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本文(牛津小学英语3A Unit3 This is my father brother教案Word文档格式.docx)为本站会员(b****6)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

牛津小学英语3A Unit3 This is my father brother教案Word文档格式.docx

1、教学重点及难点教学方法及手段创设真实,自然的情景学习本单元打招呼和自我介绍句型。学法指导合作学习法集体备个性化修改预习Step1 ar-up1 Greetings2 Free tal (T≈S S&S) plient3 Sing:”Gd rning t u ”教学环节设计step2 Presentatin1 Sh the ass (peple:iss Li,r Green,Helen,ang Bing)please sa“Gd rning/afternn , Nie t eet u ”T sas:Nie t eet u ,t2 r in grup3 he 4Sh the teahing

2、pitures(L and sa )L at the pituresQ:1H an peple are there in the pitures?(five)2h are the ?(Helen,Liu Ta , ang Ling ,ang Bing,Bbb)3hat are the taling abut? Disuss6 Pratie (B using ass)Step3 Learn t sing “Hi, Nan”1 Listen t the sng2Read after the T3 Learn t sing(sing and dane)Step4 D the rb Page 4 Un

3、it 2 A Listen and nuberListen t the tape and l at the pitures,rite the nuber in the 0Step4 nslidatin1 Listen t the tape (Part A, partB)2 Read after the tape3 sing a sng“Hi, Nan”step ENDING作 业Her: Listen t the tape and read alud板书设计Unit1 执行情况与教学反思 程教案年级 班级 任教者 备时间 年 月 日The third peridUnit 2 Nie t eet

4、 u教 学1 Listen and lur2 Dra and guess 3 Sing a sng教学目的和要求1G n learning the ne rds and the ne sentenes2T enurage the Ss t learn English and use it 教学重点及难点情景教学法,游戏教学法1 Sing t sngs: Hell! Hi, Nan!2Greetings师生间,学生间连锁使用问候语。如:T: This is (Sz)Sa:Nie t eet u Sz:Nie t eet u ,t 3Free tal (学生可以离开自己的座位,与小伙伴用英语互致问

5、候)4D hat I d Singing ring drining athing TV aling ritingStep2Presentatin1 Sh the ards (lurs)hat lur is it ? S:red ,2 Read the rds3 Pla a gae:Bing4 hisper(Using a t,its nae is Peter) Listen and lur eg hen u heard“lur it bla ”,please tae ut ur bla penil and lur 6 Dra and guessThe students are ba-t ba,

6、 ne student neal a rd (red ,hite )the ther guess :“blue?” r “bla?” The first student anser :“es ” r “n”7D the rb :BListen and lur , Listen and draStep3 Gd-beListen t the tape and repeat 3 Unit 2 Nie t eet u Gd rning Gd afternn This is 人物 图片 Nie t eet u Nie t eet u ,t 第四周the first peridUnit3 This is

7、father教学基本内容1 Vabular:r Bla,rs Bla ,Ga Shan2 Pattern:This is 教学的1 The Ss an understand and sa the unin parlane: Hi/Hell, this is father/ther/brther /sister Nie t eet u , Nie t eet u,2T n three persns: r Bla, rs Bla,Ga Shan3T enurage the Ss t learn English1 The Ss an understand and sa the unin 2 T n

8、three persns:r Bla,rs Bla,Ga Shan3 T enurage the Ss t learn English1 Sing sngs and at :Hell 、Hi,Nan2Greetings: 3 Free tal :Step2 Presentatin and pratie1 Learn t sa :This is father Sh the fail phtTda ere ging t learn a ne dialgue L at this pht f failLet e intrdue sething abut it a T: This is father ,

9、(师反复重复:father , This is father )hat des“father” ean? D u n?“Father”eans “爸爸”,“ father ”eans “我的爸爸”b Read after the T,then pla a gae: T: father Ss: Dad T: Dad Ss: father Sh e ur fail pht ,please intrdue ur father t e ,u shuld sa : iss a,this is fatherd Pratie and he 2 Learn t sa : This is ther/brther

10、/sister The sae ethd and then pla a gae the T sa the rd alud ,but the Ss sa it lIf the T sa it l ,the Ss sa it alud 3 Sing a sng “Fail sng ”。4heL at ur pht and intrdue ur fail t ur desates Step3 nslidatin1 The T shs the all piture H an peple are there in the piture?Ss:Three h are the?Nan,r Green ,r

11、Bla r Bla is Nans father ,Nan ants t intrdue her father t r Green ,hat are the taling abut?2生组成三人学习小组,先讨论交流,表演一番后评论。Listen t the tape and repeat 3 Sh the ass(Nan,r Green,r Bla)4 The T intrdue Ga Shan t the Ss (This is Ga Shan) Sh the all piture and ass 6Three students a grup ae the dialgue7 heListen t the tape and repeat 3 therUnit 3 This is father brther sister

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