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Unit 1 培优限时训练一 高一英语北师大版必修一.docx

1、Unit 1 培优限时训练一 高一英语北师大版必修一Unit 1 培优限时训练(一) 20212022学年北师大版高一英语必修一限时:50分钟 一、 完形填空1.My daughter was having trouble recently deciding on what to major in at college, so she asked for my (1)_. I told her the one thing I wish that I had been told at her age: Find a (2)_ that you love and you will never wo

2、rk a day. I didnt know how to(3)_, though, when she asked me what she should do if she had to take a job that she(4)_.That question brought back a lot of(5)_ of jobs that I had over the years. l(6)_ one in particular. My young family was(7)_. We had no money, and there were no good(8)_ in the area.

3、My brother,(9)_, got me a job at a local lumber mill(木材厂). The work was(10)_ and meant constant pain for my back. Hours were spent(11)_ and stacking(码放)wood. The pay was very(12)_. In the winter the skin on my fingers bled from the cold, dry air. In the several years I worked there, many people (13)

4、_. Only those of us who had families to support didnt leave to(14)_ something better.Still, I also remembered singing to myself while working. I remember as I pushed the lumber carts, glancing out the window and(15)_ watching the leaves changing in the fall. I remembered how a(16)_ sandwich tasted l

5、ike the greatest meal in the world after hours of hard work. I remembered being grateful for this job so l could(17)_ my family. Remembering all this gave me the answer I needed for my daughter. Just(18)_ your love to your job then, sweetheart, I said. If you cant do what you love, then(19)_ what yo

6、u do.In this life we work to(20)_ , but we live to love. Without love, work is drugery(苦差事). Yet, with love, work is joy. (1)A.advice B.permission C.choice D.expectation(2)A.hobby B.person C.major B.answer C.judge D.decide(4)A.hated B.wanted C.needed D.enjoyed(5)A.thoughts B.regret

7、s C.memories D.opinions(6)A.remembered B.understood C.knew D.recognized(7)A.improving B.enlarging C.moving D.struggling(8)A.stores D.universities(9)A.however B.instead C.therefore D.meanwhile(10)A.hard B.easy C.dangerous D.interesting(11)A.selling B.buying C.loading D.checking(12)A.

8、good B.low C.promising D.reasonable(13)A.left B.visited C.came D.complained(14)A.ask for B.wait for C.look for D.prepare for(15)A.boringly B.anxiously C.angrily D.joyously(16)A.different B.simple C.unique D.healthy(17)A.see C.start D.feed(18)A.bring B.prove C.continue B.end

9、 D.respect(20) B.get C.succeed D.practice 二、 阅读理解2.Hundreds of children are being treated for sleep problems in Wales every year. In some cases, babies, infants and teenagers have been admitted to hospital while in north Wales alone.The Childrens Sleep Charity said many children were suf

10、fering from lack of sleep mainly because of technology use. Public Health Wales said sleep was as important to a childs health as healthy eating and exercise, and children with poor sleep patterns were more likely to be fat.Statistics obtained under the Freedom of Information Act by BBC Wales found

11、at least 408 children have been admitted to hospitals across Wales suffering from sleep disorders since March 2013.Children aged between 0 and4 made up the highest number of inpatients(住 院病人), with some newborns being treated for sleep-related problems from the day of birth.Vicki Dawson, who set up

12、the Children s Sleep Charity(CSC), said sleepless nights were putting both children and parents in anxiety. Their weight and growth may also be affected es well as their mental health, she said.Teachers said children showing signs of sleep shortage and tiredness in class were a concern as they could

13、nt concentrate for long periods.Psychologist Amy McClelland, of Sleep Wales, said a common problem was children beingover excited andnot having the chance to relax property before bed and families should get back to basics. Think 1950s family home. Dinner as a family, read, chat, a film maybe, light

14、s off and then bed. She added.(1)Whats the main reason why children are short of sleep?A.Less exercise. B.Eating habits.C.Technology use. D.Sleep patterns.(2)Who are the majority of the inpatients with sleep-related disorders?A.Teenagers. B.Infants(婴儿,幼儿).C.Teachers. D.Parents. (3)What can we infer

15、from what Amy McClelland said?A.Relaxation has a bad effect on children.B.It is difficult for children to read before bed.C.Being too excited is good for sleep habits.D.Chatting and films make children sleep more.(4)What is the best title for the text?A.Sleep Problems of Welsh Children.B.Sleep Habits of Welsh Children.C.Ways to Treat Sleep Problems.D.The Problems of Welsh Children.3.Modern art includes artworks created from the late 19th century to the 1970s which are featured by the

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