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1、Tric流动的车辆Mea dg恶狗heyre casing Lay.它们在追LadTrap easa noieTram听到了喧哗声Tramp iss brave.Tamp是如此的勇敢He avesla.他救了ladyS wasarad an h sved er.她害怕,他救了她Tramptkes Ladyt a resaratram带Lad去了一间餐厅They loversaurats.他们喜欢餐馆Tey lvthe cy.他们喜欢这个城市We does Tramp ive?ram住在哪里?Tamp lives in e ctTam居住在城市What did he cook gve Tram

2、for brekfast?厨师给了rp什么早餐?e coo gave rmpa bon orrekfast.厨师给了rm一个骨头早餐Whsaved Lay?谁救了Lady?Tramp sa LdTram救了ay.Hes acuntry oue.他是一只乡下老鼠.Hgoi to hety.他打算去城市.Heknocks t the dor.他在门口敲门.Thi is iscosin这是他的堂兄.Hiscusin is a ity ose.他的堂兄是一只城市老鼠.The cat猫Don make anynoise.不要制造噪音.(别作声)ont eat that fod.不要吃那种食物.Lok a

3、 thi beuifulfod看看这个美丽的食物.Th unrymouse as oo uch.这只乡下老鼠吃得太多.The ouny mou dris oo uch.这只乡下老鼠喝得太多. thins lif in the city s great.他认为在城市生活很好Te coutymouse isn fraid ofhe ct.这个乡下老鼠不害怕猫.Yes heis(是的,它害怕)Te a ches th country ouse.猫追乡下老鼠.wtheutry mouse isinte seet.现在这只乡下老鼠在街上.Heafaid ofth ci.他害怕城市.T maneet太多的

4、脚o mny pople.太多的人T much trffic交通太拥挤Toouc noie.太多的噪音(太吵闹)Horns(喇叭)The hrnsaetoo oud喇叭太大声Thecountry mous doesntlkthe city.这个乡下老鼠不喜欢这个城市Godbe ciy.再见了,城市.The conr mouenoks at hedr.乡下老鼠在敲门.e tik ifein he cty is gret.Dont meay n.别搞出声了.(别作声)Tere arto an pople in he stret.有很多的人在街上.Thehons ae too lod.In the

5、ity. Srs are noisy.在城市里,大街上很吵.I te city. Lifsbs在城市里,生活是繁忙的.Btth citys o pety. Its gret t bte.但城市很美.在城市里真好ot e city o ptty.W ove to b thee但城市很美.我们喜欢在城里.Cmetociy.Theres so muct do.到城市来,有很多事可以做.Eat in aretauran. Lok n a sh.到餐厅吃饭,在商店里看看.e arful f the trafic.A loohos andnois.小心看路,喇叭声伴着其它噪音.Wlk throhhe ci

6、ty, Thres mc to 穿过城市,有很多东西值得看.Looa teeople. Look a al theuldngs.看所有的人,看所有的大楼.Redligh reen igt Cros he busy steet.红灯、绿灯,穿过繁忙的街道。I e iy. teets os.In ity. Life is bs在城市里,大街上很吵Th ais.这是巴黎The Aristoctlive inprs.rstoca 住在巴黎.Thsi Edgr这是Er.Edg loks ice.Egr看起来还不错Bt he bad.但是他很坏.hat s h don?他正在做什么?e takigthe

7、Aristtawy他带走了ristoats.Its iEgar rs thruh t cit.Edgar骑车穿过城市.eres noo inthe stre没有人在街上.Edga ride awayEdgar骑车走了.etakes the cats to tountry.他带着猫儿们到乡下.Poor istocats可怜的Arioa.Theyre sfar fro e ity.它们离城市是如此的远.hee so far from home.它们离家那样远.OMae aks care of the ArisocaOMalley照顾Artats.He takesthe bac hoe.他带他们回家

8、.ory wrehome.好哇!(欢呼声)我回家了But Edg s t hee.但是Edg仍旧在那里Th ristocts are in dner agai.Aristocats又有危险了.OMalle isvery brav.OMly非常勇敢Gde Edgar!再见! Edgar!Edgr rides through th ciy.Edr驾车穿过城市。The cate r from he猫离家很远。OMlley take careofte Arsocts.OMlly照看Aristcas(一家)He takes the cats bac ome他把猫带回了家。Wingthroug he it

9、y.rey ct stres走过城市,多漂亮的街道。rossng bsy street.穿过繁华的街道.Gr ght, rd ight. caefof the raffic.绿灯、红灯,小心车!Lo ofcars, hors, nose.许多车,喇叭声、噪音。City life is us.City fe isfun.城市的生活是繁忙的。城市的生活很有趣。In the ity. Steet ae isInthe city. ie s us.在城市里,生活是繁忙的.But te ctys so prettyItgrea toethere.但城市很美在城市里真好.Bt th itys so pey

10、We lve obe hee但城市很美我们喜欢在城里In te ciy.Sreetanoy.In the ity Lf i by.Bt h cits so petty. It greato e ther但城市很美.在城市里真好.But the cys so etty. Wlove to behe.但城市很美我们喜欢在城里.n th ciSretsae ny.在城市里,大街上很吵.In he cty. Lif isbusy.在城市里,生活是繁忙的I night. Donas sleepin.现在是晚上, Dold在睡觉.Bt lok Hes etting p快看,他去来了.Hswaking in

11、 his slep.他在梦游,Heoe to asshoue他去了dis的家Godvenig, Don.晚上好, Donald.hy g for a walk他们去散步了h go to he zo.他们去了动物园Dnad is daner.Doal有危险Donaldssil lepngDonld还在睡觉.es st walkg in hi slp.他仍然在梦游.A bidin. He alks up the bildn.一座大楼,他走上了大楼.H walsdothebuiing他又走下了大楼.Daisy helim.asy帮助他Lok atall the traffi.看那些车,Donaldc

12、rosesthe srt.oald在过马路.Dais saed him.Daiy 救了他.llthecars havto stop.所有的车都不得不定下来Daisy helpim.Daisy 帮助了他.nals backn bedonl又回到了床上Daisy saedim.Dasy救了他onald wls up the uilding.Donad走上了大楼.Puto is cssingth strePluto在过马路.The puppies are in a pet shp.小狗们在宠物店里.Tye eaniaestaurant.他们在餐厅里吃饭.WhosavedDnald?谁救了Donald

13、?asy saved Dnald.Daisy救了Dond.Wa dd hcook give Trap?厨师给了Trmp什么?Te ookgae Trampabon.厨师给了ram一块骨头.Who ws bve? OMlleyws brav谁是勇敢的?OMaley很勇敢.Th Ariscatsare ar om hom.ristocat一家离家很远.dgar rides hrouh the cty reets.Edgr 驾车穿过城市街道.Thee tw mic aecoins.这两个老鼠是堂兄弟.He thns thestoo chraffi.他认为交通太拥挤Tam thnksthe ty is

14、 great.Tam 觉得城市太好了 第课印第安人和牛仔 wid wstThis is the WildWest.这是荒野的西部.Hre ome Pos Bil.ecos Bil来了.What a et cowby!多么了不起的牛仔!Heres Pecos Bill wen he as a bby这是Pes Bill小的时候Hewas al aloen thedes.他独自一个人在沙漠中A coyote tok are o him.一只山狗(土狼)抚养他.ecs ill ate with th cote.Pec Bll和山狗一起吃饭.Theyll lived gether.他们生活在一起Ond

15、y一天, hrst hore rosd th desert.一匹饥渴的马穿过沙漠.he vtresattacke the poo hors.秃鹫袭击了这匹可怜的马.ecos Bil saed hosecosBill救了这匹马Bill a th hors beca greatfriends.Bil和它成了好朋友Pecos Bil grew up.Pecs Bl长大了.e becamea geat cowby他成了一个了不起的牛仔.One ay一天,Bill ad ishors wer ridingin tdeert.比尔骑马走在沙漠上. sre was hot. Wer天的确很热. 水.Tey

16、ure wrethirsy. Waer.他们的确很渴.水.S hat did Blldo? 那么比尔做了什么?He made a rer.他制造了一条河.H mdthe i Grande.他造了一条格兰德河.cosBili a geatcowboyPecos Bll是个了不起的牛仔.H notafraid anythig.他不怕任何事,Hes not araid o aybo.也不怕任何人.ecos ill loethe Wild Bill热爱荒野的西部,Ahe lovs S, oo.他也爱苏儿.Thecoote ocareof es Bil.山狗照顾ecos

17、o ilaewithtecoyoesecs Bil和山狗一起吃饭.Pes Bill nd isorse we thirtyPecs ll和他的马很渴.Pecos Bil aea rver.Pos Bil造了一条河.Peos Bilis a gra wboy.PecosBil是个了不起的牛仔Hawha i a littleIdiaHiawha是一个小印第安人.Hs i aoe on river他在河上坐着一条独木舟.Hiatahas oand aro.Hiwatha有一副弓箭He want obea hunte.他想要当一个猎人B hes ltle但是他太小了Te nimals lugh at

18、him动物们嘲笑他.Hechases theanml.他追那些动物.B this tle abb cnt get a.这只小兔子跑不了了es s afaid.它非常害怕Poor little rabit.可怜的小兔子,Heso mall.它太小了.Hiwata fels sorfo the rbbiHiawata可怜那只兔子.e feel very ad.他感到非常难过Hiata eks his owdrrow.Hiawatha弄断了他的弓和箭.The animas rehpy.动物们高兴了.Anal tracs.动物足迹iwatha follws t anma tracks.Hiaatha跟

19、踪动物的足迹.A babybear. 一只小熊.Hiawaha hases the litl ear.Hiawaha追赶那只小熊.u look!但是,看!hs abig, ad, mean ba.这是一只有大,又坏,又自私的熊。The earrars.这熊在吼叫Th ber cas Hiaa.这只熊追赶Hiawah.iaata runs away.Hiwaa逃跑了.w the animahe Hiwaha.现在动物们在帮iawatha.The beaves elp iawaha.海狸帮助Hiawtha.The eer hlpsiwth.鹿帮助Hiawaa.Ad th abits lp him,

20、 too.兔子也帮助他.iawath ri nto he unse.Hiha走进了日落.wnsto ea huntr?谁想当猎人?awtawants to be ahuner.Hiawatha 想当猎人Wtdes Hiawah olo?Hath在跟踪什么?e follows te nma track.Hiwtha跟踪动物的足迹.Who s Hiawathfeel orfo?watha可怜谁?Hiwaa feels sorry or the abbi.Hiawth可怜那只兔子.Wa does Hiwhabra?Hiawaha折断了什么?He breakshisbw and arrowiata折断

21、了他的弓和箭.Indns. oby. Outlaw Shrff.印第安人,牛仔,歹徒, 郡长Ri.anyo Sunst ild est.河,峡谷,日落,荒野西部.avlng west.到西部去旅行.Treling est.Whr are you going?你要去哪里?I raelig est.我要去西部.trlligwest.wa to beacowboy我要当一名牛仔Iat t rie hors我要骑马.Give m he n the WildWes.给我一个在荒野西部的家.I wat to be e herff d case te outlaw我要当郡长, 我要追捕歹徒Im not afad of aythngoranybod.我不怕任何事情或任何人.Whe dnge comes, I dont un.当危险来临,我不跑Rde thrgh thcanyoan os tat ier.越过峡谷,穿过那条河Thdsrtis beautifulan s the suset.沙漠是美丽的, 日落也是美丽的.I loka h strs and py my guita.我看着星星弹我的吉他.he wild wes urean eangrous.荒野的西部当然是危险的.ThisPi

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