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1、 A. Formal because it is written in standard language and in formal style devoid of contractions,ellipses,slangy words,vulgarisms,etc.B. Substantial because it deals with academically important and serious issues and is of substance and lengthC. Well-documented because it rigidly follows the rules o

2、f citation and documentation with all borrowed ideas or facts fully acknowledged in the notes and bibliography4. The requirements of an academic paper. 1) A scientific attitude,a rigorous study style, a creative mind, and a great courage to explore unknown academic areas, discovering or solving prob

3、lems in the academic or scientific fields.2) Basic knowledge of academic research- its nature, value, and significance,essential features, techniques and methods,etc To learn more about the academic circle and the society by searching through all sorts of reference materials originating in academic

4、and social studies.3) To know about scholarship, such as how to find subjects to investigate, how to collect and evaluate source materials, how to develop their own ideas. 5. Components parts of an academic paper1) English title and Chinese title of your paper 2) Abstract both in English and in Chin

5、ese and key words 3) Key words in English and Chinese4) Contents5) Introduction6) Materials and methods used in the research (theories, tools, approaches, etc.)7) Facts and figures in the analysis, pros and cons in the argumentation or points of view in the exposition;8) Research results or findings

6、;9) Conclusion.6. The steps of paper writing 1) Choosing a topic: a tentative topic, a preliminary thesis statement 2) Making a thesis proposal: 3) Data collection and evaluation: a working bibliography 4) Thesis formulation (presentation or statement) 5) Organization of ideas; 6) Writing and revisi

7、ng of the paper; 7) Finalizing of the paperResearch paper writing are more often with starts and stops,setbacks and reverses,even dead ends, especially in the preparatory stages. It is only after constant efforts,repeated modifications and alternations that you come to a satisfactory end and get eve

8、rything finalized 7. Start working on your thesis: 1) Be clear about your aims and intention: what to investigate or research into, what to write about. 2). Choose a good topic: a tentative topic, narrowing your focus only on one of the issues, to an appropriate topic, considering your capability, l

9、imit of time, limit of references you can find. You may begin by inquiring into what is known to people on a certain subject;then by making comparisons or contrasts and passing judgment,you perceive loopholes, inaccuracies,errors or fallacies;by analyzing the correct and the incorrect,you draw concl

10、usions of your own and develop some new ideas or views on the topic under discussion3) Reading: doing extensive and intensive reading, evaluating source materials and taking notes of important and relevant information or points of view in your reading. Sorting out useful materials you have collected

11、 and developing your ideas. 4) Writing an outline: plan the paper with great care and draw a good outline, organizing your thoughts for the writing of the paper with unity,coherence clarity and accuracy.5) Follow the writing conventions and paper format strictly: attach carefully and correctly made

12、notes and bibliography to the end of the paper, documenting properly the sources you have made use of6) Guard against plagiarism: making of notes and bibliography. Lecture 2 How to choose a topic To choose a topic is the first step of preparation for your research and research paper writing.You must

13、 decide on what to research into and what to write about,namely,to discover the subject for your research and choose the topic for your research paper1. The two broad types:Research areas may be divided into two broad types:theoretical and practicalThe theoretical type is theory-oriented.The practic

14、al is application-orientedTheory and practice always walk hand in hand,and in fact they are usually combined in papers,which may be more theoretical or practical2. Academic areas for the English majors of our universityThere are five areas for research and confine your topics to English-related area

15、s and subjects as listed below:1) The Area of Language studies (linguistics),including English morphology,syntax,semantics, etymology,rhetoric,stylistics,pragmatics,all branches of English linguistics and their comparisons with the Chinese counterparts;Pure language study of English on its structure

16、 and elements such as peculiarities,phonetics,grammar,vocabulary,discourse,comparisons of English dialects,Briticism,Americanism,Australianism, etc2) Applied linguistics: English for Specific Purposes (ESP). Studies of ESP: TESL (Teaching English as a Second Language); TEFL(Teaching English as a For

17、eign Language),and any special know-how or expertise concerning English in useNowadays,language teaching and learning is becoming an independent discipline with its own theory and practice, including:a. To study psychological mechanisms of language teaching and learning;b. To study the methods of te

18、achers teaching and students learning of the English language;c. To compare the acquisition of the mother tongue with that of a foreign language,discuss the improvement and application of modem teaching approaches and facilities,or even make comments on and evaluate text-books in use,etcIf you want

19、to be more theoretical,you can try any branch of linguistics and its application to language teaching and learning and the second language acquisition3)Area of literary studies,including :British,American,Australian,CanadianSouth-African literature,comparisons between them,and their comparisons with

20、 Chinese literature;To apply literary theories and critical methodology to the study of writers and works,literary trends and schools,literary periods,literary criticism, etc4)The area of translation and practice,including theories and mechanics,written translation and oral interpretation;In the are

21、a of translation,you can research into:a. The origin and growth of translation practice and theory;b. Different theoretical schools and their doctrines on translation;c. Standards and criteria for the quality of translation;d. Methods and techniques for doing translation of various kinds;e. Teaching

22、 of translation as a basic language skill,etc5) The area of cross-culture studies:Comparisons of religions,philosophies,educations(?),habits and customs of different countries and races,as well as means of intercultural communication3. To choose topics1) First step to discover a subject in one area:

23、 a. You may use your personal experiences,for example,attending a lecture or a course;reading a newspaper,a journal,a book or a novel;watching a movie,a TV program and so onb.You may also talk with others,your fellow students,your friends,and your teachers in particular,to get enlightenmentc. The mo

24、st important thing for you to do is to get help from source materials,such as a table of contents,a books index,an encyclopedia article,headlines in periodical indexes,etc After you have discovered the subject that suits you,you should further find a specific topic under the chosen subject.2) Three

25、standardsa. Interesting to you. An interesting topic will give you great impetus for the successful fulfillment of your researchb. Significant or worthwhile.Your topic should have obvious or potential theoretical or practical valuec. Workable or manageable.An appropriate topic should be neither too

26、broad,or too narrow3) Difficulties in choosing a good topic:a. Not fully aware of what is really significant or valuableb. Difficult to subdivide the general subject he has discovered into topics of manageable size and complexityc.The problems of a broad topic: The topic is too general, one on which

27、 it is hard to focus your study or to finish a paper of the required length within the stipulated time.The references available may be too many for you to finish reading within the allotted timeToo broad a topic should be narrowed down to a workable size d. The problems of a narrow topic:a. The topi

28、c is too specific,hard to enlarge upon or develop your arguments aboutb. It is usually trivial or insignificantc.You can hardly find enough source materials or references to help in your researchSuch a topic should be broadened accordinglyTherefore, choosing a good topic for research and research paper writing could be much more difficult than expectedThe difficulty usually is not that the researcher is ignorant of what holds interest for him, but hard to have clear ideas.4) Judgments of the significance or value:Your awareness of the sig

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