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1、man teacher _ woman doctor _5). 有些名词通常只以复数的形式出现如:裤子_,鞋_, 眼镜_,袜子_, 剪子_等6). 有些名词没有加s但是却表达复数的含义如:人_, 警察_ 牛_ 观众_.3. 名词的所有格 1)名词所有格表示 “的”的含义,通常,有生命的事物是在名词后面加_.如果是复数名词则只加_. 无生命的事物通常要用_的方式来表达。2). 两个并列名词的所有格,如果是两人所共有的东西则在_后加s。如:Lily and Lucys room. 如果是两人分别拥有的东西则在_ 都加s。Lilys and Lucys room.3) 双重所有格。有时会出现如a f

2、riend of my fathers 这样的结构,这种结构往往含有父亲的朋友不止一个的含义。如果说a friend of my father则没有这个含义。需要注意的是:a photo of Daming 意思是照片上的人就是大明。 而a photo of Damings 则是指照片是大明的,照片上的人并不一定是大明。二、冠词 在英语中,名词前通常要加冠词,冠词分为三类:定冠词_、不定冠词_和零冠词,其中零冠词也就是没有冠词。 1不定冠词通常翻译成一个,一般单我们翻译出一个的时候就要用不定冠词。除此之外,同学们要熟记下列情况用不定冠词。1)通常当我们泛指任意某一个事物或某一类事物时要个。 如

3、: A friend is someone who appears in need. 2)当第一次提高某人或某物时常用不定冠词。There is a book on the desk, but no one knows whose the book is.3) 用于某些固定词组,是其不可缺少的部分。go for a walk, a long time, a few, a little, 4) 用在时间、距离、速度、价格等意义的名词前表示“每一”的概念。three times a day, once a week, 2. 定冠词通常翻译成这个或那个,如果我们翻译出这样的含义,通常就要用定冠词。

4、除此之外,同学们要熟记下面口诀中用定冠词的情况。 1)特指双熟悉。(当特指某一个确定的人或事物,或者是说话双方都知道的人或事物时要用定冠词。)The man over there is a scientist. / The man you talked with is our new teacher. 2) 上文已提及。(当再次提到上文中出现的人或事物时要用定冠词)My father bought me a new bike, the bike is 500 yuan. 3) 世上独无二。(在表示独一无二的事物的名词前要用定冠词。the moon, the sun, the earth, th

5、e world, the universe, the sky 4) 某些专有名。(用于表示江河、海洋、山脉、群岛、沙漠等专有名词,以及含有普遍名词的专有名词前。the Yellow River the Great Wall / the Childrens Palace the Summer Palace 5)习语及乐器。(用于某些固定短语当中及乐器名称之前。in the morning, by the way, all the time, the morethe better, at the age of play the guitar/violin/pianothe Whites (怀特一家

6、), the old (老年人), play the guitar 6)序数最高级。(序数词和形容词最高级前要用定冠词)the first, the most beautiful 7)一家方位某类人。(当用在姓的复数表示某某一家,方位名词前以及用在某些形容词前表示某一类人时用定冠词。The Whites(怀特一家) in the south of the old (老年人) the poor(穷人)3. 零冠词也就是不用冠词,熟记下面的口诀。 1) 棋类球类和三餐。play chess, play football, have breakfast 2)星期月份和节日。on Monday, in

7、 December, on Teachers Day 3)人名地名国家名。John lives in Hong Kong. /Beijing is the capital of China. 4)学科语言和称呼。We have Chinese, maths and English today. / Mr. Brown is my uncle. 5)复数名词表类别。I like eating bananas. 6)物质名词表泛指。Animals cant live without water and air. 7)代词限定名词前。(this, that, my, your some, any)T

8、his computer is hers. 8)by加工具和词组。by bus, by plane, on foot, at noon, at night, on earth, in fact, in time, on time, go to school.需要注意的情况:1. 有些短语用定冠词/不定冠词和零冠词分别表示不同的含义。in hospital (住院) in the hospital(在医院里) go to school (去上学) go to the school (去学校) at school(在上课) at the school (在学校里) in bed (躺在床上) in

9、 the bed(在床上) a few a little(有一些) few little (几乎没有)2. 在序数词前用不定冠词的含义等于 one more The man tried a second time. (a second = one more time) Two weeks is not enough for me to finish the work, I need a third week. ( a third week = one more week)三、数词1基数词 1)基数词的读音要从左到右,每三位一小节来读。 25, 376, 420, 875Twenty-five

10、billionThree hundred and seventy-six millionFour hundred and twenty thousandEight hundred and seventy five 2) 当表示具体数字时,hundred, thousand, million, billion 等词不能加s。 3) 当表示大概数量时,用hundreds of, thousands of, millions of 等,这时不能被基数词修饰,也就是,不能说two hundreds of。 4)当表示事物的编号时,应放在名词的后面。Class three, Grade one 2. 序

11、数词 1)序数词的变化,请牢记下面的口诀一、二、三要全变,其他后面th填,八去t九去e,ve要用f替,整十把y变ie,遇到几十几,只变各位就可以。 2)日期中的“日”要用序数词。可以缩写,序数词的缩写是用阿拉伯数字加上序数词的后两个字母。1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 21st. 3)分数的表达方法是用基数词+序数词,其中基数词表示分子,序数词表示分母。如果基数词大于1,则序数词用复数形式。one third, (三分之一) three fifth(五分之三)。 4)序数词前通常要加定冠词the, 如果加a/an 则表示“又一;再一”之意。I want to try a second

12、time. 我想再试一次。= I want to try one more time. 3. 年月日的表达。英语中,年月日的书写顺序一般是月、日、年。May 1st, 1990. 其中月日的读法是 May the first, 年的读法是 nineteen ninety4. 时间的表达。1) 英语中的时间有顺读和逆读两种方法。10:20 顺读:ten twenty, 逆读: twenty past ten2)注意在逆读时,分在前,时在后,中间加介词。小于等于30分加past,大于30分加to。加to时表达,差几分几点。5:50 逆读:ten to six3) 几点半常用 half past 的

13、方式来表达, 一刻钟常说 a quarter2:30 half past two; 4:15 a quarter past 4 11:45 a quarter to twelveModule 1 Travel Unit1 The flight was lateTask1: Answer the questions in your own words. 1. How many forms of transport do you know? Write them down._ 2. Which form of transport do you like best or least and why?

14、 I like _best, because _. I like _ least, because _. 3. Which form of transport do you use most often or least often? I use _ most often and I use _ least often.Task 2. Listen and Choose the best answer.1. How was the journey when Lingling come back from Henan?A. It was a pleasant journey.B. Its unp

15、leasant, because the train was filled with people.2. How will Tony return from the UK?A. He will take a plane. B. He will come back by ship.3. How did Daming travel around HongKong?A. He travel on a plane. B. He travel by boat.4. Did Betty enjoyed herself during the holiday?A. Yes, she did. B. No, s

16、he didnt.5. Which form of transport didnt Betty take in Beijing?A. coach B. subway C. bus D. texi6. what did Betty do in the Summer Palace?A. She took some photos B. she went for a long walk7. Are there many fun things to do this term?A. Yes, there are. B. No, there arent.Task 4. Read the dialogue i

17、n Activity 4 and complete the sentences in Activity 7.Task 5. Write the expression on the blanks. (write the similar expressions on the other blanks)候机厅 _ 充满 _ _旅游 _ 从下来 _飞往_ _ _ _ 许多;大量 _ _ _ 去观光 _ 玩的开心_ _这个学期末_Unit 2 Youre sitting in my seatTask1. Read the text and choose the best answer in activi

18、ty 2.Task2. Read the text and write the expressions on the blanks.梦到 _ 动身;出发 _ 在的开始 _ 拥抱某人 _ 眼里带着泪水 _ 给某人写信 _一就 _ 向窗外看 _ 带着紧张的笑容 _ 大声说 _ 有很长的路要走 _ 即使 _ 放弃_Task3. Complete the sentences with the expressions.1. She said sorry to her teacher _.2. I often _ going to Disneyland.3. Im sorry, I cant hear y

19、ou clearly, could you speak _?4. Its time for us to _ for the station.5. Hurry up! We _.6. I shall _you _ I arrived at New York.7. _ you have trouble learning English, you mustnt _.8. _ next lesson, our teacher will play a game with us.9. Sally has been away from home for ten years. When she saw her

20、 mother, she rushed to her and _, with tears in her eyes.10. Dont _ when you are in class, listen to your teacher carefully.Module 2 Grammer 代词一、人称代词所谓人称代词就是用来表达“你、我、他/她/它、你们、我们、他们”的词,需要注意的是,在英语中人称代词的形式有主格和宾格两种,通常如果人称代词做_语用主格,做_语用宾格。请分别写出人称代词的主格和宾格形式。主格:_宾格:需要注意的是,通常做表语和在一些口语中人称代词要用宾格。-Whos that? It

21、s me. Me too.二、物主代词所谓物主代词就是用来表达“你的、我的、他/她/它的、你们的、我们的、他们的”的词,需要注意的是,在英语中物主代词有形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词之分。通常后面有被修饰的名词就用_。如果省略掉被修饰的名词就用_。请分别写出形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词。形容词性物主代词:_名词性物主代词:三、在英语中还有一些其他种类的代词如:指示代词:_反身代词:_疑问代词:不定代词:四、要点。1. one, it, that 用来指代前面出现过的名词的区别。1. There is a photo on the wall, it was taken by Tony.2.

22、 Lily likes cartoon films, while Lucy likes funny ones.3. The population in China is larger than that in India. 通过观察上面的三个例句我们可以看出,it指_。One 指_。That 指_。2. another, other, the other, others, the others 用法的区别。 another 用来泛指其他的任意一个事物。other 用来泛指其他的任意一些事物。the other 用来特指另一个或另外的所有事物。一般如果当我们没有提前给出范围时用_,而如果提前给出了范围则用_。如果我们将他们所修饰的名词省略掉则用_ 或_。 请用上面的词完成下面的句子。 1. I have two sons, one is eleven, _ is thirteen. 2. This kind of sandwich is qu

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