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秋英语人教版必修1练习52 Section Ⅱ附答案Word文件下载.docx

1、opinion 5.I hear that he was arrested (逮捕)by the police.Thats right.He has been (判决)to four years in prison.sentenced二、用方框中短语的适当形式填空lose heartescape fromturn tocome to powerset upbe willing tobe sentenced toin ones opinionin reward failing to realize his dream three times,the boy .

2、lost heart2.The old women and children were passers-by help them in the streets.begging;to3.The police are searching for the two young men who prison last night.escaped from4.His parents 16 months in prison for cheating an old man.were sentenced to5.He was given $5,000 saving the drowning boy by the

3、 local reward for6.,youd better not go there to ask your teacher for advice.In my opinion7.A new school was for the peasant workers children.set up8.Do you know when the new government ?came to power9.I her and caught sight of a tear before she quickly brushed it away.turned to10.Most

4、of you would help people less fortunate than yourselves if you know what to willing to三、单句填空1.As a soldier,he showed selfless (devote) to duty.devotion2.He is a famous contemporary (educate)in our country.educator3.Its aims are for people to be happy,so that there are no more wars or (violent)

5、.violence4.They got to know each other in the park on a (peace) evening.peaceful5.Your teacher can give you (guide) on choosing a career and writing a job application.guidance6.We have not heard from Wang Li but we are still very (hope) that we will meet him.hopeful7.He is waiting for the result of

6、the interview (hope).hopefully8.No one likes to make friends with him because he is a (self) man.selfish9.The old man has five children,but he becomes a (beg),begging from door to door.beggar10.Armed with the information you have gathered,you can set preparing your business plan.about11.Mo Yan won t

7、he Nobel Prize for Literature,getting a reward 7,500,000 yuan.of12.Mary is always studying hard.So she is.I believe all her efforts will (reward) at rewarded13.The tiger was lucky enough to escape (catch) by the hunter.being caught14.I missed the first part of the film.It was really a pity.Y

8、ou (leave) home half an hour earlier.should have left15.The boss walked out of the office angrily she could have a chance to explain.before16.Only at that time she realize how much damage had been caused by the earthquake.did四、完成句子1. (事实上),I am not rich and handsome.As a matter of fact2.To my surpri

9、se,David managed to (从那场大火中逃出来).escape from the big fire3.Lets go to help (困难中的人们).the people in trouble4.You (本应把此事告知老师) but you didnt.should have told it to your teacher5.Why not (阻止他们污染那个湖泊)?We suffer from pollution too much now.prevent them from polluting the lake6.I think you should (树立一个好榜样) t

10、o your brothers.set a good example7.You are kind and (做你的朋友我感到骄傲).Im proud of being your friend8. (在我看来),the plan is practical to carry out.9.Only when you receive a good education (你才能找到一份好工作).can you get a good job10.On hearing that hed got cancer,Tom felt as if (他已经被判了死刑).he were sentenced to dea

11、th五、阅读理解AThomas Alva Edison was awarded more patents (专利)on inventions than any other American.When he died in 1931,Americans wondered how they could best show their respect for him.One suggestion was that the nation observe a minute or two of total blackout(灯火熄灭).All electric power would be shut of

12、f in homes,streets,and factories.Perhaps this suggested plan made Americans realize fully what Edison and his inventions mean to them.Electric power was too important to the country.Shutting it off for even a short time would have led to complete confusion(困惑).A blackout was out of the question.On t

13、he day of Edisons funeral(葬礼),many people silently turned off their lights.In this way they honoured the man who had done more than anyone else to put the great force of electricity at his countrymens fingertips(指尖).1.This selection says that Thomas Edison .A.was the only important American inventor

14、B.received the first American patentC.received more patents than any other AmericanD.was the first American inventorC解析:细节理解题。由文章第一句可以得出答案为C项。2.People decided to honor Edison when .A.he made the first electric lightB.electric power was 100 yearsC.the country realized electricitys importanceD.he died

15、 in 1931D根据第一段第二句可知,爱迪生死于1931年,人们决定要以某种方式来纪念他。3.The suggested plan was to .A.turn off the lights in factories and schoolsB.observe a few minutes of total silenceC.dim all electric lights D.shut off all electricity for a short time推理判断题。根据第一段第三、四句可推出答案为D项。4.Americans fully realized what Edisons inven

16、tions meant when they .A.heard of his deathB.heard of the plan to honor himC.first used electric powerD.tried to carry out the planB根据“Perhaps this suggested plan made Americans realize fully what Edison and his inventions mean to them.”可以得出答案为B项。5.The plan was never carried out because .A.not every

17、one wanted to honor Edison was too easyC.electric power was too important to the honored only one of Edisons inventions根据第一段最后两句可推知,这项计划没有执行,因为电能对于这个国家实在是太重要了。Every one of us knows that Albert Einstein was a world-famous scientist.Perhaps we dont know much about his life.Here are so

18、me interesting anecdotes(轶事) about him.When he arrived in New York to be a professor at Princeton University,Einstein was anxious to avoid visitors and newsmen.So his friends took him off the ship secretly before it docked (靠上码头) and hurried him away by car.Einstein said that only twelve people at t

19、hat time understood his Theory of Relativity (相对论),although more than nine hundred books had been written to explain it.Mrs Einstein admitted that even she did not understand the Theory of Relativity;but she understood something far more important for a wife;she understood her husband.She used to in

20、vite some friends for tea and then she would ask her husband to come downstairs and join them.“No!” Einstein would say with anger.He simply couldnt stand those “interruptions (打扰)”.But Mrs Einstein persuaded(说服) her husband with great patience and had him drink tea with them and take a good rest.Mrs

21、 Einstein said that her husband liked order in his thinking,but he didnt like it in his life.He did whatever he wanted to.Einstein had only two rules of conduct (行为准则):one was “Dont be restrained (限制) by any rule”,and the other was “Be independent from the opinions of others”.Einstein led a very sim

22、ple life.When he went out,he was always in old clothes,and seldom did he wear a hat.He liked to whistle and sing in the bathroom.He shaved with the same soap as he used for his bath.It seems strange that the great scientist trying to solve the mysteries of the universe should consider that using two

23、 pieces of soap made life too complicated.Einstein said he was happy because he didnt want money or titles or foolish praises.He made his own happiness out of such simple things as playing the violin and sailing his boat.Einsteins violin brought him more joy than anything else in his life.He said he

24、 often thought in music and made his day-dreams in music.6.Albert Einstein was taken off the ship secretly by his friends because .A.he dared not see anyoneB.he didnt want to meet visitors and reportersC.he wanted to save the timeD.he was afraid of being stopped by someone第二段第一句中提到“Einstein was anxi

25、ous to avoid visitors and newsmen.”,因此我们知道他十分迫切地想避开前来拜访的人和新闻记者,故选B项。7.Usually Einstein would refuse to join some friends,for .A.he couldnt bear being disturbedB.he was ashamed to meet friendsC.he disliked making friendsD.he was angry with his friends第五段谈到了当妻子让爱因斯坦下楼来加入朋友的聚会时,他总是拒绝,因为他忍受不了被别人打搅。8.Why

26、 did he shave with the same soap as he used for his bath?A.It was his special habit of shaving.B.He was lazy.C.He wanted to be an independent man.D.He didnt want to be kept under control by any rule.由文章倒数第三段我们知道他认为使用两块肥皂会使他的生活变得复杂化,又因他的一个生活准则就是不喜欢受任何规则的约束,因此答案为D项。9.What do you think of Einstein?A.He was a strange scientist.B.He liked order in his life.C.He was a simple man with great achievements.D.He didnt like order in his work.由第七段第一句“Mrs Einstein said that her husband liked order in his thinking,but he didnt like it in his life.”可知B项和D项是错误的。读完全文,读者不会感到爱因斯坦非常怪异,相反,我们知道他对人类做出了很大贡献。故答案为C项。

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