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1、9abundant adj.大量的,丰富的10accumulate v. 积累, 积聚 11adjustment n调整,调节12diverse adj.不同的;多种多样的13delete vt.删除14skip v. 跳过;跳读15edition n. 版本16thirst n渴望;口渴17fine v罚款18abolish vt.废除,废止;取消19swing vi.摇摆;秋千语境运用用所给词的适当形式填空。1He resigned (resign) as manager after eight years.2They flew over the beach,casting(cast) a

2、 huge shadow.3When I undertook(undertake) to mend his watch for him,I didnt bargain for all this trouble.4The man was_sentenced(sentence) to death two years ago.5He is poisoned by eating rotten(rot) meat.6All the candidates have their virtues(virtue) and vices.拓展单词1volunteer v自愿做volunteer n志愿者volunt

3、ary adj.自愿的2abundant adj.大量的abundance n大量3sign v签名;打手势 n招牌;迹象;符号signature n签名4govern vt.统治,管理governor n统治者,总督government n政府5adjust vt.调整,调节;使适应adjustment n调整,调节6diverse adj.各种各样的diversity n多样性;差异7mercy n宽容,仁慈merciful adj.宽大的,仁慈的8edit vt.编辑;校订editor n编辑;编者,校订者edition n版本9elect vt.选举,推选election n选举10t

4、hirst n口渴thirsty adj.口渴的11contain vt.包含;装有container n容器语境运用用所给词的适当形式或所给提示填空。1It doesnt have to be a large container to contain these fruits.(contain) 2I am thirsty for them,and my thirst is overwhelming.(thirst) 3The merciful merchant showed mercy to the poor father.(mercy) 4The diversity of regions

5、 includes the diverse ways of historical development.(diverse) 5Zhejiang has a long history and a brilliant culture behind,coupled with abundant natural sceneries and historical sites,contributing to the abundance of tourist resources.(abundant) 6Thanks,will you please fill in the registration form

6、and sign your signature here?(sign)7If you move to a new city,youd better adjust yourself to it.Sometimes,it is hard to make some adjustments.(adjust)8In the latest election,Mary was elected chair woman of the Student Union.(elect)9She used to edit newspapers,and now she is the editor of a dictionar

7、y which is now in its sixth edition.(edit)阅读单词1inequality n不平等2graph n图表3deposit vt.存储,储蓄4currency n货币5vacant adj.未住人的,空置的6pension n退休金,养老金7leisure n闲暇,空闲8framework n构架,结构9feast n盛宴,宴会10fragrant adj.有香味的11spoonful n一匙之量12penalty n刑罚,惩罚13moreover adv.再者,此外14merchant n商人1(2017全国卷).we found that in 30

8、mph zones they struggled to keep at a constant speed and so were more likely to break the speed limit and be at risk of getting fined.罚款2We had to resign ourselves to making a loss on the sale.屈从3She had a kind of vacant look on her face.茫然的4She said the cast wont include any stars.演员表短语多维应用高频短语e_in

9、to_being形成,存在2show_off炫耀,夸耀3do_away_with废除;摆脱,消灭4knock_into_sb. 撞上某人;偶然遇到5contribute_to促进;有助于6play_an_important_role_in 在中起重要作用7take.into_account考虑;注意,体谅8to_start_with首先语境运用选用左栏短语的适当形式填空。My mother used to ask my elder sister to show off her singing and dancing in front of her friends and relatives.B

10、ut in my view,he didnt take my sisters feelings into_account,because I found sometimes she did it unwillingly.So I advised that my mother should do_away_with this behavior.As we all know,parents respect plays_an_important_role_in the childrens growth,which contributes_to their healthy psychology.9.a

11、bove_all最重要的是;首先10be_well/better_off过得好/更好11break_into闯入;突然开始12wind_sb.up故意惹恼某人13on_principle 根据原则14keep_an_eye_on注意,留意15._take.seriously 认真对待16sentence_sb.to_death 判某人死刑After giving birth to a second baby,my friend told me that her life was not better_off.Her daughter often broke_into her younger b

12、rothers bedroom and hit him.It was obvious that she winded him up,which made her angry.But I think on_principle,it was she that should be responsible for this.So I advised her to take it seriously and keep_an_eye_on her daughter in daily life.句式结构仿写教材原句背诵句式仿写应用1.not.but.Not increased happiness,but s

13、tress and less free time to be ourselves and enjoy being with our friends and families.我生气不是因为你犯错,而是因为你没有告诉我。I am angry not_because_you_made _mistakes,but because you did not tell me about them.2.would rather后面跟虚拟语气Id rather you didnt mention that.我真希望你马上就动身。I would_rather_you_started_off right away

14、.3.make复合宾语They were then able to place guards at the entrances of the various hutongs,which made it easier to keep an eye on peoples movements.我记得我向你清楚表示过我不会来。I remember I made_it_clear_to_you that I was not coming.4.what if 要是会怎么样呢What if some married people have affairs?如果下周数学考试我不及格怎么办?What_if I

15、fail the maths exam next week?1burden n. 负担,重担 vt. (使)担负(沉重或艰难的任务、职责等) (1)be a burden on/to.是的负担(2)burden sb./oneself with sth.装载;使负担be burdened with.负重;为所累carry the burden 挑起这副担子be burdened with heavy taxation 承担沉重的税款基础练习单句语法填空/单句改错I dont want to burden you with my problems.The burden on his back s

16、eemed to be crushing him to the earth.Too much praise is a burden to a child.Burdened such a big family,he had to work hard all day long.Burdened后加with链接写作句式升级(普通表达)He was burdened with endless paperwork,so he didnt have time to assist you.(高级表达)Burdened_with_endless_paperwork,he didnt have time to

17、assist you.(过去分词短语作状语)2undertake vt.着手做,从事,承担;允诺,答应 undertaken./pron.承担undertake to do.着手做;答应做undertake that.答应undertake for.为负责undertake responsibility 承担责任undertake to finish the job 同意完成这项工作I can undertake that you will enjoy the trip.Ill undertake for your security.He undertook improving the wor

18、king conditions and the workers were expecting it.improvingto_improve(普通表达)She undertook to finish the job by Friday last night.(高级表达)She undertook_that_she_would_finish_the_job by Friday last night.3abundant adj.大量的;丰盛的;充裕的 (1)be abundant in 富有;很丰富(2)abundance n. 丰富an abundance of丰富的,许多的in abundanc

19、e大量;富裕be abundant in natural resources 有丰富的自然资源There was an abundance(abundant) of corn last year.Wild flowers grow in abundance on the hillsides.South Africa is a developing country which is abundant in natural resources.At the feast of New Years Eve there is an abundance in food and drinks.inof链接写

20、作完成句子这个国家有很多熟练工人,但工作职位不够。The country has an_abundance_of_skilled_workers,but not enough jobs.4resign vt. & vi. 辞职,辞去;使顺从 resign ones job/post/position辞去工作/职位resign from 从辞职resign oneself to (doing) sth.顺从;使自己安于(做)某事resign as.辞去当的职务把托付给She resigned from her job for personal reasons.You must

21、 resign yourselves to waiting(wait) a bit longer.It is reported that more and more parents resign their children to their grandparents at hometown.We had to resign ourselves making a loss on the sale.ourselves后加to他仍在董事会,但几个月前他辞去了董事长职务。He is still on the board,but he resigned_as_chairman some months

22、ago.(resign as)5elect vt.选举,推选;选择 (1)elect选举某人进入elect be.选举某人为elect to do sth.选择做某事(2)election n选举;推举;当选run for an election参加竞选elect Smith as mayor 选史密斯当市长a general election 大选Six theatre companies have been elected to_take(take) part in this years festival.FDRoosevelt was elected fo

23、ur times as president of the US.The final election(elect) results will be announced on Friday.He was elected the chairman of the education committee.去掉第一个the在美国每四年举行一次总统选举。In America,presidential elections_are_held_every_four_years.6sentence n判决 vt.宣判;判刑 (1)serve a sentence 服刑pass/give sentence on s

24、b.给某人判刑(2)sentence sth.给某人判刑(常用被动语态)be sentenced to death/three years in prison被判死刑/三年徒刑Wang Lijun was sentenced to 15 years in prison.The prisoner has served a sentence and will be released tomorrow.They were sentenced for their part in Aprils coup attempt.The judge will pass sentence to the

25、murder tomorrow after looking at the report.toon因他是初次犯罪,法官对他予以轻判。The judge passed_a_light_sentence_on_him because it was his first offence.7cast vt.投下;投以(笑容,视线);投射(光、影子);扔;抛;投票 cast a shadow/cloud over/on sth.给投下一层阴影cast doubt on sth.使怀疑某事,使不确信某事cast a look/glance at sb./sth.向看一眼cast down 使沮丧,使失望cas

26、t his net into water 把网撒到水里cast a shadow on the wall 把影子投射到墙上基础练习单句语法填空Her fathers illness cast a shadow over the wedding celebrations.She cast a glance in the mirror and went out,shutting the door behind her.He was cast down by the sad news.他的所作所为使人们对他的诚实产生了怀疑。What he had done cast_doubt_on_his_hon

27、esty.8thirst n渴,口渴;渴望 (1)satisfy/relieve ones thirst解渴,止渴die of thirst死于干渴a thirst for knowledge如饥似渴的求知欲thirst for sth.渴望/渴求某物(2)thirsty adj.渴的be thirsty for sth.渴望/渴求某物Drink whenever you feel thirsty(thirst) during exercise.链接写作一句多译虽然他不富裕,但他非常渴求电脑知识。Though he is not rich,he is_thirsty_for the computer technology. (thirsty)Though he is not rich,he is_dying_for the computer technology. (dying)Though he is not rich,he longs_for the computer technology. (long)Though he is not rich,he is_eager_for the compu

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