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人教新课标英语必修4全册教案Unit 2 Working the land文档格式.docx

1、Teahing predures ≈& asThe first perid ReadingStep 1Greeting and Revisin1 Greet the students as nral2 Revise the aring up ith the flling questinH d u thin t gr ur ain fd-rie?-1)First, the farers pl the field The have t ae the sil lse enugh t plant rps2)Send,gr se ung plants3)Third, the insert the

2、ung plants int the lse field4)At last ,the ill get the harvestStep 2 Pre-reading1 As the flling questins 1)hats the ain fd in anada and USA:- ptates and bread2)hat is the ain fd in Suth Aeria:- rn/aize3 )hat is the ain fd in Sutheast Asian untries:- rie2 Sh the students se pitures and as the questin

3、hat is happening t these peple in East Asian and Sutheast Asian untries?Then sh re nes lie that:Internatinal Fats n Hunger and Pvert (2002)1)Ever 8 sends, a hild sehere in the rld dies fr starvatin 2)re than 800 illin peple in the rld suffer fr alnutritin (营养不良)-799 illin f the are fr the develping

4、rld re than 13 illin f the are under the age f At last as the students t disuss:If u had the hane t d sething t help end hunger in the rld, hat uld u d?Enurage the students t tell their pinins, Then give a nlusin: The nl a t slve the fd shrtage prble is t inrease the utput f the grain rp per land ar

5、ea thrugh the advaneent f siene and tehnlg 3 lead the students t pa attentin t the peple-uan LngpingAs : hat d u n abut hi?-Father f Hbrid Rie Then lead t the tpi f the reading passage A Pineer Fr All PepleStep 3 ListeningListen t the tape, tr t find ut se infratin f the herNae _Age _b _Eduatin _Ahi

6、eveent _Hbbies _Step 4 Fast readingRead the passage quil and anser the true-r- false questins#8226; 1Dr uan is re a farer than a sientist 2 Dr uans ind f rie is the st suitable fr hinas farland 3Dr uan uld rather r than relax 4 Dr uan has dreas hen he is asleep and als hen he is aae Dr uan ens a sip

7、le life than st rih and faus pepleStep areful readingRead eah paragraph and anser the flling questins:Para 1:1hat dse Dr uan l lie? h?2hat is his ahieveent?Para 2:h did Dr uan ant t inrease the rie utput hen he as ung?2H des he help rid the rld f hunger?Para 341 hat ind f life is Dr uan leading?2hat

8、 is Dr uans drea?Step 6 Siing:find ut the ain idea f eah paragraphParagraphain Idea1His appearane and ahieveents2His birth, eduatin and researh3His persnalit4His dreaStep 7 Her1Learn the peThe Peasants Lt Li Shen (772-846)Farers eeding at nn, Seat dn the field sn h ns fd n a tra, Due t their tiling

9、da?2 Finish the exerises in Learning abut Language3 Retell the text in abut 10 rds Ntes: a Use the first persn t retell the strb Tr t use the prper nuntinsThe send perid Learning abut Language(The ing fr as the Subet & bet) AisT help students learn abut The ing fr as the Subet & betT help students d

10、isver and learn t use se useful rds and expressinsT help students disver and learn t use se useful struturesPreduresI aring uparing up reading alud the text A PINEER FR ALL PEPLELanguage is learned in ntext S lets first revie the text learned esterda b reading it alud Tr t fre ut ur English sll and

11、learl II Disvering useful rds and expressinsIn pairs d the exerises 1, 2 and 3 n pages 11 and 12 u ust finish the in inutesIII Learning abut graar1 Read and identifRead the text abut uan Lngping again, paing attentin t the sentenes hih use the ing fr as the subet and bet In the sentene “ishing fr th

12、ings, hever, st nthing “the ing is used as subet It an be als used as bet f the sentene Fr exaple: uan Lngping lies plaing his vilin 2 nslidating b d exerisesT nslidate ur understanding u ill be given 10 inutes t g ver exerises 1,2,3,4 and n pages 12 and 13 u a ust rite n ur text b I ean the student

13、s b u are ring b III Read used aterials fr The ing fr as the Subet &语法学习动名词 1 动名词作主语1) 名词直接放在句首作主语。例如:Using the right hand t shae hands is a nventin in an untries用右手握手是许多国家的一种习俗。2) 动名词在“It is n use/ n gd/ fun / a aste f tie/ a gd pleasure 等名词 + ding”结构中作主语,it为形式主语。3) 动名词在“It is useless/ nie/ gd/ int

14、eresting/ rthhile 等形容词 + ding”结构中作主语。4) 动名词在“There is(as) n + ding”结构中作主语。2 动名词作宾语1) 有些动词后面要求跟动名词作宾语。常这样用的动词有:adit 承认 ; exuse 原谅 ; pstpne 拖延 ;antiipate 期望; fan 想象pratise 练习; appreiate 欣赏; finish 完成; prevent 防止; avid 避免;frbid 禁止; prpse 建议; nsider 考虑; frgive 宽恕; rellet 回忆;dela 耽搁; iagine 想象; resent 厌恶

15、; den 否认; invlve 涉及;resist 抵制; detest 厌恶; eep 保留; ris 冒险; dislie 讨厌; ind 在意; save 挽救; dread 害怕; iss 错过; suggest 建议; en 喜欢; pardn 原谅;understand 理解; esape 逃避;perit 允许2) 有些动词短语后也要求跟动名词作宾语。常这样用的动词短语有:ant stand 忍不住; ant help 忍不住; feel lie 想,欲;give up 放弃; put ff 推迟3) 动名词常跟在介词或介词短语后做宾语。常这样用的介词短语有:instead f

16、, l frard t, bet t, eep n, see abut, tae t 等。我们终于克服了所有的困难。4) 在“have diffiult (truble, prble, a hard tie, fun, a gd tie) (+in) + 动名词; be bus (in) + 动名词;aste tie (in) + 动名词;lst tie (in) + 动名词;There is n pint (in) + 动名词”等结构中,动名词做介词宾语,in常要省去。) 在复合宾语中,用it作形式宾语,将动名词短语放在后面。I nsider it a aste f tie arguing

17、abut it我认为辩论这事是很浪费时间的。6) 在“there be”结构当中,be为动名词时,该结构也是一种带逻辑主语的动名词形式。e an iagine there being a lt f fuss abut it我们可以想象到人们对此大惊小怪。ere u disappinted at there nt having been re gifts?你对没有更多的礼物感到失望吗?3 动名词的被动式1) 动词need, require, ant, deserve后,用动名词的主动形式表示被动意义。其用法相当于不定式的被动结构。2) 在(be)rth后面只能用动名词的主动态表示被动意义。The

18、 third perid Using Language (rgani Faring)T help students read the passage rgani FaringT help students t use the language b reading, listening, speaing and ritingaring up b listening and reading aludLanguage is reated t be listened t and spen first S pen ur b t page 13 and read it alud hile listenin

19、g t the rerding ath ur pauses beteen the thught grups II Guided reading1 Reading and translatingRead the text sentene b sentene, and put it int hinese h ill be the first t tr I ill nl have fur f u t d this tas , ang Shan u gt it, the pprtunit, I ean 2 Reading and underliningNext u are t read and und

20、erline all the useful expressins r llatins in the passage p the t ur nteb after lass as her3 Ding exerisesN u are ging t d exerises N 1, 2 and 3 n page 14 flling the artile 4 ListeningFr listening turn t page 14 and then 1 fr the listening exerises 1, 2 and 3 Are u read? Reading, speaing and ritingh

21、en tring t argue peple int r ut f ding sething e a use the flling expressins:I uld ratherI dnt liebeauseId preferbeauseIts a great pit thatShuld I / e?Its better tThis is gd value beauseIf I have a hie Id hsebeausehat is the advantage f?u need tIn pairs u are t ae up a dialgue t argue eah ther int r

22、 ut adpting rgani faring I ill argue ith ur nitr, Liang Bha Get started III Guided riting 1 riting a psterriting a pster hih inludes all the infratin abut the uses f puter s that u ill enurage re farers t bu and use u are ased t base ur pster n the verall pattern f the artile u learned rgani Faring

23、Liit ur pster t beteen 200 and 20 rds2 riting a speeh rite a speeh fr Prfessr uan Lngping He is t attend an internatinal nferene n dern agriulture u a als ae use f the librar and netr resures fr the tas IV Further appling Finding infratinRead nline t find as uh infratin as pssible abut Prfessr uan L

24、ngping and his researh grup Share ur findings ith u partner next tie u are here riting a reprtG ba he t intervie ur parents r ur grandparents abut hinas agriulture, its past and present situatins rite a reprt in English in abut 00 rds as a eel pret Ating a text plaTurn either ne f the t artiles int

25、a text pla Rehearse it and pla it in frnt f the lass The pla shall last at least 10 inutesIV lsing dnlsing dn b filling a frT end the perid please fill in the fr belhat is rgani faring?definitinharateristisptentialslsing dn b iagingIagine and rite abut hat the agriulture ill be lie 0 ears fr n in th

26、e future Use ur iaginatin t pete fr “ild thining prize”The furth perid ListeningStep 1 Pre-listening1 Tal abut the the differenes beteen rgani faring and fertilizer faring And sh the piture2 Intrdue se ne rds in the listening passagevalle petitr deterinedpur arrtsuubers pupins atta spread lie ildfire sigh slidStep 2 Listening Listen t the tape and anser

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