,他的言谈举止酷似美国人。A well-dressed man, who looked and talked like an Americ

18、an, got into the car18. The English language has changed subtly and pervasively. 英语的变化很敏感,很普遍19. 她用期待的眼光看着我。She looked at me expectantly. 20. Hopefully, it will be done early next month.下个月完成这项工作是大有希望的21.他慢条斯理地点了一两下头说:“是的。”“Yes,” he said with a slow nod or two22. 他们热忱地欢迎他。They give him a hearty welc

19、ome.23. 他会立即答复。HE will give an immediately reply24.那人满意地点了点头。The man nodded with satisfaction25.他荣幸地出席了代表大会。He had the honor to attend the congress26.他在出发前仔细地看了看地图。He had a careful study of the map before he started off27.你能准确地把这句话译出来吗? Can you give an accurate translation of the sentence?词类转换1. 她开车

20、时心不在焉,几乎引发交通事故。Her absence of mind in driving nearly caused an accident.2. He is a good listener and we all love to talk with him.他善于倾听,我们都爱和他谈话3. 卷入战争对于任何国家来说都是痛苦的。Involvement in a war is painful to any nation.4. 教材不按时送到就会打乱我们的教学计划。Any delay in the delivery of the textbooks will disturb our teachin

21、g plan.5. 从他的办公室窗口可以一眼看到广场的全景。A glance through his office window offers a panoramic view of the square .6. Up the street they went, past stores, across a broad square , and then entered a huge building.他们沿着大街走去,经过一家家店铺,穿过一个宽阔的广场,然后走进一幢大楼7. The street runs westward, across a great black bridge, down

22、a hill, through a noisy market, past a ghetto, until it reaches the river.那条街往西伸展,越过一座黑色大桥,爬下一道山岗,经过一处嘈杂的街市,又经过一片贫民窟,一直到了江边。8. 这次特快列车是开往东京的。This express train is for Tokyo9. 我深信学生将更有创造性,更愿意和大人合作。I firmly believe that the students would be more creative and more cooperative with adults.10. 我喜欢读这份报纸,因

23、为它信息量大,娱乐性强、具有很强的可读性。I like reading the newspaper,for it is informative,entertaining and really readable6.正反翻译法1.Galileo recognized the problem, but failed to solve it. 伽俐略认识到这个问题,但是没能加以解决。2. The world today is far from peaceful. 今天的世界还很不安宁3. His conduct is above reproach(指责). 他的行为无可指责4. Such a chan

24、ce was denied (to) me. 我失去了这个机会5. The secretary was free from all blame for the errors.这些失误完全不能怪秘书6. It is beyond my power to promote you.我无权提拔你7.What you are studying seems to be foreign to the main issue of our practical production.你研究的东西似乎跟我们实际生产中的主要问题没有什么关系。 .1. 不准换线!Keep in line!2. 请勿践踏草地! Keep

25、 off the lawn!3. 闲人免进No entry except permitted.4. 油漆未干wet paint5. 请勿将头伸出车窗外。Keep head inside vihicle6. 他绝不会说这样的话。He was the last man to say such things.8. 他们不让我们进去。They prevented me in9. His speech leaves much to be desired.他的讲话很不如人意11. His explanation is far from satisfactory. 他的解释远不能让人满意12. 你无权签定这

26、样的合同。It is beyond your right to sign such a contract. 15. 我觉得身体好极了。I couldnt feel better16. He cant see you quick enough.他很想尽快和你见面3. 校对时,越仔细越好。You cannot be too careful in proofreading. 4. The importance of this conference cannot be overestimated.这次会议的重要性无论怎么强调也不过分5. 新到一个陌生的邻里,越小心越好。 One could not b

27、e too careful in a new neighborhood. 6. Appearances are deceptive. 外貌是靠不住的7. 虽然很忙,但他知道生活不仅仅只有事业。8. When Stephen was introduced to the old couple, they said simply, “Weve read your article. We _expectedto meet an older man _当史蒂夫被介绍给这对老年夫妇的时候,他们只是淡淡地说:“我们看过你的文章,但没想到你这么年轻。”7分译法1. They, not surprisingly

28、, did not respond at all. (adv.)他们根本没有答复,这是不足为奇的2. Characteristically, Mr. Smith concealed his feelings and watched and learned. 史密斯先生没有表露自己的感情,只是察言观色,心领神会,这是他的特点1 She spoke with understandable pride of the invention of the instrument. 她谈到那种仪器的发明时非常自豪,这一点是可以 理解的2 She cannot politely turn down the invita

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