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1、Unit11SadmoviesmakemecryUnit 11 Sad movies make me cry.Section A 1 (1a-2d)一、教学目标: 1. 掌握本课时的单词2.掌握本课时的句型:The loud music makes me nervous. Soft and quiet music makes me relaxed.二、教学重难点1. 教学重难点:1) 掌握本课时中出现的生词2)正确理解make 的用法。三、自主导学案(一)、写出下列重点单词、短语、句型1.迫使_ 2. 最近,不久前;_3.友谊,友情;_4.使我困倦_ 5.使发疯_6.the more, the

2、 more_ 7.好坏参半好坏参半_8.是某人的朋友_ 9.感觉被忽视 _10. -Id _go to Blue Ocean because I like to _ _quiet music while Im _. -But that music _me sleepy.-更愿意到蓝海洋餐厅,因为我喜欢在吃饭时听轻音乐。 -=但那种音乐使我困倦。11. _for Amy drove Tina _. 等候Amy使Tina发狂。12. The movie was _ sad that it_ Tina and Amy cry. 这部电影是如此悲伤以致使Tina和Amy 都哭了。13. Sad mov

3、ies dont_ John _.They just make him want to leave_. 悲伤的电影没有让John 哭他们只能使他想尽快离开。(二)、自主探究1. Sad movies make me cry. 悲伤的电影使我哭泣。【解读】这个句子中的make是个使役动词,意为“使得,促使,导致”,其后接不带to的不定式做宾语补足语,即“make sb. do sth”. 但在被动语态中to 要还原, 变成“sb. +be+ made to do sth.”的结构。【举例】(1)She always makes me laugh. 她总是让我发笑。(2)The workers w

4、ere made to work 20 hours a day. 工人们曾被迫使每天工作20小时。【课堂变式】He always makes his sister _, but yesterday he was made _by his sister.A. cry; cry B. to cry; to cry C. cry; to cry D. to cry, cry【练习】选择题(1) He lost his key. It made him_ in the cold to wait for his wifes return. A. to stay B. stayed C. stays D.

5、 stay(2)At last, the boy was made_ and began to laugh. A. stop crying B. to stop to cry C. to stop crying D. stop to cry2. The loud music makes me nervous. 大声的音乐使我紧张。【解读】这里的make 意为“使成为,使处于某状态”,其后跟形容词作宾语补足语,即“make + sb.+ adj.”【举例】(1)The news made him very happy. 这则消息使他非常高兴。(2)That music makes me slee

6、py. 那首音乐让我想睡觉。【练习】根据中文完成句子( 1 ) MH370的失联让我难过。Losing contact with MH370 made_ _. .(2)你一定来,可不要让我不开心。Be_ to come. Dont _me _. .3. Id rather go to the Blue Ocean Restaurant because I like to listen to quiet music while Im eating. 我宁愿去蓝海洋餐馆,因为我喜欢在吃饭的时候听安静的音乐。【解读】Id rather= I would rather “我更愿意,我宁愿”。would

7、 rather 表示主观上的选择,意为“定可”,后接动词原形,没有人称和数的变化,否定形式是 would rather not do sth.表示“宁愿而不愿”可以用结构:would rather do sth. than do sth.【举例】(1)I would rather stay at home in such weather.这样的天气里我宁愿呆家里。(2)Would you rather stay here or go home?你是愿意留这里还是愿意回家?【课堂变式】Hed rather _a volunteer in Sichuan than _in Beijing Univ

8、ersity.A. be; teach B. to be; teach C. being; teaching D. is; teach【练习】选择题(1) How about climbing the hill? I would rather _along the river than_ the hill. Im a bit tired. A. walk; climb B. walking; climbing C. walking; to climb D.walk;to climb(2)Shed rather _ at home than _ basketball. A. stay; play

9、 B. staying; playing C. to stay; to play D. stay; playing4.Waiting for Amy drove me crazy. 等待艾米把我逼疯。【解读】句中的drive是“迫使”的意思,其语法搭配是drive+ sb.+ adj./ to do sth., 如drive sb. crazy/ mad “把人逼得发疯/发狂”。drive(drove, driven) 常用的词义还有“驾驶,开车;驾车送(接)人”。【举例】(1)Shall we drive or go by train? 我们是开车去还是乘火车去?(2)Could you d

10、rive me home? 你可以开车送我回家吗?【练习】根据中文完成句子(1)饥饿迫使她去偷窃。Hunger_ her_. .(2)我们驾车出去旅行如何?Shall we take a _?四、解难答疑:见课件五、当堂测试(一)根据汉语提示完成单词。1. We should spend more time with our friends to make our _(友谊) stronger. 2. Jim is often late for school and gets to sleep in class _(最近). 3. This naughty baby often _(迫使) M

11、rs. Smith crazy.4. I often feel _(困倦) after taking this medicine in the morning.5. I have _ (意识到) that there is something wrong with my pet dog.(二)翻译下列句子1)一直等她让我很生气。_.2)愿待在家里也不愿去公园。_.3)为什么不去看电影呢?_.4)我们在一起越多,我们就越开心。_. Unit 11 Sad movies make me cry. Section A 3a3c一、教学目标: 1. 掌握本课时的单词2.掌握本课时的句型:二、教学重难点

12、1. 教学重难点:1) 掌握本课时中出现的生词2) 理解文章语篇三、自主导学案(一)写出下列单词、短语、句型1.想要做某事_ 2.(脸色)苍白_3.无缘无故地哭_ 4.召集_5.既不也不_ 6.为而担心_7.起初_ 8.柠檬汁_9.拥挤的交通_ 10.取消会议_11. 睡眠很差_ 12毫无理由_13.有很在的权力_ 14.替代我的职位_15. He found _wrong with his body.他发现他身材没任何毛病。16.Its all in his mind, _medicine _rest can help him.全是他的思想问题上,药和休息都不能帮助他。 17. _I hav

13、e a lot of power, it doesnt_ me happy.尽管我有很大的权力,它并不能使我高兴。 18. I have a lot of _, but Im always _about losing my money. 我有许多财富,但我总是担心失去我的钱。(二) 自主探究1. He slept badly and didnt feel like eating.他睡不好也吃不下。【解读】feel like sth./doing sth. 意为“想要某物/想做某事”,相当于 want to have or do sth.。feel like 中的like是介词,其后要接名词或代

14、词,动名词。【举例】I feel like a cup of tea.我想喝杯茶。【横向辐射】feel like的搭配1. 后接名词Do you feel like a rest? 你想休息一下吗? The material feels like velvet. 这料子摸起来像丝绒。注:下面两句中like后面的rain和snow是名词,不是动词:It feels like rain (snow). 像是要下雨(雪)的样子。2. 后接代词Well go for a walk if you feel like it. 你愿意的话,咱们就去散散步。“Why did you do that?” “Be

15、cause I felt like it.” “你为什么那么做呢?”“因为我想那么做。”注:有时后接反身代词,表示觉得身体情况正常。如:I dont feel like myself today. 我今天感到不太舒服。3. 后接动名词I feel like catching a cold. 我像是感冒了。I felt like laughing, but I didnt dare. 我想笑,但是不敢笑。After being ill I didnt feel like eating but I managed to force something down. 我病后不想吃东西,不过还是勉强咽了

16、一点。4. 后接句子I feel like I want to cry. 我觉得我想哭。You feel like you could reach out and touch it (the space). 你感到仿佛能伸手摸到它(太空)。注:后接句子时,其中的like相当于as if或as though。如:I felt like as if, as though I was swimming. 我觉得好像在游泳似的。Alice felt like as if, as though she was in a very nice dream. 艾丽斯觉得她好像在做一个美梦。【课堂变式】-Hi,

17、 Julie, What would you like to have for supper?-Oh, mom, I am too feel terrible and dont feel like _ anything.A. eat B to eat C. eating D. ate【练习】根据中文完成句子(1)我想要喝一杯。I _ a drink.(2)你要不要去散个步?Do you_ a walk?2. Neither medicine nor rest can help him. 吃药或休息都对他没用。【解读】 neither.nor.意为既不也不,通常连接两个相同的句子成分,用于否定两

18、者。当neither.nor.修饰两个成分作主语时,其谓语动词要和nor之后的主语在人称和数上保持一致。即遵循“就近原则”。【举例】(1)I neither smoke nor drink. 我不抽烟也不喝酒。(2)She has neither time nor money. 她既没时间又没钱。(3)Neither he nor I was well-educated. 他和我都没受过良好教育。【练习】合并句子(1) The twins dont know Mr. White, and Helen doesnt know him, either._the twins_ Helen_ Mrs.

19、 White.(2) I dont go to the market in such a cold weather. Neither does Alice._Alice _I _to the market in such a cold weather.扩展:both, either & neitherneither表示“两者都不”, 作主语时,谓语动词常用单数形式。 e.g. Neither of his parents is a doctor. 他的父母都不是医生。both表示“两者都”,作主语时,谓语动词用复数形式。 e.g. Both of his parents are doctors

20、. 他的父母都是医生。either表示“两者中的任何一个”,作主语时,谓语动词常用单数形式。 e.g. Either of his parents is a doctor. 他的父母中有一个是医生。【链接】both . and . 连接主语时,谓语动词用复数形式;either . or . 与neither . nor . 连接主语时,谓语动词常与离它最近的主语在人称和数上保持一致。e.g. Both my sister and my mother are teachers. Either Tom or I have to clean the room. Neither the twins n

21、or John knows how to spell the word.3.What he needs is the shirt of a happy person to wear.他所需要的是一件快乐的人的衬衫。【解读】what he needs 中的 what 是关系代词,意为“(所)的事物/话/东西”,相当于the thing(s) that. What he needs意思是 the thing that he needs “他所需要的东西”。【举例】What we should do next remains unknown. 我们下一步怎么做还不知道。【练习】根据中文完成句子(1)

22、你需要的是一顿美餐。 _you_ is a good meal.(2) 他们说的话让我们大吃一惊。 _ they _surprises us very much.4.But Im not happy because Im always worried about being followed by others. 但我不开心因为我总在担心被其他人跟踪。【解读】be followed by others 采用了被动语态的结构。被动语态由“助动词be及物动词的过去分词”构成。人称、数和时态的变化是通过be的变化表现出来的。【举例】Our classroom is cleaned every day

23、. 我们天天打扫教室。【练习】把下列句子变成被动语态(1)You must finish the article before Friday. _(2)This factory produces machine tools. _四、解难答疑:见课件五、当堂测试(一)根据汉语提示完成单词。1. Both the tiger and the lion want to be the_(国王)of this forest.2. My brother dreams of being a _(银行家)when he grows up.3. The singer got great _(名誉) after

24、singing at the concert.4. There is a saying that knowledge is _(力量). 5. The queen wanted to ask the soldier to build a great _ (宫殿) for herself.(二)将下列句子翻译成英语。1) 那两个双胞胎女孩都有礼貌。_.2) 她的两个哥哥都不喜欢垃圾食品。_.3) 他或者我准备去参加会议。_.4). 我今天不想打篮球。_.5). 她的爸爸和妈妈都不喜欢看足球。_.6) 父母总是很担心我们的学习。_.7). 学生们应该学好英语,这很重要。_.8). 一个星期后他会去

25、北京。 _.Unit 11 Sad movies make me cry.Section A (Grammar Focus-4b)一、教学目标: 1. 掌握本课时的单词2.掌握本课时的句型:二、教学重难点1. 教学重难点:1) 掌握本课时中出现的生词2) 再次复习并掌握make的用法三、自主学习学案(一) 填写下列空白1.阴沉的,灰色的_ 2.柠檬;_ 3.起初 _4.取考试成绩单_ 5.发现_ 6.做的差_7.吵闹的音乐使我紧张。_8.轻柔的音乐使我放松。_9.金钱和名誉并不总能使人幸福。_(二) Grammar Focus1. The loud music _me _. 吵得音乐使我紧张2._ and _ music makes me_. 舒缓和安静的音乐让我放松。.3. Money and_ _ always make people happy.金钱和名誉并不总是让人开心。4. She said that the _ _made her cry. 她说悲伤的电影使她哭泣。(三)知识点讲解make的使役用法:make作使役动词,意为“使;迫使”,其常用结构如下: make + sb. + adj. 意为“使得某人”。如: The news made him happy. 这个消息让他很开心。 make + sb. + do sth.意为

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