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1、这也并不说明写得越长越好,因为:1 议论文要求结构严谨、用词正式、语言简练,考生很难在有限的时间内即要注意以上方面又要语言表达清楚。2 在篇幅有限的情况下,考生如果开始时“洋洋洒洒”,不免会在结尾时“虎头蛇尾”,文章的质量就会大打折扣。阅卷教师在阅卷时即要“保质”又要“保量”,如果考生的作文篇幅大大超过所规定字数,不免会出现前两种情况,与此同时影响了阅卷教师的阅卷速度,也波及了阅卷教师的情绪,考试“结果”可想而知。3文体统一正式文体的文章不宜用非正式的语句。常发现有的考生在一篇很正式的议论文中用以下的句子结束本文:OK, this is what I want to say; Thats my

2、 opinion; Do you agree with me?; Thats all, thank you. 等等,使得文章“不伦不类。”4主题突出标题如果是“Pollution from Cars”或“Air Pollution”,以下段落的阐述显得有些赘述:“Part of this problem is the worlds exploding population. A growing population undoubtedly means more factories polluting the air. Besides, land and water pollution has

3、also increased. Pollution is, in fact, threatening our health, our happiness, and our civilization.”尤其是“Besides, land and water pollution has also increased.”一句,还有点“跑题”。5文字连贯一篇好文章要注重连贯性。连贯性主要体现在句子与句子、段落与段落的衔接上,这种衔接要通过过渡词语来实现,以达到文章通顺,语言流畅。例如:It is clear that television news can vividly bring into us

4、dramatic events of importance, such as wars, games and so on, but it can not cover important stories in detail they may deserve because of its time limitation. On the contrary, print news excels in its ability to devote as much space to a story as it see fit, though it can not compete with televisio

5、n visually. Besides, television is essentially a passive medium.“such as, but, because of, on the contrary, though, besides”这些过渡词把句子从语义上连接起来,形成一个有机的整体,读起来犹如行云流水自然酣畅。6内容一致要删除多余的词语,否则,一是破坏了文章的一致性,二是有“凑字数”之嫌。如:“1) Scientists fear that nuclear energy will one day destroy us. 2) They say that the explosi

6、on of a nuclear bomb can kill millions of people and cause disease and deformity in later generation. 3) Because of limited energy resources, scientists are studying the possibilities of nuclear power. 4) And any failure from a nuclear plant can work enormous damage to the affected area 5) Whats mor

7、e, up to now people have not discovered a safe way to dispose of radioactive wastes.”本段中的3) Because of limited energy resources, scientists are studying the possibilities of nuclear power.与主题不符,也与第二和第四句不连贯,应删除。7词语多样词、句型使用的多样化不仅给文章增加了色彩和可读性,与此同时也可反映考生的词汇量和语言掌握的程度等。考生在举例说明的段落中尤其要注意词语的多样性。例如,在列举五种污染源时下

8、面的文字表达值得学习。“In a typical city there are five main sources of air pollution. Waste disposal is the least importantit causes only 3% of the total pollution. Heating accounts for 6%. The next most important source is power plantsthey account for 14%; and 17% of the pollution in the air comes from indus

9、try. But by far the most serious cause of air pollution is cars: cars alone cause 60% of air pollution in most large cities.”8考点覆盖无论是什么形式的作文都有写作内容上的要求,一般为三个方面。考生在动笔前定要看清写作内容上的要求,以确保文章覆盖所有考点。9语言流畅评分要求已清楚告诉考生文章要:语言流畅、文章通顺、表达准确,这是得高分的基础。Last year the British public spent two hundred million pounds on p

10、et food alone, to say nothing of animal care bills and furniture. (1) It is difficult not to feel resentful about this when one considers what the same amount could do for victims of starvation and poverty, (2) and it is not unusual for me to get hot under the collar when I read about another old pe

11、rson who has left all his/her money to a dog or cat home.这两句在表达意义上用词十分到位,随着两个“when”引导的状语从句内容的递进,主句对表现“气愤”程度的加强通过用词的不同而表达的淋漓尽致;排比结构的运用使观点更加明确:在(1)中“It is difficult not”和“to feel resentful about this”与(2)中的“it is not unusual”和“to get hot under the collar”词语表达极其准确、语言非常流畅,使读者叹为观止。这要求考生在平时大量阅读好文章时多注意积累。1

12、0首尾呼应写作时注意到上述几项可以为文章增色添彩,用阅卷者的行话为“闪光点”,也就是说是加分的因素。除此而外,更重要的一点是要注意文章的完整性,即首尾要呼应。如文章题目为“HEALTH”,其首尾的呼应是:It is clear that health is the foundation of ones future success. As the proverb says, No one knows the value of health until he loses it.” In other words, nothing is more valuable than health.In co

13、nclusion, if you want your wish to come true, health is the most important ingredient of your success. 可以看出文章第一句和最后一句均说明健康的重要性,使首尾遥相呼应,使文章表达主题准确、完整。11检查到位这个重要环节往往被考生忽略不计,而因为少了这个环节所造成的后果真可谓是“功亏一篑”。在阅卷过程中,时不时会发现本“不该发生的事情”,如:“ourself; thinked; the person who are ”,而这些会“酿成不良后果”的错误完全可在一、两分钟的时间内检查、修改完成。所以

14、,在写完短文后,定要耐心地再读一遍,即可避免这“不该发生的事情”。考生在检查修改时着重以下方面的内容:1) 拼写错误-看似小事,但事关重大。2)语法错误-如果把作文中常见的语法错误让考生作为改错题来修改,考生本人都会觉得不可思议,所以考生应特别注意这些问题:时态、语态、语气、单复数、拼写、大小写、标点符号等。3)句子完整与否,考生往往因为定语太长而忽略了主句的完整,通过检查,这类错误便一目了然。因为有了动笔前的必不可少准备活动,即审题等,文章一般不会跑题,所以文章不需大改动。五、阅卷人分析阅卷人的情况也在一定程度上影响着考生的最终成绩,如阅卷人的兴趣,爱好,自身的写作风格,对待考卷的态度及时间




18、不东拉西扯。4)句法多变。为避免文章平淡、呆板,可使用不同的句式:强调句、倒装句、否定句等等。长短句使用合理相间,用短句表达有力的结论,用长句体现严密的逻辑关系。 5)语言规范。包括用词准确,并能表现出足够大的词汇量;所用语言符合英语的表达习惯并且语法错误较少;不出现破句和不合理的断句;正确使用平行结构。阅卷人会按照总体的标准得出大致印象,再参照分档计分标准进行适当的加分和减分。第二节: 十二句作文法写作模板 十二句作文模板共分五类:观点论证型模板、问题解决型模板、现象解释型模板、对比选择型模板与应用文型模板。每种模板均采用三段式结构,整个模板由十二个句子组成。给出的部分基本上确定了主句的句型

19、结构,是一篇作文的表达形式,需要考生填充的部分是文章的核心内容与主题思想。一、对比选择型十二句作文模板这类题型是六级考试写作中最为常见的,它的标志也十分明显,非常容易辨别。作文题目的目标比较明确,富有针对性,即直接要求考生比较两种观点或两种做法,进而表明自己对问题或事物的态度(或观点),也就是做出选择。模板一:Different people have quite different views on _. It is held by some people that_. But it is also held by others that _.Those who hold the first

20、 opinion think that _. In their view, _. In contrast, those who hold the opposite view think that _. They argued that _.As far as I am concerned, I agree with _. Admittedly, _. Furthermore, _. (11)Finally, _. (12)In conclusion, _.套用对比选择型模板一后的范文:1对比选择型四级真题(2000年6月)Directions: For this part, you are a

21、llowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic:Is a Test of Spoken English Necessary? You should write at least 120 words and you should base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below:1 多人认为有必要举行英语口语考试,理由是;2 有人持不同意见;3 我的看法和打算Different people have quite different views on a

22、test of spoken English. It is held by some people that it is absolutely necessary to adopt such a test in China But it is also held by others that it is unnecessary.Those who hold the first opinion think that fluent speaking ability is badly needed in todays society but we have been told many times

23、that a Chinese student who has been learning English for over ten years cannot even communicate with a native English speaker. In their view, a test of spoken English will bring the importance of oral English to the awareness of the college students, and thus help them with their communicating skill

24、s. In contrast, those who hold the opposite view think that many people do not use spoken English at all in their job, and good reading and writing skills would be enough for the English learners. They argue that college students are already under considerable pressure from their coursework, and flu

25、ent spoken English does not necessarily mean a better job. As far as I am concerned, I agree with the former opinion. Admittedly, the test can encourage college students to try every means to improve their spoken English. Furthermore, since China will continue its policy of opening and reform, the a

26、bility to speak fluent English is a must for anyone who wants to surpass others in a highly competitive society. Finally, I am determined to improve my spoken English, and I think the test will bring much good to me. (12)In conclusion, the test of spoken English is necessary.点出两种观点的焦点:a test of spok

27、en English;同时还是整段文章的主题句。和是表明两种不同的观点,形成了鲜明的对比,为下文的展开做好了铺垫,也是的扩展句,起到了补充说明的作用。和揭示第一种观点的理由和英语口语考试的重要性。其中的learning English for over ten years与cannot even communicate with a native English speaker所表明的结果给读者一种“触目惊心”之感,以此证明主题的内容。和两句在语义上相互照应,从多方面方面揭示支持第二种观点的理由。短语的点缀、句型的变化增加了文章的亮点,under considerable pressure的使

28、用会引起有此经历的“共鸣”。个人的观点鲜明,支持第一种观点。、和(11)就以上的观点进一步说明,点出提纲中的第二方面的内容。文中亮点多,效果好,如:encourage sb. to do sth.;try every means to do sth.;policy of opening and reform;surpass;in a highly competitive society等等。(12) 整篇文章的总结,照应前文,既是结论,又是主旨。2对比选择型四级真题(1999年6月) For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write

29、a composition on the topic:Reading Selectively Or Extensively? You should write at least 120 words, and base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below:1. 有人认为读书要有选择;2. 有人认为应当博览群书;3. 我的看法Different people have quite different views on reading. It is held by some people that students should read selectively. But it is also held by others that students should read extensively.Those who hold the first opinion think that selective reading is the best way for high efficiency. In their view, students overspend time on non-pr

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