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1、4. well常与一些动词的过去分词构成复合形容词;当该复合形容词作表语时,一般不加连字符,但当该复合形容词用于名词前面作定语时,多加连字符。She is well dressed.She is well-dressed woman.well balanced 很平均的,很均衡的 well behaved 行为端正的,彬彬有礼的well developed发育良好的;健全的 well done做得好well informed 见多识广的;消息灵通的 well known众所周知,出名的well run经营得好的,运转良好的 5. put in1) 安排 We decided to have a

2、 new bathroom put in.2) 插话,打断 “Im sure Daniels the best man for the job.”Mrs Smith put in.3) 提出(要求、请求等)The company has put in a claim damages.put sth. into practice把某事付诸实践 put aside 不考虑;储存(钱)备用;留出(一段时间)put away收拾起来,储存(钱) put back推迟,延迟put down写下,记下;放下 put forward提出(计划、建议等);将提前put off延期;拖延 put on穿上;打开

3、(灯、电器等)put out不灭(火);生产,制造 put up张贴,悬挂;搭建;安排食宿put up with忍受,容忍6. get sth. done使某事被做,请别人做某事Do you think youll get the work finished on time?get+宾语+宾语补足语,宾语补足语可由形容词、现在分词、过去分词或不定式充当。Its no hard to get him talking. The problem is stopping him!He got his leg broken when playing football.Youll never get hi

4、m to understand.Dont get your new trousers dirty!7. including prep.包括There were twelve of us, including me and Tom.8. offer vt.&1) vt.offer to do sth.主动提出做某事offer sth. to sb.向某人提供某物 sb. sth.He offered no explanation for his actions.The job didnt offer any prospects for promotion.2) vt.出价,开价offer sb.

5、 some money for sth.向某人出价买某物offer sb. sth. for some money向某人开价卖某物3)n.提议I accepted an offer of help/to help.turn down/refuse/decline an offer拒绝建议accept an offer接受建议(报价)provide sb. with sth. 给某人提供某物 sth. for sb. with sth. sth. to sb.9. signal n.&vt.1)n.信号;暗号 A green light is a signal to pass

6、.2)vt.发信号 She signaled him to stop talking.signature n. 签名10. altitude n.1)(由指海拔)高度What is the altitude of this small village?2)高处(海拔很高的地方)At high altitudes of Tibet it is difficult to the bottom of在底部 at the foot of在脚下at the height of在高度 at the depth of在深度11. in condition 处于的状态My car is

7、old but in good condition.His second-hand car is in poor condition.Dont worry. Hes in excellent in condition健康状况良好 be out of condition身体不适,情况欠佳make it a condition that 以为条件 on no condition 在任何条件下都不、决不on this/that condition 在这种/那种条件下on condition that 如果,在条件下,只要condition, conditions, 与sta

8、tecondition某人(物)本身的状况,如健康状况,为不可数名词The car has been well maintained and is in excellent.conditions指人(物)周围的状况或条件Our living conditions are getting better and better.state指状况、情形,为可数名词She is in poor state of health.12. in particular 尤其,特别What would you say about the book?Nothing in particul

9、ar about/over对极为讲究She is very particular about what she eats.13. be considered (to be as)He was considered the best person for the job.consider doing sth.考虑做某事consider sth. an honour/a duty认为某事是荣幸/责任all things considered 通盘考虑considerable adj.相当大的,相当多的 considerate adj.关心的,体贴的consideration n.U斟酌,考虑 co

10、nsidering prep.考虑到,鉴于14. on one side on the other side一边另一边;一方面另一方面On one side of the street lives an old man; on the other side stands a supermarket.on (the) one hand on the other hand一方面另一方面15.although, though, asalthough较正式,不倒装,不与but连用Although he is not perfect, we all like him.though可倒装,也可以不到装;可

11、与even连用,表强调;也可作副词,表“然而,却”,单独使用Young though he is, he is quite experienced.Even though I didnt understand a word, I kept smiling.He said he would come; he didnt, though.as引导让步状语从句,须倒装Young as she is, she knows much.15. on average = on the average平均On average, 400 people of a year die of this disease.

12、I spend two hours reading English very day on average.above/below average高于/低于平均水平 an average of 平均the national average 全国平均水平of average height/build/intelligence 中等个子/身材/智力16. survive v.1) 幸存;继续存在 Both parents were killed in the explosion, but the children survived.2) 从(困难)中挺过来;挣扎着过下去The company ma

13、naged to survive the crisis.survivor n.幸存者,残存物 survival n.幸存17. in theory 理论上 In theory, these machines should last for over ten practice 实际上 Your plan is good in theory, but does it work in practice?18. respect vt.&1) vt.遵守 Do you respect the laws of your country?2) vt.尊重;尊敬 respect sb. fo

14、r 因尊重某人I respect you for your honesty. 3)n.U尊敬;关系,有关,方面,细节in respect of关于,就而言pay ones respects to 向打招呼、表敬意with respect to 关于,就而言19. bend n.&v.1)n.C(尤指道路或河流的)弯曲处 Be careful! There is a sharp bend in the road ahead.2)v.附身,弯腰;使弯曲She bend forward to pick up the newspaper.bend over/down 弯腰/附身 bend forwar

15、d/back 前倾/后仰20. direct vt., adj., & adv.1) vt.指挥;指点;指示方向A police officer was directing the traffic. 2)vt.负责,管理,指导She had been asked to direct a research project.3) vt.担任(戏剧、电影、电视节目的)导演Who directed that Italian film?4) adj. 笔直的,直接的Which is the most direct way to London? 5) adj.(指人、行为)直截了当的,诚实的,率直的 He

16、 gave a direct answer to my question. 6) adv.直接,径直 It costs more to fly direct to Hong Kong.21. direct, directlydirectadj, adv.,意为“径直的(地),直接的(地)Now let me ask you a direct question.He decided to contact the manager direct.directlyadv.着重指对事物的直接影响,不指距离The financial crisis has affected us directly.22.

17、approach v.&1)v.靠近,走近,接洽,交涉As spring approaches, the wind becomes warmer.2)n.靠近,临近,接近;通道,入口,方法,步骤We heard the approach of the on 靠生活,以为生They live on a diet of bread and cheese.词组live onon后接名词或代词,一般为主食、钱物之类的词No one can live on rice byby +V-doing,表方式They live by hunting and ki

18、lling deer.23. take for granted以为理所当然,想当然地认为Dont take it for granted that hell help you.Your parents love for you is unconditional, but please dont take it for granted.24. volunteer v.&1)v.自愿,主动要求做The children all volunteered to be my guides.2)n.C 志愿者Liu Jiandong worked for the 2008 Olympics as a vo

19、lunteer, of which he is still proud.25. encounter n.& vt.1)n.C 相遇,邂逅She didnt remember our encounter last summer.2)vt.偶然碰到 I had never encountered such resistance before.She encountered a friend of hers on the plane.26. somehow adv.1) 不知何故 But somehow the actions got reversed in the programme.2) 以某种

20、方式Dont worry! Well get the money back somehow.anyhow=anyway不管怎样,无论如何27. call out叫出来;大声喊出Everybody in the village was called out to put out the on号召 call back 回电话;回忆call up给打电话;调动(力量、人员等);使想起call for要求;需要;去接(某人/某物)28. have an effect on 对产生影响The medicine has a good effect on me.Punishment ha

21、d very little effect on him.have an influence on对产生影响have an impact onput into effect使生效,实施come into effect开始生效take effect起作用,奏效29. profound adj.1) 深的,深刻的,深切的,极度的I owe you a profound apology.2)渊博的;见解深刻的;深奥的Its a profound book.3) 深处的Strange creatures live in the profound depths of the ocean.30. take

22、up1) 站好位置以备The runners are taking up their positions on the starting line.2) 接受(建议或能得到的东西)She took up his offer of a drink.3) 占去(空间或时间)Writing the paper took up most of the weekend.4) 开始从事,学着做Roger took painting up for a while, but soon lost interest.5) 继续She fell silent, and her elder brother took

23、up the story.6) 一起唱,一齐说Their protests were later taken up by other groups.31. temporary adj.暂时的,临时的More than half the staff are temporary.temporarily adv.暂时地;临时地 permanent adj.永久的,长期的contemporary adj.当代的,同时代的 n.同时代的人,同辈32. freeze v.&1)vi.结冰,凝固The water at the edge of the lake froze last night.2) vt.

24、冷藏,冷冻We freeze a lot of vegetables from our farm.3)n.(工资、价格等)冻结;(活动的)停止pay freezes 工资冻结 a freeze on production停车33. contract n.&1)n.C合同,契约You shouldnt enter into a contract until you have studied its provisions carefully.2)v.(使)收索,缩小,与订立合同(或契约)The exercise consists of stretching and contracting the

25、leg muscles.enter into a contract订立合同 sign a contract签合同 subject to contract以合同的签订为条件contact vt.&U,C接触,联系 contrast v.&n.U,C对比,对照34. staff n.(一个机构的)全体成员,全体工作人员,职员She is in charge of about 20 staff.可指个体和整体的单词class班级 group组 team 队 audience 观众committee委员会 jury陪审团 government政府 family家庭 crew成员35. earn vt.

26、挣钱,应获得,博得earn a fortune挣大钱earn sb. praise/ a reputation为某人赢得赞扬/名声earn a/ones living/ones bread (=make ones living)谋生She is young, but she earns a good salary.Rescuing a drowning man earned him the respect of all.36. primary adj. 1)初等的,初级的 a primary school一所小学 a primary teacher一名小学较教师 at a primary le

27、vel初级水平2) 首要的,主要的 Our primary concern is to provide the refuges with food and clothes.a matter of primary importance一个至关重要的问题37. apply v.(正式以书面形式)申请;使用,运用,应用;努力,专心致志apply (to sb.) for sth.(向某人)申请某物apply sth. to把某物应用于apply oneself to致力于,专心于Weve applied to the city council for a house improvement gran

28、t.Ill apply for the job today.Scientific discoveries are often applied to industrial processes.He would do very well if only he applied himself to it.applicant n.申请人 application n.申请书;应用,实用appliance n.家用电器,家用电子设备 applicable adj.可用的,合适的38. salary n.薪金,薪水Its bad manners to ask others salary if you are not very familiar.

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