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1、但她儿子的话让她明白焦虑解决不了问题,我们必须学会努力克服焦虑。1A.grades BcommentsCsalaries Djobs解析:选A根据上文“Our younger son, Tim, was in his senior year of high school.”及下文“complete college applications”可知,作者的儿子蒂姆在读高三,每一位学生都在努力取得好成绩并完成大学申请。grade此处意为“成绩”,还可表示“年级,等级,级别”等意思。 2A.competition BmeetingCdeadline Dcelebration 选C 根据下文内容可知,作

2、者的儿子有一篇文章要写,截止日期马上要到了。deadline意为“最后期限,截止日期”。3A.eyes BheartsCdoors Dmouths选D根据下文“Tim knew what he should do”可知,作者和丈夫知道在可能的情况下要尽力闭嘴,因为蒂姆知道自己应该做什么。4A.worry about Bput offCnote down Dfigure out选B根据下文“Weekend homework was never done until Sunday night”可知,无论有多少空闲时间,作者的儿子总是直到周日晚上才开始写周末作业。故作者的儿子有拖沓的倾向。put o

3、ff常意为“推迟,延期,阻碍”,而此处意为“拖沓”。5A.blame BconfuseCurge Dhelp选C根据下文“but I really worried.So I said in an offhand (随便的) way, By the way, Tim, have you worked on that essay youre 6 to do?”可知,作者不想催促蒂姆,但她很着急。所以用了一种随便的方式去问他。6A.allowed BsupposedCadvised Dforced选B根据上文第一段“There was an essay he had to write”可知,作者是在

4、问蒂姆开始写他应该完成的文章了吗。7A.wise BnewCsimple Dstrange选A根据下文“Mom, your anxiety is not going to make me get it done any faster”可知,作者的儿子告诉她,她的焦虑并不能使他做得更快。因此他是用一种更睿智的方式回应作者。8A.repeated BpreservedCcopied Dignored选B作者儿子的话永远保存在了家庭的记忆中。9A.yet Beven Cever Dnever 选B蒂姆富有哲理的话在今天更有道理。因为随着时间的推移,作者对焦虑有了更深的感悟。10A.Fortunate

5、ly BPartlyCActually DOriginally选C根据上文“Our anxiety doesnt make us faster or more efficient.”及下文“it simply makes us more anxious”可知,我们的焦虑不会使我们做事更快或更有效率。事实上,这只会使我们更焦虑。11A.easy BnaturalCterrible Dobvious选D根据下文“and yet, something I easily forget”可知,这个道理很明显,但仍然被作者轻易地忘了。12A.speak BactCremember Dlose选A根据下文“

6、It was surprisingly loud: You need to do this!”可知,当作者在地铁上闭上眼睛的时候,焦虑会第一个浮现在脑海,开始跟她“讲话”。13A.managed BrefusedCused Dagreed选C根据最后一段中的“When our anxiety comes up, we should keep our eyes closed”可知,在这种情况下,作者以前会立刻睁开眼睛,拿出电话发邮件或者在日程表上记下一些东西,但现在不会这样做了。14A.or BunlessCafter Dbefore选A参见上题解析。15A.bothered Breminded

7、Cattracted Dhurt选A根据上文“I forgot I should deal with my anxiety”可知,作者忘记了她应该去应对焦虑,而不是被焦虑所困扰。16A.observation BprotectionCcontrol Dpressure选C根据下文可知,我们应该控制好我们的焦虑。17A.opportunities BrealitiesCothers Ddifficulties选D如果我们担心这个,担心那个,那么我们如何有勇气能够面对困难呢?18A.something BanythingCnothing Deverything选D根据下文“and we can m

8、ake it through”可知,我们应该告诉自己一切都会变得更好,我们能够渡过难关。19A.mind BpractiseCenjoy Dfinish选B只要我们每天练习应对焦虑,那么焦虑会变得越来越小。20A.quickly BexactlyCapparently Dcompletely选D根据上文“.it will become less and less.”可知,焦虑会变得越来越小,直到完全消失。【二】I was really surprised when I saw my dad had a Jet Ski in his truck.I 1 questioned him before

9、 he stopped me and proudly 2 how he got me this used boat.An hour later, we 3 the family lake house.My dad and I were trying to work out how to 4 it, and we were laughing excitedly as we got 5 countless times into the water.I can still 6 the fuel of that Jet Ski and see the sparkle (闪耀的光) in my dads

10、 eyes.He was so 7 that he had surprised his only daughter with the 8 she wanted most.Thanks to the vacation home by the lake, I 9 became a water baby.And while that Jet Ski was one of the happiest 10 of my life, my parents gave me a much bigger gift by freeing me from feeling 11 or uncertainty in de

11、ep water.Growing up 12 in water is not just healthy, its a(n) 13 to adventure.Want to go diving in Indonesia? Sail the Mediterranean with friends?Learn how to 14 in Hawaii? Being comfortable around the sea makes it all 15 .Now Im getting ready to 16 a yearlong trip around the world.Ill keep in touch

12、 with my dad through FaceTime, and I cant wait to 17 with him all my oceaninspired 18 .When I see that sparkle in his eyes.Ill think of all he 19 me: the Jet Ski, summers at the lake house and an undying 20 for open water.本文是一篇记叙文。作者小时候跟随父亲驾驶船只,从而长大后拥有了可以探险海洋的机会。1A.quietly BcasuallyCcarefully Dhurri

13、edly选D由上文中的“was really surprised”以及下文中的“questioned him before he stopped me”可知,我在父亲打断我说话之前“急忙(hurriedly)”询问父亲。2A.predicted BexplainedCproved Ddiscussed选B由上文中的“proudly”以及下文中的“how he got me this used boat”可知,父亲骄傲地“解释(explained)”了他怎样得到这艘二手船。3A.arrived at Bsearched forCburned down Dtalked about选A由下文中的“l

14、ake house”可知,一小时后我们“到达(arrived at)”了湖边小屋。4A.clean BdisplayCdrive Drepair选C上文中提到“trying to work out how”,并且下文中也提到“countless times into the water”,由此可推知,drive和thrown符合水中划船的语境。即:父亲和我努力尝试怎么“驾驶(drive)”船只,当我们被无数次“扔进(thrown)”水中后,我们兴奋地大笑。5A.thrown BcheatedCinstructed Dattracted6A.sell BtouchCsmell Dfind选C由下

15、文中的“fuel”可知,我依旧能“闻到(smell)”船只的燃料味道。7A.confused BashamedCpleased Dembarrassed选C由上文中的“sparkle (闪耀的光) in my dads eyes”以及下文中的gift可知,父亲很“高兴(pleased)”,他用女儿最想要的“礼物(gift)”惊呆了女儿。8A.chance BfactCresult Dgift选D参见上题解析。9A.gradually BoccasionallyCprobably Dfrequently选A由下文中的“became a water baby”可知,感谢湖边的假日小屋,我“逐渐(g

16、radually)”成长为喜欢水的孩子。10A.attitudes BmemoriesCtasks Djourneys选B由下文中的“Growing up”以及“uncertainty in deep water”可知,虽然吉斯基水上摩托艇是我人生中最快乐的“记忆(memories)”之一,但是父母给我的更大礼物是把我从对深水的“恐惧(fear)”和不确定中解救出来。11A.surprise BfearCanger Dhope选B参见上题解析。12A.horribly BlazilyCanxiously Dconfidently选D由“healthy”和“to adventure”可知,能在水

17、中“自信(confidently)”长大不仅意味着健康,也拥有了敢于冒险的“入场券(ticket)”。13A.excuse BobstacleCticket Dreply选C参见上题解析。 BskateCride Dsurf选D上文中提到“water baby”“diving”和“Sail”,以及下文中提到“oceaninspired”,由此可推知,surf在此更符合语境。想去夏威夷学习怎样“冲浪(surf)”吗?15A.possible BdangerousCurgent Dnecessary选A由上文中的“Being comfortable around the sea”可知

18、,在海洋中的舒适感让这一切成为“可能(possible)”。16A.cancel BstartCdream Drecord选B由上文中的“adventure”以及下文中“around the world”可知,如今我准备“开始(start)”一年的全球旅行。17A.plan BrememberCshare Dfilm选C由上文中的“keep in touch with my dad through FaceTime”以及下文中的“When I see that sparkle in his eyes.”可知,我迫不及待地想和父亲“分享(share)”我所有的海洋“探险(adventures)”

19、。18A.conversations BadventuresCcreations Dexperiments19A.lent BpromisedCreturned Dgave选D由最后一段中的“the Jet Ski” “summers at the lake house”可知,每当看到父亲眼中闪耀的光,我就会想起他“给(gave)”我的一切:吉斯基水上摩托艇、湖边小屋的夏日和对大海永不磨灭的“激情(passion)”。20A.passion BsupportChate Dgratitude【三】Justin knew there was only one way out of his neig

20、hborhood basketball.So he 1 hard, running with the ball like the 2 dogs were chasing (追逐) him.He could defeat any of the guys at the 3 , and he saw his way out and he ran for it.One day when Justin was playing basketball, he 4 his right knee badly.The doctor said he might never play 5 .Justin was ex

21、tremely sad.Every day Justin just 6 in bed, watching TV and eating potato chips.When he 7 like a balloon, his sister came home from the university on holiday, bringing exciting 8 of a faraway land called college.Justin was 9 by the dorm stories and campus (校园) 10 that she told, but he could 11 belie

22、ve any of them.It was as if she were telling him about some 12 land high above the clouds.Justin was a pretty 13 guy, but his sister had a way of 14 him to do things that nobody else could.So while she was home during the 15 , they studied together, and they talked, and they worked, and Justin felt

23、16 than he ever had before.After spending those 17 with his sister, Justin realized that he didnt want to feel bad for himself any more, and he didnt want to quit.Basketball 18 be his thing, but now there was only 19 .Using the study skills Justin had acquired from his sister, he scored 20 in every

24、exam.The university that he applied to accepted him.贾斯廷在姐姐的鼓励和带动下,通过努力学习,改变了自己,考上了自己理想的大学。1A.hit BstudiedCpractised Dbreathed选C根据首句“there was only one way out of his neighborhood”可知,贾斯廷认为篮球是他走出去的唯一办法,所以他努力练习打篮球。hit“打击”;practise“练习”;breathe“呼吸”。 BguideCcute Dwild选D他努力练习打篮球,带着球跑,就像是野狗在追赶他一样。wild“野生的”符合语境。 BcourtCback Dbeginning选B在球场上

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