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1、41-45 ACBAD 46-50 BCDAB 51-55 CACBD 56-60 ACDDB语法填空:61. dating 62. who 63. in 64. various 65. performances66. have been found 67. but 68. the 69. extremely 70. more第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)短文改错:71. . my family will often . will- would72 in countryside in后加the73. . always crowded in. in-with74. . relative I

2、 didnt . relative一relatives75. We usual had . usual-usually76. who was insisted was删掉77. . forgot to sending . sending -send78. his grandpa had. his-my79. sit down or listen. or - and 80. family always top the list top tops 书面表达:Dear JasonIm writing to congratulate you on officially becoming a membe

3、r of our club. Its a perfect time for you to join us because there will be a paper-cutting exhibition in celebration of the Spring Festival in our school next weekend. As the president of the club, Id like to invite you to make a piece of paper-cutting.As is known to all, paper-cutting is a famous t

4、raditional folk art, which has a variety of designs. Therefore, you may as well make a paper-cut with foreign features. By the way, please hand in your artwork to Room 305 before next Friday. Looking forward to admiring your paper-cut.Best wishes.部分答案解析:阅读理解:A此篇介绍了到巴西的六日游。21. B. 依据Day3中的具体信息可知。22. A

5、. 依据Day2中“You will learn a lot about the history of this city, which will help you understand the city better.”可知。23. B. 由Day6中“Anyone whos not interested in riding may go by car.”可知。24. C. 文章主要内容是告知读者一次六日巴西之旅的安排。B本文是记叙文。叙述了幼时的好朋友20年后再见面两人之间发生的事情。25. C. 由文章第一段“He stopped at doors as he walked along,

6、 trying each door to be sure that it was closed for the night.”以及后来故事发展可知。26. B. 由文章结尾Bob收到的便条内容可推断。27. A. 由文章倒数第二段“His hand began to shake a little as he read.”及最后一句结尾的“sorry”可知。28. D. 文章主要描述了20年后一对幼时好朋友再次见面两人之间发生的遗憾故事。C本文是说明文。说明了美国学生的“Spring break”及带来的一些影响。29. D. 由第一段中“The dates of spring break wi

7、ll vary from school to school.”可知。30. B. 由文章第二段中“sometimes on occasions that involve a great deal of drinking and public disorder.”以及“until local residents said no to the damage caused by the students.”可知。31. C. 由文章第三段“however, since spring break traffic is an important factor in the local economy,

8、despite the fact that most college students are under the minimum legal drinking age of 21.”可知由学生的Spring break旅游带来的经济效益更重要。D本文是一篇科学研究发现:猫也很擅长读取人的视线中所传递的信号。32. D. 由句子“Well, what about your house cat? Far from being the distant master of the house, cats can do the same thing.”以及下文内容可知。33. B. 由第二段开头句子及

9、结尾“regardless of the level of difficulty of this gazing signals, cats are very good in following it.”可知研究人员的实验目的。34. C. 由最后一段“We established whether the given cat perform better than picking randomly(随机的). Our results showed that their success rate was 70% overall.” 可知C项正确。35. C. 这是一篇科学研究报告,因此C 项正确。

10、文章讲述了热心的学生们给无家可归者送温暖的故事。41.A。根据上文中的“sweet letters”可知,学生们把写好的“纸条(notes)贴在围巾上。42.C。43.B。根据上文中的的“wrote sweet letters too homeless people”写关爱纸条是为了(so that)让他们知道关心(ecared for)”他们。44.A。根据下文中的”Langan said that she was inspired to create the project”可知,Langan发起了这项“活动(activity)”。45.D。根据上文中的“A group of studen

11、ts from Merchant Taylors School recently wrote sweet ltters to homeless people”可知,大约150个八九岁的孩子“参participated in)”了这一活动。46.B。根据上文中的“she was inspired to create.”the project可知,Langan应该是受到加拿大一个“类似(similar)”想法的启发而发起了这一活动。47.C。根据下文中的“with the help of donations, buying others from charity shops”可知,Langan开始

12、“收集(collecting)”围巾。48.D。根据下文中的“get kids involved to educate them on the subject of homelessness”和“She visited their school to . awareness around the subject”可知,Langan“决定(decided)”让孩子们参与进来。49. A。让孩子们参与活动不仅能让他们了解有关无家可归的话题,还能另外增加“友爱(kindness)”元素。50. B。51. C。根据上文中的“educate them on the subject of homeles

13、sness, as well as add additional element of .”知,Langan去学校拜访的目的是在孩子们中间“传播(spread)”有关无家可归的意识,并“鼓励(encourage)”他们写信。52.A。 School recently wrote sweet ltters to homeless people”和下文中的“The kids really took the project to heart”可知,孩子们很乐意“帮忙 (helping)”。53.C。根据上文中的“The kids rally took the project to heart”可知,

14、孩子们很“认真地(carefully)”考虑了一番54.B。根据下文中的“help uplift them”可知,孩予们考虑该如何通过自己的短信来振奋无家可归者的“精神(spirits)”。55.D。 根据上文中的“The kids rally took the project to heart和They asked a lot of questions about homelessness”可知,孩子们对于他们所能提供的 帮助“考虑很周到(thoughtful)”。56. A。围巾能给那些需要的人带来“温暖( warm)”。57. C。根据下文中的“carefully put the car

15、d in his pocket和He said it meant a lot to know that people cared”可知,Langan认为围巾可以给需要的人带来温暖,而短信则“有希望(hopefully)”鼓舞人心。58. D。结合上文中的“the messages, Langan explained, would . help uplift them和下文中的He said it meant a lot to know that people cared”可知,这些短信当然没有“令人失望(disappoint)。59.D。根据下文中的“One homeless man put on the scarf . and carefully put .the card in his pocket和He said it meant a lot to know that people cared”可知,在给无家可归者分发围巾的时候人向Langan表达了“感激. (appreciation)之情。60.B。无家可归者收到围巾后“马上(right away)”将它围上。

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