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1、plagrund teahers ffie garden libra first flr send flr 2拼一拼,背一背。3口头翻译。4听录音,跟读,与小组内同学互相评读,看一看,比一比,谁读得好。四合作探究1我能流利朗读“Lets learn”和“ Lets d”的对话。1) 自由读。2)小组长或推荐优秀组员领读。 3)男女分组读。 4) 组长检查读。2我会根据中内容,设计新对话,进行练习。五堂检测(一)根据汉意写出下列单词1讲台2图书馆3一楼4二楼(二)短语搭配( ) 1G t the teahers ffie ARead a b( )2 G t the librar BSa hell

2、( ) 3 G t the plagrund ater the flers( ) 4 G t the garden DPla ftball六学后反思:预习(无效 有效 高效) 交流(被动 积极 主导)展示(倾听 参加 精彩) 达标(不达标 基本达标 完全达标)Unit 1 shl A Lets tal导学案(第二时)1能听懂并回答一些问题,如:Is this the teahers ffie? Is that the librar ? es,it is/N,it isntheres the teahers ffie?Its n the send flr2、this和that的发音以及在楼层的表

3、达中序数词first, send的用法。掌握两个重点句子的问答的正确书写和灵活运用。1自读,圈出不明白的内容(生生、师生解决)2听录音,默读。3听录音,跟读,与小组内同学互相评读,看一看,比一比,谁读得好。1我能流利朗读“Lets tal”的对话。 3)分角色表演对话。 4) 上台展示。2我会根据Lets tal中内容,设计新对话,进行练习。五 堂检测(一)问答搭配( )1here is the teahers ffie?( )2Is this the plagrund?( )3D u have a librar?( )4H an dess are there in ur lassr?( )L

4、! This is ur gardenAh Its beautifulBes, I dDN, it isntEThere are thirt-five (二)选词填空1bie is greenlie it ver uh(I)2The librar is n the flr(tsend)3Hell!Ahs that?(I athis is)Unit 1 shl A Lets spell导学案(第三时)1学习字母组合er在单词中的发音。2会唱歌曲“ur shl”。3通过对Str tie的学习,铺垫新句型:Is this the „? Is that the &二学习重难点总结字母组合e

5、r的发音规则。三 自主预习1听录音,读一读,并总结发音规则。ater tiger sister puter dinner 2听录音,学歌曲,比一比谁唱的好。3听录音,跟读故事,与小组内同学互相评读,看一看,比一比,谁读得好。1我能流利朗读“Lets spell”的发音。3) 组长检查。2Read,underline and sa(本第六页)3L,listen and rite(本第六页)五堂检测 (一)听音补充单词at_ _ tig_ _ sist_ _ put_ _ dinn_ _(二)选择正确答案 1here is the librar? - AIts n the first flr BI

6、ts n the ne flr2This is the_ffie Ateahers Bteahers3H an students are there in ur lass? AThis a,please BFrt-ne4Is this ur b?-AN,it is Bes ,it is shl is ver beautifullie t g t shl AI,IB, I六学后反思预习(无效 有效 高效) 交流(被动 积极 主导)展示(倾听 参加 精彩) 达标(不达标 基本达标 完全达标)Unit 1 shl A Lets learn 导学案(第四时)1听、说、认读单词puter r,usi r

7、,art r,plagrund,g并能在语境中恰当运用。2灵活运用句型:This /That is D u have ?es, e dN,e dnt 让学生熟练掌握“学习目标2”句型的用法。puter r usi r art r plagrund g3口头翻译1我能流利朗读“Lets learn”的对话。1计算机房2音乐教室3美术教室4操场体育馆(二)好朋友,手牵手,连一连。1Dra An the plagrund2Read Bin the usi r3Pla in the librar4Sing Din the art rUnit 1 shl A Lets tal导学案(第五时) H an

8、students are there in ur lass?Frt-five students D u have a librar?es,e dIs that the puter r?N,it isntThis is lassrIts s big掌握学习目标1重点句子的问答的正确书写和灵活运用。五 堂检测 (一)我会在句子中挑出错误的一项。 ( )1here is the g? A B ( ) 2Its in the send flr ( )3L! This are lassr ( )4Is that u pen?( )H uh apples d u have?Unit 1 shl 练一练(第

9、六时)一我会选择填空。( )1ur shl has art r Athe Ba an ( ) 2t ur shl!Aele BAll right l( )3Is that a ap?-es,it isnt BN,it isnt( )4The usi r is n the send flrThis,please Aan Ba( )H an bananas are there n the tree? AFrt-five BFurt five二我会连词成句。 1 this puter is ( ) 2 is teahers the that ffie ( ? ) 3 a please this (

10、, ) ( ) 4 g e a have ne ( ) flers ater the ( )Unit 1 shl 练一练(第七时)一我会按要求写句子。1Is this the teahers ffie? (作肯定回答) 2I have a ne bie(变成一般疑问句) 3The usi r is n the first flr (对划线部分提问)4This is a puter (变成一般疑问句)Is that an art r? (作否定回答)二我会给下列问句选择正确答语。( )1H an students are there in ur lass?( ) 2ele t ur shl( ) 3heres the g?( ) 4D u have a usi r?( ) Is that a puter r?AThan uBes, e dFrtDN,its a usi rEIts n the first flr

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