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1、7.The number of the workers in this factory are about 5,000.(The number of the workers in this factory is about 5,000.()析 the number of表示“的数量”,谓语动词用单数形式;a number of 的意思是“若干”或“许多”,相当于some或a lot of,和复数名词连用,谓语动词用复数形式。8.Hello! I have important something to tell you.(Hello! I have something important to

2、tell you.()析 形容词修饰不定代词作定语时,修饰成分要置于不定代词之后。9.His son is enough old to go to school.(His son is old enough to go to school.()析 enough作形容词修饰名词时,可以放在名词前,也可放在名词后;作副词修饰形容词或副词时,只能放在被修饰的形容词或副词之后。10. Here is your sweater. put away it.(Here is your sweater. Put it away.()析 put away, pick up, put on等“动词+副词”构成的词

3、组后接代词作宾语时,代词只能放在动词和副词之间。11. Look! Here the bus comes.(Look! Here comes the bus.()析 在以here, there引起的陈述句中,若句子时态是一般现在时和一般过去时主语是名词,要用倒装语序,即用“Here /There+动词+名词”结构;但主语若是代词时,则不用倒装语序, 即用“Here/There +代词+动词”结构。12. I do well in playing football, _. (我妹妹也是。A. so my sister does(B. so does my sister()Li Lei is re

4、ally a football fan。 _. (确实是这样。) A. So is he(B. So he is()析 “so+be/助动词/情态动词+主语”的倒装结构表示前面所述情况也适用于后者,意为“也是这样”;“so+主语+be/助动词/情态动词”的陈述结构表示对前述情况的肯定,意为“确实如此”。13. 重庆比中国的其他城市都大。Chongqing is larger than any city in China.(Chongqing is larger than any other city in China.()析 “any city in China”包括了重庆这座城市, 同一事物

5、自己与自己不能做比较,只有在city 前加上other才能表示重庆和中国的其它城市比较大小。The weather in Guangzhou is warmer than Beijing.(The weather in Guangzhou is warmer than that in Beijing . ()析 表示比较时,句子中的两个比较对象必须一致,不同的比较对象不能做比较。错误句的比较对象分别为the weather in Guangzhou和Beijing,这两个不同类的事物之间不能做比较。14. His sister married with a teacher last summe

6、r.(His sister married a teacher last summer.()析 表达“A和B结婚”,要用A married/will marry B。这时务必要避免受汉语影响使用A married/will marry with B。15.There is going to have a film tonight.(There is going to be a film tonight.()析 一般将来时用在 There be 句式中时,be going to或will之后的动词原形只能用be,也就是说要用There is (are) going to be. / There

7、will be.16.Ill go hiking if it wont rain next Sunday.(Ill go hiking if it doesnt rain next Sunday.()析 习惯上在含有时间状语从句和条件状语从句的复合句中,如果主句的谓语动词用了一般将来时,从句的谓语动词要用一般现在时表示将来的动作。17.Teacher told us yesterday that the earth went around the sun.(Teacher told us yesterday that the earth goes around the sun.()析 习惯上在

8、含有宾语从句的复合句中,主句的谓语动词用了一般过去时,从句的谓语动词要用过去的某种时态。但如果从句表述的是一客观事实或客观真理时,则不受主句时态的影响,而用一般现在时。18.All the balls are not round。 翻译成汉语:所有的球都不是圆的。(并不是所有的球都是圆的。()析 all, every, both等词和not连用时,一般情况下表示部分否定,意为“并非都”。19. He didnt go to school yesterday, did he? _, though he didnt feel very well。A. No, he didnt. (B. Yes,

9、he did.() Dont you usually come to school by bike?_. But I sometimes walk。A. No, I dont. (B. Yes, I do. ()析 对于反义疑问句的提问,应根据实际情况来回答,并且注意回答前后要一致。20.Excuse me, is the supermarket far from here?No,its about _.A. 7 minutes walk B. 7 minute walk C. 7 minutes walk D. 7 minutes walk析 答案为C。本题考查名词所有格用法。当名词的复数以

10、-s结尾时,则只需要加“ ”即可,则“7分钟的距离”为“7 minutes walk”。21. You can not imagine how much I _ on this dress. Is it beautiful?A. paid B. took C. cost D. spent析 答案为D。本题考察四个表“花费”的动词辨析。主语为人,且和介词on搭配的动词是spend。22. Do you know _ university student who is talking with Joe?Yes, she,s my cousin, Kate.A. a B. an C. the D.

11、/university虽然以元音字母u开头,但其前若使用不定冠词时,则要用a。不过此题中不能使用不定冠词,而是特指和Joe说话的那个大学生,故要选the。23. The number of giant pandas is getting _ because their living areas are becoming farmlands.A. less and less B. larger and larger C. smaller and smaller D. fewer and fewer 句意为“大熊猫的数量越来越少因为他们的生存空间正逐渐变成农场”。本题中四个选项都是“比较级+ an

12、d + 比较级”的结构,表示“越来越”。主语为number,只能和large或small搭配,而结合句意可判断答案为C。24. Be careful when you come _ the street,because the traffic is very busy at the moment.A. across B. behind C. between D. over析 答案为A。本题考察方位介词的用法。“过马路”一般为表面横穿,因此要用across。25. Do you often clean your classroom? Yes, our classroom _ every day.

13、A. clean B. cleans C. is cleaned D. cleaned句中有every day,主语为our classroom,故要用一般现在时的被动语态。26. Lucy usually cleans the cage every two days.(对画线部分提问) _ Lucy usually clean the cage?析 答案为How often does。对every two days提问要用how often(多久一次,表频率)。27. I didnt understand _,so I raised my hand to ask.A. what my tea

14、cher says B. what does my teacher sayC. what my teacher said D. what did my teacher say本题为宾语从句,由于需要用陈述语序可排除B、D;另外,主句时态为一般过去时,则从句也要用对应的过去时态,故还可排除A。28. How much _ the shoes?Five dollars _ enough.A. is;is B. are;C. are;are D. is;are析 答案为B。shoes作主语时,谓语动词应用复数形式;five dollars是一个整体,应按单数对待。29. We got to the

15、top of the mountain in daybreak.(We got to the top of the mountain at daybreak. ()析 at用于具体时刻之前,如:sunrise, midday, noon, sunset, midnight, night。30. Dont sleep at daytime.(Dont sleep in daytime.()析 in 要用于较长的一段时间之内,如:in the morning / afternoon, 或 in the week / month / year。 或 in spring / supper /autum

16、n / winter等等。31. He became a writter at his twenties.(He became a writter in his twenties.()析 这句话应译为:他在20多岁时就成了作家。在某人的一段生活时间段中要用介词in来表示,而在具体岁数时用at来表示。32.We went to swim in the river in a very hot day. (We went to swim in the river on a very hot day.()析 具体某一天要用介词on, 又如:on New Years Day33. Im looking

17、forward to seeing you on Christmas.(Im looking for ward to seeing you at Christmas。析 在节日的当天用on,而全部节日期间用at,Christmas是圣诞节期间,一般要有两周或更长的时间。34. I havent seen you during the summer holiday. (I havent seen you since the beginning of the summer holiday. ()析 during表示在某一段时间之内,所以一般不与完成时搭配,如:I visited a lot of

18、museums during the holiday。 而for表示一段时间,可以用于完成时,如:I havent see you for a long time。since是表达主句动作的起始时间,一般要与完成时连用。35. At entering the classroom, I heard the good news. (On entering the classroom, I heard the good news. ()析 on 加动名词表示“一就”。本句的译文应是:我一进入教室就听见这个好消息了。36. In the beginning of the book, there are

19、 some interesting stories. (At the beginning of the book, there are some interesting stories. ()析 at the begining of(在.开始的时候) ,in the beginning(一开始) 37. Im sorry. I have to get out the bus at next stop.( Im sorry. I have to get out of the bus at next stop.()析 get in, 与 get out是两个相反的词组。get in 为上车,而ge

20、t out为下车,但这里的in与out为副词,所以其后不能接名词,我们可以讲Wed better get in. 或Wed better get out. 还有一组词组有关上下车:get on/off(a train, a ship, a struck), get into/out of (a car, taxi)38. It took them two days to walk across the forest. (It took them two days to walk through the forest.()析 across 作为介词有两个主要意思: 横过,如:I want to

21、walk across the street。 对面,如:There is a post office across the street,而through 多用于三维空间中的穿越。39. Can I write the exam paper with ink?Can I write the exam paper with a pen?() Can I write the exam paper in ink?析 with后要加拿得起来放得下的工具,而墨水、颜料等原料则要用in。40. A lot of French wines are made of grape. (A lot of Fren

22、ch wines are made from grape.() 析 made of 是指由原材料到成品过程中原材料未发生质地的变化,而发生了某种化学变化则要用from。41. She didnt come to school because of she was ill.(She didnt come to school because she was ill.()析 because of 后接名词或动名词,如:The game was put off because of the rain。42. What can I do for you?Id like two _A. box of ap

23、pleB. boxes of applesC. box of applesD. boxes of apple答案: B, 选择其它三项的同学要注意仔细看题,这里box 和apple都是可数名词。43. Help yourself to _.A. some chickensB. a chickenC. some chickenD. any chicken C ,选择A的同学要注意chicken当鸡肉讲时不可数。44. Which is the way to the _?A. shoe factoryB. shoes factoryC. shoes factoryD. shoes factory

24、A,选择D的同学注意这里不是指名词所有格, 而是名词作形容词的用法。类似的用法如: pencil box; school bag等。45. Our sports meeting will be held _.A. on 24,Tuesday, April B. in April 24, TuesdayC. on Tuesday, April 24D. in April Tuesday 24 C,选B的同学是受到中文的影响,要特别注意中英文的差异。46. Some people like to stay at home, but _ like to go to the cinema.A. ano

25、therB. otherC. othersD. other one C,选择B的同学要牢记: 句型some;others47. Is this your shoe?Yes, but where is _?A. the other oneB. other oneC. another oneD. the others A,选择 C 的同学要注意鞋是两只, another指的是三者或者三者以上。48. When shall we meet again next week? _ day is possible. Its no problem with me。A. EitherB. NeitherC.

26、EveryD. Any D,选择C的同学要注意every指的是每一天都见面, any指的是任何一天都可以。注意中文的干扰)49. _ do you write to your parents?Once a month.A. How longB. How soonC. How oftenD. How far C,由回答知道这里指的是写信的频率, 故用how often,表示“多久一次”。50. Which book would you like to borrow? _ of the two books is OK with me。B. BothC. AnyD. NoneA,选择B的同学要注意 is 表示单数。51. There are many trees on _ side of the street.A. eitherB. anyC. allD. bothA ,选择D的同学要注意side为单数,选择

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