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1、1 感到实实在在是一处天然美丽之岛。日光岩俗称晃岩位于鼓浪屿中部偏南的龙头山顶端,海拔92(68米,为鼓浪屿最高峰。岩顶筑有圆台,站立峰巅,凭栏远眺,厦鼓风光尽收眼底,山中峰腰怪石嶙峋?在疏疏落落的树林中,莲花庵古避署洞龙头山遗址水操台郑成功纪念馆等建筑,石洞、古城和历代摩崖石刻隐约可见,身临其间,思古抚今,会令人感慨万千。从岛上渡轮码头下船步行十几分钟就可以直接到达。从石巷上进,便是龙头山寨。岩石上的圆孔是士兵搭架帐蓬开凿的。前十九路军军长蔡延锴将军见景生情,命笔写下了七绝:心存只手补天工,八闽兵今古同;当年古垒依然在,日光岩下忆英雄。对郑成功赞美有加。蔡元培先生也有一首七绝:叱咤天风镇海涛

2、,指挥若定阵云高。虫沙猿鹤有时尽,正气觥觥不可淘。这是清代大书法家何绍基写的,一股奋发之情催人向顶峰奔去。日光岩下有一石洞,是由巨石架起的通风口,称古避暑洞洞内凉爽异常,为旅游的人拂去疲劳的汗珠。在古避暑洞背后刻着一首诗,日光岩,石磊磊,环海梯天成玉垒,上有浩浩之天风,下有泱泱之大海。出自于蒋鼎文之笔,蒋2 鼎文是蒋介石的同乡,他在解决十九路军发动的闽变以后,踌躅满志,心情极好,才写下这篇颇有点文采的铭文。有人说游厦门不游鼓浪屿就不算来厦门,正确的说法应是:游厦门不登日光岩就不算来厦门。天风台,天风飒飒,海涛滚滚,群山倒影,巨轮列阵,举目四顾,一览无余,尽抱怀中。此情此景,谁不心潮澎湃,豪情激

3、越 从日光岩往下看,鼓浪屿像一艘彩船,停泊于万顷碧波之中,时浮时沉,波光闪烁;是不是像一座盆景,放在翡翠盘里,错落有致,玩赏不尽;是不是像一个睡美人,仰卧于轻雾帐里,风姿绰约,风情万种。英语介绍鼓浪屿 (Good afternoon teacher! May I start ?) Ladies and gentleman, welcome to Xiamen! Im very pleased to be your tour guideduring your stay in Xiamen, now please allow me introduce myself. My name is NieX

4、iaoping, if you afraid of forgetting my name ,I have an English name Xixi ,your can call me Xixi, sitting beside me 3 is our driver Mr. Li, he has more than ten years experience in driving, so he will makes our trip a safe and pleasant one. Mr. Li and I will do as much as we can to make your tour pl

5、easant and enjoyable, I hope that your visit to this beautiful city will be a happy and memorable experience in your life . Today we will be visiting Gulang Island, Gulang Island is located in the southwest to the Xiamen Island. The original name of the islet (the small island) was Yuan ZhouZi. In M

6、ing Dynasty, the name was changed into Gulang Island, meaning drum waves. The island covers an area of 1.78 kilometers, with about 23,000 permanent residents. It is abut 1,800 meters long and 1,000 meters wide, just like an ellipse. Together with a winding costal line and falling and rising rocks, g

7、reen trees, red tiles and golden sand enhance to one anothers beauty. Bays, rocks, cliffs and hills form a pleasing scene. Buildings of various styles, the high-standing Sunlight Rock, and groups of fluttering seagulls constitute a shining picture of sea island. Gulang Island is also named Pearl on

8、the East Sea and Garden on 4 the Sea, for its unique beauty. In 1988, it was ranked as a nationally important scenic zone. In the southwest corner of the island, there are two overlapping crags, eroded by sea water over the years. Later, a vertical hole was formed in them. Whenever the tide flew in,

9、 waves rushed onto the crags, with a rumbling sound like an echo of the beating of a drum. So people called the crags Cleaving Wave Crags. And the name of Gulang Island was derived. Gulang Island has always enjoyed the reputation of being Land of Music and Land of Piano. It had more than 500 pianos

10、in 1950s and1960s. Many world-famous musicians were once born and grew up here. The ferry dock on the island looks like a 5 piano with its open lid, which may remind people of its unique appeal as soon as they step onto the dock. No tourist can afford to miss one attraction located on the island the

11、 nations largest piano museum. Divided into two exhibition halls, the museum guides visitors through a vivid history of the instrument with displays and illustrations. All different types of pianos such as miniature pianos, automatic pianos, accordion pianos and round-shaped pianos, are on display.

12、After the Opium War, Xiamen was opened up as one of the five trading ports. The western Powers kept pouring in and took a fancy to Gulang Island. In 1902, the island was occupied as a public concession .Britain, America, France, Germany, Japan, Spain, Portugal, the Netherland, Austria, Norway, Swede

13、, the Phillipines and other countries once established their own consulates on the island and set up foreign firms, hospitals, schools and churches. Some rich 6 overseas Chinese also come here to build houses and villas, to invest in real estate. When the Pacific War broke out in 1941, Gulang Island

14、 was occupied by Japan alone. More than 100 years of colonial rule did not end until the success of the Anti-Japanese War was achieved. Because of that special period of history, the buildings on the island are of a great variety. There are south Fujian houses with upturned eaves, the Eight Trigrams

15、 Tower called Little White House, grand and towering catholic churches, European buildings with red tile sand large roofs, and villas of both Chinese and western styles. The island may be rated as Museum of Ten-thousand Nations Buildings. The streets and buildings on Gulang Island are built at both

16、sides of the mountain. Some are spiraling high up, and some are lowly zigzagging, according to the geographical location. Beautiful flowers are in bloom everywhere in deep lanes, 7 and green vines are climbing on the house walls. This is a peaceful place, with downtown areas, but without vehicles co

17、ming and going, and without the noises of vehicles. Mountain ranges rise and fall on the island, with Dragon Head Mountain being the highest peak, which stands against Tiger Head Mountain of Xiamen on the opposite shore. So there is a folk story that a dragon and a tiger guard the Xiamen port. In th

18、e east of the island is Flag-raising Mountain. In its west is Bijia (Penholder) Mountain.The obtruding part opposite to the east sea is Fujing Rock. In addition, there are Hen Mountain, Swallowtail Mountain, Camel Mountain, Hero Mountain, and so on. The island has over 4,000 kinds of plants, belongi

19、ng to over 80 families. With fresh air, thick forests and blooming flowers all year around, the island is also named Garden on 8 the Sea. The main scenic spots on Gulang Island are: Sunlight Rock, Shuzhuang Garden, Bright Moon Garden, Yuyuan Garden, Xiamen Museum, Road around the Island, Zheng Cheng

20、gong Memorial Hall,and so on. which are visited annually by millions of people from all parts of the country and the world. For people living in the hustle and bustle of todays metropolis, citizens on this island seem to live in a paradise with a relaxing, healthy and placid lifestyle. Time goes so

21、quickly and our todays visit is drawing to a close. Thanks for your cooperation. I do hope you enjoyed todays tour. Have a good rest. See you tomorrow. 篇二:鼓浪屿英文导游词 Welcome toXianmen. I am glad to be your guide name is Chen xi. You can call me xiao Chen or Chen dao. I come from the happy tra

22、vel service. This is our driver Mr Smith. And please remember our coach number Min C 12345. Todan we are going to visit a famous scenic spot in Xiamen, it is a must-see in xianmen. Do you know where is it? Yes, it 9 is Ggulanyu. It is said to come to Xiamen and not go to Gulanyu is in vain. Gulanyu

23、has a long history as well as beautiful scenery. Ladies and Gentlemen,now we have arrived at our destination.lets got off the coach. please take along with your valuables and follow me. During the Ming Dynasty, the island was called Yuanshazhou Island 圆沙洲. Do you know why it is called Gulanyu then?

24、It is said that in the southeast of the sea, there was a big rock. The rock was lashed by the sea waves for many years, it gradually formed into a huge cave. When the sea waves beat the rock and it sounds like the beating of a drum. The island came to be named Gulang. Gu in Chinese means drum, and L

25、ang, means waves. Gulangyu islet covers an area of 1.77 square kilometers which locates on the southeast of xiamen. It has 20,000 residents .You see ,quite a small place, but there are many interesting places ,such as Sunshine Rock, Music Hall and so on. It was entitled as Garden on the sea, Piano i

26、slet and Exhibition of architecture. 10 Now lets come to sunshine rock. Sunshine Rock is regards as the most beautiful place in xiamen. It is the highest point of xiamen. Look the statue over there. Do you know who is he? He is Zheng cheng gong ,our national hero , once recovered Taiwan for China. T

27、he status is 15 meters high and more than 1600 tons in weight. The status can not only be seen on Gulanyu but also on vessels coming and leaving the Xiamen port. Ok lets go to the Zhengchenggong meorial hall first. The hall was built on february the 1st of 1962. There are many relics in the hall. Yo

28、u can go around and have a look. After the recovery of Taiwan, Zhengchenggong devoted himself to the constrution and development of Taiwan. Just because of his great achivements. Though 300 year passed, people have never forgotten the national hero. Ok now lets go to the shuicaotai. This was the pla

29、ce when Zhengchenggong developed his naval force. Since there is a place for dill and there are also barracks for the navy. Follw me. Lets go to the Longtoushan, where zhengchenggong stationed his naval forece. Alought there is only half of the 11 stone gate remained, you see there are some holes on

30、 them. It is said that there were left by the soldiers settig up tents. Unconsiously we reach the top. Seeing the scenery here is really a kind of enjoyment. This is the higest point of Gulanyu. Now standing on peak, you can get a clear view of the whole xiamen and blue sea,and do you feel you are v

31、ery proud of yourself to conquer such a high mountain. Look , can you see the red roofs in trees close by and the tall building in downtown Xiamen in the distance. Plus the gentle breeze from the sea and the ocassional sounds of the sea weavs. Do you feel Gulanyu is fantastic?Well,ladies and gentlemen,during the following time ,you can look

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