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Unit7 Protect the Earth单元整体设计Word文档下载推荐.docx








8、做的一份海报,后让学生小组讨论合作做海报,展示)总结aresogreat.amveryhappytoday.hoperealguard.Step4当堂检测Truefalsemuchwaterplaces.Cars.Treeshelpkeeptheairbecausethey5HomeworkShowposterstopeople2.完成0701课课清。3.完成0702的预习自测。第2课时学生掌握句型useto和情态动词should的用法。学生能用句型进行表达。The students can reuse something to make things.The students can tak

9、e care of the environment. 【学情分析】在story time中的接触过句型useto和情态动词should的用法。重点学习句型useto和情态动词should的用法。 在学生熟练运用句型的基础上,让他们自己去发现、小结。Step1: Revision1.Review storytime simply.The students say titles of the four parts in the story.Step2:Grammar time1.The teacher shows the pictures and phrases.The teacher chang

10、es the pictures to the words and shows the whole sentences.The students look at the pictures and match them with the phrases.The students read the sentences and find the rules.2. The teacher shows the word water and gives an example.The teacher shows other three things: wood, paper and plastic.The s

11、tudents say the uses of “wood, paper and plastic” in fours.四人小组合作,讨论3个事物的用途,不限数量,越多越好。 (We use to ) wood: _ _ _ _paper:plastic:3.The teacher shows two pictures and exercises.The students look and fill in the blanks.根据所给图片填空。We _ wood _ make tables We use_ to_things. and _. 4.The teacher presents the

12、 sentences about “should”, then plays a game.The students understand the sentences and take part in the game.*5.The teacher shows some actions which happened in the park.The students judge the actions and talk about them in groups.观察公园里的这些行为是否应该?和你的同桌说说吧! We should (not ) .1、在公园里看到“爱护树木, 4、公园里看到有水龙头

13、未关时 人人有责”时,2、公园里看到小朋友爬树摘苹果时,说:“”。 5、公园里看到有人随意摘花时,我们应该对他们说:3、公园里看到有人在墙上乱 写时,说:Step3:Fun time1. Know how to reuse things.2. Reuse and make.3Stick on the poster and say.Step4:Consolidation小组合作归纳总结,教师给予指导。Step5: Homework:1.Try to reuse something. 2.完成0702课课清。3.预习Cartoon time and Culture time.板书设计:Unit7

14、Protect the 当堂检测根据中文提示,完成句子。1.我们用塑料制作篮球和足球。We use _ to make _ and footballs.2.我们不应该浪费水资源。我们应该再利用它。We _ _ water. We should _ it.*3.我们可以再利用纸来制作盒子。We can _ paper to _ boxes. 根据要求,改句子1.We use wood to make tables and chairs.(对划线部分提问)_ do we use _make tables and chairs?2.The girl goes

15、 to school on foot every day.(改同义句)The girl _ _ school every day.3.*You should save water to protect the Earth.(对划线部分提问)_ should I _ to protect the Earth?第3课时Culture time 介绍的地球日和环境保护日的日期。Cartoon time 介绍的学生们做环保海报的过程。小动物们共同努力,制作了一幅环保海报,贴到校门口,提醒大家注意环保。能听懂、会说、会读、会写project, poster。能听懂、会说、会读gate。能正确理解、朗读,

16、表演Cartoon time故事,并能读懂其故事中的趣味;能关心环境保护,知道一些环保小常识。能正确理解、朗读Cartoon time故事,部分学生能通过表演体会故事中的趣味。能拓展了解环保的多种方式。能意识保护地球的重要性。通过一二两课时的学习,和课前的生词预习,学生对cartoon time的文本已有初步的理解,课堂上需要处理的是小动物们共同制作海报的过程。文化部分的插图帮助学生降低了文化理解的难度,主要是要了解地球日与环保日的区别和日期。 正确认读cartoon time的新授词、句; 通过表演来体会cartoon time中的幽默之处能理解课文内容,并能尝试复述课文。Step 1 Wa

17、rm-up Hello, boys and girls. We have learnt a lot about protecting the Earth. Now what do you know about protecting the Earth? . Now our Earth is in great danger! Lets watch. (用PPT播放视频)【教学意图】复习Story time,以旧引新。通过视频进行情感渗透,同时为后面的讨论创造情境。Step 2 Pre-reading tasks To protect our Earth, can we just sit and talk? No, we cant. We should do something! Before we do something, we need to have a project. Can you guess the meaning of “pr

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