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1、”off: down fromEverybody should now get off the train.These words were chanted by the stationmaster to inform the passengers that the train had arrived at its terminal destination and all passengers were to detrain.That must be slipped to a stop in Hiroshima Station:“must” here expresses strong prob

2、ability as the author did not understand Japanese and could not have been sure.In the Japanese stationmasters uniform:In: (of dress) wearing something e.g. in white; in mourning; in rags; in silkStationmaster: the official in charge of a railway stationslipped to a stop: came to stop smoothly and ef

3、fortlessly, in a gliding mannerslide, slip, glideslide implies accelerated motion without losing contact with the slippery surface.Slip often suggests involuntary rather than voluntary, sometimes even definitely implying a loss of footing and a fall.Glide rather close to slide, means to move smoothl

4、y, quietly and continuously as is characteristic of dances. e. g. Plane glided down to the airfield.4. And secondly, because I had a lump in my throat and a lot of and thoughts on my mind might say:I had a lump in my throat: I was choked with emotion; I was so overcome with emotion that I could not

5、speak or think clearly.A lump in ones throat: a feeling of pressure in ones throat, caused by repressed emotionA lot of asd thoufhts on my mind: I was troubled about some sad events; I was occupying with some sad thoughts.On ones mind: occupying ones thoughts, esp. as a source of worryTo have do wit

6、h: to be a concern of ; to be about; to be onenected withMy sad thoughts had no connection with what the statinmasrter might say.5. The very act of stepping on this soil any reportorial assignment Id previously taken:1) very: itself and nothing else2) stepping on this soil: putting my feet down on t

7、his soil; landing in Hiroshima3) far greater: adverbial modifiers of adj. of adv. in the comparative degree Far more; even more; still more; a lot more; much more; two-years older; a head taller4) adventure: an unusual journey or an exiting or remarkable experience5) reportorial assignment: reportin

8、g work for a newspaper6) The fact that I was now in Hiroshima was in itself a much more exciting experience for me than any I and takes or any reporting work I had done in the past.6. Was I not at the scene of the crime?:1) scene: place of an actual event2) the crime: the dropping of the A-bomb on H

9、iroshima3) Rhetorical questions are usually asked only of effect, as to emphasize a point, no answer being expected.4) I was now at the place where the first A-bomb was dropped.7. Information provided in the first paragraph:1) The author was here on a reportorial mission.2) Hiroshima was not the aut

10、hors first assignment.3) He was preoccupied with some sad thoughtsthe crime of the A-bomb. He was tortured by a guilty conscience.4) He didnt understand Japanese.8. The Japanese crowd that I had:1) did not appear to havedid not seem to have; judging by appearances, the author could not have been abs

11、olutely sure that the Japanese crowd did not have the same preoccupations2) seem, look, appearSeem suggest a personal opinion based on evidence that satisfies the judgment.Look implies that the opinions is based on a visual impression.Appear may convey the same implication as look, but it sometimes

12、suggests a distorted impression produced by an optical illusion, a restricted point of view etc.e.g. The setting sun made the spires appear ablaze.9. From the sidewalk. Things seemed much the same as in other Japanese cities:1) sidewalk: chiefly used in the U.S.; British: pavement; New Zealand: foot

13、path2) much the same: about the same; much here tones down rather than emphasizes the word same3) seem is used to indicate that things are actually not so. (see note 8, 2) for the teachers)10. Little girls in western dress:1) elderly: approaching old age, past middle age2) rub shoulders with: (infor

14、mal) meet and mix with (people) e.g.The foreign visitors said that they would like to rub shoulders with ordinary Chinese people.During those two terms at the boarding school, she rubbed shoulders with rich.This is not the sort of club where the great rub shoulders with the humble.3) teenager: boy o

15、r girl from 13 to 194) This sentence gives the impression that in Japan traditional style and western style exist side by side.11. serious looking men “Tomo aligato gozayimas”:1) to be oblivious of ( or to): to be unaware of e.g.Oblivious of each other, the two men flashed past on their separate mis

16、sions.We should not be oblivious to the reality that Soviet restraint resulted only from our forcing of the issue and determined persistence.2) They were so absorbed in their conversation that they seemed not to pay any attention to the crowds about them.3) bob up and down repeatedly in little bows:

17、 bow repeatedly4) bob up and down: move up and down automatically (humorous description of the bows)5) ritual: all the rites or forms connected with a ceremony; particular form of any procedure regularly followed; here used as and adj. meaning “done as a rite”6) formula of gratitude and respect: for

18、m of word s used regularly such as “how do you do?” “excuse me.”12. Others were using little red telephones that hung on the facades of grocery stores and tobacco shops:1) facade: front or face of building towards a street or open place2) grocery store: a store where tea, butter, sugar, tinned food

19、and such household requirements as soap and soap powder are sold13. cab driver: (chiefly American) taxi driver. We might infer from the use of such words as “ sidewalk” “store” and “cabdriver” that the author is most likely an American.14. whose door popped open at the very of a traveler:1) as soon

20、as the taxi driver saw a traveler, he immediately opened the door2) pop open: burst open with a short, sharp, slightly explosive sound3) at the sight of: on seeing15. City hall: a building which houses the offices of a municipal government16. He grinned at me in the rear-view mirror:1) grin: smile b

21、roadly as to show teeth, originally expressing amusement, foolish satisfaction or contempt etc., but in current English, tending to imply naive cheerfulness2) rear-view mirror: driving-mirror inside a motor-vehicle for seeing out of the rear window7. we set off at top speed:1) let off: start (a jour

22、ney, race etc. )2) the taxi-driver drove very fast18. The tail building of the martyred city in response to the drivers sharp twists of the wheel:1) martyred city: the city that has been made to suffer2) flash by: pass swiftly3) lurch: roll or sway suddenly forward or to one side4) in response to: i

23、n answer to5) sharp twist: abrupt change of direction 6) The high buildings passed swiftly and when the driver made abrupt changes of direction, we sometimes swung to one side, sometimes to the other side in response to the swaying motion of the ear.9. Just as I was beginning to find the ride long w

24、ent over to a policeman to ask the way:1) ride: a riding, esp. a journey by horse, car, bicycle etc.2) the taxi screeched to a halt: the taxi stopped with a harsh piercing sound as when the brakes were suddenly appliedScreech: make a harsh, piercing sound (cf. slip to a stop, come to a stop, grind t

25、o a stop)3) to ask the way: to ask direction20. but to avoid loss of face. How long it may take them to find it:1) loss of face: inability to keep up dignity, self-respect, prestige; loss of reputation; humiliation2) will accept any destination without concern for.: will agree to go where they are a

26、sked to without caring21. At last this intermezzo came to an end I found myself in front of the gigantic City Hall:1) intermezzo: a short, light dramatic, musical or ballet entertainment between the acts of n play or opera; here the word is used figuratively to refer to anything that fills time betw

27、een two eventsthe cab ride that look place between his arrival at Hiroshima and his planned meeting with the mayor2) I found myself: This pattern gives the idea of suddenness unexpectedness; I suddenly discovered that was in from of I he gigantic City Hall.22. The usher bowed deeply in response to m

28、y request for interview:1) usher: an official doorkeeper2) heave a sigh: utter a sigh: the doorkeeper uttered a sigh perhaps because many people had gone there wrongly before the author and he had to explain once again23. sketch a map: draw roughly and quickly with outlines but little detail24. Than

29、ks to this map with a roof like one on a Japanese house was moored:1) thanks to: on account of; because of2) embankment: a raised bank built lo confine s river or canal3) barge: a large flat-bottomed boat for carrying goods or people on rivers or canals4) a sort of; a sort of is used to suggest that

30、 what is referred to does not fully deserve the name, a kind of, something like a5) moor: secure a boat with cables25. the rather arresting spectaclebetween the kimono and the miniskirt: 1) arresting: striking, attracting and holding the attention 2) spectacle: sight, view or scene3) the rather arresting spectacle

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