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Alevel 课程资源Word文件下载.docx

1、 section one-advice; section two- word power; section three: examination practice. Section one: The GP tests both your maturity of language and your maturity of thought. The two areas are obviously complementary. In addition, both abilities are developmental-you can not cram for G.P. in the same way

2、 that you can “burn the midnight oil”, doing desperate last-minute revision for content-based subjects. Instead, you must adopt a conscientious, consistent and continuous approach to ensure steady, gradual improvement. You must realize that such a strategy requires perseverance-there are no miracle

3、overnight cures for improving your language skills or increasing your depth and range of thought. As well as being persistent, you also need to proactive and purposeful in order to improve your command of English, increase your awareness of current events and enhance your appreciation of important i

4、ssues. Below is a list of good habits that you should practice everyday. Listen to BBC World Service news on the radio every morning. Watch the news in English on television Subscribe to English newspapers and current affairs magazines(eg. TIME, Newsweek) Take an active interest in world events and

5、topical issues. Speak English whenever and wherever it is appropriate. Buy and use a good dictionary. Compile a vocabulary list of new and useful words. Keep a scrapbook of newspaper and magazine articles relevant to G.P. Finally do not be discouraged if your performance does not improve immediately

6、-your persistence and diligence will be rewarded eventually. Unite 1. Malapropisms Unite 2. Little word mean a lot. Absolute dictators: by absolute adj. and adv., I mean those rough characters which allow no “buts” oor “maybes ”. such words are not relative or measurable by comparison with other thi

7、ngs but are total and unconditional. Here are a few to watch out for. All, greatest, none, best, never, worst, always, completely only, totally. Eg. Music is merely for relaxation.” Do you agree?Here, the absolute adv is merely which is no more than a craftily disguised synonym for only or solely. O

8、bviously, the student can not sit comfortably on the fence here; he has either to agree or disagree with the statement. The sensible thing to so is to disagree, since music is nit exclusively for relaxation (consider, for instance, its role in religious rituals and its aesthetic, cultural and social

9、 function.) therefore, even if you feel that musics main or primary purpose is for relaxation, you still can not justifiably agree with the statement given the unqualified way in which it is put. The problem here is that many students are frightened to response in absolute terms(eg. With a definite

10、yes or no)in case they are wrong. Many prefer to hedge their bets by using the infamous phrase to certain extent. Whilst there is nothing wrong with this phrase in itself. The point is that it cannot be applied to such essays. This is not a question of opinion: it is a question of logic. Logically s

11、peaking, it is impossible to agree only partly with questions such as:Should all forms of gambling be completely banned?War has never been justified. Do you agree?The poor will always be with us? What is your view?These are put in such a way that you have to be restricted to a brief “yes”or “no”: it

12、 does harm, however, that you must make your position clear initially. After this, you can proceed to expand, explain and justify your stance. Here, for example, is an acceptable opening paragraph: Music is merely relaxation, do you agree. Although modern music is admittedly listened to by the major

13、ity of people for the purpose of relaxation, I can not agree that this is its sole or even primary function, aside from just resting the body and soothing the mind, music can stimulate, evaluate, enrich and inspire the individual listener. On a societal level, music has also played an integral role

14、in mans aesthetic, cultural and religious life science the dawn of history. In the rest of the essay, you can delineate particular areas in which music is played for purposes other than pure relaxation(eg. At ceremonies/ rituals) and give specific examples to illustrate each one. In your conclusion,

15、 you may want to reiterate your stand. This does not mean that you should merely repeat what you have said earlier; this would be both boring and redundant. You can, however, emphasize your main point that whilst you acknowledge that music is popularly played for relaxation, you have demonstrated th

16、at it is not employed purely for such a purpose -indeed, if such were the case, music would not have such a central and significant role in both the life of the individual and the history of mankind. Unite 4 of Frankenstein and fences “Let us advance worrying become advance thinking and planning” Wi

17、nston Churchill A logical path Before we examine the five stages of essay planning, it is important to realize that all good plans are structured on logical principles. The content of your essay must be selected based on its relevance, organized according to its nature and ordered to produce a consi

18、stent and coherent argument. Unless you use logic at every stage of this process, your final plan will not be sound. A five-fenced course Planning is a five-fenced course and you must successfully each hurdle in its proper sequence to win the race. Fence one-Appreciate Essay RequirementsIf you fail

19、to understand the question, you can not give a relevant reply. Many students fall at this first fence because, although they identify the general topic, they fail to locate the focus of the essay. Take, for instance, the question.The primary purpose of education should be enable people to gain emplo

20、yment. Do you agree?Here many students either make the mistake of writing a general essay describing the important role that it plays in preparing people for the world of work. Both approaches fail to answer the question, which is asking whether such training is the most important task of education:

21、 if so, why? If not, why not? This requires not only a discussion of the other purposes of education but also an analysis of their relative value compared to preparation for employment. If you disagree with the proposition, you will have to focus on a different role or roles which you consider to be

22、 more important and justify your selection. Where appreciation of essay requirement is concerned, it is always a good idea to mentally rephrase the essay in your own words to clarify your interpretation and ensure that you fully understand its various demands and implications. E.g. 1 Do you agree th

23、at if people are poor it is largely their fault?Paraphrase: is it true that people mostly mainly have themselves to blame if they are poor?E.g. 2 A world without racial conflict is an impossible dream, do you agree? no matter what we do, will there always be hostility between different races or migh

24、t it eventually be possible to live in complete harmony?Fence two-Generate Points Once you have appreciate essay requirements, you have to use GP power you need here, however, is the ability to generate points. This involves brainstorm list for the very straightforward expository essay question:How

25、can we individuals become more healthy?Regular exercise Workout(duration/ intensity)Eat the right food Stress management ProteinsJogging Stay healthy Do not smoke Leisure timeNo fatsDo not drink Regular medical checkupsSafe sex Vitamins Avoid unhealthy things Keep cleanModeration in all thingsCompre

26、hensive exercise Avoid alcoholWatch weight Balanced diet Government should have campaigns R. D.A. (recommended daily allowance )Cardiovascular fitnessMineralsRelaxation techniques See a psychiatristJoin a health clubAdditives Fiber/ roughageNutritionNo drugsEducation /awareness Immunization Carbohyd

27、ratesTime management You will see that:a. some points are better than others both in terms of relevance and relative importance. b. The list is in no particular order, either in terms of category or priority. c. Some points overlap or are subsections of more general category(e. g. eating the right f

28、ood/ roughage/ vitamins )d. Some points are repeated(e.g. “avoid alcohol/do not drink and eat ”) e. Some points are either vaguely or poorly phrased(e.g. “hygiene” would be a better substitute for keep clean”) f. Some points are irrelevant. Fence three -Select Your job mow is review your brainstorm

29、and select the points you want to keep. Selection also involves rejection- you have to decide what to throw out as well as what to retain. Exercise : which points in the previous brainstorm list would you want to throw out and why?The points that could be thrown out are:1. stay healthy2. avoid unhea

30、lthy things3. government should have campaigns 4. see a psychiatrist 5. do not drink6. eat right foodthe first point merely repeats the overall purpose of exercise, whilst the second only states the obvious in the most general and unhelpful way. Points three and four are both irrelevant in different

31、 ways-what the government should do is not the same as what the individual can do and regular visits to the psychiatrist are hardly something that an average person needs to pay as part of a normal health programme. Points five and six, as we have mentioned earlier, are straight(but more clumsily expressed repeats of avoid alcohol and balanced diet respectively.) Fence four-Organize Many students do splendidly in the race until they reach

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