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第一部分必修1第一部分必修1Unit 4EarthquakesWord文档下载推荐.docx

1、 困境8disaster(n.) 灾难; 灾祸9express(vt.) 表示; 表达(n.) 快车; 速递10shelter(n.) 掩蔽; 掩蔽处; 避身处11bury(vt.) 埋葬; 掩埋; 隐藏12damage(n.)&(vt.) 损失; 损害13extreme(adj.)极度的extremely(adv.)极度地14judge(n.)裁判员; 法官(vt.)断定; 判断; 判决judgment(n.)意见; 判断力; 审判15injure(vt.)损害; 伤害injury(n.)伤害; 损害injured(adj.)受伤的16electricity(n.)电; 电流; 电学elec

2、tric(adj.)用电的; 带电的electrical(adj.)与电有关的; 电学的17frighten(vt.)使惊吓; 吓唬frightened(adj.)受惊的; 受恐吓的frightening(adj.)令人恐惧的18congratulation(n.)祝贺; (pl.)贺词congratulate(vt.)祝贺 用所给词的适当形式填空1The girl was almost frightened to death when she saw the frightening scene. (frighten)2Judging from what he said, he must be

3、 an honest man. On the contrary, the judgement is not correct. He often steals things, so the judge pointed out that we shouldnt judge a man by his looks. (judge)3In the terrible crash of school bus, many children were injured,_and even some suffered severe injuries to the heads and arms. The injure

4、d were rushed to the nearest hospital. (injure)4The headmaster wrote a letter to congratulate her on her good performance and the exciting congratulations encouraged her greatly. (congratulate)1right_away立刻; 马上2as_if 好像; 仿佛3at_an_end 结束; 终结4in_ruins 严重受损; 破败不堪5dig_out 掘出; 发现6a_(great)_number_of 许多;

5、大量的7cut_off 切断8be_trapped_in 陷入9be_buried_in 埋头于10judge_from 从判断 选用上面的短语填空One night, everything began to shake, with the pipes bursting and the electricity 1.cut_off. An earthquake struck the city and it seemed 2.as_if the world was 3.at_an_end.Some people were injured, some 4.buried_in_ruins and so

6、me missing. 5.Judging_from the situation, there were 6.a_number_of trapped people waiting for rescue. But all hope was not lost, because soldiers were sent to help them 7.right_away. 1too.to意为“太而不能”, 表示否定意义In the farmyards, the chickens and even the pigs were too nervous to eat.【仿写】下星期我想旅游两天。 不可能。 我

7、们太忙了抽不出时间。I would like to take a twoday trip next week.Out of the question!We are_too_busy_to afford it.2It seems/seemed as if.看起来好像It seemed as if the world was at an end!【仿写】我童年的一切仿佛刚刚发生一样。It_seemed_as_if everything in my childhood had just happened.3everywhere作连词, 引导地点状语从句Everywhere they looked n

8、early everything was destroyed.【仿写】这个年轻的歌手无论在哪儿出现, 总是被一群疯狂的粉丝包围着。Everywhere_the_young_singer_appears,_he is always surrounded by a group of crazy fans.4all.not.并非所有的都All hope was not lost.【仿写】并非所有的肢体语言在不同的国家里都有相同的意思, 例如点头。Not_all_body_language means the same thing in different countries, such as nod

9、ding.阅读下面课文缩写材料, 在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。Strange things happened in Tangshan. For a few days, water in the wells 1. rose (rise) and fell. The well walls had cracks and a 2. smelly (smell) gas came out of the cracks. Mice, chickens, pigs and even fish became too nervous to live 3. as usual. At 3

10、: 42 am, everything began to shake. It seemed as if the world was at 4. an end. Onethird of the nation felt it. A huge crack cut 5.across the city. The city lay in 6.ruins (ruin). Twothirds of the people died or were injured. Then, later that afternoon, another big quake 7. shook (shake) Tangshan, 8

11、. which trapped many rescue workers and doctors. People began to wonder how long the disaster 9. would_last (last). But all hope was not lost. Soldiers came to help those 10. survivors (survive). Slowly, the city began to breathe again.定语从句单句语法填空1Happiness and success often come to those who are goo

12、d at recognizing their own strengths.2Nowadays almost everyone prefers to use a smart mobile phone whose functions are more practical.3The Great Wall is the place that/which almost all tourists would like to visit when they come to Beijing.4I want to thank my friend John, without whose help, I would

13、nt have been saved.5Hes not the kind of man who would go back on his words.1. burstvt.&vi.(使)爆裂; (使)裂开; (使)炸开; 突然出现;n突然破裂;(教材P26)In the city, the water pipes in some buildings cracked and burst.在市内, 有些建筑物的水管爆裂开来。(1)burst in/into闯入, 突然破门而入burst with anger/joy 勃然大怒/乐不可支(2)a burst of 一阵He burst into th

14、e room without knocking at the door, which made me very angry.他没敲门就闯进房间, 这使我非常生气。There was a burst of laughter in the next room.隔壁房间里突然爆发出一阵笑声。一句多译听到这, 全班同学大笑起来, 我同桌的脸变红了。(1)Hearing this, the whole class burst_into_laughter and my deskmates face turned red.(2)Hearing this, the whole class burst_out_

15、laughing and my deskmates face turned red.2. injurevt.损害; 伤害(教材P26)Twothirds of them died or were injured during the earthquake.他们中有2/3的人在地震中伤亡。(1)injured adj.受伤的the injured 伤员(2) injury n. 伤; 伤口;A terrible accident happened at the crossing and an ambulance rushed the injured to the hospital.在十字路口发生

16、了严重的交通事故, 救护车把受伤的人火速送到医院。She injured herself while skating, which made her parents very worried.她在溜冰时受了伤, 这使她父母很担心。基础练习单句语法填空(1)Dog owners should be responsible if their pets do an injury (injure) to other people or cause damage to their property.(2)When we got on the spot of the accident, we were t

17、old that the injured (injure) had been sent to the nearest hospital.(3)What he did injured (injure) the companys reputation, causing great damage to our company.能力提升高考小作文(4)(2014北京高考书面表达)但现在, 由于我的左脚在足球比赛中受伤了, 我不能像计划的那样和你一起去。But now, because my_left_foot_was_injured_in_the_football_game,_I cannot go

18、with you as planned.3.ruinnU毁坏; 毁灭; 崩溃 C(pl.)废墟; 遗迹v(使)破产; (使)堕落;(教材P26)In fifteen terrible seconds a large city lay in ruins.在可怕的15秒内, 一座大城市就成为一片废墟。(1)lie/be in ruins成为废墟come/go/fall to ruin 毁灭; 灭亡; ruin 使毁灭; 使没落; 使破产(2)ruin oneself 毁掉自己; 自取灭亡ruin ones health/fame 毁坏某人的健康/声誉The ancient temp

19、le has been in ruins and needs repairing.这座古老的庙宇已经破败不堪, 需要修理。Drunk driving not only ruined himself but also killed several passersby.醉驾不仅毁掉了他自己还导致几名路人死亡。选词填空(damage, ruin, destroy)The palace was destroyed completely rather than was slightly damaged,_which cant be repaired, only leaving ruins.这座宫殿不是轻

20、微地损坏, 而是被彻底地破坏了, 无法修复, 只剩下废墟。4. buryvt.埋葬, 掩埋; 隐藏; 使沉浸, 使专心; 插入, 刺入(教材P26)The army organized teams to dig out those who were trapped and to bury the dead.救援部队组成小分队, 将受困的人们挖出来, 并将死者掩埋。(1)bury ones head/face in hands双手抱头/ 掩面(2)be buried inbury oneself in 专心于be buried in thought 沉思He stood on the sidew

21、alk with his hands buried in the pockets of his dark overcoat.他站在人行道上, 双手插在黑色外套的口袋里。Buried in his study, he didnt know that all the others had left.他埋头学习, 不知道其他人都早已离开了。表示“专心于; 致力于”的短语还有:be devoted tobe lost/engaged/absorbed infocus/concentrate onfix/concentrate ones attention on基础练习完成句子由于他埋头于书本, 所以不

22、知道外面下雨了。(1)Because he was_buried_in_his_book,_he didnt know it was raining outside.(bury)(2)Because he buried_himself_in_his_book,_he didnt know it was raining outside.(bury)能力提升句式升级(3)Burying_himself_in_his_book,_he didnt know it was raining outside.(现在分词作状语改写上句)(4)Buried_in_his_book,_he didnt know

23、 it was raining outside.(过去分词作状语改写上句)5.judgevt.断定; 判决n裁判员; 法官; 评判员(教材P30)Your speech was heard by a group of five judges, all of whom agreed that it was the best one this year.一组五个裁判听了你的演讲, 他们都同意这是今年最好的演讲。(1)judge.from/by.从来判断judge between right and wrong判断是非as far as I can judge 据我判断, 我认为(2)judging

24、 by/from 根据判断As the saying goes, “We should never judge a person by/from his looks.” 常言道, 我们不能以貌取人。As far as I can judge, it is more likely that you will get the job. 据我判断, 你更有可能获得这份工作。judging from/by用在句首时, 为一个独立成分, 不受句子主语和时态影响, 只用现在分词作状语而不采用过去分词的形式。单句语法填空(1)Schools tend to be_judged (judge) by the

25、performance of their students in exams.(2)Judging (judge) from the number of cars, he thought there were not many people at the club yet.6. (教材P26)It seemed as if the world was at an end!仿佛到了世界末日!(1)at the end of.在尽头, 在末端by the end of 到结束时, 到时候 为止(常与完成时态连用)in the end 最后; 终于(2)come to an end 结束put an

26、 end to sth. 结束;make (both) ends meet 使收支相抵, 量入为出(3)end up with 以结束end up doing sth. 以结束The meeting was nearly at an end when I got to the meeting room.我到达会议室时, 会议快要结束了。Being out of work and having two young children, they found it impossible to make ends meet.他们失业了, 还要养活两个小孩, 他们发现无法维持起码的生活。Smell th

27、e flowers before you go to sleep, and you may just end up with sweet dreams.睡前闻闻花香, 你会进入甜蜜的梦乡。选词填空(1)By_the_end_of last year, he had learned two thousand English words.(2)His life returned to normal after the war came_to_an_end.(3)At first he refused to accept any responsibility but he ended_up apol

28、ogizing.(4)I must warn you that my patience is almost at_an_end.7. (教材P27)Such a great number of people died because the quake happened while they were sleeping.那么多的人丧生是因为地震发生时人们正在睡觉。可数名词复数Now a great number of college graduates are seeking to get a highpaid job. But the number of posts available fo

29、r them is often not enough.如今很多大学毕业生努力想找一份待遇好的工作, 但适合他们的岗位的数量却经常不足。There are a great many talented people waiting to be discovered.众多有才华的人有待于被发现。(1)Many a famous pop star was_ruined (ruin) by drugs last year.(2)Large amounts of money are_spent (spend) on advertisements every year.(3)Large quantities of water have_been_piped (pipe) to the dry area since last year.(4)As you can see, the number of cars on our roads keeps (keep) rising these days.(5)(2014江苏高考书面表达)随着学习英语的人越来越多, 在汉语的上下文里理解英语并不是很困难。With_the_number_of_English_learners_on_the

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