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1、 4) the media often compares facebook to myspace, but one significant difference between the two websites is the level of customization. 5) the patent may encourage facebook to pursue action against websites that violate the patent, which may potentially include websites such as twitter. 4. directio

2、ns: change the following sentences into nominalized ones. 1) network security has become a major concern for organizations and individuals. 2) for these reasons, making an operating system ready and available is helpful. 3) the security policy development process may also involve the identification

3、of protection. 4) rather, it is a brief description of a number of important product features, such as the input method, network connectivity, operating system, and database capabilities. 5) while formulating the interview plan, designers should work closely with project stakeholders who have access

4、 to users. unit 4 3. directions: 1) given that robots generally lack muscles, they cant rely on muscle memory (the trick that allows our bodies to become familiar over time with movements such as walking or breathing) to help them more easily complete repetitive tasks. 2) for autonomous robots, this

5、 can be a bit of a problem, since they may have to accommodate changing terrain in real time or risk getting stuck or losing their balance. 3) one way around this is to create a robot that can process information from a variety of sensors positioned near its legs and identify different patterns as i

6、t moves, a team of researchers report sunday in nature physics. 4) some scientists rely on small neural circuits called central pattern generators (cpg) to create walking robots that are aware of their surroundings. 5) bernstein center for computational neuroscience researcher poramate manoonpong an

7、d max planck institute for dynamics and self-organization researcher marc timme are leading a project that has created a six-legged robot with one cpg that can switch gaits depending upon the obstacles it encounters. change the following sentences into the passive-voice ones. 1) a novel twist is int

8、roduced on this traditional approach (by the new field of experimental philosophy). 2) the search to understand peoples ordinary intuitions is continued (by experimental philosophers). 3) this is accomplished by using the methods of contemporary cognitive science experimental studies, statistical an

9、alyses, cognitive models, and so forth. 4) just in the past year or so, this new approach has been being applied (by a number of researchers) to the study of intuitions about consciousness. 5) how people think about the mind can be better understood by by studying how people think about three differ

10、ent types of abstract entities. unit 7 genetic engineering 2. directions: complete the sentences with the words given in the brackets. change the form if necessary. 1) restriction enzyme is an endonuclease that cuts dna at sites defined by its recognition sequence. dna限制内切酶是一种酸内切酶,它能够在其识别序列指定的部位切割dn

11、a。 2) genetic information is encoded by dna and arranged in the form of genes. 遗传信息的基本单位是dna(脱氧核糖核酸),以基因的形式排列组合在一起。 3) the main advances made in medicine during the renaissance (c. 1350c. 1600; a european revival of classical greek and roman culture) was greater understanding of human anatomy (parts

12、 of the body). 医药科学在文艺复兴时期(大致是1300年-1600年之间的一段历史时期,以古希腊罗马文化的复兴为主要标志)取得的最大进展之一就是对人体解剖结构的理解。 4) these are the premise on which murphys law is based. 这些就是莫菲定律的理论前提。 5) the flight is culminated with a thrilling three-dimensional smoke chase, each aircraft alternating lead and follow positions across the

13、 sky. 一场动人心魄的三维烟雾追逐表演将整个活动推向高潮。在这场表演中,观众可以看到每一架参演的飞机都在天空中不断改变自己的位置,一会儿在前,一会儿在后。 6) supervised teaching practicum is designed to establish the knowledge basis of oncology nursing. 在导师指导下进行的教学实践课程是肿瘤科护士学习专业知识所必需的环节。 7) good will prevail over evil in the end. 善终会战胜恶。 8) ecology is therefore a perquisit

14、e to eradication or elimination, and will be essential to sustaining success in the long term. 因此,生态环境是生物灭绝或消失的先决条件,从长远上讲也是物种成功生存的重要条件。 9) the isolation of enzyme from organisms is a vital step in genetic engineering将切割酶从生物体中分离出来是基因工程中的重要步骤。 10) the advent of genetic engineering has removed these co

15、nstraints, and has given the agricultural scientist a very powerful way of incorporating defined genetic changes into plants. 基因工程近来取得的进展已经突破了这类技术限制。在农业科学家手中,这些进展转化成了改变世界的有力武器。真是因为有了这类武器,他们现在能将特定的基因变异特征移植到植物中。 1) our current knowledge of embryological development, as shown in fig. 13.1, has been est

16、ablished over a long period. source: an introduction to genetic engineering, second edition, p.249. cambridge: cambridge university press. 2) the production of a transgenic organism involves altering the genome so that a permanent change is effected. an introduction to genetic engineering, second ed

17、ition, p.224. cambridge: 3) the announcement of the birth of dolly in a paper in the journal nature in february 1997 rocked the scientific community. 4) as with many opposing theories, there are aspects of each that can be considered valuable even today. 5) despite these difficulties, methods for th

18、e generation of transgenic plants and animals are now well established. 1) to prevent the enzyme acting on the host cell dna, the modification enzyme of the system (a methylase) modifies the host dna by methylation of particular bases in the restriction enzymes recognition sequence. 2) further descr

19、iptors to the nomination of an endonuclease may be added, depending on the bacterial strain involved and on the presence or absence of extrachromosomal elements. 3) however, as well as being useful, ribonucleases can pose some unwanted problems.4) coupled with a slow-acting endonuclease, its primary

20、 activity is a fast-acting 3 exonuclease. 5) used in many genetic engineering procedures, polymerase enzymes synthesize copies of nucleic acid molecules. unit 8 space exploration section c post-reading task reading comprehension read the following passage carefully and fill in the blanks with the wo

21、rds or phrases youve learned in the text. gods and goddesses when disasters floods or diseases happened warning. obeyed certain definite scientific rules. that was the main cause of the idea of scientific vocabulary and structure 1. word-building (prediction) them. (unsubscribe) (undetermined) 2. di

22、rections:【篇二:科技英语阅读课后答案(完整版)】ass=txtpart i est reading reading 1 (/article.cfm?id=what-is-russells-paradox section a pre-reading task warm-up questions: work in pairs and discuss the following questions. 1. who is bertrand russell? bertrand arthur william russell (b.1872 d.1970) was a british philos

23、opher, logician, essayist and social critic best known for his work in mathematical logic and analytic philosophy. his most influential contributions include his defense of logicism (the view that mathematics is in some important sense reducible to logic), his refining of the predicate calculus intr

24、oduced by (which still forms the basis of most contemporary logic), his defense of (the view that the world consists of just one type of substance that is neither exclusively mental nor exclusively physical), and his theories of and russell is generally recognized as one of the founders of modern an

25、alytic philosophy, and is regularly credited with being one of the most important logicians of the twentieth century. 2. what is russells paradox? russell discovered the paradox that bears his name in 1901, while working on his principles of mathematics (1903). the paradox arises in connection with

26、the set of all sets that are not members of themselves. such a set, if it exists, will be a member of itself if and only if it is not a member of itself. the paradox is significant since, using classical logic, all sentences are entailed by a contradiction. russells discovery thus prompted a large a

27、mount of work in logic, set theory, and the philosophy and foundations of mathematics. 3. what effect did russells paradox have on gottlob freggs system? at first frege observed that the consequences of russells paradox are not immediately clear. for example, is it always permissible to speak of the

28、 extension of a concept, of a class? and if not, how do we recognize the exceptional cases? can we always infer from the extension of one concepts coinciding with that of a second, that every object which falls under the first concept also falls under the second? because of these kinds of worries, frege eventually felt forced to abandon many of his views. 4. what is russells response to the paradox? russells own response to the paradox came with the development of his theory of types in 5. have you ever heard of zermelo-fraenkel set theory.? can you give an account of i

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