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1、(have no access to the health service)11 You_(无论多么小心都不为过)when you drive a car.(cannot be too careful)12 I_(宁愿读书,而不愿看电视);the programs seem to be getting worse all the time.(would rather read than watch television.)13 We are all for your proposal that_(延迟讨论).(the discussion be put off/ postponed)14 _(

2、两本书中没有一本持这种观点)that the danger of nuclear war is increasing.(Neither of the two books holds the opinion)15 Government cannot operate effectively_(除非它能免去这种干扰)(unless it is free from such inference)16 The room is in a terrible mess;_(肯定没有人打扫过).( it cant have been cleaned)17 Ill accept any job_(只要无需起早)(

3、 as long as I dont have to get up early)18 Mark often attempts to_(逃避惩罚)whenever he breaks traffic regulations.(escape being fined)19 Not that John doesnt want to help you,_(而是非他能力可及).(but that its beyond his ability.)20 If you dont like to swim, you _(还是呆在家里的好)(may as well stay at home)21 We dont n

4、eed air conditioning,_(我们也负担不起空调的费用)( nor can we afford it)22_(无论多么频繁的演奏),the works of Beethoven always attract large audiences.( No matter how frequently performed)23_(只有那些不怕困难的人) have the chance of achieving outstanding results in their work.( Only those who are not afraid of difficulties)24 Free

5、medical treatment in this country covers sickness of mind_(除了包括普通疾病外).(as well as ordinary sickness)25 We didnt know his telephone number, _(否则我们会给他打电话的)( otherwise we would have telephoned him)26 Although I liked the appearance of the house,_(真正让我决定买下它的)was the beautiful view through the window.( w

6、hat really made me decide to buy it)27 The ancient Egyptians_(被假定已发射过火箭)to the moon.( are supposed to have sent rocket )28 The newspaper did not mention_(火灾造成的损害的程度)(the extent of damage caused by the fire)29Ive already told you that Im going to buy it,_(无论花多少钱)(No matter how much it costs)30_-(和原来的

7、计划比起来),this plan is far more complete.( Compared with the original one)31 Only under special circumstances_(大一学生才被允许)to take this kind of tests.( are freshmen permitted )32 _(无论你是为了吃饭而活着还是为了活着而吃饭),food is a major expenditure in every familys budget.( Whether you live to eat or eat to live)33 The bac

8、kground music in an assembly line is designed_(不被听到)( not to be listened to)34 When you speak English, your pronunciation should be correct,_(否则人家就听不懂你的意思)( or you cant make yourself understood)36 When he arrived, he found_(只有老年人和生病的人)at home.( none but the aged and the sick)37 Your _(头发需要理一理).Youd

9、better have it done tomorrow.(hair needs cutting)38 _(环境一旦遭到破坏),it takes many years for the system to recover.(Once the environment is damaged)39 You should check all the data carefully_(以避免严重错误)( so as to avoid serious mistakes)40 _(既然这事情非常紧急),we dealt with it immediately.( Since the matter was ext

10、remely urgent)41 She never dreams of _(有机会) for her to be sent abroad very soon.( there being a chance)42 She _(才告诉他真相)until he forced her to do so.( didnt tell him the truth)43 What he said just now_(与问题几乎不相干) under discussion.( had little to do with the question)44 Frankly speaking, Id rather you

11、_(眼下什么也不做)(didnt do anything for the time being)45 That was so serious a matter that I _(除了叫警察来外,别无选择)(had no choice but to)46 Americans eat_(两倍的蛋白质)they actually need every day.( twice as much protein as)47 This piece of writing is _(与其说是短篇小说, 不如说更像是新闻报道)( more like a news report than a short story

12、)48_(尽管好的演技)and well-developed plot the three-hour movie could not hold our attention.( Despite the wonderful acting)49 Careful surveys have indicated that as many as 50 percent of patient_(没有按吩咐的那样服药)( do not take drugs as directed)50 I felt_(有点失望并即将离开),when something occurred which attracted my at

13、tention.( somewhat disappointed and was about to leave)51 Dont let the child play with scissors _(以防他划伤自己).(in case he cuts himself) 52 Americans eat _(两倍的蛋白质) as they actually need every day.(twice as much as protein)53 The manager would rather his daughter _(不在同一间办公室工作).(didnt work in the same off

14、ice)54 What I worry about is _(我们能否完成这项任务) by tomorrow.(whether we can finish the task)55 Its important that the librarian _(确认图书按时归还).(make sure that the books are returned in time)56 Had he worked harder, he _(就通过考试了).(would have passed the exam)57 All of us agree that its time _.(我们采取相应的行动)( we t

15、ook some action)58 We burned all the important documents lest they _(它们落入对手手中).(fall into the opponents hand)59 The careless man received a ticket for speeding. He _(不该开车这么快).( Shouldnt have driven so fast) 60 You _ (不可能在办公室见到她) ; she has gone to New York for two weeks.(cant have seen her in her off

16、ice)61 He _(不可能赶上火车) because he didnt get to the station on time.( couldnt have caught the train)62 Never in my life _ (看过这样的演出).(have I seen such a performance)63 _(他刚下火车) than his daughter ran towards him.(No sooner had he got off the train)64 Not that I dont like the film, _ (而是我没时间看).(but that I

17、 have no time for it)65 It looks _ (天好像要下雨了).(as if it is going to rain)66 At no time _(允许吸烟) in the meeting.(is smoking permitted)67 We shall call on her _(当她一来).( as soon as she comes)68 The news _ (应邀参加会议) is very encouraging.(that we are invited to the cinference)69 _ (倘若不是空气和水), nothing could l

18、ive.(But for air and water)70 Nobody thinks it advisable that the government _ (停止那条公路的建设).(should stop the construction of the road)71 The fire _(最终被控制住), but not before extensive damage had been caused.(was finally bought under control)72 I dont know the world. I _(必须查阅字典).(had to refer to a dicti

19、onary)73 I _(感到精神疲劳) because of stress from my job last year.(suffer from mental fatigue)74 I suggested he should _(调整自己以适应新环境).(adapt himself to his new environment)75 My mother _ (不同意我的计划) although I tried hard to persuade her.(didnt approve of my plan)76 Our taste for fat and sugar appears to _ (

20、源于我们的祖先).(have stemmed from our ancestors)77 Today many people _(拥有上网的条件).(have access to the Internet)78 The rest of the day _ (完全由他支配) for reading or recreation after he finished his work.(was entirely at his disposal)79 The author of the report is _(对这些问题非常熟悉) in the hospital.(well acquainted wit

21、h the problems)80 The nurse must be _ (意识到传染怎么发生) and the ways to keep it from spreading.(aware of how infection takes place)81 The country is _(在很大程度上) an oil exporting country.(to a large extent)82 After his death, the business _ (被移交给他儿子).(was handed over to his son)83 Please dont _(干涉我的事).(inter

22、fere in my business)84 Rod is determined to go for music _(即使从学校退学).(even if that means he has to quit school)85 _(正如今天报纸上所报道的), the Shanghai Export Commodities Fair is also open on Sundays.(As is announced in todays papers)87 The medical team is _(由护士和医生组成).(made up of doctors and nurses)88 The man

23、 once _(有一大笔钱); now all that is left is loneliness.(had a large sum of money)89 Not until yesterday _ (我才见到那位作家).(did I see the writer090 Im sorry to have hurt your feelings. But I _(不是故意这样做的).(did not do it on purpose)91 They managed to _ (将该疾病限制在) a small area.(confine the disease to)92 I have nev

24、er taken anything _(不属于我).(that doesnt belong to me)93 Her car is kind of shabby _(与我的车相比).(in comparison with mine)94 The boy is too young to _(和他的父母分开).(be separated from his parents)95 He left the restaurant _(他一吃完晚餐).(as soon as he had eaten dinner)96 _(除非你熟练掌握英语语法), you wont write good English.

25、(Unless you have a good command of English grammer)97 They had never seen such delicious food, _(更不用说尝过了).(let alone eat it)98 You are not boring me._(与此相反的是), I enjoy your company.(On the contrary)99 Niagara Falls is _(著名的旅游景点) drawing millions of visitors every year.(a great tourist attraction)100 _(你既然已经长大了), you should start your own career. (Now that you are old enough)

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