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本文(河南省洛阳市学年高二下学期期末质量检测英语试题 Word版含答案Word文档下载推荐.docx)为本站会员(b****6)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

河南省洛阳市学年高二下学期期末质量检测英语试题 Word版含答案Word文档下载推荐.docx

1、每段对话仅读一遍。1. To whom will they give a surprise party?A. Mr Smith. B. Alice. C. The man.2. What does the woman ask the man to do?A.Answer the phone outside. B. Turn on the music. C. Turn off the music.3. Whats the woman bored with?A.Doing voluntary work. B. Doing her homework. C. Watching TV.4.When wi

2、ll the woman have an exam?A.Tonight. B. Today. C. Tomorrow.5.How is the woman now?A.Shes fatter. B. Shes thinner. C. She looks ill.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6. Whats th

3、e most probable relationship between the speakers?A.Relatives. B. Strangers. C. Colleagues.7.Wheres the man going?A.To the post office. B. To the chemists. C. To the barbers.听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。8. What kind of life does the woman like?A.Rich. B. Colorful. C. Simple.9. What career is the man interested in

4、?A. Teaching. B. Engineering. C. Singing.听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。10. Where are the speakers most probably?A. In a classroom. B. In a reading room. C. In a bookstore.11. What is the mans grandpa fond of?A. Detective stories. B. Sports shoes. C. Music players.12. When was the book Faithful Place published?A.

5、 In 2005. B. In 2010. C.In 2013听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。13. Which of the following does the woman recommend?A. Paintings. B.Stamps. C.Posters14. What color of mask would the man like?A. Orange. B. Black C.Red15. Where are the masks made in?A. In China. B. In Greece. C.In England16.Who likes eating foreign c

6、ookies?A. The mans cousin. B. The mans daughter. C. The mans mother.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17. Which is the speakers favorite festival1?A. The Lantern Festival.B . The Dragon Boat Festival .C. The Spring Festival.18. When does the Spring Festival date back to?A.The Shang Dynasty.B. The Warring States Per

7、iod.C.The Han Dynasty.19.What activity is popular on Dragon Boat Festival according to the speaker1?A.Dragon boat races. B.Eating zongzi. C.Eating rice dumplings.20. How many festivals does the speaker tell about?A.Two. B.Three. C.Four.第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选

8、项中,选出最佳选项。AEven as e-readers become common, nothing will ever compete with a good old-fashioned book.Explore some amazing bookstores and libraries around the world that make reading a truly artful experience.Boekhandel Selexyz DominicanenThe Boekhandel Selexyz Dominicanen in Maastricht, the Netherla

9、nds, is a bookstore built in a church. Instead of allowing this old Gotliic church to fall into disrepair, it was purchased by a bookseller and restored to its original glory. It might be the worlds most beautiful bookstore. The walls, arches and ceilings of the original building are restored, while

10、 the bookstore rises from its center.El Ateneo Grand SplendidAhistoricl theater in Buenos Aires is now one of the citys most exciting bookstores,the El Ateneo Grand Splendid. While it no longer houses performances of Argentinas national dance, the tango, it is now home to thousands of books. The cha

11、racter of the original architecture remains while the red theater curtains still hang at stage left and right. It keeps a strong sense of Argentinas history while still selling culture,book-by-book.Liyuan LibraryIn a village outside of Beijing, China,a small library hides amongst the trees in a quie

12、t setting.The Liyuan Library is wrapped in recycled branches. Indoors, three levels of books and reading spaces are available for the occasional guests. Perhaps the most impressive thing is the open design that allows in light from nearby every direction.A47 Mobile LibraryWhy will you go to the libr

13、ary when it can come to you? The A47 Mobile Library is a library on wheels that travels around Mexico City bringing books to the public. Just keep your eye on the late fees,as this is one library that can actually track you down for late payments.21.What can you do at El Ateneo Grand Splendid beside

14、s buying books?A. Experience how books are recycled.B. Enjoy the original architecture.C. Watch a live performance of tango.D. Get a knowledge of the national dance.22.Whats special about Liyuan Library?A. It has traditional design.B. The light is a bit weak.C. It is very close to nature.D. Readers

15、frequently visit it.23. Which library is available even during your stay-at-home?A. Boekhandel Selexyz Dominicanen.B. El Ateneo Grand Splendid.C. Liyuan Library.D. A47 Mobile Library.BNicholas Muchemi is a coffee and tea farmer in the Kenyan village of Kaganda. When he saw the people in his village

16、struggling to plan their long and winding roads, he took it upon himself to make a shortcut. He used his own tools to carve out a new quarter-mile stretch ( 路段)of road in the area.Before Machemi started his labor of love, the villagers were forced to take a much longer route around the steep hills.

17、However, now the children use new “ Muchemi Road” to get to school. The mothers travel shorter distances to get to the nearby market, and the neighbors can easily hike to the church.Every day for several long summer weeks, Muchemi would finish his daily farm work and spend each of his evenings build

18、ing the road.Once it was finished, Muchemi said that he was not expecting to receive anything in return, but the neighbors were quick to shower him with appreciation. Not only that, the government thanked the brave and generous farmer by giving him a new cow and a roof for his house. They have also

19、promised to maintain(维修)the road in his honor.When he was asked about why he did it,Muchemi simply said, “ I was born with the ability to do this. I also love what I do and I like helping my community (社区). Im an adult and I should do what I can to help people and solve their problems.” “ I feel ove

20、rjoyed that I could do something to make other people happy!” he concluded with a big smile.24. How do the local people benefit from “Muchemi Road”?A. They can get to the nearest market.B. Their journey is safer and longer.C. They travel more conveniently.D. They neednt build the winding road.25. Wh

21、at does the author think of Nicholas Muchemi?A.Generous and rich. B.Hard-working and smart.C.Brave and kind. D.Creative and confident.26. What does the underlined word “that” in the fourth paragraph refer to?A. Being thankful to Muchemi. B. Muchemis building the road.C. The prize given to Muchemi in

22、 return. D. Repairing the road.27.What is Nicholas Muchemi?A. A waiter. B. A road mender. C. A designer. D. A coffee grower.CWhat are vegans (严格的素食主义者) and what do they really eat? How does a vegan diet compare to a meat eating diet? Which diet is truly healthier? Join us as we explore the differenc

23、es between vegans and meateaters and try to find out who will live longest,vegans or meat eaters?Weve all experienced it. We invite a friend to dinner, only to learn that she is the dreaded V-word. We have a vague sense of what it means, but were left with so many questions. Is it healthier?We are c

24、urious about the health differences between vegans and their meat-eating friends,who eat both plants and animals.At this point, some of you may be wondering which diet leads to longer life spans (寿命) .For that information,we turn to Okinawa. The traditional Okinawan diet is typically regarded as the

25、 best for health and longevity,with the Okinawan islands having the greatest concentration of centenarians (百岁老人)in the world.Okinawa has about 740 centenarians out of its population of 1.3 million people. While their diets have been changing recently due to globalization and fast food chains,the tr

26、aditional Okinawan diet is made up of large amounts of plant-based carbohydrates (碳水化合物).Although they are primarily vegans, traditional Okinawans still eat meat on special occasions,usually pork,as well as small amounts of fish on a weekly basis.This doesnt prove that small amounts of animal produc

27、ts are vitalto good health,but it does mean that the best human diet can be achieved without going completely vegan.Many health organizations state that well-planned vegan diets are healthy and nutritionally adequate,and may provide health benefits in the prevention and treatment of certain diseases

28、.It seems like no matter what your dietary preferences are, a healthy lifestyle can be achieved on or off a vegan diet.28. What can we infer about meat eaters from the passage?A. They prefer eating meat. B. They eat all or everything.C. They mainly live on meat. D. They live an unhealthy life.29. Wh

29、ich is the traditional Okinawan diet like?A. Its mostly a vegan diet. B. It remains the same as before.C.It only includes vegetables. D. Its the healthiest diet-30. Whats the authors attitude towards vegans?A. Subjective. B. Opposed. C. Objective. D. Uncertain.31. Whats the best title for the passag

30、e?A. VEGANS vs MEAT EATERS - Who Will Live LongerB. WHITE MEAT vs RED MEAT - Which Is HealthierC OKINAWA - the Most Populated Place of CentenariansD. VEGETABLES - the Healthiest Food for youDCan a fish be depressed (沮丧)? This question has been floating around my head ever since I spent a night in a hotel across from a sad-looking fish. His name was Bruce Lee,according to a sign beneath his little bowl.The pleasant woman at the front desk promised to me that he was well taken care of. Did I simply classify his sleep into a sign of mental pain? When I

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