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1、Plug us in.启动吧Thank you.谢谢Wheres Earth? You should know.地球呢 你应该知道s not our system.这不是太阳系Scan.扫描I cant believe this.我不敢相信Contact Traffic Control.联络航管中心This is commercial towing vehicle Nostromo out of the Solomons.这里是诺斯都罗莫号♥货船Registration number: 1-8-0-niner-2-4-6-0-niner.编号& 180924609Calling

2、Antarctica Traffic Control. Can you read me? Over.呼叫南极航管中心 听到吗 完毕Commercial towing vehicle Nostromo out of the Solomons,registration number.Nothing. Keep trying.没反应 继续试Calling Antarctica Traffic Control. Do you read me, Antarctica?呼叫南极航管中心 听到吗 中心 完毕I found it. Just short of Zeta II Reticuli.找到了 靠近特奇

3、拉星球We havent reached the outer rim yet. Thats hard to believe.我们还没接近外&围& 好像不太妙What the hell are we doing out here?我们来这儿干嘛I dont know. What the hell are you talking about?我不知道 你在说什么Thats not our system. I know that.这不是太阳系 我知道Do you ever notice how they never come down here?知道他们为何都不下来I mean, this is w

4、here the work is, right?他们以为工作不多Well, its the same damn reason we get a half share to their one.所以我们才分一半红Our time is their time. Thats the way they see it.我们花的时间不值钱No, but, listen, man. Same old shit, man.不 但是 听着 真老套 伙计I think I know why they dont come down here.你知道他们为何不下来s because of you. You dont

5、have no personality.那是因为你 你很讨人厌Wonder what they want now. Whats going on down here?想知道他们现在需要什么 下面发生什么事Um, you happen to be in my seat. Can I have it? Yes, of course.这是我的座位 能让下吗 好的 当然Thank you. Im sorry.谢谢 抱歉Whats happenin now, baby?怎么了Well, some of you may have figured out were not home yet.你们也发现我们还

6、没到家Were only halfway there. What?我们才在半途 什么Mothers interrupted the course of our journey.电脑老妈改变了行程Why? Yeah.为什么Shes programmed to do that should certain conditions arise. They have.在某些状况下电脑可以做些改变Like what? It seems she has比如什么情况 似乎intercepted a transmission of unknown origin.电脑收到来历不明的信&号&She got us u

7、p to check it out. A transmission? Out here?航道改变好让我们去查看 信& 在这儿Yeah. What kind of a transmission?没错 什么样的信&Acoustical beacon. It repeats at intervals of 12 seconds.每隔十二秒一次的重复信&S.O.S.? I dont know.求救信& 不知道Human?人类吗Unknown. Well, so what?不明 又怎样We are obligated under section eight.我们要遵守规定I hate to bring

8、this up, but, uh,别怪我多嘴 但是this is a commercial ship, not a rescue ship.这是货船 不是救生船Right. And its not in my contract to do this kind of duty.没错 合约上没要我&干&这种事And what about the money? If you wanna give me some money, Ill be happy to oblige.有钱拿吗 如果有好处 我还可以考虑The mans right. Lets go over the bonus situation

9、.他说得对 咱们谈谈分红的事吧Im sorry. Can I say something? Lets talk about the bonus more.不好意思 我能插个嘴吗 再谈谈分红的事吧There is a clause in the contract which specifically states合约规定收到有系统的通讯any systematized transmission indicating a possible intelligent origin可能来自有智慧生物must be investigated. I dont wanna hear it.我们就得去调查 我不

10、想听We dont know if its intelligent. I wanna go home and party.我不知道是否智慧 我只想赶快回家Parker, will you just listen to the man?帕克 听他说吧On penalty of total forfeiture of shares. No money.违约的话酬劳全都泡汤 不付钱You got that?明白吗Well, yeah. All right, were going in.明白 好吧 那就去吧Yeah. Were goin in, arent we?好吧 那就去 好吗Can we all

11、 hear that, Lambert?放出来让大家听 兰波特Good God.天啊Doesnt sound like any radio signal Ive heard.不像一般无线电讯号&Maybe its a voice. Well, well soon know.像在讲话 马上就知道Can you hone in on that?向对方发讯吧What was the, uh, position?告诉我方位 6550-99.6550-99All right. It found the quadrant.好 找到象限了Ascension: six minutes, 20 seconds.

12、上升度 6分20秒Declination: 39 degrees, two seconds.倾度 39度零2秒Okay. Put that on the screen for me.好的 播放在荧幕上All right. Well, thats it.好 就这样s a planetoid. 1200 kilometers.是个小行星 直径1200公里s tiny. Any rotation?好小 转速呢About two hours.两小时自转一次What about gravity?地心引力呢Point eight-six.0.86重力加速度You can walk on it.可以在上面走

13、Approaching orbital apogee.快到轨道了Mark 12, 11.倒计时 12 11Equatorial orbit nailed.进降落轨道Nine, eight seconds on descent.9 8秒后降落Grids energized. Fields focused. Five. Four.网格划分完毕 已 确认地点 5 4D.O.R.s on line. Hows the status on the lifters?垂直降落线定好 推进器的状况如何Give me an A.C. pressure reading.给我压力指数Forty-eight seco

14、nds and counting.四十八秒 继续计时SR-1 stable.SR-1稳定Prepare to disengage from platform.准备脱离平台Mark, 20 seconds. 18, 17.还剩20秒 18 17秒12, 11, 10,12 11 10秒9, 8, 7,9 8 7秒6, 5, 4,6 5 4秒3, 2, 1, lock.3 2 1秒 锁定Disengage.脱离Umbilicus clear.一切正常Moneys safe. Lets take her down.安全了 下降吧9, 8, 7.Roll 92 degrees port yaw.向左倾

15、斜92度Prime to port.向左Prime ventral. Prime dorsal.向前 向后Down a degree.下降一度39,000 meters.39,000米Turbulence.乱流Locked and floating. You can drop us anytime now. Well catch you.锁住 漂浮中 随时准备降落Inertial dampings going off. Hold on, people. Theres gonna be a little bump.一开始会有点晃动 大家坐稳What the hell was that?那是怎么回

16、事Pressure drop in intake three. Mustve lost a shield.压力下降 大概防护板掉了Lets go with it.继续进行Dropping off now.下降了Still dropping.持续下降Here we are. Weve got it.好了 好了Take her down.降落吧Navigation lights on.打开导航灯ve got 5-3 still out. No problem. Just down 11%.我们离地面还有3到5米 没问题 刚下降了11%Grid status okay.网格状态没问题15, Stil

17、l falling.15米 还在下降12 11 10米9,9米8, 7, 6,8 7 6米5, 4, 3,5 4 3米2, 1.2 1米Kill drive engines.关掉引擎What the hell happened?怎么回事Somebody give me a straight answer!快回答呀Is the hull breached?t see anything. Weve still got pressure.船体破了吗 看不到 压力还是很大Hit the screen. Right.打开荧幕 好的Secondary load sharing unit辅助支援系统is o

18、ut.故障Three to four cells are gone.四根架子坏掉三根Is that it? No, hold on.就这样 不 等一下We cant fix it out here anyway, and we need to reroute没办法在这儿修好 线路得a couple of these ducts, wouldnt you say, Brett? Dry dock time.重新接好 怎么样 布瑞特 修复管线Dry dock. Tell her we need to dry-dock.叫他修复管线Look, we couldnt fix it out here a

19、nyway.没办法在这儿修好We gotta reroute all these ducts,线路得全部重整and in order to do that weve got to dry-dock.我们必须先修复主要管线What else?还有呢Some fragments kicked up,出现一些碎片and weve got to clean it all out and repressurize it.我们必须清除和减压How long before were functional?需要多少时间Look, what is. Its 17 hours, tell her.这样 就说要17

20、小时At least 25 hours. Yeah.最少需要25小时Get started on the floor panel. Ill be right down.好吧 我马上下去What the hells she comin down here for?她下来干嘛She better stay the fuck out of my way, Ill tell you that.她最好别惹我d like to see what shes gonna do when she gets here.我倒要看看她有什么本事Any response yet? No. Absolutely noth

21、ing.有反应吗 没有 完全没有Except the same transmission every 12 seconds.还是每12秒重复一次All the other channels are dead.其他频道都故障了Kick on the floods.打开灯t go anywhere in this.这么暗哪儿都不能去Well, Mother says the suns coming up in 20 minutes.电脑说二十分钟后日出How far are we from the source of transmission? Uh, northeast.我们离信&来源有多远?

22、东北Just under 2,000 meters.约二千米处Walking distance?走路能到吗Well.这个Can you give me an atmospheric? Yes.分&析&大气组成 好的s almost primordial.很原始的气体Theres inert nitrogen,氮气high concentration of carbon dioxide crystals, methane.高浓度的二氧化碳 乙烷m working on the trace elements.再查其它的Anything else?还有什么吗 是的s还有rock, lava base

23、,岩石 主要成分熔岩and deep cold.很冷Well below the line.零度以下ll volunteer to be in the first group to go out.我自愿打头阵Yeah, that figures.我就知道You too, Lambert.你也去 兰波特Swell. Better break out the weapons.好吧 分发武器t see a goddamn thing.我什么都看不到Ash, are you receiving?艾希 收得到吗Good contact on my board.这里接收良好Clear and free.

24、Keep the line open. Lets go.把频道开着 走吧Hey, Ripley.蕾普丽Hey, Ripley, I wanna ask you a question.蕾普丽 我可以问个问题吗If they find what theyre lookin for out there, does that mean we get full shares?要是他们找到东西 能拿到全部红利吗Dont worry, Parker. Youll get whatevers coming to you.别担心 帕克 不会少了你的Look, Im not gonna do any more w

25、ork没讲清楚till we get this straightened out. Brett,我就不干活 布瑞特youre guaranteed by law to get a share. What?法律保证你能分到钱 什么Why dont you just fuck off. What?你别烦我 什么d you say, Rip?你说什么 蕾普If you have any trouble, Ill be on the bridge.有问题的话 我在指挥舱Hey, Ripley, come back here!蕾普丽 回来呀Son of a bitch. Whats the matter?王八蛋 怎么了Can什么也看不见Quit griping. I like griping.别抱怨了 我就喜欢抱怨Come on. Knock it off.好了 别吵了Ash, can you see this?艾希 你看得到吗Yes, I can.看得到ve never seen anything like it.我从没看过这种东西V

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