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1、(2).A) In the hospital. C) At work.B) At home. D) In the office.(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D. Do you feel better? Yes, thanks. The doctor said I could go home this weekend. Where is the woman now?(3).A) 2: 00. C) 5: 00.B) 4: 00. D) 6: 00.(分数:A.B. Two hours ago I saw Bob at a meeting. Is he home yet? No. He said

2、 he would be back at five and its six oclock already. When did the woman see Bob?A.The woman should ask the person by the door.B.The woman should get off immediately.C.He will tell the woman when to get off.D.The woman should check the map. Does this train stop at the Beijing railway station? There

3、is a route map over there by the door. What does the man mean?(5).A) He enjoyed it. C) He thought the film is long.B) He wished he hadnt seen it. D) He thought the film is costly.(分数:听力原文 Was the film as good as. you had expected? I would rather have not spent the time and money. What did the man th

4、ink of the film?三、Section B(总题数:2,分数:Conversation 1Conversation 1(分数:2.00)(1).A) Her son. C) Her brother.B) Her sister. D) Her husband.(分数:听力原文 6-7 May I help you? Yes, Id like to get a gift for my son. How old is your son then? He is about 12 years old. And how much would you spend on the gift? Wel

5、l, I usually spend about twenty dollars. Do you have any near that price? How about a pen and a pencil? No, his brother gave him that for his birthday last year. Then you could get him a car model. Thats a good idea. Ill take it.6For whom is the woman buying the gift?(2).A) A pen and a pencil. C) A

6、car model.B) A chess set. D) Nothing is bought.(分数:C.What does the woman buy at last?Conversation 2Conversation 2(分数:3.00)(1).A) Teacher and student. C) Father and daughter.B) Classmates. D) Mother and son.(分数:听力原文 8-10 Hi, I have some good news for you. What is it? The teacher suggests that we go o

7、n a trip this Sunday. Oh, wonderful. Where shall we go? How about going to the zoo? I dont think its a good place. We should go farther this time. Where do you think we should go then? How about the park in the suburb? Weve been there last year. Why not go to the mountains instead7 That sounds inter

8、esting. Then we shall climb the mountains there.8Whats the probable relationship between the two speakers?(2).A) Because it is too far. C) Because it is not interesting.B) Because they have been there before. D) Because it is near.(分数:Why do they not go to the park?(3).A) Going to the zoo. C) Going

9、to the mountains.B) Going to the park. D) Going by ship.(分数:D.Which of the following is not mentioned by the two speakers?四、Section C(总题数:(1).Why did the woman go to see the doctor?Because she had some trouble with _.(分数:填空项1:_(正确答案:her teeeh)听力原文 11-15 A woman had some trouble with her teeth, so sh

10、e went to see the doctor. She felt great pains, so thedoctor first asked some questions. One question was How old are you? Well, she answered, I dontremember, but Ill try to think. She thought for a minute and then said, Yes, I remember now. When Imarried, I was 20 years old, and my husband was 30.

11、Now my husband is 60, I know, and that is twice 30.So I am twice 20. That is 40, isnt it? The doctor laughed and did not say a word. Then the woman wasleaving the hospital. The doctor told her that she was actually 50 years old.(2).What question did the doctor ask the woman?He asked her _.(分数:how ol

12、d she was)(3).How many years has she been married?She has been married _.(分数:30 years)(4).Did the woman calculate correctly?_.(分数:No, shedidnt)(5).Whats her age now?She is _ old.(分数:50 years)五、Part Structure(总题数:六、Section A(总题数:10,分数:10.00)1.My suggestion _ we should stick to our original plan was f

13、inally accepted.A) which C) thatB) what D) whether句意:我所提出的我们应该坚持原计划的建议终于被接受了。分析从句结构,主语是we,宾语是original plan,所以该空缺处的连词只起到连接作用,在句子中不作任何的语法成分。因此,该从句应该是that引导的同位语从句,故选C。2.His success was due partly to _ he had been working hard.A) that C) being followedB) the fact which D) having followed他的成功部分归因于这一事实:他一

14、直在勤奋工作。本题考查点为同位语从句,先行词为fact,连接词that只是起连接作用,无任何实际意义。3.I had no idea about that accident _ my mother told me.A) until C) exceptB) unless D) if直到我妈妈告诉我,我才知道那场事故。not(no)until为固定搭配,表示“直到才”,until在此引导表示时间的状语从句。unless表示“除非”,用在此处与时态不符。except表示“除了”,if表示“如果”,不符合句意。4._ in the earthquake thoroughly, the city has

15、 now been rebuilt.A) Destroying C) DestroyedB) Having destroyed D) To be destroyed这座城市由于在地震中被彻底毁坏,现在不得不重建。从句子的逻辑结构看,destroy的逻辑主语是the city,因此要用被动形式,即过去分词作状语,表示原因。又由于destroy的动作比rebuild的动作发生早,所以也不能选D项,故只有C项正确。5.No sooner _ than she realized that she should have remained silent.A) had the words been spo

16、ken C) the words had spokenB) the words had been spoken D) had the words spoken那些话刚说出口她就意识到她本来应该保持沉默。本题考查的是no soonerthan结构,句子应该倒装,words与speak之间为被动关系,所以本题的正确选项为A项。6.In the advanced course, students must take objective tests _ monthly intervals.A) with C) forB) on D) at在高级课程学习阶段,学生必须每隔一个月参加一次目标性测试。本题考

17、查的是固定词组at interval中的介词at。7.The goals _ which he had fought all his life no longer seemed important to him.A) after C) withB) for D) at他为之奋斗一生的目标对他似乎已不再重要了。本题考查点为定语从句中介词的选择。which指代goals;在从句中,谓语动词是had fought;表示“为而奋斗”时,动词fight与介词for连用,故选B。8.I would have gone shopping with you, but I _ so tired that I w

18、ent to bed quite early.A) were C) wasB) had been D) have been我本该和你一起去商店的,但我实在太累了,很早就睡觉了。本题考查虚拟语气的用法。本题中前半句是表示同过去事实相反的结构,而but引导的是一个表示过去事实的陈述句,故选C。9.You _ all those calculations! We have a computer to do that sort of thing.A) neednt have done C) should not have doneB) must not have done D) can not hav

19、e done你本不必做所有这些计算!我们有电脑来处理这类事情。must not的意思是“不应,不可以”,后面一般不接完成式;C项表示“本应当做”,与句子意思相矛盾;D项表示“不可能做”,亦显然与句意不符;只有A项neednt have done表示“本不必做,实际上做了”的含义,与题意相符。10.The girl who Was on her way home from the night shift kept looking back because she was afraid of _.A) having been followed C) being followedB) followi

20、ng D) having followed下夜班回家的女孩由于害怕被跟踪而不停地看身后。A、B、D三项均为主动形式,不符合句意要求,只有C项为正确选项。七、Section B(总题数:11.How much time will you give me (draw) 1 up the plan?to draw)你给我多少时间来制订这个计划?本题为动词give接双宾语的结构:give sb.some time to do sth。不定式含有“去做某事”的将来意味。12.It is high time that we (put) 1 an end to this controversy (争论).p

21、ut)现在该是我们停止这场争论的时候了。在It is(high, about)time(that)句型中,that引导的从句中的谓语常用一般过去时来构成虚拟语气。13.The house is surrounded by trees and (visible) 1 from the road.invisible)房子周围都是树,所以从马路上看不到这座房子。根据句意,此处应填入visible的否定形式invisible。14.Jim hasnt arrived yet. Hes (probable) 1 stuck in a traffic jam.probably)吉姆晚了-他大概被交通阻塞困

22、住了。依句意,此处应填入一副词来修饰谓语动词。15.(Hard) 1 had I left when the quarrel restarted.Hardly)一争吵我就离开了。Hardly是副词,hardlywhen是固定搭配,表示“一就”。16.Interest, as well as prospect, (be) 1 important when one looks for a一个人找工作时,兴趣和前途一样,也是非常重要的。as well as连接两个名词或代词作主语时,谓语应与as well as之前的词一致。17.The France have put forward

23、 a (propose) 1 for a joint project.proposal)法国就联合项目提出了一项建议。根据句意,此处明显需填入一个名词。propose的名词为proposal。18.We enjoy (work) 1 with him because he has a good sense of humour.working)人们喜欢和他一起工作,因为他很有幽默感。动词enjoy后面应接动名词,并且该句描述的是经常性动作,应用一般时。19.The (power) 1 engine of the car makes it possible for the car to run 1

24、00 kilometers per hour.powerful)汽车的强大引掣使它有可能每小时跑100公里。名词power应转换为形容词,修饰engine.20.In 1647 Ohio made a decision that free schools must be established in every town (have) 1 50 households or more.having)1647年,俄亥俄州作出决定,拥有50户或50户以上家庭的每个乡镇都必须建立免费学校。该句中应用现在分词短语having 50 households or more作定语,修饰every town。八

25、、Part Reading Comprehension(总题数:九、Directions(总题数:Interesting as dolphins (海豚) are to scientists, it is their intelligence and sociability that have caught the popular imagination. Like whales, dolphins have a strong sense of family. A dolphin family is like a human family, but much larger.Dolphins seem to be among the most sociable of all living creature

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