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1、本字幕由YYeTs人人影视翻译制作更多字幕下载 请登陆 www.YYeT翻译:句号 草草 思朵 Elsye 孜然羊肉校对: 草草 内丘 米小勒 时间轴:Remember 菜六水 小猫后期:Ghost 监制:米苏不是吧 搞什么啊Oh, come on! Seriously?!你知道我们布置这个花了多长时间吗Do you know how long it took for us to set all this up?忘了高年级恶作剧之夜的事了吗Forgot about senior prank night, huh?-显然 -你怎么能忘呢- Clearly. - How could you for

2、get?我们可是从高一就盼着这一天呢Weve only been waiting for this since like freshman year.对啊 马特 我都参与了 你也别想逃Yeah, Matt. If Im doing this, youre doing this.你们居然真会做这个 才让我惊讶呢Im kind of surprised any of you are doing this.卡罗琳逼我们的Carolines making us.我们就要高三了re about to be seniors.这才是我们会永远珍藏的记忆These are the memories that

3、stay with us forever,-如果不. -如果不趁现在制造记忆- and if we dont- - And if we dont create these memories now,那高中生涯意义何在then whats the point of it all?你尽管取笑我吧 我不在乎Go ahead and make fun, I dont care.你们真逊 我还要去布置十个教室呢re all lame. And Ive got ten more classrooms to prank.你去哪啊Hey! Where are you going?去把阿拉里克的桌子粘上To s

4、uperglue Alarics desk shut.制造记忆嘛m making memories.爱死你啦I love you!给职工厕所的马桶圈涂上Get the faculty toilet seats,体育馆那边唐娜需要尸体 行动and Dana needs bodies in the gym. Lets go.-你在这儿呢 -克劳斯- Theres my girl. - Klaus!你应该死了才对re supposed to be dead.这可怎么办好What are we going to do about that?吸血鬼日记第三季 第五集你饿不饿 我们停车吃点东西吧Are y

5、ou hungry? Lets stop for a bite.去路边卡车餐馆 或找个卡车司机来A truck stop. Or a trucker.少逞口舌之快了别这么可爱Oh, stop being cute.不太可能Its not possible.我们漫无目的地开了几个小时了ve been driving around aimlessly for hours.我们到底要去哪Where are we going?要去你不能回头的地方Far enough away so that you cant go running back.别担心 我跟神秘瀑布镇处于冷战期Not to worry.

6、Mystic Falls and I are on a bit of a break.是跟小镇冷战 还是跟埃琳娜You and Mystic Falls, or you and Elena?这么说吧 我和埃琳娜Lets just say Elena and I are having在我的行为问题上产生了分歧a bit of difference of opinion on how I should behave.我猜猜 埃琳娜希望你做个英雄Ooh. Let me guess- Elena wants you to be the hero,而你不想伪装自己and you dont like pl

7、aying pretend.差不多吧Something like that.那是她的损失了Her loss.你这是干嘛What are you doing?想试试嘛I thought Id give it a shot.不过说实话 我现在对你没兴趣了Truth is, you just dont do it for me anymore.你又活了Oh, he lives.-怎么回事 -你昏过去了- What happened? - You took a beating.我哥哥一下午都在不停地拧断你的脖子My brothers been breaking your neck all aftern

8、oon.他火气不小呢Quite the temper.他为什么带我们回神秘瀑布Why did he bring us back to Mystic Falls?你现在就别装傻了You can stop playing dumb now.他很快就想通了你在隐瞒什么It didnt take him long to figure out what youd been hiding.我没隐瞒什么m not hiding anything.克劳斯让我做的我都做了ve done everything Klaus has asked me to.你就是忘了提No, you just failed to m

9、ention二重身还活着的事that the doppelgangers still alive.克劳斯现在在哪Where is Klaus now?运气好的话 在扯掉那头母牛的脑袋With any luck, ripping that cows bloody head off.她在哪Where is she?你还真爱她呢You really do love her, dont you?我羡慕嫉妒恨了Consider me jealous.你还真是给我惹了大麻烦啊 甜心You put a rather large kink in my plans, sweetheart.打破诅咒成为混血儿 就

10、是为了The whole point of breaking the curse and becoming a hybrid制造更多混血儿was to make more hybrids.而我却没能做的 我敢说I havent been able to do that. Now my bet is,这跟你依然活着有些联系it has something to do with the fact that youre still breathing.你要是想杀我 就动手吧If youre going to kill me, just do it!要等到我确认这么没错Not until I know

11、 Im right.但我确实有办法折磨你But I do have ways of making you suffer.高三生 注意了Attention, seniors.你们已经被发现了 恶作剧之夜结束了You have officially been busted. Prank night is over.回家吧Head on home.你们俩 我记得你You two. I remember you.抱歉 你是谁m sorry. Who are you?别担心 我们上次相遇时我不太清醒Oh, dont worry, I wasnt in my right head last time we

12、 met.请把你脚抬起来 唐娜Lift your foot up, please, Dana.查德 要是她脚放下来了 你就打死她If she drops her foot, Chad, I want you to beat her to death.懂了吗Understood?别这样 克劳斯 你不必伤害别人Dont, Klaus. You dont have to hurt anybody.得了吧 亲爱的 这当然必要Oh, come on, love. Of course I do.为什么停车Why are we stopping?我想活动一下筋骨I thought we might want

13、 to stretch our legs.缓和一下异性相吸的张力Take a break from the sexual tension.我开累了m tired of driving.-换你来 -行啊- Its your turn. - Fine.你不说清你的鬼主意我们哪都不去re not going anywhere until you spill your guts.好吧Fine.认得这个吗Do you recognize this, hmm?有只小鸟告诉我克劳斯想得到这个A little birdy told me that Klaus wants to get his hands on

14、 it.克劳斯要埃琳娜的项链做什么Why would Klaus want Elenas necklace?管他呢 他想要的在我手上Does it Matter? He wants it, and I have it.这就是筹码 达蒙s leverage, Damon.总要比你的敌人早一步Always stay one step ahead of your enemy.-谨遵教诲 -但是更重要的是- Ill keep that in mind. - But more importantly,我从邦妮那里偷到项链的时候when I stole the necklace from Bonnie,我

15、发现了一件事 更棒的事I found out something else- something better.是吗 什么事Oh, yeah? Whats that?你愿为阻止克劳斯无所不用其极吗Are you willing to do whatever it takes to stop Klaus?-不会反悔 -我不反悔- No turning back? - Im not turning back.很好 因为这会让埃琳娜他们不太高兴Good. Cause this isnt going to win you any points at home.杰里米 不是吧Jeremy? Really

16、?马特不会有事吧Do you think Matts going to be ok?我在吻你 你却想着你的前男友吗m kissing you and youre wondering about your ex-boyfriend?我在问 你认为我们的朋友m asking you if you think our friend,我们都爱的朋友 有没有事who we both love, is ok.我想他现在大概I think he probably doesnt have没有几个能谈心的人了a lot of people to talk to anymore.我想他的挣扎比他表现出来的更多I

17、think hes struggling more than he lets on.我想 我爱你宽广的胸怀I think that I love how big your heart is.我只是希望这个学期能很棒I just want this school year to be great, you know?我只是希望大家都能快乐I just want everyone to be happy.即使我们处在一片疯狂的不快乐因素中Even in the midst of all the crazy unhappy bits.我很快乐m happy.你俩真有爱You two are ador

18、able.我们认识吗Uh, do we know you?你是卡罗琳 埃琳娜的朋友re Caroline, Elenas friend,那么你就是泰勒which makes you Tyler.狼人The werewolf.那么你是谁And who are you?新来的m the new girl.卡罗琳Caroline!挺有趣的 不是吗This is fun, right?你口气像卡罗琳You sound like Caroline.别这样嘛 我在接受她的理论Come on, I am embracing her philosophy.你该投入一点You should be more in

19、to this.我知道 杰里米去哪了I know. Wheres Jeremy tonight?我一天都没跟他说话了t talked to him all day.我们.re having, um.他告诉我看到薇姬的事了He, uh, he told me about seeing Vicki.太好了 幸好你知道了Ohh. Good, Im glad that you know.对不起 这样谈论你的妹妹是不是很怪m sorry. Is it weird talking about your sister like this?不 我只是 希望自己能看到她No, I-I just kind of

20、want to see her myself, you know?我没捞着跟她道别的机会I mean, I never got to say good-bye to her.你想没想过 去年夏天Do you realize that just last summer,我们还是泳池的救生员you and I were lifeguards at the pool?我人生中只有两个问题And the only two problems I had in my life埃琳娜跟我分手 我心脏复苏术做的不好were that Elena was breaking up with me and I su

21、cked at CPR.那时真是另一番风景Everything was so different then.是啊 现在埃琳娜跟吸血鬼约会 你是女巫Yeah. Now Elenas dating a vampire, youre a witch,我妹妹是个鬼my sisters a ghost, and.而我则琢磨着我的人生怎么会变得一团糟m-Im just a guy whos wondering how life got so screwed up.确实很疯狂 马特.s crazy, Matt. I-我很难想象你是什么感受I cant imagine what it must be like

22、 for you.我.这大概就是为什么It just, uh, kind of explains我不那么热衷于高年级恶作剧之夜吧why Im not that into senior prank night.是啊Yeah.我去多拿点纸卷来ll go grab a couple more rolls.然后我们去体育馆Then we hit the gym.薇姬多诺万我在这儿 马特m here, Matt.我能帮你I can help you.不许放下Keep it up.斯特凡在哪儿 你把他怎么样了Wheres Stefan? What did you do to him?斯特凡暂时缺席Stef

23、ans on a time out.邦妮 快跑Bonnie, get out of here!我还在想你什么时候出现呢Ah, I was wondering when youd show up.现在游戏开始Now we can get started.唐娜 休息一下吧Ah, Dana, why dont you relax?你和查德老实坐好You and Chad sit tight.我猜伊琳娜还活着是你的杰作吧I assume youre the reason Elenas still walking around alive?没错 如果你想报复 找我好了Thats right. If yo

24、u want to blame someone, blame me.甜心 谁说要报复了Oh, theres no need for blame, love.不过你的小巫术Just your witchy interference造成了一些不良后果seems to have caused some undesirable side effects.既然事情因你而起And since you caused the problem,那么解铃还需系铃人m going to have you find the fix.-放开我 -闭嘴- Get off of me! - Hush now.诸位 见过我妹

25、妹 丽贝卡d like you all to meet my sister Rebekah.事先警告 她可不好惹Word of warning- she can be quite mean.-别那么讨厌 -放开他- Dont be an ass. - Leave him alone!我简单明了地解释一下m going to make this very simple-每次我试图将狼人转化为混血儿时Every time I attempt to turn a werewolf into a vampire hybrid,他们都在转化中死去they die during the transitio

26、n.那真是惨不忍睹s quite horrible, actually.我希望你想个办法拯救我的混血儿 邦妮I need you to find a way to save my hybrids, Bonnie.看在泰勒的份上.And for tylers sake.你要抓紧时间了You better hurry.他杀了泰勒He killed him.泰勒没死 克劳斯的血会将他转化为吸血鬼s not dead. Klauss blood will turn him into a vampire.如果邦妮成功找到解决办法And if Bonnies successful,他就会在转化时活下来hell live through his transition.去吧 去查查你的魔法书Go on, then. Go and fetch your grimoires和巫术什么的and enchantments and what-not.为了安全起见 埃琳娜先由我照看着ll hold on to Elena. For safe-keeping.这就是新的二重身吗So this is the latest doppelganger.她的祖先可比她漂亮多了The original one was much pretti

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