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1、B.1894C.1906D.1926解析:1880年是闰年,因为1880能被4整除,1894,1906年1926这三个数字均不能被4整除,因此1894年、1906年和1926年均不是闰年。(2).Which one of the following years will not be a leap year?A.2000B.2024C.2052D.30002000既能被4整除,又能被400整除。因此,2000年肯定是闰年。2024年和2052均能被4整除,因此2024年和2052年均是闰年。3000虽然能被100整除,但不能被 400整除,因此3000年不是闰年。(3).How many le

2、ap years will there be in the decade commencing 1 January 2019?A.1B.2C.3D.4从2019年元月1日开始的10年间有3个闰年。2020年为第一个闰年, 2024年为第二个闰年,2028年为第三个闰年。(4).Since 1582, the maximum number of leap years possible in any decade is _.(分数:A.2B.3C.4D.5从1582年起,任何一个10年的闰年的最大数目是3。做此题可采取排除法,C和D肯定不对。4年为一个闰年,4个闰年需要16年时间,5个闰年需要20

3、年时间,远远地超过了10年,因此很容易排除。考生可以这样推理:20年里必定有5个闰年,其中的一个10年只有两个闰年,另一个10年必定有3个闰年。因此,从1582年起,任何1个10年的闰年的最小值是2,最大值是3。When you meet Tim Winton, its easy to understand his success at writing for teenagers. He likes surfing and fishing and camping and hanging out in the vast tract of sand dunes that borders the o

4、ne-pub fishing town where he lives in Western Australia. He even looks like the big kid who sat behind you in high school and has the kind of laid-back manner and earthy conversation that you know appeals to those too young to be treated as kids but not grown-up enough to be admitted to the adult wo

5、rld.Wintons first foray into teenage fiction, Lockie Leonard, Human Torpedo, is about to go into its second printing. Even more gratifying for the writer has been the response the book has prompted. Hes had scores of appreciative letters from kids, parents, teachers, and has read passages from the b

6、ook to students in country high schools.Writing for young readers has also enabled Winton to find a wider, non-literary audience. Its very difficult to break out of the few-thousand-group of Australians who read, of whom half or all are professional or semi-professional readers. Its nice to get to p

7、eople who arent jaded, who will come at a story and read it for what it is. You dont have to deal with their education and their past and their biases.Winton was himself still a teenager when he started writing seriously at 16. Three years later, in 1981, he was named joint winner of The Australian

8、Vogel Literary Award for his first novel, An Open Swimmer. Had he known when he was 16 how difficult it is to make a living as a writer, he would never have started. I was about 10 when I decided I wanted to be a writer, and I guess I lacked the imagination to think of anything else, he said. I got

9、the idea and I just stuck with it. I was unaware of how hard it is to make a living from the people you have to deal with.Neither lack of imagination nor inattention to detail is evident in Wintons writing. In That Eye, The Sky, he takes us into the turbulent soul of his 12-year-old protagonist, Mor

10、ton Flack, with prose that sends you back to long, hot summer holidays in the country.The hot white day swims along real snow like the sun is breast-stroking through that blue sky when it should be going freestyle. Everyone hangs around the shade of the house listening to the trees in the east wind.

11、 The ground is wobbly with heat. The house ticks. You can hear seeds popping, grass drying up and fainting flat. You can hear the snakes puffing.Other young protagonists have been given voice in Wintons short stories, so the transition to writing for teenagers, instead of about them, was a smooth on

12、e. Lockies not so different in tone from the adult books,If you get too self-conscious when youre writing for kids, you end up talking down to them-you just use your own tone and be yourself, and if that doesnt work, it probably wouldnt have anyway.(1).Winton hopes to reach an audience (in Paragraph

13、 4) that is _.(分数:A.youthful and caringB.unprofessional and jadedC.educated and widely readD.unbiased and spontaneous温顿希望与没有偏见的、自发的读者建立联系。答案的依据是第四段最后两句。(2).Which of these statements is best supported from the passage in Paragraph 5?A.It is best to start writing when you are young.B.Earning a living

14、from writing requires painstaking effort.C.The decision to become a writer was carefully considered.D.The decision to become a writer was not carefully considered.想当作家的决定未经过深思熟虑。作者在第五段中说,要是他(指温顿)16岁时知道靠写作谋生是多么的艰难,他就不会着手写作了,这说明他想当作家的决定并未经过认真思考。B也有一定的迷惑力,但不如D深刻。换句话说,D包含了B。(3).According to the last par

15、agraph, the transition from writing for an adult audience to writing for a younger audience is easy for Winton because _.(分数:A.he deliberately adopts a suitable has happened later in his writing careerC.he has written about young people beforeD.he has been preparing for this for much of his

16、 writing career根据最后一段,从为成年人写作过渡到为年轻的读者写作,对温顿来说很容易,因为他以前写过年青人的情况。答案的依据是最后一段的第一句话。(4).The kind of tone Tim Winton aims for in his writing is best described as _.(分数:A.gentleB.naturalC.humbleD.self-conscious温顿在写作中力图采用的口吻是自然的口吻。温顿在最后一段说:“为孩子们写作时如果你的态度不自然,你就是高人一等地跟孩子们讲话,就用你自己的口吻吧,要显得自然。”因此,应选B。Robert Men

17、zies was conservative Prime Minister of Australia from 1939 to 1941 and again from 1949 until his retirement in 1966. Menzies provoked a variety of responses during his political career. Views to below summarize some of those responses.View The supreme twentieth-century statesman and politician, pre

18、siding with ease over the nation, and representing Australia abroad with dignity and aplomb.View Authoritarian despite his professed liberal beliefs, he was the enemy of the workers, who stayed in office for seventeen years through a combination of unscrupulous opportunism, remarkable good luck, and

19、 the gullibility of the Australian people.View Menzies imposed the values of a bygone age on Australia, with his devotion to Britain and the British monarchy, and his cautious conservatism. He suppressed a new, creative, energetic generation by cultivating smugness, fear and indifference in the Aust

20、ralia of the 50s and 60s.View Downright democratic, something new and different but with an easy-going manner and aggressive independence.(1).Which one of the Views(-)expresses the strongest admiration for Menzies?A.B.C.D.四种观点中,第一种观点表达了人们对孟席斯极其强烈的钦佩之情。第一种观点是赞赏孟席斯;第二种观点和第三种观点的语气均是批评的语气;第四种观点中既有称赞的成分也

21、有批评的成分,所以A。(2).Which one of the Views(-) is most damning about Menzies effect on Australias cultural identity?A.C.孟席斯对澳大利亚的文化特征的影响而言,第三种观点最容易导致他身败名裂。根据第三种观点,孟席斯把以往的价值观强加给澳大利亚,忠于英国和英国的郡主制度,他又拘谨,又保守。他压制有创造力的、精力充沛的新一代,在50年代和60年代的澳大利亚培养自满、恐惧和冷漠的情绪。(3).Aggressive independence (View ) is most at odds with

22、 the suggestion of Menzies _.(分数:A.easy authority (View )B.hypocrisy (View )C.political cunning (View )D.devotion to Britain (View )第四种观点中的aggressive independence(敢作敢为,保持独立人格)与第三种观点中的devotion to Britain(忠于英国)相矛盾。(4).Views I to IV of Menzies all represent him as a man who was _.(分数:A.dignified and re

23、moteB.scheming and ruthlessC.rigid and old-fashionedD.forceful and influential将以上四种观点综合起来,可以得出这样的结论:孟席斯权力巨大,有影响力。In the following passage, Philip Roth is talking to a friend, Joanna, about his father.Did I ever tell you what happened when he was mugged a couple of years ago? He could have got himsel

24、f killed. No. Tell me.A black kid about fourteen approached him with a gun on a side street leading to their little temple. It was the middle of the afternoon. My father had been at the temple office helping them with mailing or something and he was coming home. The black kids prey on the elderly Je

25、ws in his neighborhood even in broad daylight. They bicycle in from Newark, he tells me, take their money, laugh, and go home. Get in the bushes, he tells my father. Im not getting in any bushes, my father says. You can have whatever you want, and you dont need that piece to get it. You can put that

26、 piece away. The kid lowers the gun and my father gives him his wallet. Take all the money, my father says, but if the wallets of no value to you, I wouldnt mind it back. The kid takes the money, gives back the wallet, and he runs. And you know what my father does? He calls across the street, How mu

27、ch did you get? And the kid is obedient-he counts it for him. Twenty-three dollars, the kid says. Good, my father tells him- now dont go out and spend it on crap.Joanna laughed. Well, hes not guilty, your father. Of course he treats him like a son. He knows that the Jews in Bialystok were not responsible for the New England slave trade.s that-its more. He doesnt experience powerlessness in the usual way.Yes, hes oblivious to it,she said. He wont give in to it. It makes for terrific insensitivity but also for te

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