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资格考试最新整理备考辅导考研英语精读 29Word格式.docx

1、They finished their farewells and retired to their rooms. Outside in the passageway, Dr. Goebbels, Bormann and a few others waited. In a few moments a revolver shot was heard. They waited for a second one, but there was only silence. After a decent interval they quietly entered the Fuehrers quarters

2、. They found the body of Adolf Hitler sprawled on the sofa dripping blood. He had shot himself in the mouth. At this side lay Eva Braun. Two revolvers had fallen to the floor, but the bride had not used hers. She had swallowed poison.It was 3:30 PM on Monday, April 30, 1945, ten days after Adolf Hit

3、lers fifty-sixth birthday, and twelve years and three months to the day since he had become Chancellor of Germany and had instituted the Third Reich. It would survive him but a week.NEW WORDSbunkern.strongly-built shelter for soldiers, esp. one built underground 地堡fascista.法西斯主义的n.法西斯分子dictatorn.a r

4、uler who has absolute power over a country, esp. one who has obtained such power by force 独裁者partnern.伙伴aggressionn.the starting of a war, fight, or quarrel without just cause 侵略mistressn.情妇Italiana.意大利的n.意大利人;意大利语guer(r)illan.游击队员executevt. kill (sb.) by law; carry out, perform 处死;实施,执行executivea.

5、& n.dumpvt. drop or unload (sth.) in a heap or carelessly 倾倒stringvt. hang with a string or ropeheeln.(脚)后跟 for a street lamp 路灯柱paupern.a person with no means of livelihood, esp. one who is supported by charity 贫民plotn.a piece of land (usu. small) for burying the dead 公

6、墓;墓地horriblea.causing a feeling of great shock, fear or dislikehorror n.climaxn.the point of greatest interest or intensity 高潮degradationn.羞辱Fascismn.法西斯主义shabbya.dishonourable; mean; worn out 不光彩的;卑鄙的;破旧的Fuehrern.(德)元首strengthenv.make or become strong(er) 加强resolven.resolution 决心briden.a girl or wo

7、man just married or about to be married 新娘 object of contempt or disrespect; a public show or scene 引入鄙视的对象;场面preparationn.things done to get ready for sth.Alsatiana.阿尔萨斯的n.阿尔萨斯狼犬poisonvt. 毒死,放毒n.毒药farewelln.goodbyeappreciationn.understanding of the qualities or worth of sth.; grateful

8、feelings 欣赏;感激loyala.true to ones friends, group, country, etc. faithful 忠诚的instructvt. give orders or directions to 命令;指示filen.卷宗;档案wordn.orderinterpretvt. explain or tell the likely meaning of (sth.)interpretation n.privatea.personal; ones own 私人的;个人的mostlyad. chiefly; almost allassociaten.a perso

9、n connected with another, esp. in workassemblevt. gather or collect together 集合inaudiblea.that can not be heardmoisturen.slight wetness; water or other liquid spread in small drops in the air or on a surface 潮湿,湿气retirevi. withdraw; go away 退出unendurablea.unbearablecanteenn.a place in a military cam

10、p, factory, etc. where people may buy and eat food, meals, drinks, sweets, etc. 食堂weirda.strange; unnaturalrequestvt. Demand politely 请求meantimen. & ad. (in) the time betweenspelln.a period of timestricta.rigid 严厉的reliefn.the fact or state of lessening or freeing from anxiety, fear, or pain (忧虑等的)减轻

11、,解除enormousa.very largedefensiblea.that can be defendeddoomvt. cause to suffer sth. unavoidable and unpleasant, such as death or destructionnoonn.middayapparentlyad. evidently; it seems (that)apparent a.vegetariana.relating to a person who eats vegetables but no meat (有关)素食的chauffeurn.a person emplo

12、yed to drive someones carlitern.(容量单位)升gasolinen.汽油fueln.燃料intimatea.close in relationship 亲密的collaboratorpassagewayn.走廊revolvern.左轮手枪decenta.right and suitable 合宜的;得休的intervaln.time between two events 间隔sofan.沙发dripv.fall or let fall in dropsswallowvt. 吞咽chancellorn.chief minister of state (in some

13、 countries e.g. Germany)总理(或首相)institutevt. set up for the first time 建立PHRASES & EXPRESSIONSmeet ones enddiestring uphang (sth.) high with strings; put to death by hanging 用绳吊起;吊死call inask to come or go inbreak inbuild upincrease, strengthen graduallyin the meantimemeanwhilein charge ofresponsible

14、 forround upcollect, gather together 集拢have done withfinish with; stop doing or using 结束;终止to a/ the dayexactly (in time)PROPER NAMESAdolf Hitler阿道夫。希特勒Eva Braun爱娃。勃劳恩Benito Mussolini本尼托。墨索里尼Clara Petacci克拉拉。贝塔西Switzerland瑞士Milan米兰(意大利城市)May Day劳动节the Fuehrer元首(纳粹统治时期对希特勒的称呼)Junge荣格(姓氏)Berlin柏林(德国首都)the Chancellery(德国)总理府Bormann鲍曼(姓氏)Erich Kempka埃里希。肯普卡Viking(八至十世纪劫掠欧洲海岸的)北欧海盗Goebbels戈培尔(姓氏)Krebs克莱勃斯(姓氏)Burgdorf布克道夫(姓氏)Manzialy曼齐阿里(姓氏)the Third Reich第三帝国

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