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1、endeavorequipexertfabricfidelityfloodfragmentgammaglacial 冰川的hallhaunthollowidealimpervious 不受影响的infest 骚扰inspireintervalirrigatekingdomledge 矿层literallylungmanualmemorablemillennium 千年momentmyriadneutral 中立的nutritionoperateoutlyingparadoxpeculiarpersonalitypivot 枢轴polishedpowderprestigeproduceprosp

2、ectpurificationrail 铁轨rearrangereferrelevantrepertoryresortrhinocerosrotatesanitationscruple 踌躇sensoryshieldsimultaneoussoapspecialtyspoon 勺子starvestitch 缝strokesubwaysupremesymmetricaltavern 客栈terrace 阶地threattolerancetranquiltrickturtle 龟unlessvarietyvibrate 振动wanderwhittle 削yield托福30天备考计划第13天之阅读托

3、福30天备考计划第12天之阅读 :TPO7-2Ancient Rome and Greece 古罗马和希腊,快快操练起来吧!TPO7-2Ancient Rome and Greece古罗马和希腊【TPO7原文及答案】古罗马和古希腊这两大文明是西方文化的摇篮,同时这二者之间也有着千丝万缕的关系。这篇阅读文章再给我们提供相关背景知识的同时,更给我们展示了英语的“形合”之美,简洁语句传达大量信息,大爱此篇,且学习且珍惜。1. Like the stone of Roman wall,which were held together both by the regularity of the desi

4、gn and by that peculiarly powerful Roman cement, so the various parts of the Roman realm were bonded into a massive, monolithic entity by physical, organizational, and psychological controls. (句子简化题:stone of Roman wall和various parts of the Roman realm的类比。)2. While the Greek world had expanded along

5、the Mediterranean seas lanes, the Roman world was assembled by territorial conquest. Of course, the contrast is not quite so stark: in Alexander the Great the Greeks had found the greatest territorial conqueror of all time; and the Romans, once they moved outside Italy, did not fail to learn the les

6、sons of seapower.(感受两个句子之间的递进关系,才能找到修辞目的题的答案。3. In all probability it was the fertile plain of Latium, where the Latins who founded Rome originated, that created the habits and skills of landed settlement, landed property,landed economy, landed administration, and a land-based society.(定语从句套定语从句,插入到

7、一个强调句中,学来丰富自己的写作句式吧!推断题出处。4. From this arose the Roman genius for military organization and orderly government. (倒装)In turn, a deep attachment to the land, and to the stability which rural life engenders, fostered the Roman virtues: gravitas, a sense of responsibility, peitas, a sense of devotion to

8、 family and country, and iustitia, a sense of the natural order.5. Modern attitudes to Romancivilization range from the infinitely impressed to the thoroughly disgusted.(段首总起句,现代人的态度褒贬不一。6. As always, there are the power worshippers, especially among historians, whoare predisposed to admire whatever

9、 is strong, who feel more attracted to the might of Rome than to the subtlety of Greece.7.At the same time, there is a solid body of opinion that dislikes Rome.Such indeed was the opinion of some of the more intellectual Romans. “Had the Greeks held novelty in such disdain as we,” asked Horace in hi

10、s epistle, “what work of ancient date wouldnow exist?”(智者之语可能难懂,整体态度却好把握,修辞目的题也就迎刃而解。托福30天备考计划第13天之听力托福30天备考计划第13天之听力:快快开始练习起来吧!朗读下列和音乐相关的常考托福词汇:lyric n.歌词rhythm n.节奏,韵律cadence n.节奏,韵律note n.音符score n.乐谱movement n.乐章accompaniment n.伴奏literature n.文学play n.戏剧opera n.歌剧drama n.戏剧melodrama n.情节剧,通俗闹剧re

11、cital n.独奏,吟诵solo n.独奏,独唱,独舞duet n.二重唱,二重奏trio n.三重唱,三重奏quartet n.四重奏,四重唱orchestra n.管弦乐队;管弦乐choir n.合唱队ensemble n.合奏(唱)组symphony n.交响乐perform v.表演pluck vt.拨(弦),弹奏instrument n.乐器string n.弦乐;弦wind n.管乐harpsichord n.键琴(钢琴前身)organ n.风琴percussion n.打击乐器;撞击drum n.鼓theater n.剧院auditorium n.音乐厅concert hall

12、 音乐厅托福一个月备考计划第13天之口语托福30天备考计划第13天之口语:introduce your favorite type of movie,快快练起来吧!Introduce your favorite type of movie.My favorite type of movie is comedies. For me, comedies could be the best resource of relaxation, cause there are so many interesting conversations in those movies. The characters

13、would joke around and create hilarious atmosphere. Every time when I feel tired from the heavy schoolwork, I would lay myself in the couch and choose a comedy for myself to enjoy. Its one of the most wonderful parts of my life. At the same time, actually most of my friends like watching comedies, wh

14、en we get together, we always recommend good comedies to each other or just talk something about the favorite part of a comedy. Recently, we watched a British comedy, LOVE ACTUALLY, and we shared our opinions about the funny couples and lovely people in the movie. Anyway, we could have so much fun i

15、n watching comedies. Thats why Im so crazy about this type of movie.托福30天备考计划第13天之写作托福30天备考计划第13天之写作:展开方法:(举例论证)主题句+reasoning + exampleOn the one hand, to achieve academic improvement is the goal of almost every student progressing to university.段落解析:(引出主题句)In class, students acquire knowledge from

16、renowned professors, develop creative and critical thinking through reading and group discussion, and improve the ability of grasping knowledge. After class, they examine and practice what they have learned by doing homework and conducting experiments. All these are important in future career.(解释原因)

17、学生在学术学习中所学到的内容。For example, a salesman needs the knowledge of consumer behavior to make marketing plan; a finance analyst will use the knowledge of math to deal with complex investment portfolio. Otherwise, with poor academic performance, how can a person meet requirements, fulfill his tasks, or adv

18、ance his career?(正面例子)列举工作中所需要的学术知识托福30天备考计划第14天之词汇托福一个月备考计划第14天之词汇:unit 14accessadministratealligatorantibioticarteryauditorybarbbeliefboastbrilliancecalciumcarpentercellularchoreographcoatcomplexconflictcontentcorrelatecrudedecaydepressdimedistractdripeleganceendowequivalentexhaustionfaadefigurefl


20、trhythmrotesatellitesculptorsentimentalshiftsinksoaringspeciessprawlstatelystockstrollsucceedsurgesympathytaxterrainthreshtomatotransactiontriggertwigunlikelyvariousvigorouswanewholesaleyoungster托福30天备考计划第14天之阅读托福30天备考计划第14天之阅读 :TPO8-1The Rise of Teotihuacn 特奥蒂瓦坎的崛起,快快操练起来吧!TPO8-1The Rise of Teotihu

21、acn 特奥蒂瓦坎的崛起【TPO8原文及答案】1. Amongthe main factors are Teotihuacns geographic location on a natural trade routeto the south and east of the Valley of Mexico, the obsidian resources in theTeotihuacn Valley itself, and the valleys potential for extensive irrigation.The exact role of other factors is much

22、 more difficult to pinpointfor instance, Teotihuacns religious significance as a shrine, the historical situation in and around the Valley of Mexico toward the end of the first millennium B.C., the ingenuity and foresightedness of Teotihuacns elite, and,finally, the impact of natural disasters, such

23、 as the volcanic eruptions of thelate first millennium B.C.(列举句,信息点碎但不乱,排除题出处。2. Aroundthis time, the largest of these centers, Cuicuilco, was seriously affected by a volcanic eruption, with much of its agricultural land covered by lava. With Cuicuilco eliminated as a potential rival, any one of a n

24、umber of relatively modest towns might have emerged as a leading economic and political power in Central Mexico. (两个with介词短语,都暗示原因,推断题出处。3. Itseems likely that Teotihuacns natural resources, along with the city elites ability to recognize their potential, gave the city a competitive edge over its ne

25、ighbors.(细节题出处。读懂句子,绝不是单纯的每个词都认识就够了,更要读懂其深意,识别其同意改写。4. Long-distan cetrade in obsidian probably gave the elite residents of Teotihuacn access to a wide variety of exotic good, as well as a relatively prosperous life. It is also probable that as early as 200B.C. Teotihuacn may have achieved some reli

26、gious significance and its shrine (or shrines) may have served as anadditionalpopulation magnet.(双选细节题出处,注意其“文绉绉”的表达方式。5. Thepicture of Teotihuacn that emerges is a classic picture of positive feedback among obsidian mining and working, trade, population growth, irrigation, and religious tourism.(观点

27、句,修辞目的题出处。6. The growing power of the elite, who controlled the economy, would give them the means to physically coerce people to move to Teotihuacn and serve as additionsto the labor force.托福30天备考计划第14天之听力2014-03-31 15:15:39来源:新东方网 王玲新东方托福网络课程 分享到: 0关注:托福考试报名托福退考新托福满分托福考试试题托福答案托福和雅思哪个好考 2014年托福预测托福抢考位托福新题日2014托福真题托福年度报告托福备考计划托福报名流程托福30天备考计划第14天之听力:2014年托福考试时间新东方在线托福网络课堂热 全部托福课程课程名称 免费试听托福听力大学水平冲23分班 免费试听托福听力大学水平冲28分班 免费试听托福争100分精品VIP班(大学基础版) 免费试听托福名师精讲超值体验课 原价:¥120 托福30天备考计划

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