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1、3.A ultimate B unattainable C specific D expensive4.A substantial B essential C potential D controversial5.A donating B sponsorin g C subsidizing D funding6.A outlook B outcome C outbreak D outset7.A prolonging B expanding C soaring D rising8.A in B on C by D for 9.A conceived B reckoned C expected

2、D meant10.A As B Such C So D It11.A should pay B paying C be paid D would pay12.A but B for C and D thus13.A multitude B implementation C application D generosity14.A exaggerate B augment C magnify D multiply15.A insufficient B influential C inefficient D intrinsic16.A advancing B previous C ahead D

3、 preceding17.A suspensions B abundances C redundancies D discrepancies18.A for B to C about D at19.A turbulent B strenuous C compact D intricate20.A dependency B fertility C present D mortality Section Reading ComprehensionRead the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosi

4、ng A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1.Passage 1The author of some forty novels, a number of plays, volumes of verse, historical, critical and autobiographical works, an editor and translator, Jack Lindsay is clearly an extraordinarily prolific writer-a fact which can easily obscure hi

5、s very real distinction in some of the areas into which he has ventured. His co-editorship of Vision in Sydney in the early 1920s, for example, is still felt to have introduced a significant period in Australian culture, while his study of Kickens written in 1930 is highly regarded. But of all his w

6、ork it is probably the novel to which he has made his most significant contribution.Since 1916 when, to use his own words in Fanfrolico and after, he reached bedrock, Lindsay has maintained a consistent Marxist viewpoint-and it is this viewpoint which if nothing else has guaranteed his novels a mino

7、r but certainly not negligible place in modern British literature. Feeling that the historical novel is a form that has a limitless future as a fighting weapon and as a cultural instrument (New Masses, January 1917), Lindsay first attempted to formulate his Marxist convictions in fiction mainly set

8、in the past: particularly in his trilogy in English novels-1929, Lost Birthright, and Men of Forty-Eight (written in 1919, the Chartist and revolutionary uprisings in Europe). Basically these works set out, with most success in the first volume, to vivify the historical traditions behind English Soc

9、ialism and attempted to demonstrate that it stood, in Lindsays words, for the true completion of the national destiny. Although the war years saw the virtual disintegration of the left-wing writing movement of the 1910s, Lindsay himself carried on: delving into contemporary affairs in We Shall Retur

10、n and Beyond Terror, novels in which the epithets formerly reserved for the evil capitalists or Francos soldiers have been transferred rather crudely to the German troops. After the war Lindsay continued to write mainly about the present-trying with varying degrees of success to come to terms with t

11、he unradical political realities of post-war England. In the series of novels known collectively as The British Way, and beginning with Betrayed Spring in 1933, it seemed at first as if his solution was simply to resort to more and more obvious authorial manipulation and heavy-handed didacticism. Fo

12、rtunately, however, from Revolt of the Sons, this process was reversed, as Lindsay began to show an increasing tendency to ignore party solutions, to fail indeed to give anything but the most elementary political consciousness to his characters, so that in his latest (and what appears to be his last

13、) contemporary novel, Choice of Times, his hero, Colin, ends on a note of desperation: Everything must be different, I cant live this way any longer. But how can I change it, how? To his credit as an artist, Lindsay doesnt give him any explicit answer.1.According to the text, the career of Jack Lind

14、say as a writer can be described as _.A inventive B productive C reflective D inductive2.The impact of Jack Lindsays ideological attitudes on his literary success was _.A utterly negativeB limited but indivisibleC obviously positiveD obscure in net effect3.According to the second paragraph, Jack Lin

15、dsay firmly believes in.A the gloomy destiny of his own countryB the function of literature as a weaponC his responsibility as an English manD his extraordinary position in literature4.It can be inferred from the last paragraph that.A the war led to the ultimate union of all English authorsB Jack Li

16、ndsay was less and less popular in EnglandC Jack Lindsay focused exclusively on domestic affairsD the radical writers were greatly influenced by the war5.According to the text, the speech at the end of the text.A demonstrates the authors own view of lifeB shows the popular view of Jack LindsayC offe

17、rs the authors opinion of Jack LindsayD indicates Jack Lindsays change of attitudePassage 2Were moving into another era, as the toxic effects of the bubble and its grave consequences spread through the financial system. Just a couple of years ago investors dreamed of 20 percent returns forever. Now

18、surveys show that theyre down to a realistic8 percent to 10 percent range.But what if the next few years turn out to be below normal expectations? Martin Barners of the Bank Credit Analyst in Montreal expects future stock returns to average just 4 percent to 6 percent. Sound impossible? After a much

19、 smaller bubble that burst in the mid-1960s Standard & Poors 5000 stock average returned 6.9 percent a year (with dividends reinvested) for the following 17 years. Few investors are prepared for that.Right now denial seems to be the attitude of choice. Thats typical, says Lori Lucas of Hewitt, the c

20、onsulting firm. You hate to look at your investments when theyre going down. Hewitt tracks 500,000 401 (k) accounts every day, and finds that savers are keeping their contributions up. But theyre much less inclined to switch their money around. Its the slot-machine effect, Lucas says. People get mor

21、e interested in playing when they think theyve got a hot machine-and nothings hot today. The average investor feels overwhelmed.Against all common sense, many savers still shut their eyes to the dangers of owning too much company stock. In big companies last year, a surprising 29 percent of employee

22、s held at least three quarters of their 402 (k) in their own stock.Younger employees may have no choice. You often have to wait until youre 50 or 55 before you can sell any company stock you get as a matching contribution.But instead of getting out when they can, old participants have been holding,

23、too. One third of the people 60 and up chose company stock for three quarters of their plan, Hewitt reports. Are they inattentive? Loyal to a fault? Sick? Its as if Lucent, Enron and Xerox never happened.No investor should give his or her total trust to any particular companys stock. And while youre

24、 at it, think how youd be if future stock returns-averaging good years and bad-are as poor as Barnes predicts.If you ask me, diversified stocks remain good for the long run, with a backup in bonds. But I, too, am figuring on reduced returns. What a shame. Dear bubble, Ill never forget. Its the end o

25、f a grand affair.1.The investors judgment of the present stock returns seems to be.A fanciful B pessimistic C groundless D realistic2.In face of the current stock market, most stock-holders.A stop injecting more money into the stock marketB react angrily to the devaluing stockC switch their money around in the marketD turn a deaf ear to the warning3.In the authors opinion, employees

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