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1、 1、教师不按照顺序出示1-19的数字卡片,让学生集体认读,引入本单元的目标词汇和话题。 2、教师出示单词卡片,和学生一起复习前面学过的饮料、食品、水果、家居类的单词。 T: Whats this? Ss: Its a Whats that?Step 2 Presentation1、利用第六单元Fun time中的Menu和学生进行点餐活动,教授新句型。黑板上板书Menu中的食品并添加价格。如: Id like a glass of milk (and a sandwich). S1:OK. Anything else? No, thanks. How much are they/is it?

2、 S1: (学生计算后回答) Its/Theyre yuan. 2、师生问答,学生两两对话,操练新句型和目标词汇(板书练习的对话模板) S2: Good morning. What would you like? / Can I help you? (Id like) a fan. How much is it? Its fifteen yuan. Id like these shoes. How much are they? Theyre nineteen yuan.Step 3 Consolidation1、听课文录音,回答几个问题,教授twenty, Well done:What wou

3、ld Liu Tao like?How much is the umbrella?How much money do Su Hai and Su Yang have?2、再次听课文录音,逐句跟读,模仿语音语调。3、自由朗读,然后分角色朗读。Homework:板书设计:教学反思: (第二课时)1、能熟练听懂、会读、会拼写单词yuan, how much, umbrella, fan, shoe, sock.Step 1 Greetings1、听课文录音,注意语音语调。2、分角色朗读课文1、师生角色扮演买卖水果或家具,教授数字thirty, forty, fifty. Good morning.

4、Can I help you? Yes. Id like a pineapple. How much is it? Its 12yuan. Anything else? Id like three apples and a mango. How much are they? They are thirty yuan. Here you are. Thank you.2、师生角色扮演买卖杂货,教授twenty-eight等S1: Good morning, Can I help you?T: Yes. Id like a fan. How much is it? Its eight yuan.

5、Anything else? Id like some shoes. How much are they? Theyre twenty yuan. OK. Here you are. Twenty-eight yuan.Step3 Consolidation1、学生四人一组,用文具或单词卡片进行问答,创编对话,操练本单元句型和生词2、优秀营业员大赛。教师在教室的四角分布四个商店: a snack bar, a clothes shop, a stationery shop, a toy shop.让不同的小组进行物品的买卖对话,评选出小组中最佳营业员。 (第三课时)3. 会唱The cloth

6、es shop并替换部分歌词。Step 1 Warm-up1、利用Fun time的练习,和学生做个猜价格小游戏 How much is it? Guess. Itsyuan. S3: Is it yuan? Yes, youre right.Step2 Song time “ The clothes shop” 1、教师利用图片和实物,引入歌曲。 What can you see in the picture? I can see a skirt.S2: I can see a pair of socks.S3: I can see a T-shirt.S4:2、和学生一起阅读歌词,带读歌词

7、,理解意思: What can you find in the clothes shop? Blue skirts and T-shirts. Yellow shoes. Red socks. How are these things? Theyre very cheap.S5: Theyre very good.3、翻译句子:“你可以试穿这个裙子”You can try this/the skirt on.4、播放歌曲录音,让学生跟唱。5、齐唱歌曲。鼓励学生替换部分歌词。Green skirts and T-shirts, brown shoes and black socks.They a

8、re very nice and they are very good!You can try them on. (第四课时)Step1 Warm-up and Greetings1、跟着录音合唱 “The clothes shop”2、教师利用单词卡片,带领学生复习本单元目标词汇。 An umbrella. A fan. What are these? Shoes What are those? Socks.3、创设情境,教师扮演The clothes shop的营业员,学生们扮演顾客。 Yes. Id like a jacket. How much is it? Twenty-six yu

9、an. Anything else? These shoes, please. How much are they? Theyre Thirty yuan. OK. Here you are. Fifty-six yuan.Step2 Cartoon time1、教师出示小猪售货员的图,介绍人物。 This is the shop keeper,Mr Pig.2、安排学生独立完成阅读,回答几个问题,理解故事大意:What would Booby like?How many bowknots would he like?Who is Tina?Is Tina happy?3、根据图片理解Her

10、tail is long.3、播放录音,学生跟读,注意模仿语音语调和语气,特别是Sam奇怪的语气和Tina高兴的语气。4、齐读Cartoon time,学生们分角色朗读。教学反思: (第五课时)3、注意/v/的发音,会读含有/v/的单词。能根据图片和价格,完成对话练习的填空。Step1 Warm-up and revision利用英语补充习题C Ask and answer 做对话练习。先用英文说一说价格,再分角色展开对话。 How much is/are? Its/TheyreStep 2 Sound time1、教师出示五个人在游泳的挂图,提问。 Look, how many people

11、 are there?Ss: Five. Where are they? Theyre in the river. Right. They live near the river. They love to swim in summer.2、教师板书five、live、love、river等单词,并用彩色粉笔圈出单词中得字母v,让学生体会字母v的发音。3、读单词。提醒学生发音时要把上齿碰到下唇,不要发成/w/的音。4、播放录音,学生跟读模仿 单词和绕口令,老师解释绕口令中得两个句子。They live near the river.They love to swim in summer.5、教师打拍子,说绕口令,学生跟读模仿。6、让学生说出其他含有相同因素的单词,板书在黑板上。Step 3 Checkout time播放录音前,教师让学生先看图,说出图中所画的物品名称。教师在检查核对答案之后,再放录音,让学生逐句跟读录音内容。Step4 Read and choose Look, find and write

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