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1819 阶段综合检测二.docx

1、1819 阶段综合检测二阶段综合检测(二)(时间:100分钟;满分120分).阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)ADuring my third year of university,I spent six months studying in Rio de Janeiro,Brazil.Many are worried about travelling to Rio but I can assure(使确信) you it is worth a visit.Now I want to share my top recommendations for experiencing Ri

2、o less as a tourist and more like a native Brazilian.Pedra BonitaRio is full of hiking routes,and some Brazilians love to spend an afternoon hiking.My favourite route of all has to be Pedra Bonita.Pedra Bonita involves a steep climb of about an hour through tall trees,and I admit it is difficult in

3、Rios heat,but you are rewarded at the top with a wonderful view of the city,standing high above the green landscape and blue sea below.Mureta da UrcaOne thing you are sure to find in Rio is an amazing sunset,but a lot of the best spots tend to be full of tourists.In my opinion,Mureta da Urca is the

4、most relaxing place to watch the sun set over the silver sea,with the figure of Christ the Redeemer standing tall in the background.Pedra do SalPedra do Sal is a historical area in the city centre and on Monday nights it is brought to life by the sound of samba(桑巴)Hundreds of people gather in the st

5、reet,food and drink stalls are set up and it becomes a giant street party with everyone enjoying the happy sound of live samba!PicanhaIf there was one Brazilian food I could bring back to the UK,it would be picanha.It is the tastiest cut of steak I have ever tasted,served alongside rice and beans.【语

6、篇解读】作者主要提供了在里约热内卢旅游的几个最重要的建议。1The writer once went to Rio de Janeiro to Astay there as a tourist for six monthsBstudy as a shorttime international studentCask Brazilians for recommendationsDlearn how to be a native BrazilianB细节判断题。根据第一段第一句话可知,上大学三年级期间,作者曾到巴西的里约热内卢学习了6个月。再结合最后一段中的“I could bring back

7、to the UK”可知,作者是英国人,到里约热内卢是短期留学。2Which of the following is the favourite of bodybuilders?APedra Bonita. BMureta da Urca.CPedra do Sal. DPicanha.A推理判断题。根据第二段可知,Pedra Bonita是徒步旅行的一条路线,要攀爬大约一小时的陡峭山路,这是喜欢健身的人的最爱。3What can you enjoy in Pedra do Sal?AA wonderful view of the city.BAn amazing sunset.CA gian

8、t street party.DA nice Brazilian food.C细节理解题。根据第四段中的“Hundreds of people gather.and it becomes a giant street party”可知,Pedra do Sal是城市中心的一个区,周一晚上,成百上千的人聚集成一个巨大的街头派对,每个人都享受桑巴的快乐。BHe was struggling (费劲) to tie his shoes.I was struggling with whether I should help him.I did,and he was grateful.“Thank yo

9、u,” he said.“Im glad I could help.I just thought it would be easier for me to reach,” I said.He was a disabled man,and forced to look down most of the time.His arms and legs were twisted (扭曲的) terribly,and he couldnt do what the rest of us would consider easy tasks.He always managed to look up to se

10、e how you reacted (反应) to his words,however,he had a big smile,making me feel comfortable.I was still on my knees by his wheelchair.“Nice shoes,” he said.“Thanks.No one ever complimented me on them before,” I said.“No one has the same view of the world as I do,” he replied.“Tell me about the world a

11、s you see it,” I said smiling.“Most people can see if someone is comfortable with them or not in their eyes.I see it in their feet.” he said.“If people keep moving their feet,I just let them go,because I know theyre impatient with me.I dont want to make people uncomfortable.”“What about me?” I asked

12、.“I could see your compassionAnd then you came down to my level.I was the one who was nervous.” he said.“I dont normally have someone look me in the eye.”“They dont know what theyre missing,” I told him.“My old face is nothing to brag (自夸) about,” he said.“But that smile is so big.”Yes,and its not o

13、nly a big smile but an attitude.【语篇解读】本文通过作者帮助一位残疾人系鞋带告知我们,并不是很多人都愿意来帮助残疾人,他们的帮助里更多的是一种同情和怜悯。4The underlined word “compassion” is the closest in meaning to Aattention BpityCtrust DdutyB词义猜测题。根据上下文语境可知,compassion在这里的意思为“同情;怜悯”,只有B项最接近其意。5We learn that the disabled man Ahad great difficulty looking af

14、ter himselfBalways asked people for helpCcouldnt have a big smileDliked to talk about peoples shoesA推理判断题。根据整篇文章可知,作者帮助这位残疾人系鞋带,可见这位残疾人是不能自己照顾自己的。6Why did the writer feel comfortable?AHe had a nice talk to the man.BThe man looked him in the eye.CHe didnt move his feet before the man.DThe man had a b

15、ig smile on the face.D细节理解题。根据第三段最后一句“he had a big smile,making me feel comfortable”可知答案为D。7What can we infer from the passage?AThe disabled man had something wrong with his mind.BNot many people went down to the mans level.CThe man was good at telling people about the world.DThe writer would not give the man more help.B推理判断题。根据整篇文章可知,并不是所有人都愿意来帮助残疾人,所以答案为B。CSonia Denoncourt is one of the most successful personalities in the world of womens soccer.She made her name doing what many still think of as a “mans job”refereeing soccer matches.The Canadian began her

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