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1、 . ddtbuyD. ont bu3. Ise _? . astudent and a teace B.a stdent r a eacher C.a studentadten a eacher . astudent,a tacher. Is that _ car? AEnglsh B.Japanese C. ld D. yor. yeaher oftenhels _ wihmat. A. shand BI and she C. er ndme and her. cuseme,Ms. An morecofee? _. . Srry, no rlm B. ut afe, please

2、 C. Yes, ht lright D. No, than y. _ ur tach like you? A. Do B. Dos D. Is. Or teah oftn _ othe shol by bus. A i going B ges C. goin . ikes9. _ in the classroom a issng.A. Oe of aooB.Oe f books .ne of the boksD. One oftebook10. Sie hecam re asyear, e _ ppy. A re B wee . hvbeen Dd enat2Readg mprhnneton

3、 ADirectio:Rea the folwinpassage. Cho he be word m ., B.,C., D anE feacnmbered blnk Whati theest way to larn lnguag? We shul rmember tt weal au ownlanuagewel when e were 11 W earned t alk whewe were btn yearold If we oudern secod 12 in teame way, i wuldnots s difficu. Tnkfwat a smalcld os. t istnsto

4、 what peey antriesto imiae(模仿) wt it hear. When t wantsomething, ha to a rt. Itusntlgage, talking in it,nd thinng it all th imIf 13 had to use cond lange lletme, tey woud learn i quckly.We learnou ow aguage y herigpeope eakit,no eeing wht thy write. e imitaewha we hear In 4 ,hough we lan t read ad w

5、reas well s o her and seak, t is the bst to larn l he nw word thro t 15 . Yu cnrete, spll them, d writethemater. D C A E .people B.a Canguae Dhildren E shooStn BDirection: Ech pasage is olloed bysomequtions unfinishedsteents. o each ofem there aeforchois arkd , B.,C. d . You shldecide on the be hice

6、. Do youlik taveling?eyouvisi Lnn, o o te firs hgsyou wil s s Bi n, the faou ocwhich cn beead ll ovr the worl nteBBC If he Huses o Paliamen hadnt ben burned dw n4, trea clck wouldneverave been set up.Big Ben tasitsna roSi Benjmi Hall wh mde tkhe thenewse of rient were beig built. It is nt nly lrg, u

7、t s exac(精确的)swel. People havete ock chked twi a da. O te BB, yo cn hearthecloc wen t is aully rking ecause micrpone (麦克风) are oncted o te cotwe i Benhasrrey gone wrng One, howver, it faileto give e crrect time. A panteho had beenokig o thower hung apot o pan onoeof the handsandlwdit dn16 Bg Be is _

8、. A.a fmous buildern Londn . famus pier inEnglan C.aaoussng i teworld D a famou cockin the orld17. Te Huss Parliament wer _. A. bn down in 1834and rebuilt the next er B. ner brnt own all C rebit bore the cock asset u burnt down n 18 after th lock ws ad18. Benjmin allis _. a bi hal B. a worldfamos cl

9、ock enineer of h new Houses D the person who made heclc1. B en sfamus all overth wl ecaue _ s bi i i ol C. tell ext tim both A and C20 Whch of t follownis not true? A e cn her he loc triking BC. . he microes fB ar nneced oth clocktwer. CBg Bnfid togve thcoret ti twi. D. Bn ws cheked twie d

10、aPar 3 TransltioectonADireions: Tanslte h folowing sennces in Cies.21. Ran wer fins t way t riers22. Peoles eadn puse is q deent.雨水找到了通往江河的路。2. 人们的阅读目的是大不相同的Seon BDirectins: Tranlatethe llowing entnesinto nglish.2. 昨天下雨了。t ine yeeray24请把门打开。Ples open teoor.Practice 2Part 1ocbulary and tructureDrecti

11、ons: oeac sentene therar furchoices mared A,B,C,D.Choos theONE hatet coets thentne. -Wo h an easer? have _ here. A. t B. one C. h eraser D. ones . Ca ospak Jpanee? Yes,but onl _. A. alittle B. little C ae D. few . W have mch _ toda. A.omworks B. heork C. ahomewor D. works4. _ Sundys we sy at om A. W

12、hn . A C. In On 5. I aentChia, eopl e tosd smoke _to warn ta the nemywer coming . signs B. ignals C. mo D mrs6. - Wow, your homewor lok rt! I _t on my comptr. A. did . d . ll o D. addoe7 Th doctlooked over Pee carefully afte he _ to ehsial. A tke B. istakn C. ook D. ws aken8. Tewashing achie wasmae

13、_ Ci. A. of B. from C.y D. in9. Jo helpe wre letter _ Enlish A th .of D. by10 I wan_ apcture fr her. A. o a B. draws . daw .raig Pt2 Rea ompehensionecion ADirectio: Rea efolloing psae Choose he bet wo arked A., B, ., D. adE or ecnumednk.A 0ear-old meicanofficer cam bck 1 h school. heteaers ased

14、 im togve atak tohe mallboysad grls there Th takwas 1 e love ofthi great ouny. llth te oes ere iting 13 a arge meinoom. he old ierent p and bean speakig. He si, s a irs,I suien this holfoty years ag hen s ur age,we wereno shapyas you are day. hikaout it an nr me,wh aryou sapy now?No sud c fo the hil

15、den. The old man waited 14 a ngtime. Ten a shorto nt rot tup s sall irtyhand. Goo boy! Pleae answe e, der, said te offie.With bg sie 15 his fac, th bood up nd i, if you spa lnen, w wnt havet hav ahd iology lessos tsorgEABC .about B.i .fr D.on . oSeion BDecion: Ech passg i folowed by some estions r u

16、nfinhestateets. Fr ach ofthemhere refour chicesmakedA., B, . ad . Yo sould cide the best chc. Aste as 800, onsoy plces in he home. Theiea wmn i hbuins wrld w uninabe. n tought hat no omancoul do a goo job otide hhom Whn the wl-knwnBrte sstes began writig bos in 1846, e hdo sg their bos withmn nams i

17、stead achng washe first prsionopen wmn fter 1800 But even tha wsnot n eas psionfor omen to ener bca mstscools and colleweope only t men. Hspital uri becam a respetble jb forwmen only afe Nihtingae becam amous Seeintht she was nnly anue butas a ch nd wel-uted woma,peoplebega o beli i ws il o women to

18、nure th sick astill be ladies. Mss Nightigale pened Enlans frstanig sol fr nurses 1860.The inntiof the ypwrite in 167 eped to ring omenu of the ho and nt h buinessrld By 19, housand of omen werwkin trealjobs schoo, hosptals and ice in th ngladand Aeric.Sme wn even anagd tbecmeoctors or lawyer. Te id

19、e hatwoen culd orkin e bsiness ordad beencpted.16. The firstjob otid the me or women _. A. teahin B. using C. busins D. law1 Itws elivedin80 that _ A. omen culddos welas mn B. no ome c dowel n the jo uidehoes . womn colbeood write Dteachig was the ight jobormen.18. hefirsttraining shl for nes wasse

20、upin _. A.1867 B 100 . 186 . 1001. omen bgan owor inocesafte _. 1900 B 1860 C. 167 D. 100. Whch f th ollwing isnot rue? A ightinaasrichnd wel-educatdB. The Bonte sisters dteir true nam whn hey published theirbok. C oe cold be good nurses. D. Womn cod or th uiess worldPr TrnlationSecio ADrection:Tras

21、late the foowing sentencs into Chines. 2. Teile Houseismr tna he; ithas offics fr thePresidnt 白宫不仅是总统的家,它还是总统的办公室2. Deeatsarenohing tobe fet same of 失败不是什么可耻的事情。SectonBDirecions: Translte helowin snteces ito ngish.23. 桌上有一支笔。hre senon the desk.2学生们现在正在唱歌。The stdets ae siging nwPractice 3Part Vcabuary and StrctureDirections: o achsntec there arfour cos mared A,B,C,D.Choo te ON that bstcompletes theentence.Heoten writes_hisparent A.for B. of C to D. at 2. I alwasgo o the zoo on Satrday, but _ I go t theove. A. oten uslly C. somimes n3. W

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