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1、你方的信用证需在装船前 15天内到达我方 , 否则我们不能及时订舱 . 3. Compared with other products on the international market, our price has always been on the low side.与国际市场上的其他产品相比 , 我方的价格通常是 偏低的 .4. I am sure this initial order will bring us more business in the future.我确信这个 初始 订单将为我们以后带来更多的生意 .5. Our factory is fully committ

2、ed in December.我们工厂 12月份的 订单已满 .6. Your products have shown a great potential on our market.你方的产品在我方市场上表现出了巨大的 (销售 潜力 .7. You know very well our products are of high quality. Other products can not be compared with ours.你应该很了解我方产品的品质很搞 , 其他产品无法与我们的相比较 . 8. So long as we stick to the principle of equ

3、ality and mutual benefit, all problems can be smoothed out.只要我们坚持平等互利的原则 , 所有问题都能 解决 .9. I understand your position. But I m your old customer. Could you make an exception to accept D/P this time.我理解你方的立场 . 但是我是你的老客户 . 这次你能否 破例 接受付款交单的支付方式呢 ?10. We have five factories producing these steel pipes, ea

4、ch with a capacity of 20,000 MT per year.我方有 5个工厂生产钢管 , 每个工厂的 产能 达到每年 20,000公吨 .1. Its a long distance transportation. We must not take any chances.Take any chances: 冒风险 , 抱侥幸心理这是长途运输 , 我们不能冒任何风险 .2. On behalf of Zhejiang Silks Imp/Exp. Corporation, Id like to extend our warmest welcome to you.On be

5、half of: 代表 Extend: 给予 , 提供我代表浙江丝绸进出口公司 , 向您表示最热烈的欢迎 .3. We need seaworthy packing.Seaworthy=be suitable for ocean transportation=be suitable for sea voyage 我方需要适合海运的包装 .4. Can we do it in the following way: if you can reduce your price by 8%, and give us 3 months to raise the money, we shall pay yo

6、u 10% of the invoice value as down payment, and the rest with L/C 90days from B/L Date?我们能否采用以下方式 : 如果你能降价 8%, 并给我们三个月来筹集资金 , 我 方将给您支付发票金额的 10%做订金 , 其余部分用自提单日起 90天内付款的 信用证支付 .5. Id like to complain of the damaged goods against you.我方由于货物破损而向你方投诉Complain of sth against sb. 因某事向某人投诉6 Its not our usual

7、 practice to agree to payment by installment.用分期付款支付是我们的惯例7. Id like to make a complaint against you on the shortage of the goods.我想向你方投诉货物数量不足Make (lay, lodge a complaint with (against sb. On (about sth.因某事向某人投诉8. Our packing is widely accepted by other customers. There has never been any complaint

8、 about it.我方的包装被客户广泛接受,从未有客户对此进行过投诉9. Upon examination, we found the goods are not up to the standard of the sample. 经检查,我们发现货物达不到样品的标准Up to the standard of 达到 的标准 Up to the export standard达到出口标准 10. Im afraid, though, the actual situation is not quite like that, because Chinese bicycles have to fac

9、e keen competition from other countries.尽管如此 , 我恐怕 , 实际情况不是那样的 , 因为中国自行车还面临来自其他国 家的激烈的竞争 .11. 如果采用 CIF 条款 , 保险费由卖方支付 .If the business is concluded on a CIF basis, the premium is for the sellers account.12. 付款条件为即期信用证 .Payment should be made by L/C at sight.13. 您有没有保渗漏险 ? Have you insured/covered aga

10、inst leakage?Have you take out the risk of leakage?14. 如果我们以 FOB 方式成交,你建议我们投什么保?If we conclude the business on an FOB basis, what kind of insurance do you suggest we cover?15. 所有纸箱均用捆带加固 , 足以经受住长途运输和野蛮装卸 .All boxes will be reinforced with straps. They can stand long transportation and rough handling

11、.16. 本品用铁桶包装 , 每桶净重 50公斤 .This product will be packed in iron drums, net weight 50 kilos per drum.Be packed with: 挤满 , 充满 The bag was packed with clothes.Be packed in: 用 包装 The clothes were packed in a bag.17. 这些机器的质量经得起各种各样的检验 .The quality of these machines can stand all kinds of test/inspection.18

12、. 由于标签不符 , 我们无法从海关提出这批货 .We cant clear the consignment through the Customs because of the improper/faulty label.19. 我想保险公司会以包装不善为由而拒绝赔偿。I dont think the insurance company will honour a claim on the grounds of faulty packing.honour a claim接受索赔20. 请问你采取了哪些措施来防潮防雨呢?May I ask what measures you have take

13、n to prevent the articles against dampness and rain?1. 如果我们得到独家代理权 , 我们保证销量可增加 50%.We assure the sales volume will increase by 50%, if we can be appointed your sole agent.2. 袋子的设计很美 , 非常符合当地人的口味The beautiful design of the bag is to the taste of local people very much. 3.Mr. Jack, 两年来您一直是我公司的代理 . 因为你

14、的工作表现卓越 , 我们打算和您续签一份独家代理合同 .Mr. Jack, you have been our agent for two years. We intend to renew a sole agency agreement with you on account of your excellent work.4. 我公司成立于 1980年 . 如今年营业额一亿美元 .Our company was founded in 1980, with an annual marketing turnover of 100million US dollars now.5. 我认为有可能达成

15、一个对双方都有利的协议 .I think there is a good chance of our coming to a mutually beneficial agreement.6. 50吨货不是个小数 , 不能平白无故就没了The number of 50 tons is not a small one which cant disappear into thin air.7. 我们派推销员每天四处奔走 , 花费大量时间和精力推销贵公司的产品 . We send out our salesman to do a lot of traveling everyday and spend

16、a considerable amount of time and energy in pushing the sale of your products. 8. 你们厨师的拿手菜是什么?Whats your chefs recommendation?9. 这是一道本地名菜This is a well-known local specialty.10. 我想建议为我们的合作干一杯Id like to suggest a toast to our cooperation.1. We usually ensure our goods against ALL Risks for 110% of th

17、e invoice value.我们经常给货物按发票金额的 110%投保一切险。2.On what basis do you put forward such a claim?你是根据什么提出索赔的呢?3.We have reinspected the goods after their arrival at Shanghai, and found the quality is not in conformity with the contract.货物到达上海后我们进行了复检,发现货物质量与合同中不一致。 4.The equipments were in perfect condition

18、when loaded. But now they are seriously damaged.这些设备在装船时还完好,但是现在却已严重受损。5.Could I have the honor to be appointed your agent?我有没有荣幸成为你的代理?6.Well not be held responsible f or any damage which results from rough handling during transport.对于运输中由粗鲁搬运引起的损坏我们将不承担责任7.They try to set the gains from imports ag

19、ainst the loss resulting from exports.他们试图用进口获得的利润来冲销出口引起的亏损。8.The Tianjin Commodity Inspection Bureau is authorized to inspect the said consignment on its arrival.到货时,天津商检局有权检测以上货物。9.The buyer lodges a claim against the seller for insufficiency of quantity on cotton piece goods.买方以棉布数量不足向卖方提出索赔。10.

20、we insist on using wooden crates and we are willing to pay for the extra charges.我们坚持用木板条箱并且我们愿意支付额外费用Some skills in international business negotiation1. express your own idea in English用英语表达想法如果是无条件的接受Thats a good idea. (是个好主意。 I agree with you. (我赞成。如果是有条件地接受,可以用 on the condition that这个句型,例如: We a

21、ccept your proposal, on the condition that you order 20,000 units.当你要拒绝对方的时候I dont think thats a good idea.(我不认为那是个好主意。Frankly, we cant agree with your proposal.(坦白地讲,我无法同意您的提案。Were not prepared to accept your proposal at this time.(我们这一次不准备接受你们的建议。拒绝的同时并说明理由To be quite honest, we dont believe this

22、product will sell very well in China. (说老实话,我们不相信这种产品在中国会卖得好。2. learn the foreigners custom and habits了解外国人的风俗习惯Clothes and accessoriesEating habitsBelief3. negotiating artRoger Dawson (罗杰 . 道森 Secrets of Power Negotiating (优势谈判 Less on1Specialized terms最低报价(lowest quotation 估计价格 (price of indicatio

23、n 推销 (push the sale of 实 /虚盘 (firm/non-firm offer询盘 (enquiry 付款方式 (the terms of payment 销售说明书 (sales literature 价格单 (price list按规格定制 (made according to specifications 有关信用证 (covering the L/C交货 (make delivery 即期交货 (make prompt delivery特殊订单 (special order 产品目录 (product catalogueSentences询盘一般由买方发出 .Enq

24、uiry is always made by buyer.在进出口交易中 , 我们常向外商询价 .In the import and export, we always make enquiries你们接受特殊订单吗 ?Can you take/accept special orders?你对什么产品感兴趣 ?What products in particular you are interested?我方的价格以我方的最终确认为准 .Our price are subject to our final confirmation.我的价格比其他人的相比 , 要更加实惠 .Our price c

25、ompares favorably than those from others.Lesson2 Specialized terms物美价廉 (high quality, low price 化肥报价 (offer for chemicals长期业务关系 (long-standing relationship平等互利 (equality and mutual benefit 达到标准 (up to standard订舱 (book the shipping space生产成本 (cost of production 供不应求 (shortage of supply/ demand exceed

26、s supply Sentences1.100件女士短袖衬衫 (short shirt women,每件 20美元 ,CIF 纽约港 ,2009年 8月装运 . 100 pieces of short shirt women, 20dollars per each, CIF New York, shipment in August 2009.2. 对我方来说以这个价位推销太困难了 .It is difficult for us to push the sale of the products at such a high price.3. 坦白地说 , 要不是因为我们之间的长期业务关系 , 我

27、将不会给你以这个价格报价 . To be frank, if it were not for our long-standing relationship, we will not make you an offer at this price.4. 要说服他接受这个报价很难 .It is difficult to get around him to accept this offer.5. 因为各种原因 , 我们之间的业务关系没能发展 .For one reason or another, we can t develop our business relationship.6. 中国是在平等互利 , 互通有无的基础上做生意的 .China dose business on the basis of equality and mutual benefit and exchange ofLesson 3 Specialized terms支付方式 payment terms凭装船单据支付的信用证 L/C payable against shipping documents可撤销 /不可撤销信用证 revocable/irrevo

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