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1、 无话可说真难受 平时多练勤思考 真情流露没必要 表达顺畅最关键 英语表达憋得慌 英语思维不现实 语言表达简单化 处于被动危害大方法: 按大类做充分的准备 替换法+变通法Arguments for zoos:1. Preserve the rare species/endangered animals/wildlife. The habitats of some animals are being destroyed and therefore they are in real danger of dying out. Provide better conditions and profess

2、ional care and treatment.2. Act as an ideal scientific research center. Conduct experiments.3. Play an educational role. Enrich our knowledge and widen our horizon.4. As a tourist attraction, zoos boost the local tourism and generate tourist dollars by attracting people for a visit.5. As a place of

3、entertainment and recreation.Arguments for tourism:1. Boost the local economy, increase the government revenue, earn foreign currency and improve the living standard of the locals. Relieve the pressure of unemployment.2. Enhance mutual understanding, remove hostility and prejudice, promote good will

4、 and strengthen ties. Maintain world peace.3. Showcase the brilliant culture and glorious history. Promote cross-cultural communication. Improve the image of a place. Increase reputation and upgrade the status in the international community.4. Improve the living environment and better the basic faci

5、lities. Increase investment in infrastructure.5. Improve the quality of the locals. Expose them to the outside world. Widen their vision and develop a broader mind. 1 conserve v.保存,保藏,保护(强调节约)。People have to learn to conserve water anytime, especially during the drought.2 preserve v.保护;维持;保养;防止(食物)腐

6、败(强调使不受破坏)。The government preserves the rights of the individual person.spent a lot of money to preserve the old castle and other places of historic interest.保存;保藏You can preserve meat or fish in salt.保持;维持preserve peace.It is one of the duties of the police to preserve public order.防腐Salt preserves

7、 food from decay.3 reserve v.保留,储备(强调为某一特殊目的);订(座位),预定。We are reserving these seats for my parents.我们把这些座位留给我的父母。 教育类:acquire knowledge传授impart 高等higher education 远程tele-education 素质quality-oriented education source of knowledge 课外活动extracurricular activities 奖学金grant 男女同校co-education school uniform

8、 take an entrance examination improve teachers performance 培养能力foster ones capability 塑造性格 shape(mold) childrens characters 有助于个性的发展facilitate the development of individuality 接受必 要的教育receive adequate education well -educated适应性强well-adapted l取长补短learn from each other s strengths to offset their own

9、 weaknesses 充分发挥bring into full play have a wide range of skills 发挥创造潜能use ones creative potential; add to our knowledge about 设施齐全(kindergarten)well-equipped facilities学习成绩academic performance 平均分average score从 事兼职工作 take part-time job 差生inferior students 把孩子看扁condemn a child 为负责be held responsible

10、 for 承担义务assume the obligation 推卸责任pass the buck(to), shirk ones obligations 父母子女关系parent-child relationship 报答父母repay ones parents 人才talented person 精英elite 1.现代科技 不断进步的技术advancing technology 掌握新技 术master new technology 跟上科学的发展keep ahead of scientific advances 2. telephone 交流工具communication tool电信t

11、elecommunication方便 快捷convenient and efficient 处理紧急事情deal with emergencies 被一些意外的电话所打扰be disturbed by some unwanted calls 闲聊casual talk, (2) television 娱乐方式a way of entertainment 电视观众TV viewer 大量的电视报道massive television coverage 有教育意义的instructive keep us informed 呈现生动而真实的画面present a vivid and real pic

12、ture 了解国内外发生的一切learn what总 happening at home and abroad 拉进了人们之间的距离shorten the distance between people 使家庭关系 更加紧密make family relationship even closer,促进家庭的团结foster family cohesion, strengthen the让family ties占用许多时间 make up much time 上瘾be addicted to, indulge in , abandon oneself to 处于被动be passive使人变得更

13、加被动make people more passive忽视户外活动neglect outdoor activities与外界隔离be isolated from the outside world 变得不善交际m unsociable近视眼 near-sighted 接触不良信息be exposed to some negative information误导青少年misguide teenagers 破坏健康的家庭关系undermine a sound family relationship (3) advertisement大众市场mass market 广告业advertising in

14、dustry 广告费advertising expenses 传播信息disseminate information来源于derive from obtain knowledge about where to buy the product audiences be very annoyed about a long 1V advertisement 突然打断节目interrupt the programs abruptly 电视明星television personality 虚假广告fake(false) advertising 掩盖真相musk the truth 呈现生动的画面pres

15、ent vivid pictures 夸大exaggeration 盈利 make profits 为了追求利润for the pursuit of profit引人注目catch ones eyes 误导消费者misguide mislead consumers 迎合大众的口味 ( cater for the needs and taste of) journalist(5) computer computer literacy 便携 portable 多媒体multimedia 信息产业information Industry随着电脑的日益普及 with the increasing po

16、pularity of computers广泛使用计算机也e widespread use of computers创造奇 迹create a miracle 前景广阔be promising 奇特的功能marvelous functions 准确性 accuracy 完美地完成任务accomplish the task perfectly 小孩的特点:.A child usually has no knowledge of good and evil.孩子通常不懂善恶, Children have the ambiguous boundary between true and false,孩

17、子没有能力 分真假与善恶。 Children are innocent and ignorant.孩子是纯真无知的. 3. Children are naturally curious about what are happening around them, ,for example,drug abuse. 4. Children are self-centered, selfish, inconsiderate and rebellious. S. Children are so addicted to PC games Juveniles usually lack in the sens

18、e of judgment to distinguish right from wrong, so they may be more likely to be distracted from study by the lure也at comes along with mass media. 7. Youngsters are the most responsive members of PC game players.青少年是对电脑游戏反应最热烈 人, Children are often obsessed with numerous fantasies.孩子们经常沉迷于各种幻想之中. 老人的

19、特点 老人 the aged(elderly), old (aging) people, senior, senior citizens敬老院 nursing(retirement) home 代 沟generation gap,大家庭a extended family 核心家庭 (小家庭) a nuclear setup 住在一起 live under the same roof 四世同堂(our generations under one roof 度过余生spend the rest of his life, live the rest of his days感到自在孤独) feel a

20、t ease(lonely) 退休年龄retirement age 暮年in ones twilight (later) years 工作 权力受法律保护right of working that i given legal protection胜任be qualified for寿命life expectancy 退休金pension 社会保险费用social security payment积累经验accumulate experience年资深 seniority 睿智wisdom 保守conservative 老练sophisticated 可靠reliable 被(人们)尊为gain

21、 reputation as 、Social problems 社会问题 1. Crime犯罪社会稳定social stability 犯罪commit a crime 犯罪率高high crime rate犯罪率惊人 的增高alarming increase e青少年犯罪juvenile delinquency有罪be guilty of偷盗stealing盗窃robbery,劫持hijack行凶抢劫mugging 强 奸raping 卖淫prostitution凶杀,谋杀murder, homicide, assassination 大屠杀manslaughter, massacre纵火a

22、rson暴力violence色情pornography 赌博 gambling欺诈cheating走私smuggling贪污corruption民embezzlement间谍活动espionage恐怖 terrorism社会安全social security引诱seduce 溺indulge in抵挡不住诱惑 can not resist the lure惩 罚punishment拘留detention无辜的be innocent染上坏习惯acquire a bad habit误入歧途lead somebody astray走向极端go to an extreme走向犯罪head for cr

23、imes青少年犯罪juvenile delinquency 不良分子bad guy, evil people,死 刑capita! punishment( death sentence)宠爱孩子spoil也.e child溺爱permissiveness, excessive care单亲 家庭single-parent family双亲之间的利益冲突a conflict of interests缺乏家庭关爱the lack of parental love监护人guardian, supervisor, custodian监管不严slack supervision引导; guide净化社 会

24、环境purify the social environment. Work谋生make a living 靠. 过活 take ones living from 养家糊口:support ones family 激烈的社会竞争: fierce(intense) social competition 社会负担: social burden provide more employment opportunity 着迷: be obsessed with/revel in 找到一份称心如意的工作: hunt(find) a decent(good-paid,desirable,rewarding)j

25、ob 洞察: have an insight into 做好充分准备:make adequate preparations 创业:build a career 渡过难关: pull through 跟上:keep abreast with 充分发挥: give a full play for 最大限度地发挥某人的潜力: maximize the potential of sb 关心物质得失:be concerned about material gains 交通运输 交通工具:公共交通:public transportation 汽车旅馆:motel 乘车者:commuter 汽车工业的蓬勃发

26、展:the drastic boom in car industry 以惊人的速度发展: grow at an alarming/amazing/staggering rate 涌进城市:flood the cities 大都市:metropolis 交通高峰:in rush hour 交通设施: transport facilities 抛锚: break down 伤亡:casualty 排出废气:spew/give off/emit waist gas 不可忍受的噪音:unbearable noise 严格的控制:rigid control 肇事者:perpetrator遏制:halt/

27、curb 松懈的法律:lax laws 吸烟:tobacco industry non-smoker 被动吸烟者:a passive smoker 令人作呕的气味: an offensive odor 嗓子痛: have a sore throat 养成。的习惯:get into the habit of 产生吸烟的欲望:spark the desire to light up 金钱的巨大浪费: tremendous extravagance of money 潜在的火灾:potential fire accidents 税收:tax income 提神:refresh oneself 缓解焦

28、虑:soothe anxiety 增添生活的乐趣: spice up ones lives健康:均衡的饮食:balanced diet 素食主义者:vegetarian致命的疾病: fatal disease 营养不良:malnutrition 节食:on diet 方便食品:instant food 延长生命: extend life expectancy 心血管疾病:cardiovascular disease 精神疾病:mental disease 无法医治的疾病:incurable diseases人口控制 人口增长:经历爆炸性的人口增长:experience an explosive

29、 growth in population 提高生活质量: improve quality of life/improve standard of living减轻国家负担:ease/release/alleviate strain on the country 政府话题:政府拨款:government funding 投入更多资金: allocate4 more funds on 减少预算:cut budget 资金紧张:financial strain 公共设施:public facilities 经济资助?financial aid 有很多空白需要探索: there are any bl

30、ank fields waiting fro exploration 造福人类:welfare of mankind 传播知识和文化:disseminate knowledge and culture 起到教育作用:serve as an educational role 优惠政策:favorable polices :传统与文化:旅游业:tourist industry 观光:sightseeing 引人入胜的:intriguing 历史遗迹:historic relics 自然保护区: natural reserves 避暑胜地:summer resort 异国风情:exotic scen

31、es 民俗风情:folklore 风味小吃:local flavor snack 不同的文化背景:varied culture backgrounds 促进当地经济的发展:boost the growth of local economy 赚取更多外汇:earn more foreign exchange消除偏见和敌意:dispel prejudice and hostility 增进国与国之间的友好感情:encourage international brotherhood 展示光辉灿烂的文化和悠久的历史:display the brilliant culture and long history 提高知名度: increase reputation 提高国际地位:upgrade the international status 破坏生活环境:destroy the living environment 在有价值的文物上乱写乱画:scribble on the valuable relics传统文化:文化不同:cultu

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