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专题限时检测三 动词和动词短语.docx

1、专题限时检测三 动词和动词短语专题限时检测(三)动词和动词短语(共3组,每组限时8分钟)1(2014江西重点中学盟校一联)Susan looks so sad. Whats wrong with her?A letter from home _ an attack of homesickness.Asent out Bset outCsent off Dset off2(2014陕西西安一联)The human being can _ many tasks that other animals cannot, like using language and judging what other

2、 people are thinking.Acarry out Btake outCput out Dbring out3(2014浙江杭州第一次质检)The light is so weak that I cant _ the words in the article.Maybe your eyesight is failing.Aleave out Bmake outCcheck out Dfigure out4(2014浙江衢州一中一模)As I _ the little grass house in the forest, my heart beat more and more qui

3、ckly.Aapproached BwalkedCran Dstepped5(2014重庆七中一模)To my disappointment, the company _ my request for changing my damaged desk.Aturned off Bturned overCturned up Dturned down6(2014合肥第一次质检)Im not good at _ peoples mind, so if you should have some requests, let me know.Areading BcrossingCoccupying Dcha

4、nging7(2014武汉武昌第一次调研)Dont lend your textbooks to those people; it is difficult to _ the books from them when you want them.Aattain BrecognizeCpreserve Drecover8(2014福建厦门第一次质检)The authorities _ an orange warning of haze and urged people to stay indoors.Acommanded BstruckCcancelled Dissued9(2014江苏苏锡常镇

5、四市第一次调研)Hello. Id like to have a talk with Mr. Smith staying in your hotel.Im sorry, but he isnt here. He _ this morning.Achecked in Bdropped inCchecked out Ddropped out10(2014重庆渝东名校高三第一次联考)Though his arms hurt, Steven _ the new challenge, cycling the 250mile route alone.Aset up Bmade upCtook up Dbr

6、ought up11(2014安徽三所示范性高中第一次质检)Luckily, the gap in the fence was just wide enough for the sheep to _.Aget through Bget behindCget over Dget off12(2014江西八所重点中学高三第一次联考)The manager asked his assistant if it was possible to _ the investment plan within a week.Awork out Bput outCmake out Dset out13(2014重庆

7、南开中学一模)As soon as the gate was opened, the people around crowded into the supermarket and I got _ from my friend.Adivided BseparatedClost Dmissed14(2014重庆重点中学第一次联考)This is neither the time nor the place to play. Lets _ and attend to the business in hand.Acome up Bcome downCsettle down Dsettle up15(2

8、014江西部分重点中学第一次联考)He finally found a hotel at the corner of the street _ 60 dollars for a single room with bath.Aoffering BclaimingCdemanding Dcharging1(2014安徽省合肥市第二次质检)According to Darwins “Survival of the Fittest”, only those species that were able to _ the sudden great changes of their living cond

9、itions could survive.Aappeal to Brelate toCadapt to Dcontribute to2(2014陕西质量检测二)The government has made great efforts to _ food prices, which have been too high for years.Aput down Btake downCfall down Dbring down3(2014重庆一中二模)Mary often does some translation work to earn extra money, which _ half of

10、 her income.Amakes for Bcounts onCaccounts for Dconsists in4(2014天津六校二模)I had forgotten about it because I had been so _ with other things.Aabsorbed BoccupiedCsupplied Ddevoted5(2014重庆万州区二诊)In spite of the tight schedule of study, the activities for students to achieve their potential have never bee

11、n _.Acalled in Bcalled offCcalled out Dcalled up6(2014安徽马鞍山高中毕业班第二次质检)If we improve its package, the product will surely _ when introduced to the market.Aget off Bcome outCcatch on Dbreak away7(2014重庆三峡名校第二次联考)This week, a New York City food truck _ hot dogs to passersby on the street.Aput out Bwork

12、ed outCmade out Dgave out8(2014安徽淮北五校第二次联考)Would you like to go to the cinema with us after work?Im afraid not, for I have some urgent business to _.Aturn up Bsubscribe toCbring about Dattend to9(2014重庆九龙坡区二模)John is strongly convinced that extra time spent studying now will _ in the future.Ashow of

13、f Bset offCpay off Dtake off10(2014江西八所重点中学高三第二次联考)We are urged to be kind to everyone and should not _ to the view that people with contradictory ideas to our own are dangerous.Acontribute BsubscribeCdistribute Dconfirm11(2014江西南昌部分重点中学质检二)Our school appeals to the students to _ at least an hour ev

14、ery day to take exercise in order to raise learning efficiency.Aset aside Bpick outCtake up Dkeep back12(2014江西南昌部分重点中学质检二)For sustainable development, I advocate we should _ conventional energy with renewable energy.Aswitch BabandonCsubstitute Dexchange13(2014江西上饶高三第二次质检)Shangrila Hotel! May I help

15、 you?Id like to _ a double room with a sea view for two nights.Aobserve BreserveCdeserve Dpreserve14(2014江西上饶部分高中高三第二次质检)In a secondhand market you can often _ a car in good condition with much less money than its usual price.Apick up Blook upCbring up Dhold up15(2014合肥名校二模)Chinese traditional medic

16、ine is being gradually _ by the US, while it still has a long way to go.Arejected BaccumulatedCrecognized Devaluated1My deskmate enjoys _ the dictionary from time to time as he is reading English passages, which makes it hard for him to read fast.Alooking up Bdealing withCconsulting with Dreferring

17、to2Nowadays, the importance of safety awareness for children is _ not only by parents but also by governments.Aresisted BunderlinedCcorrupted Ddeclined3Tuhao, dating back perhaps as early as the Southern Dynasty, _ its new meaning last September.Aput on Btook onCcarried on Ddepended on4The fourth Th

18、ursday in November is set aside for Americans to _ Thanksgiving Day with family members.Apursue BcelebrateCcongratulate Dobtain5You may not like her, but you have to _ that she is doing her job much better than you.Aadmit BinspectCexpect Drequest6During a meeting with other senior officials over the

19、 weekend, Premier Li Keqiang _ action to relieve poverty.Apulled away Bcarried outCcalled for Dput into7The young backpacker always _ at the youth hotel when he is in Kathmandu.Aputs up Bsets downCcomes about Dtakes up8The little boy always listens to the teacher very carefully in class. He can _ al

20、most every word his Chinese teacher says.Aput down Bput outCput away Dput together9To our anger, many povertystricken counties build luxurious office buildings instead of _ money to improve the miserable conditions of local schools.Aannouncing BallocatingCadvocating Daccumulating10Burglars _ and sto

21、le computer equipment worth 900 while we were away on holiday.Achecked in Bbroke inCdropped in Dbrought in11Father gave me 600 yuan last weekend. Then I spent 500 yuan on clothes and dinner, but I cant _ where another 100 yuan has gone.Apick out Bfigure outCgive out Dleave out12What I want to _ to t

22、eenagers is that being addicted to the Internet will to some extent harm both mental and physical health.Aget in Bget acrossCget down Dget over13What do you think of your new colleague?There are some things that are not easy to _and his coldness is one. He always behaves himself too proudly.Aput asi

23、de Bput up withCthink of Dget along with14Thanks to Mrs. Smith, the father and the son eventually _ after ten years cold relationship between them.Atook up Bpicked upCmade up Dturned up15Mark had to _ his fathers business after his death, though he didnt really want to continue it.Adepend on Btake a

24、wayCwatch over Dcarry on答 案一模题组1选D句意:“苏珊看上去很悲伤,她怎么了?”“一封家书唤起了她的思乡之情。”send out“分发,发出(光、信号、声音等)”;set out“开始,着手”;send off“寄出,发出”;set off“引爆,出发,激起,引起”。2选A句意:人类可以完成很多其他动物不能完成的任务,如:使用语言,判断其他人在想什么。carry out“执行,完成”;take out“拿出,除去”;put out“出版,扑灭,生产”;bring out“出版,推出,使显出”。3选B句意:“灯光如此微弱以至于我辨认不清文章中的文字。”“也许你的视力正在

25、下降。”leave out“遗漏”;make out“辨认”;check out“(住宿)退房,结账”;figure out“算出,解出”。4选A句意:当我接近森林里的那座小草屋时,我的心跳得越来越快了。approach“接近”;walk“行走”;run“跑”;step“迈步”。B、C、D三项都为不及物动词,故被排除。5选D句意:使我感到失望的是,公司拒绝了我更换破损桌子的请求。turn off“关闭(电源等)”;turn over“翻转”;turn up“露面”;turn down“拒绝”。6选A句意:我不擅长猜测别人的心思,所以如果你有要求的话,请告诉我。read ones mind“猜测

26、某人的心思”,为固定短语,符合句意。7选D句意:别把你的课本借给那些人。当你要的时候就很难从他们那要回来了。recover“重新获得,寻回”,符合句意。A项意为“达到,获得”;B项意为“认出,赏识”;C项意为“保留”。8选D句意:当局发出雾霾橙色预警,并强烈要求人们待在室内。command“命令”;strike“击打,碰撞”;cancel“取消”;issue“公布,发出”。D项符合句意。9选C句意:“你好。我想找住在你们旅馆的史密斯先生。”“对不起,他不在这里。他今天早上结账走了。”check out表示“结账离去”,符合语境。check in“登记,报到”;drop in“顺便拜访”;dro

27、p out“退出,退学”。10选C句意:虽然他的胳膊都受伤了,但是Steven接受新的挑战,独自一人骑车完成了250英里的路程。根据句中的“challenge”可知,take up“接受”符合语境。set up“建立”;make up“组成;编造”;bring up“抚养”,均不符合语境。11选A句意:幸运的是,篱笆上的缺口宽度刚好能让羊钻过去。get through“通过”;get behind“落后,拖延”;get over“克服,控制”;get off“离开,出发”。12选A句意:经理问他的助理是否可能在一个星期内把投资计划制订出来。work out“制订出(计划等)”,符合句意。put

28、 out“扑灭”;make out“辨认出”;set out“着手进行”。13选B句意:超市大门一开,四周的人都蜂拥而入,我和朋友被挤散了。get separated from有“与分开”之意,符合句意。14选C句意:这不是玩的时候也不是玩的地方。咱们安静下来专心处理手头的事情吧。come up“发生”;come down“降落,落下”;settle down“(使某人)安静下来,(在某地)定居下来,开始认真对待”;settle up“付清”。15选D句意:他最终在街道拐角处找到了一家旅馆,一间带浴室的单人房收费60美元。根据句子意思和句中的介词for可以断定D项正确。charge .for

29、.“因为要多少钱”。其他选项不符合此用法。二模题组1选C句意:按照达尔文的“适者生存”理论,只有那些能够适应他们生活环境的突然的大变化的物种才能够生存下来。这里用adapt to表示“适应”,故选C。appeal to“呼吁,打动”;relate to“讲述,了解”;contribute to“捐献,促成”。2选D依据题干中的“which have been too high for years”可知,政府为了把食品价格降下来已经作出了巨大努力,bring down“降(价)”,符合题意。put down“放下,记下”;take down“拆卸,记录”;fall down“跌倒,倒塌”。3选C

30、句意:玛丽经常做些翻译工作来获取额外收入,这些收入占了她收入的一半。make for“促成,有助于”;count on“依靠,指望”;account for“占(比例)”;consist in“存在于”。4选B句意:我把这事给忘了是因为我一直忙着别的事情。“be occupied with名词”意为“忙于”;be absorbed in“全身心投入”;be devoted to“致力于”,但设空后是介词with,故排除A、D两项。be supplied with“用供给”,不合逻辑,故被排除。5选B句意:尽管学习安排很紧,但开发学生潜能的活动从未被取消过。call in“召来”;call off“取消”;

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