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1、stock exchangeordermanagerhotelprofitenterpriserestaurantinvoicemerchantbankcustomer2. 4) These points are often thought to be key to business success: good management adequate planning sufficient financial resources healthy cash flow controlled spending and the ability to collect money owing effect

2、ive marketing a good product and serviceExercises 1.Choose the best answer to complete the following sentences.1.d 2.c 3.b 4.d 5.d 2. Complete the following statements with the words or expressions you have learned in this text.1. business/ services 2. Land 3. Labor / goods 4.Capital 5.Entrepreneurs

3、hip 6. loss 7.bankrupt / debts 8. Innovative 9. initiates / business3. Give the English words or phrases for the meaning provided.1. distribute to separate (sth) into parts and give a share to each person2. accomplish to succeed in doing3. manufacture to make goods on a large scale 4. conduct to do;

4、 to carry on (business)5. bankrupt not having enough money to pay debts6. secure to make sure of getting (sth)7. purchase to buy and sell (goods)8. capital money used in business 9. finance to work in the business of providing money10. profit financial gain 11. initiate to put into operation 12. sha

5、re the part belong to or owed to a particular person13. data information collected for examination and consideration 14. extract to take or get (sth) out 15. process to perform operation on (sth) in computer4. Put the following expressions from the text in the blanks to complete the sentences. Make

6、changes where necessary.1. look for 2. up to 3. pay for 4.extracted from 5. responsible for 6. going bankrupt 7. related to 8. to a certain extent 9. referred to 10. to decide on5. Rewrite the following sentences and replace the italicized words with appropriate words or phrases from the text. 1.Som

7、e raw materials may be extracted from the air. 2.To conduct business successfully involves a lot of factors.3.The entrepreneur should bear all the risks of the business.4.This letter relates to the sale of the house.5.If the company goes bankrupt, many people will lose their jobs.6.He failed to secu

8、re the top job with the bank.6.Word Study For each of the following clues, use the given prompts to produce sentences in the same way as is shown in the model.1.a. They will go ahead with their plans, even at the risk of offending the local people.b. Anyone travelling without a passport runs the ris

9、k of being arrested.c. The businessman is crazy to risk his money on an investment like that. a. The mayor will perform the opening ceremony for the International Movie Festival.b. Every decent person should know that one should always perform what one promises.c. The news said that the companys per

10、formance was disappointing last year.3. a. The shopkeeper said he would replace the radio set if we were not satisfied. b. George has replaced Edward as captain of the team.c. We must find a replacement for Sue while she is away on holiday.4. .a. The climbers had reached the limit of their endurance

11、.b. The parents asked their kids to keep spending within limits.c. The government plans to limit land development in order to preserve the environment.5. a. You must accept your share of responsibility for the failure of the firm.b. Their supreme desire is to be together to share eachs other emotion

12、s, and fancies, and dreams.c. We still have the largest market share, but the competition is growing fast.Post-readingTop 10 Checklist for Start-ups Are you ready to start a business? Know what you want and understand what will be involved, including the personal sacrifices. Be willing to devote lon

13、g hours to your endeavor. Have you done your homework? Conduct research to ensure there is a need for your product or service. Be sure market conditions can support your business. Talk with friends, family, and advisers to obtain business information. Government agencies, trade associations and othe

14、r organizations offer services and programs to help get businesses started. How will you utilize your skills and compensate for your weaknesses? Evaluate your personal qualities and skills. Use your talents and recognize the areas you need help with. What form will your business take? Decide on a st

15、ructure incorporation, partnership or sole proprietorship. How will you promote and market your business? Just how are you going to distinguish yourself from the competition? What is your pricing strategy? What does the price say about your product (and its quality versus the competition)? Think abo

16、ut what you will charge people for your product / service. Estimate your break-even point and revenues. Have you prepared a detailed business plan? It is imperative. What funding sources will fuel your enterprise? Secure sufficient financial resources for start-up and operations. Where will you loca

17、te? Pick a business location that makes sense for you and your customers. How will your business operate on a daily basis? How will you deliver your product or service and manage your business? Figure out what you will need for the day-to-day smooth functioning of your business. Reading IIDictationB

18、usiness includes the activities of all commercial producers of goods and services. These producers range from small shops owned by one person to huge organizations owned by thousands of stockholders who have shares in the companies. The word business may refer to producers of the same product or ser

19、vice, such as the clothing business or the insurance business. An individual enterprise may also be called a business.Comprehension1. F 2. T 3. T 4. F 5. T 6. F 7. F 8. T 9. NM 10. TVocabulary1. a 2. d 3. a 4. a 5. c 6. b 7. a 8. dSpecial use1. equipment 2. an assistant manager 3. land 4. data 5. ca

20、pital 6. trade 7. wealth 8. competition 9. service 10.activities 11.quality quantity 12. materials 13. production 15.memos 16.a space 17.experience 18.advice 19.lives 20.varietiesTranslation1. The crew of an airliner should be responsible for the safety of all the passengers.2. Please d

21、istribute these English newspapers and magazines to every subscriber as soon as possible.3. The college has decided on a lecture series and business English majors must be present.4. For additional explanation, please refer to page 58 of the teachers reference book.5. Most people will be interested

22、in what relates to themselves.6. Recently, more and more people have gone into business.7. A businessman who sells goods in bulk is called a wholesaler.8. Its reported that nowadays wages are still one step ahead of prices.Cloze1. a 2. c 3. a 4. d 5. b6. d 7. b 8. c 9. c 10.b 11.b 12.c 13.d 14.b 15.

23、dExtended ActivitiesA. Phonetic drills I. Listen to the above sentences and find out the words containing the sounds listed below./ i: / : see, she/ I /: is, Alice, secretary, this, office, she, listen, manager, his / e /: secretary, well, twelve/ /: that, man, AliceIII. Listen to the following sent

24、ences and circle the word you hear in the parentheses.1) 13 2) 14 3) 60 4) 15 5) 7062 6) 3041 7) 1662 8) 50 9) 30 10) 17 B. Function and Structure1. Greeting peopleComplete the following dialogues1) Tim: Hi!Dan: Hi, Tim!Tim: How are you? Not bad. 2) You see a friend on the bus.John: Hi, Jane!Jane: H

25、i, John. Whats happening? Nothing much.3) Two classmates greet each other on the school campus.Rita: Hi, Mark! How are you doing?Mark: Not so good. Ive got a bad cold. Yeah, a lot of people have colds. Its this crazy weather cold one minute and hot the next. 4) In an officeSecretary: Good morning, M

26、r. Edwards.Mr. Edwards: Good morning, Mary. How are you? Fine, thank you.2. Saying good-byeComplete the following dialogues.1) Two classmates have just met for the first time and are ending their conversation.Bob: Well Ive got to go. I have a class at nine. Nice to meet you.Ted: You, too. See you la

27、ter. Yeah. See you around.2) Two roommates are getting ready to leave the house in the morning.Jeff: Its already nine. Ive got to hurry.Brad: Me, too. See you to night. So long.3) A student is talking to his academic advisor.David: I really should leave for class now. Thank you very much for your help.Ms. Williams: Youre welcome, David. Have a good time. Good-bye. The same to you. Good-bye.4) A student meets one of her former

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