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1、Nowadays, when it comes to the issues of living in the virtual world, individuals opinions vary from person to person. Some people believe that the virtual world and its colorful and all-mighty contents will enlighten our life, while other are worried about that it will ruin the whole society. As I

2、see it, the issue that an increasing number of people are indulging in the virtual world can hardly be postponed in the coming future.First and foremost, it can be imagined and predicted that people life will be absolutely and definitely changed for the future generation with computer machines and s

3、ocial network becoming pervasive. There is no need for people to endeavor to finish those complicated working stuff any more, which will be replaced by only a few computer progress. In addition, that quick way to handle problems will also isolate people and hinder the communication between them. Con

4、sequently, they may be increasingly indifferent and cold-blooded since people are separated entirely.In a word, the trend that individuals choose to live in the virtual world will becoming more and more prevalent for sure. It is time that we should take some immediate measures at the moment.题目3:Try

5、to imagine what will happen when people spend more and more people study online instead of attending school.Nowadays, when it comes to the issues of e-learning in the virtual world, individuals opinions vary from person to person. Some people believe that e-learning on the Internet will bring us gre

6、at convenience, while others are worried about that it will ruin the nature of study. As I see it, the issue that an increasing number of people are indulging in the e-learning can hardly be postponed in the coming future.First and foremost, it can be imagined and predicted that students life will b

7、e absolutely and definitely changed for the future generation with e-learning becoming pervasive. There is no need for students to endeavor to finish those complicated study at school, which will be replaced by some on-line courses. However, that quick way to make achievements in study will also iso

8、late students and hinder the communication between them. Consequently, they may be growingly indifferent and cold-blooded and lack social skills since they are separated entirely.In a word, it is beneficial for students to choose sort of on-line course, while the face-to-face studying process at sch

9、ool also plays a significant role. It is time that we should place great emphasis on this issue and take some proper methods to enhance the situation.翻译范文:深圳是中国广东省一座新开发的城市。在改革开放之前,深圳不过是一个小渔村。仅有三万多人。20世纪80年代,中国政府创立了深圳经济特区,作为实施社会主义市场经济的试验田。如今。,深圳人口已经超过1,000万,整个城市发生巨大的变化。到2014年,深圳的经济实力而言,深圳居于中国顶尖城市之列。由

10、于其独特的地位,深圳也是国内企业家创业人均GDP已经达到25,000美元,相当于一些发达国家的水平。就综合的理想之地。沈阳新东方 王佳老师版:Shenzhen, a newly-developing country in Guangdong Province, China, was only a fishing village with about 30 000 population before the Reform and Opening up. In 1980s, Chinese government made Shenzhen the special economic zone as

11、the experimental field of the market-oriented economy. Now, Shenzhen, with population of over 100 million, has witnessed its own radical changes.In 2014, the per-capita GDP of Shenzhen has been 25,000 dollars, the level of some developed countries in the world. As for the comprehensive power, Shenzh

12、en has been ranked the top among Chinese cities. Shenzhens unique geographic position brings both domestic and overseas entrepreneurs an ideal place to start their career.旗袍(qipao)是一种雅致的中国服饰,源于中国的满族(Manzu Nationality)。在清代,旗袍是王室女性穿着的宽松长袍。上世纪20年代,受西方服饰的影响,旗袍发生了一些变化。袖口(cuffs)变窄,袍身变短。这些变化使女性美得以展现。如今,旗袍经

13、常出现在世界级的时装秀上。中国女性出席重要社交聚会时,旗袍往往是她们的首选。很多中国新娘也会选择旗袍作为结婚礼服。一些有影响的人士甚至建议将旗袍作为中国女性的民族服饰。Qipao, as an exquisite Chinese clothing, originates from Chinas Manchu Nationality. In the Qing Dynasty , it was a loose robe specially for the royal women. In the 1920s, influenced by Western clothing, it embraced m

14、any changes, for example, narrower the cuffs and shorter the dress. These changes enabled Qipao to fully express womens beauty. Nowadays, Qipao quite often appears on world-class fashion shows. It is usually the first choice for Chinese women as they attend social parties. Meanwhile, many Chinese br

15、ides will select it as their wedding dress. Some influential personalities even suggest making it as the national costume for Chinese women.六级翻译(创新):中国的创新正以前所未有的速度蓬勃发展。为了在科学技术上尽快赶超世界发达国家,中国近年来大幅度增加了研究开发资金。中国的大学和研究所正在积极开展创新研究。这些研究覆盖了从大数据到生物化学、从新能源到机器人等高科技领域。它们还与各地的科技园合作,是创新成果商业化。与此同时,无论在产品还是商业模式上,中国企

16、业家也在努力争做创新的先锋,以适应国内外消费市场不断变化和增长的需求。Chinas innovation is booming at an unprecedented speed. In order to catch up with the developed countries in the world in science and technology as soon as possible, China has increased dramatically in recent years.The research and development is extremely rapid. C

17、hinas universities and research institutes are actively carrying out innovative researches. These studies cover from large data to biochemistry, new energy to the robot and other high-tech fields. They also work with the park, which is a innovation commercialization. At the same time, either in prod

18、ucts or business models, Chinese entrepreneurs are also trying to be the pioneers of innovation, aiming at adapting to consumers market, whichhas constantly changing and growing demand both at home and abroad.Conversation One:W: So Mike,you managed the innovation project at Two Santack.M: I did inde

19、ed. Well then, first congratulations. It seemsto have been very successful. Thanks, yes. I really help things turnaround at Two Santact. What is the revival in their fortune? Didit highly do to a strategic situation? Yes, yes I think it was.Santack was a company was much following a pack, doingevery

20、one else was doing. I getting rapidly left behind. I could see there werea lot of talent there and some great potential. Particularly in their productdevelopment. I just harness that some help. Was the innovation the core of the project? Absolutely, if it doesnt sound like too much clich. Our world

21、isconstantly changing and changing quickly. Mini to be innovating constantly tokeep up with this. Standstill, you stop. No stop for sneaking the roses? Well, I will do that my personal life sure.But as a business strategy, Im afraid there is nostopping. What exactly is the strategic innovationthen?

22、Strategic innovation is the process ofmanaging innovation of making sure to take place all levels of the company andthat is related to the companys overall strategy. I see. So,insteadof innovation for innovation sake and new products being simply because of thetechnology is there, the company cultur

23、e must switch from these pointing timeinnovations to continue high innovation from everywhere and everyone. How did you alliance strategy throughoutthe company? I soon became aware of the complaintuseless. People take no notice. Simply it came about through the practicetrickling down. This up and se

24、t. People could see it was the best work. Does innovation on a scale really givecompetitive advantage?I am certainof it. Absolutely. Especially it was difficult for a copy. The risk is the corethat the innovation to limitation. But now is it strategic? precisely. Thanks for talking to us. Sure.1. Wh

25、atseems to have been very successful according to the woman speaker?2. Whatdid the company lack before the company was implemented?3. Whatdid the man say he should do in his business?4. Whatdoes the man say is the risk of the innovation?conversation 2Todaymy guest is Dana who has worked for thelast

26、twenty years as aninterpreter. Dana, welcome.ThankYou.Now,Id like to begin by saying that I haveon the occasions used an interpretermyself as a foreign correspondent.So Imfull of memo rations for what youdo.6. But Ithink your profession is sometimes underrated and many people thinkanyone whospeaks m

27、ore than one language can do it.Thereare any interpreters I know who donthave professional qualifications andtraining. You only really get profession aftermany years in the job.Andsay you can divide what you do into twodistinct methods simultaneous andconsecutive interpreting.Thatsright.7.The techniques you use aredifferent.And a lot of interpreters wouldsay one is easier than the other,less stressful.Simultaneousinterpreting, putting someoneswords into another l

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