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1、I wonder if you are interested in. Id like to invite you toWould you like to ? Id love to, but.3. 感谢(Thanks)Thank you very much. Thanks a lot. Thats very kind of you.Youre welcome. Dont mention it. Its a pleasure.语法情态动词1. can and couldJin can speak English well.(ability)Could you please show me the

2、way to the school?(request)2. may and mightMay we see the awards for the teams?(permission; request)If the neighbours do not give any sweets, the children might play a trick on them.3. will and wouldThe whole family will come for the dinner.Sometimes celebrations would be held after4. shall and shou

3、ld5. must and cant课时安排Period1warming upPeriod2important language pointPeriod3reading Period4comprehendingPeriod5learning about language:Grammar(1)Period6Grammar(2)Period7using language: ExtensivereadingPeriod8 listening, speaking and writingPeriod9summing up learning tip TheFirstPeriod(Warmingup)导学案

4、主讲人: 上课班级: 上课时间:【学习目标】Grasp the Festivals around the world. Learn the new words and phrases and have the capacity of using them fluently and experience the culture around the world.【学法指导】完成本学案时可借助于词典等工具书。课上,在对学群学中,解决独学过程中存在的问题,提炼出最值得展示的问题,做好分工。在展示环节中,注重成果生成和运用,多质疑、补充和对抗。最后达标测评,整理学案。【老师寄语】了解中国及世界上的一些

5、节日。从构词法和语境方面学习单词和词组。【学习过程】.单词重现1. _ 美;美人 2. _ 收获;收割3. _ 庆祝;庆贺 4._ (使)饿死;饿得要死5._ 起源;由来;起因 6._ 宗教上的;信奉宗教的;虔诚的7._ 季节的;季节性的 8._ 祖先;祖宗9._ 赞美;钦佩;羡慕 10._ 原谅;饶恕 . 词组重现1.发生;举行 _ 2.纪念;追念 _3.盛装;打扮;_ 4.搞恶作剧;诈骗 _5.期望;期待;盼望 _ 6.日夜;昼夜 _7.好像 _ 8.玩的开心 _9.出现;到场 _ 10.守信用;履行承诺 _11.屏息;屏气 _ 12.出发;动身;使爆炸 _.完成表格(一)Some Chi

6、nese Festivals: Festivals TimeThe Spring FestivalThe Lantern Festival Tree-planting DayThe Qingming FestivalThe Dragon Boat FestivalThe Double Boat FestivalThe Mid-autumn FestivalTeachers DayThe Double Ninth FestivalNational Day(2)Festivals around the world:New Years DayValentines DayApril Fools Day

7、Labours DayChildrens DayHallonween DayThanksgiving DayChristmas Day【研究发现】 I.Can you think of other festivals ? _ _ _ _ _ _E.G. New Year, Spring Festival, Mothers Day, Lantern Festival, Fathers Day , Tomb-sweeping Day, Fools Day , Labors Day, Valentines Day Dragon Boat Festival, Christmas , Children

8、Teachers Day Mid-Autumn Day, National Day.What are the purposes of the festivals ? _E.G. To get together to eat To have fun with others. To be proud of our customs. To let us enjoy life. To welcome a new year and look forward to the future.Group work Now youve got the chance to create a new festival

9、. Discuss in groups and make a plan: When the festival takes place? What the festival is for ? What people do at the festival ? What people eat at the festival ?.homework预习新的单词短语。Second(important language point)【学习目标】 Tolearnabouttherelatedformsofkeywordsandphrases.Tomasterimportantusagesexpressions

10、.Toenrichvocabularystudents. 请同学们认真预习并完成课前预习案的内容,为有效课堂做好准备。逐步培养使用词典的好习惯。小组合作完成较难阅读任务,积极展示。在做题环节中,注重成果生成和运用,多质疑、补充和对抗。从构词法和语境方面学习单词和词组并学会运用。.【单词重现】10._ 赞美; . 【词组重现】1._place发生2_memory纪念;追念3dress_盛装;装饰4_atrickon搞恶作剧;诈骗;5_forwardto期望;盼望6day_night日夜;昼夜;整天7_though好像8have_with玩得开心9_lot停车场10turn_出现;到场11keep

11、ones_守信用;履行诺言12set_出发;使爆炸13_.of.使想起14beproud_为而自豪15falllovewith与相爱.【重点词汇】1. mean (meant, meant) vt.&vi. 意思是;意味着;打算;预定 典例 1). The sign means that the road is blocked. 这个标志表示此路不通。2). What do you mean to do with it? 你打算把它怎样处理?3). I mean you to work as our spokesman. 我想请你当我们的代言人。重点用法(sth.) mean doing st

12、h. 意味着 (sb) mean to do sth. 打算做 had meant to do sth. 本来打算做某事 be meant for 打算作用;打算给(sth.) be meant to do sth. 被预定/指定/认为做某事 What dodid you mean by.? “你是什么意思?”练习 按要求填空或翻译。1). Can you tell me what this sentence_ (mean)? 2). Your friendship _ (mean) a great deal _ (介词) me. 3). In some parts of London, mi

13、ssing a bus means _ (wait) for another hour.4). What did he mean _ (介词) saying that remark?5). I _ _ _ _(本来打算来)yesterday, but I had an unexpected visitor.6). 这些房间是打算用作少年活动中心的。_ 答案:1). mean 2). means; to 3). waiting 4). by 5). had meant to come 6).These rooms are meant for the childrens center.2. sta

14、rve vi.&vt. (使)饿死;饿得要死 starvation n.u 饿死1). The enemy is trying to starve us to death. 敌人正在企图饿死我们。2). I m starving; let s have a big dinner. 我饿得要死了,让我们吃一顿丰盛的晚餐吧。3). He said he would starve rather than beg for food. 他说他宁愿挨饿也不要饭吃。starve to death = die of starvation/hunger饿死 starve sb to death 把某人饿死sta

15、rve for sth. = be starved of sth. = hope/long for sth. 希望/渴望得到某物练习 用starve的短语的适当形式填空。1). Thousands of people _ _ _ in Africa. 2). These children are _ _ love.3). The people on the island _ _ _ fresh water since it hadnt rained for nearly half a year.Keys: 1). starved to death/died of starvation 2).

16、starving for 3). were starved of 3. belief n. c,u 信任;信仰;信心 believe vt.&vi. 相信1). He has great belief in his doctor. 他对那位医生无比信赖。2). She has lost her belief in God. 她已不相信上帝(不相信真有上帝)。have belief in sth/sb 对某事物/人的真实性和正确性所具有的信心 beyond belief 难以置信in the belief that. 相信 It is my belief that. 我相信 练习 用belief

17、的短语填空。1). He came to me _ _ _ _ I could help him. 2). _ _ _ _ that nuclear weapons are immoral.3). The cruelty of the murders was _ _. 1). in the belief that 2). It is my belief 3). beyond belief4. gain vt. 获得;得到 n.c,u 收获;获利典例 该词有三种含义:1). 表示经过努力一点一点地获得自己渴望的东西He has gained rich experience in these ye

18、ars. 这些年他已获取了丰富的经验。2). 表示速度、重量等慢慢增加He gained weight after recovery from his illness. 康复后他的体重增加了。3).(钟,表)走快This clock gains five minutes a day. 这只钟每天快5分钟。gain experience / fame / independence 获得经验/名望/独立 gain sth. from 从处获得某物gain other s respect / love / trust 获得别人的尊敬/爱戴/信任 No pains, no gains. 一分耕耘,一分

19、收获。5. admire vt. 赞美;羡慕 admiration n.u 钦佩;羡慕1). I admire your courage and wisdom. 我钦佩你的勇气和智慧。2). I admired the way she had coped with life. 我钦佩她面对生活的方式。admire sb. for sth./ doing sth. 在某方面钦佩某人 in admiration赞美地/钦佩地练习 中译英。1). 我们都钦佩他的勇气和胆识。_ 2). 所有认识他的人都羡慕他取得诺贝尔化学奖。3). 我钦佩地看着那小女孩弹钢琴。1). We all admire hi

20、m for his courage and bravery. 2). All those who knew him admired him for winning the Nobel Prize for chemistry. 3). I watched the girl playing the piano in admiration.【单点短语】 1. take place vi. 发生;举行1). The football match will take place tomorrow. 足球赛将在明天举行。2). The accident took place/ happened only

21、a block from my home. 事故发生在离我家仅一个街区远的地方。短语归纳take the place of (动词短语)代替/取代 in place of (介词短语)代替;交换take sb s place / take the place of sb. 坐某人的座位;代替某人的职务 in the last place 最后 in place 放在原来的位置;适合的,恰当的 out of place不在合适的位置;不适当的 in the first place (列举理由)首先,第一点in ones place 处于某人的位置,为某人设身处地想一想练习 用place短语的适当

22、形式填空。1). A little gratitude would be _ _. 2). I m at a loss what to do next. What would you do (if you were ) _ _ _?3). Plastics have _ _ _ _ many other materials. 4). We use plastics _ _ _ many other materials.5). While the manager was on holiday, he _ _ _. 1). in place 2). in my place 3). taken the place of 4). in place of 5). took his/her place2. in memory of = to the memory of 纪念;追念 1). Many ceremonies are in memory of famous people.很多典礼是为了纪念名人的。2). The statue was built in memory of the famous scientist. 这个雕像是为了纪念那为有名的科学家而建立的。短语归纳 in + n. + of 短语:in honour of

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