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1、承揽合同 (work-for-hire contract) 保管合同 (safe-keeping contract)仓储合同 (ware-housing contract, storage contract)委托合同(consignment contract) 代理合同(agency contract) 实践中常见的协议主要有:合伙协议(partnership agreement) 代理协议(agency agreement)和解协议(composition agreement) 保密协议(confidentiality agreement) 竞业禁止协议(non-compete agreem

2、ent)人事代理协议(human agency agreement)融资协议(financing agreement)风险投资管理协议(venture capital management agreement) 2.“合同”、“协议”、“契约”等相似概念的关系:简而言之,合同(contract)就是有法律约束力的协议,合同的成立需要满足法定的要件。“协议”(agreement)与“合同”经常用做同义词,但“协议”这一术语含义更广,例如协议可能缺乏合同成立的一些要件,所以说二者的概念虽接近,但不能互换使用。合同是协议的重要组成部分,合同一定是协议,而协议并不都是合同,只有具备合同成立要件的协议才

3、是合同。“契约”的英文表达有: covenant, indenture, deed, 根据Blacks Law Dictionary对三个词语所下的概念可以得知,“契约”主要指用于不动产转让的协议或与不动产有关的证明文件。3. Outline of a contractI. Recitals or Preamble II. Habendum (1) Definition (2) Representations and Warranties (3) Conditions Precedent (4) Limited Liability or Limitation of Liability (5)

4、Non-disclosure or No Publicity (6) Termination (7) Headings (8) Term (9) Waiver (10) Amendment or Modification (11) Assignment or Successors and Assignment (12) Notice(13) Governing Law or Applicable Law or Submission to Jurisdiction (14) Dispute Resolution (15) Severability or Survival of Terms (16

5、) “No Other Business Relations” (17) Force Majeure (18) Entire Agreement (19) Execution by Fax (20) Language (21) Counterparts (22) Ambiguities (23) Currency III. ATTESTATION IV. Schedule4. Structure of ContractI. Recitals or Preamble前言部分主要有如下内容: (1) 指明签约双(各)方 (2) “鉴于(Whereas)”、“叙述(Recital)”或“背景(Bac

6、kground)”部分 (3) 明确指明合同双(各)方愿意签订本合同II. Habendum 正文(1) Definition“定义(Definition)”条款 是对合同中的某些词语的进行定义,确保各词语在合同中的含义统一,以免发生歧义。这些词语可分成两大类。第一类是英文合同中的常用词语,如附属机构(Affiliate)、财务报表(Financial Statements)等;第二类是本合同中使用的具有特定含义的词语。(2) Representations and Warranties“陈述与保证(Representations and Warranties)”条款是合同双(各)方对某些基本

7、事实的陈述并保证其陈述的真实性,其构成合同签订与生效的前提。主要内容有:a) 合法注册、经营状况现状、相关资质(Organization, Standing and Qualification) b) 注册资本(Capitalization) c) 适当授权(Due Authorization) d) 重大债务(Liabilities)e) 财产状况(Status of Proprietary Assets) f) 财产权属状况(Title to Properties and Assets) g) 重大合同及其义务(Material Contracts and Obligations) h)

8、诉讼与仲裁(Litigation and Arbitration) i) 遵守法律与政府审批(Compliance with Laws; Governmental Consents) j) 履行其他约定义务(Compliance with Other Instruments and Agreements) k) 披露义务(Disclosure)(3) Conditions Precedent“先决条件(Conditions precedent)”条款是有关合同双(各)方履行各自义务的前提条件的约定。(4) Limited Liability or Limitation of Liability

9、 “责任限制(Limited Liability or Limitation of Liability)”该条款是合同双(各)方对其在本合同项下的责任上限进行的约定。(5) Non-disclosure or No Publicity“保密(Non-disclosure or No Publicity)”条款,合同双(各)方对本合同内容以及在本合同协商、签订、履行过程中所得知的其他各方的信息要承担保密义务。(6) Termination “合同终止(Termination)”条款是合同双(各)方对本合同在何种情况下可以提前终止进行约定。(7) Headings在“标题”(headings)条款

10、中,合同双(各)方约定合同中的各个小标题(一般以黑体字显示)是为了在合同中提及的方便,不构成对合同内容的解释、修改、补充。(8) Term该“合同有效期(Term)”条款是有关合同生效日期、方式以及有效期的条款。(9) Waiver在“权利放弃(Waiver)”条款中,合同双(各)方声明任何一方如果没有行使其权利,并不意味着其放弃该权利。Either Partys failure to exercise or delay in exercising any right, power or privilege under this Contract shall not operate as a

11、waiver thereof, and any single or partial exercise of any right, power or privilege shall not preclude the exercise of any other right, power or privilege. 如果一方未能行使或迟延行使其在本合同项下的某些权利、权力或特权,不构成该方对此项权利、权力或特权的放弃,如果该方已经行使或者部分行使某项权利、权力或特权,并不妨碍其在将来再次行使此项权利、权力或特权。(10) Amendment or Modification在“合同变更(Amendme

12、nt or Modification)”条款中,合同双(各)方可以约定合同不得修改或者合同修改的方式。This Contract shall not be changed verbally, but only by a written instrument signed by the Parties, and, where required under Applicable Laws, on approval by the relevant Examination and Approval Authority.本合同不得以口头方式修改,而须双方签署书面文件后方可修改;若相关法律另有规定,则须签

13、署书面文件并取得相关审批机关的批准,本合同方可修改。(11) Assignment or Successors and Assignment在“转让(Assignment or Successors and Assignment)”条款中,合同双(各)方可约定合同不可转让或者合同转让的程序,同时,还可以约定,如果合同转让,则合同对受让方有完全约束力。(12) Notice “通知(Notice)”条款是对合同双(各)方在履行合同过程中相互送达信息的方式以及视为送达的条件进行约定。一般来讲,要写明合同双(双)方的通信地址、传真号、联系电话、联络人以及送达成功的具体条件。“适用法律(Governi

14、ng Law or Applicable Law or Submission to Jurisdiction)”条款是有关合同解释、争议解决所适用法律的约定。(14) Dispute Resolution“争议解决(Dispute Resolution)”条款是有关合同相关或与合同有关的争议解决方式的约定,可以选择诉讼,也可以选择仲裁。(16) “No Other Business Relations”在“没有其他业务关系”条款中,合同双(各)方声明彼此之间除了合同关系之外没有其他任何法律关系。(17) Force Majeure“不可抗力(Force Majeure)”条款是有关不可抗力构成

15、要件及其具体情形,以及在发生不可抗力事件的情况下如果处理的约定。(18) Entire Agreement在“所有协议(Entire Agreement)”条款中,合同双(各)方要声明本合同构成双(各)方就合同主题事宜达成的最终的、唯一的协议,除非明确指明,在此之前的所有约定,无论是口头的,还是书面的,均无效力。(19) Execution by Fax合同双(各)方可以在“传真签订生效(Execution by Fax)”条款中约定,双(各)方可通过传真方式签订合同并使其生效。(20) Language“语言(Language)”条款是有关合同适用语言的约定。(21) Counterpart

16、s“合同文本(Counterparts)”条款是对合同的份数以及各份合同的效力进行约定。(22) Ambiguities在“歧义(Ambiguities)”条款中,合同双(各)方要约定主合同与其附件之间、主合同与其补充协议之间、主合同各语言文本之间如果发生意思歧义如何处理。(23) Currency “币种(Currency)”条款是对合同项下的货币种类进行约定。III. ATTESTATION最后一部分为证明部分,是当事人签字盖章的地方。IV. Schedule附录部分5. Sample Notes & Comments之间签订entered into BY and BETWEEN诚信Goo

17、d faith根据Under附件Appendices / appendixes 单据InstrumentAll as E.g.: The Parties each agree to take all actions and execute all documents as may be necessary or desirable to carry out or implement and give full effect to the provisions and intent hereof. Such as such agreements as may be deemed necessar

18、y;such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned 不可分割的部分 in severable parts hereof通过交款的方式 set off by payment for goods向提出申请apply with ForSuch payment: such 此或此类/此等/该等;即可特指也可类指注意:如果such在合同中已经用于表达非法律英语的意义(如表达“如此”等),那么最好不要再使用such来表达“此或此类”等法律意义。said 此/该,只能特指 such invoices 所指发

19、票或此类发票 said invoices 所指发票视具体情况 in consideration of specific circumstancesmay, in consideration of specific circumstances, suspend 注意插入语位置付款 honor the payment应交款 amount payable Outstanding amount 未付款二、Source of LawWhats law?From a sociological perspective-An order will be called law if it is external

20、ly guaranteed by the probability that coercion强制力, to bring about conformity of avenge violation, will be applied by a staff of people holding themselves specially ready for that purpose. -Max WeberDistinguish with custom or convention:Pressures to comply with law come externally in the form o f act

21、ions by othersThese external actions always involve coercion or forceThose who implement the coercive threats are individuals whose official role is to enforce the law. From another perspective:Law is the normative life of a state and its citizens, such as legislation 立法, litigation 诉讼 and adjudicat

22、ion 判决. -Donald BlackFour styles of social control:Penal 惩罚性质, e.g. drug pusherCompensatory 补偿性质, e.g. a debtor failing to pay the creditorTherapeutic 治疗性质, e.g. a treatment by a psychiatristConciliatory 调合性质, e.g. marital disputesThree typical characters:Universality of applicabilityThe formality o

23、f its enactmentEnforcementAreas of lawSubstantive law vs. Procedural law实体法 vs 程序法Public law vs. Private law 公法 vs 私法Civil law vs. Criminal law民法 vs 刑法Substantive laws: consist of rights, duties and prohibitions administered by courts- which behaviors are to be allowed and which are prohibited.Examp

24、le:Prohibition against murderThe sale of narcoticsThe law of contract, the law of tort, and etcProcedural laws: are rules concerning just how substantive laws are to be administered, enforced, changed, and used by players in the legal system.Law of civil procedure, law of criminal proceduralSelectin

25、g a juryServe a ticketPresenting evidence in courtDrawing up a willPublic law: is concerned with the structure of government, the duties and powers of officials, and the relationship between the individual and the state.Constitutional lawAdministrative lawCriminal law and procedurePrivate law: is co

26、ncerned with both substantive and procedural rules governing relationships between individuals.Examples:The law of tortsContractsPropertyMarriage and divorceCivil law 民法 vs. Criminal Law 刑法Civil law, also called private law, consists of body of rules and procedures intended to govern the conduct of

27、individuals in their relationship with others. Criminal law is concerned with the definition of crime and the prosecution and penal treatment of offenders.Magistrates Court 治安法院The most junior courts in the UKOnly two justices of the peace(criminal) or one magistrate(civil) sits in the courtDeal wit

28、h both small criminal cases and civil law cases, and mainly focus on the family matters, such as custody and adoption of children, or maintenance orders.County Courts were established by the County Courts Act 1846 and intend as cheap local courts for the settlements of minor disputes in contract and tort, trust, or small debt collections.Limitations: (Administration of Justice Act 1982 &Limitation Act 1980)Actions in contract, debts and tort 5,000Actions in equity 30,000Mortgage actions 1,000Time limit for person injuries 3 yearsTime limit for contract 6 yearsTim

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