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国外销售代理协议范本 中英文对照版Word文档下载推荐.docx

1、 Promises contained herein, the parties agree as follows: 在共同约定与承诺的基础上,双方同意如下:Article 1: APPOINTMENT: The Company hereby appoints the Agent hereby accept the right to act as sales Agent to solicit order subject to the terms and conditions set for company. The Purpose of this appointment is to develo

2、p & maintain substantial volume of business for company. Agent agrees it is an independent contractor and it does not have or shall it hold itself out as having any right, power or Authority to enter into any contract or obligation either expressed or implied in the name of or on behalf of company o

3、r to pledge their credit or to extend credit in company name. 第1条:任命: 本公司兹任命代理商以下权利:担当销售代理,在公司条款及规定的条件下寻求订单。 这一任命的目的是发展和维持公司的实际销售额。 代理商同意它是一个独立的协议方,它不具有或 将它保存为具有任何权利,权力或权限订立的合同或义务的任何明示或以公司名义或代表或隐含保证他们的自身信贷或延长信贷公司名称。All orders solicited by the Agent shall be in accordance with company standard terms,

4、 andconditions of sales. These Terms and conditions shall be Subject to change by company, with or without prior notice to the Agent. Company reserves the right to approve or disapprove or accept or reject any order solicited by the Agent out of his Agency Agreement Territories. Company and the Agen

5、t understand and Agree that it can be to their mutual benefit that Company enters also, in direct contact, with Client into Agent Territories. For such direct sales, Agent shall receive such commission as set forth under the commission section. 委托专利代理机构征求所有订单应符合公司的标准条款和条件进行销售。这些条款及条件须经由公司变更,恕不另行通知代理

6、。 公司保留权利批准或不批准或接受或拒绝由他代理协议委托专利代理机构征求领土的任何命令。 公司及代理了解并同意,可以在他们的相互利益的公司也进入,直接接触到客户代理领土。 这种直接销售,代理等,应领取委员会作为委员会下设节等等。ARTICLE 2: TERRITORY & DURATION. The territories in common agreement are Cameroon, Tchad, Guinea Equatorial., 第二条:地区及期限。在共同协议的领土是喀麦隆,乍得,赤道几内亚The duration of this agreement shall be for 1

7、 year. At the end of the 1st year, company will review Agents performance and if deemed acceptable, the agreement shall be renewed for a period which will be decided mutually by company & Agent. If, for any reason, Company and Agent do not renew this agreement, Company will continue to honor Agents

8、commission for all sales to buyers that Agent introduced to Company, for an additional period of 02 year. 这项协议的期限为1年。在第一年年底,公司将复议代理的表现,如果认为可以接受的,该协议将继续有效另外一个将决定公司及代理双方的时期。 如果出于任何原因,公司和代理未续订本协议,公司将继续履行对所有销售代理的佣金给买家介绍给该代理公司为一个02年的额外期限。ARTICLE 3: AGENT RESPOSIBILITIES The Agent agrees to maintain an ad

9、equate sales organization and use its best efforts to sell the Companys product in the assigned territory. 第三条:代理商责任 代理商同意维持适当的销售组织和尽最大努力使用之,在指定区域内销售公司的产品。To maintain active contacts with the customers, to keep the Company fully informed of all governmental, commercial, and industrial activities and

10、 plans that could affect the sale in the assigned territory. 保持与客户的积极接触,充分告知公司 所有政府的,商业和工业的可能会影响指定区域内销售的活动和计划,。To provide market information to the company; to recommend improvements to sales plans, assist in developing sales strategy and clarify customers product requirements. 向公司提供市场信息;建议改善销售计划,协助

11、制定销售战略,明确客户的产品要求。To transmit, on request, proposals and technical data to customers, interpret customer inquiries, requirements, attitudes and to assist in contract negotiations. 应客户请求传送建议和技术资料,说明客户询盘,要求,态度,并协助合同谈判。To perform customer liaison services with regard to any customer order for the Compan

12、ys products. 向对公司产品下单的客户提供联络服务。ARTICLE 4 : COMPANY RESPONSIBILIES The company agrees to keep the Agent advised of new prospect, sales plan and objectives for its market. 第四条:公司责任 该公司同意告知代理在其市场范围内的新预期,销售计划和销售目标。 To provide the representative with informative and advisory materials about the business

13、practices to be followed. 向代理方提供与应开展商务活动有关的 信息和咨询材料。To provide the Agent with training and product knowledge with respect to new products, Services features, functionality and pricing. 在新产品,服务特性,功能和价格向代理提供培训和产品知识,。To support the representative with printed commercial and technical data and informati

14、on and to pay compensation as specified. 向代理商提供打印的商业和技术数据和资料,并按指定支付补偿。To take care of Travel expenses(Air Ticket, accommodations, national transport),regarding travel in Taiwan, for International Exhibition, for Customers Visits, Annual Meeting,etc 对于在台湾的旅游,国际展览,拜访客户,年会等,负责旅行费用(机票,住宿,国内出行). To send

15、once a Year at least, the Export Manager, in Africa, to visit with the “Representative Agent”(Impex Distributors),the Customers, mainly, to understand the realities of the market. 每年至少一次,派遣出口经理,在非洲,与“代表代理” 访问客户,主要是为了市场实际情况。ARTICLE 5: TERMS AND CONDITIONS. The Agreement shall become effective as of t

16、he date first written above which the date isexecuted by Company. Company reserves the right to terminate this Agreement if Agents breaches any material,provision of this Agreement or if the Agent:第五条:条款与条件。 该协定应自首次写明的公司确立的日期起生效。 公司有权终止本协议,如果代理人违反任何本协议重要的规定,或者如果代理:1-Violates any law or regulation, g

17、overning the performance of the obligation set forth in this Agreement 2-Amends company quoted pricing without authorization from the company.1,违反法律,法规,载于本协议规定的应履行的义务; 2,修订公司报价且未经本公司授权。ARTICLE 6: COMMISSION. For orders accepted and approved, Company shall invoice the customer in accordance with Comp

18、any standard terms and conditions for sale. Upon receipt of the full payment by Company, the commission set forth as detailed under hereto and shall become due and payable to Agent Within 10 days. Company will pay a Commission of seven percent (10 %) of the total value of contract. No sales commissi

19、on will be paid for the start up services, creating, dock charges, insurance and any other charges related to the shipping. No commission shall be applicable for Freight charges. 第6条:佣金。 对于接受和认可的订单,公司应按照公司的发票标准条款及条件开具销售发票给客户。从公司收讫全额付款起,下面列出的佣金,在10日内应付予代理商。 公司将支付百分之七的合同总价值(10)的佣金。 佣金的支付不产生于启动服务,创造,码头

20、费,保险和航运有关的任何其他费用。 佣金的支付不产生于运费。ARTICLE 7: A/ The Agent shall not enter into any agreement to solicit orders for or promote products and or services, which are in direct competition with the products/Services listed without the written consent of company. B/ Agent agree to cooperate with company in co

21、nduct of trade shows, and exhibits, and assist and cooperate in various training programs scheduled by the company, in the agent territories. 第7条: A/凡是与公司直接竞争的产品/未经本公司书面同意列出的产品/服务,代理不得订立任何协议来争取订单或推广相关的产品,或服务。 B/代理商同意在贸易展览,展览会提供合作。公司在代理地区安排的各种培训计划,公司同意相应的帮助与合作。C/Agent during term of this agreement, m

22、ay have to access to and become acquainted with various trade secrets, consisting of but not limited to formulas patterns, devices, secret inventions,process, compilation of information, records specifications and customers lists which are owned by company and which are regularly used/in operation o

23、f business of company(Trade Secret).Agent shall not disclose any of the earlier said trade secrets, directly, or indirectly, or use them in any。way, either during the course of the Agent Services under this Agreement. All files records and any other documents relating to the business of company, whe

24、ther prepared by Agent or otherwise coming into the possession, shall remain in exclusive property of the company and shall be returned to company in the event of termination of this agreement. C /在本协议有效期内 代理,可能要访问,了解各种商业秘密组成的,但不限于公式的模式,设备,秘密发明,工艺,资料汇编,规格记录,公司拥有且经常使用的客户名单/公司业务运行中的客户名单(商业秘密)。代理人不得泄露任

25、何先前提到的商业秘密,不得直接或间接或以任何方式,或代理商在本协议项下的服务过程中使用它们。任何与公司业务有关的所有文件记录和其他文件,不管是否由代理人编制或其占有,都是公司的独有财产,在本协议终止应当返还至公司。 C/ Agent agree to keep the company fully advise on the prospective sale by providing upon request, areport pertaining to agents sales efforts. Agent Agree to provide copies, of the mailing lis

26、t, inquiries and quotations, recommendations or other such reports and company may reasonablyrequest information relating to this agreement. 代理人按公司要求,以报告的形式,充分告知有关适当的销售力度下其预期销售情况。 代理人同意提供邮件列表、询价及报价、建议或其他类似的报告和公司合理要求的与本协议有关的信息的复印件。 B/ The Company should bring to the Agent all his supports with prior

27、intimation & permission from company. (catalogs, CDs, Samples . etc). 九洲应全力支持代理机构,比如提供优先告知,优先许可 (目录,光盘,样品. .等)。 ARTICLE 8: Terms and provisions herein contained constitute the entire agreement between the parties and shall supersede all previous communications, representations or agreements either v

28、erbal or written between the parties hereto with respect to the subject matter thereof. 第八条: 本文所载的条款和规定,构成了双方之间的完整协议,并取代所有以前的有关信息,陈述或协议的口头或书面的缔约双方之间就标的物公斤。 ARTICLE 9: This Article contains all terms and conditions agreed upon by the parties and no agreement or other understanding would be binding un

29、til made in writing as a modification or amendment to this contract and signed by the parties hereto. This agreement may not be modified orally. 第9条: 本文包含由当事人约定的所有条款和条件。本文不包含其他协议或解释,除非由协议双方签字,以书面形式作出修改或修正本合同。本协议不得通过口头方式修改。 ARTICLE 10: All notices which are required or may be given pursuant to the te

30、rms and conditions shall be in writing and shall be deemed given when delivered by the hand or mailed if to Company. 第10条: 所有的规定或根据可能获得的条款及条件应以书面形式通知,并须交付时视为送达或邮寄的手,仿佛在公司。 ARTICLE 11: Any disputes arising during the performance hereof shall be resolved by mutual consultations and without recourse to

31、 the courts. 第11条: 履行本协议过程中产生的任何纠纷,应通过相互协商解决,不诉诸法院。First Party Second Party.签订合同有哪些注意事项?合同的订立方式具体包括了书面形式、口头形式以及其他形式等等,但不管是以哪种方式来订立合同的,此时都有一些事项是需要当事人了解注意的。一、核实确认对方当事人的主体资格 1、合同对方为自然人:核实并复印、保存其身份证件 (勿以名片代之 ) ,确认其真实身份、行为能力及资信状况,以钱款两清的方式来交易,以避免风险。2、合同对方为“其他组织”:(1)对方当事人为个人合伙或个人独资企业,核对营业执照登记事项与其介绍情况是否一致; 由合伙人及独资企业经办人签字盖公章。(2)法人筹备处:确认经办人身份及股东身份,加盖法人筹备处和股东公章。3、合同对方除加盖公章、私章外,要亲笔签名。(1)在履行合同的过程中涉及到对方人员签字的地方 ( 如验收单上 )都要注意签字方的身份,是否具有合法的授权委托书, 否则签字可能会变为个人的

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