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本文(高中英语外研版必修三课时提升作业 一 Module 1 Period 2 Reading and Vocabulary 要点讲解课 Word版含Word文档格式.docx)为本站会员(b****5)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

高中英语外研版必修三课时提升作业 一 Module 1 Period 2 Reading and Vocabulary 要点讲解课 Word版含Word文档格式.docx

1、8. The _ attracted thousands of art-lovers last year. 9. Which direction does your room _ ?10. He plans to be an _ because he loves drawing. 答案:1. symbol 2. ancient 3. landmark 4. civilization 5. birthplace 6. project 7. situated 8. gallery 9. face10. architect . 完成句子1. Countless buildings _ Japan d

2、isappeared in the huge waves formed by the tsunamis after the strong earthquake in a flash. 在大地震后, 位于日本海岸上的无数建筑物瞬间就消失在由海啸形成的巨大波浪之中。2. _ , Tom decided to ask his parents for advice. 面对着困难的形势, 汤姆决定向父母征求建议。3. We have fifty workshops in our factory, but only one fifth are able to be used and _ . 我们工厂有50

3、个厂房, 但是只有五分之一的能用, 剩下的是空的。4. _ the sudden change of the weather, we had to change the plan. 因为天气突然发生了变化, 我们只好改变了计划。5. This restaurant has become popular _ foods that suit all tastes and pockets. 这家饭店以其适合众人口味与经济能力的种类繁多的饭菜而出名。6. The Yellow River, _ one of the birthplaces of Chinese civilisation, has be

4、en seriously polluted. 黄河作为中华文明的诞生地之一而闻名, 现在已经严重污染了。7. He suddenly saw Sue _ . He pushed his way _ the crowd of people to get to her. 他突然看到Sue从房间经过。他从人群中挤过去追她。8. A great number of students _ said they were forced to practise the piano in their spare time. 许多被询问的学生说他们被迫在业余时间练习钢琴。9. _ he was a child,

5、Mark has been crazy about basketball. 自从是个孩子时马克就一直迷恋篮球。10. In the dark forests _ , some large enough to hold several English towns. 在黑暗的森林中有许多湖泊, 一些湖泊大得能容得下数个英国的城镇。1. on the coast of2. Faced with a difficult situation3. the rest are empty 4. Because of5. for its wide range of6. which is known as7. a

6、cross the room; through 8. questioned 9. Ever since 10. lie many lakes. 阅读理解AFlorence, ItalyWho should go: art lovers, Renaissance historians and leather handbag shoppers with high credit limits. When to go: spring or fall. Travelers usually avoid summer in Florence. Paris, France starving artists,

7、Henry Miller fans, traditional food lovers. When to visit: spring is the best time. Thats what they all say, anyway. Autumn isnt bad, either, but Id rather be rooting around the south of France in search of truffles(块菌)in autumn. Summer in Paris isnt bad really. Amsterdam, Holland lovers of Dutch Ma

8、sters(artists, I mean, like Rembrandt, not cigars), bicyclistsits a bike city in a flat land. It can rain at any time in Amsterdam, but thats not a reason for not visiting this fascinating city. Off season tourists will be rewarded with good enough weather to stick around. Summer is good for sun lov

9、ers. Madrid, Spain night owlsMadrid never sleeps, art loversthe Prado is second only to the Louvre in presenting serious art, party-goers. spring, when days are warm and nights are pleasantly cool. Demand for outside eating and drinking starts becoming stronger in March or April. Street life peaks(达

10、到高峰)in June, then slows in July and August as the temperature peaks. Autumn is also good, although youll risk some rain. Venice, Italy romantic dreamers who like walking through automobile-free streets, your mother(shell want you to take her there, trust me), almost anyone who wants to see something

11、 really different and romantic. February is the time when the famous Venice Carnival is held and the weather is usually cold and foggyperfect weather for Venice. Summer?A large number of tourists in shorts and whiny children ruin the atmosphere. Youll greatly enjoy yourself there in spring and early

12、 fall. 【文章大意】本文向我们介绍了几座欧洲城市, 告诉我们什么人喜欢去哪里以及去的合适时间。1. What do the cities Florence, Paris, Amsterdam and Madrid have in common?A. They are all great cities for female shoppers. B. They are all famous for their traditional food. C. They are all great cities for art lovers. D. They are all famous for ci

13、gars. 【解析】选C。细节理解题。根据作者关于什么人喜欢去这四座城市的介绍, 可知这四座城市都适合喜爱艺术的人去。2. What advice would the writer probably give you if you go to visit Amsterdam?A. To avoid going there in summer. B. To avoid going around there by bike. C. To take some credit cards with high credit limits. D. To take an umbrella with you w

14、henever you go out. 【解析】选D。推理判断题。根据关于Amsterdam这一部分的It can rain at any time in Amsterdam可推断出, 作者最有可能建议去那里旅游的人出门随身带伞。3. The underlined part“night owls”in the section about Madrid probably refers to people who like. A. night lifeB. serious artC. drinking wine D. organizing parties【解析】选A。根据画线部分后面的Madrid

15、 never sleeps可推断画线部分指代的是喜欢过夜生活的人。4. According to the section about Venice, the writer would agree that. A. summer isnt a good time to visit the cityB. the city is not a good choice for romantic loversC. streets in the city are usually too crowded with carsD. people avoid going there in February beca

16、use of the weather根据最后一部分的Summer?A large number of tourists in shorts and whiny children ruin the atmosphere. 可推断出, 作者认为夏天不是去威尼斯旅游的好时间, 故选A项。BIn the network interview held by“NPC and CPPCC”news center on the evening of March 9th, the State Postal Bureau(国家邮政局)vice director of market supervision Liu

17、Liangyi revealed: as the express service is convenient nowadays, it becomes a new business for us that university students send the dirty clothes home for washing and then send them back. The biggest benefit for express coming to peoples life is to bring convenience. However, it is a tragedy that st

18、udents sending their dirty clothes becomes a new postal service. Not sweeping a house, how can he sweep the world?If they dont wash their own dirty clothes, how can they wash away the dust of their body and their dirt in mind?Independence and hard struggle are Chinese traditional virtue, which canno

19、t be abandoned at any time. However, we cant see the traditional virtue shadow from those students who send their dirty clothes home for washing and then send them back. What we see are only enjoyment and luxury, and“the beat generation”. The hope of a nation is in education, and the hope of educati

20、on is in talents. The college students as the“Gods favored ones”are the main force to construct the state. Can those students sending dirty clothes home for washing bear this heavy task?Students sending the dirty clothes home for washing is not only the tragedy of university students, but also the t

21、ragedy of the society. Lu Xun yelled once“save the children”. Now should we also shout“help the students”?What kind of students should college cultivate?What kind of students should university teacher teach out?What kind of talents should parents expect their children to be?What kind of talents will

22、 the state and society need?These questions need the thinking of the whole society. 【文章大意】由于快递业务的便捷, 眼下, 高校学生把积攒的脏衣服寄洗, 再通过快递寄回来, 成了邮政的一种新业务。然而很多人对这种做法产生了反感。5. From the first paragraph we can know. A. express opens a new service for university studentsB. university students are too busy to wash thei

23、r dirty clothesC. express is convenient for peoples lifeD. it is good for university students to have their dirty clothes sent by express根据第一句可知A错误, 高校学生把积攒的脏衣服寄洗成了邮政的一种新业务, 而不是专门开设的服务项目; B项第一段没有体现; 第一段的倒数第二句快递之于人们的生活, 最大的作用就是给人们带来便捷可知C正确, D项在第一段中没有提到。6. What quality does NOT belong to“the beat gene

24、ration”?A. EnjoymentB. Luxury. C. Laziness. D. Independence. 根据第二段的最后一句可知, “垮掉的一代”他们享受、奢侈。他们身上没有自立、勤奋这些传统的美德。7. What can we know from the passage?A. One who doesnt wash his own clothes can sweep the world. B. The“Gods favored ones”can construct the state well. C. The college students as the“Gods fav

25、ored ones”can do everything well. D. The hope of a nation is in talents with independence and hard struggle. 自立和艰苦奋斗是中国的传统美德, 国家的希望是教育, 教育的希望是人才, 所以国家的希望是那些有着传统美德的人才。故选D。8. The author asks those questions in the last paragraph just to. A. end the passage in a surprising wayB. call on people to culti

26、vate independent studentsC. question the quality of our educationD. make people help university students wash their dirty clothes【解析】选B。根据作者最后的几个问题: 高校应该培养什么样的人才?高校教师应该教出什么样的学生?家长希望自己的孩子成为什么样的人才?国家和社会需要什么样的人才?可知作者是在呼吁人们不要再溺爱孩子了, 我们需要独立的人才。所以B项正确。9. Whats the authors attitude to university students s

27、ending dirty clothes home?A. Opposite. B. Indifferent. C. Objective. D. Positive. 作者态度题。根据最后一段的第一句话可知, 大学生把脏衣服寄回家不仅是大学生的悲哀, 也是社会的悲哀。因此作者是反对(opposite)大学生这样做的。indifferent冷漠的; objective客观的; positive积极的。. 阅读填句根据短文内容, 从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。The Importance of Positive AttitudeA positive attitud

28、e is very important as it will make our life easier. 1There will be times when we will face problems and obstacles. The most challenging part is not when our life goes smoothly but how we react when we experience problems and difficulties. Those who have a positive attitude will treat any problem as a challenge. Instead of being discouraged, they will treat each failure as a lesson. 2As for those who do not have the positive attitude, they will see problems and difficulties in a different way. The situation can be the

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